How do I download a tarball of source code in fisheye? - atlassian-fisheye

Within fisheye, I see where you configure a repository to allow for download of source code as a tarball, but I do not see where you go within fisheye to actually download the tarball? Where is it?

Here are few steps to ensure that you have your FishEye configured properly for this.
(I'm using FishEye 3.0.1, but the procedure should be the same in older versions)
Step 1:
Check Allow users to download repository trees as tarballs on /admin/
These are only default settings and will allow all repositories created after this to be downloaded as tarballs.
Step 2:
Ensure that your current repository (the one that you want to download) either using default settings or has tarballs enabled on /admin/<your_repo>, section Tarballs:
Step 3:
Go to /browse/<your_repo>. There should now be a link Download archive:
Hope this helps.


How to setup Jenkins shared library with Subversion

Every example I've seen for Jenkins shared library setup on the web is based on Git/GitHub.
Can anyone help me with that using Subversion?
I've struggled a lot but could not figure out what should be specified as the Default version.
I've tried many different combinations of Project Repository Base, Include branches, Library Name and Default version but none worked.
Attached is the screenshot of my SVN repository setup. I know it's not as per the standards though, it should work somehow as it's just a demo project.
if your lib svn path is, then Project Repository Base will be and Default version is JenkinsLib.
While setting up the shared library in Configure System --> Global Pipeline libraries select Retrival Methond : Morden SCM and Source Code Management : Subversion like below picture :
and When you select Subversion it will ask you to choose subversion specific branching name like below:
I didn't want to tag a specific branch in SVN, so I just used a period (i.e. '.') in the DEFAULT VERSION field and that takes that HEAD of the repo.
The project repo base is just the svn:// path to your repo.
I hope that helps.

Setup git in xcode 5

I've read and finish the tutorial of Git Source Control with Xcode in iOS 7 by Rey Wenderlich.
I know how to use source control on XCode 5. However, I don't know how to setup the repository so that my other MAC unit can access and use it. I'm searching all over google and none I can't seem to find anything that helps me.
Do you have any good tutorials out there for basic repository setup in XCode 5?
After you setted up your repository on XCode you need to push it to a server.
You can use BitBucket for that. Create an account on BitBucket then create a repository there.
For the sake of simplicity, after you create your repository you need to build your https link for your repository. Usually it is in the form :
YOUR_REPOSITORY can be checked in the link at the top after you create your repository. Usually that link is in the form
Then go to your XCode and go to the Source Control and under "Working Copies" select your project then press configure.
After that add your bitbucket repository pressing "Remotes" and then pressing the "+" button and clicking "Add Remote".
The address in the following box is the one : .
Then do Source Control > Push.
On your other mac go again to the working copies > configure your_project. Add the BitBucket in the remote section and then do Source Control > Pull.

Could not setup SVN in Xcode 5

I am not able to setup SVN in Xcode 5.
Iv tried these steps:
1) Goto-Xcode-Preferences-Accounts-Add Repositories (clicking "+" sign).
2) Enter the url to common server and click next.
3)Enter the credentials. At this point of time i get this error message
When i click ok i get this screen
Where do i go from here. No other Option left.
The source control seems to be like this.
I've answered a similar question here and provided references in my earlier answer. Generally speaking you should have been authenticated to the repository (if password is required) and then presented with a target directory. Please note that I am using Xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005).
You could also try importing a sample svn from an offline resource such as the one referenced in the image below. This would help you with validating that everything is correct on your machine/installation. At that point, I'd recommend extrapolating to see how your specific project might be different.
If all else fails you can go to Terminal and use the SVNBook resource from my other question to manually create a local SVN repository and then simply add that to your project. You could then work on adding a remote repo after you have the basics working.
My recommendation is use SVN via commands you can do this by download command online tools this is more reliable then GUI base tool.

Delphi XE2 - moving projects into SVN

We've finally managed to do the internal housework that should theoretically allow us to start using SVN as our Version Control system.
I've setup the latest version (3.3) of Collabnet Subversion Edge on a server and as far as I can tell it's happily pointed where we want it to be. Getting the Active Directory authentication is different issue)
I've created a new Repository (Timesheets) in the Admin Console with the default "Trunk" "Branch" and Tag" folder.
So I go into Delphi, connect to the repository and store my credentials. I can see the folders, which are empty. Exit the dialog and open the Project I want to add to the system.
I right click on the Timesheets.exe in the Project Manager screen, and choose Add to Version Control. It lists the files, and excludes a couple (fair enough). I browse to the VCS URL and select the "Trunk" folder. Add a comment, and click Import.
Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL request...
followed by
'G:\Delphi\Timesheets' is not a working copy
Which it isn't - ti the first load into the VCS, which I'll then check out to create a Working Copy...
Any pointers?
Looks like the problem was an issue between Delphi XE2 and Subversion Edge 3.3.
Switching to Tortoise SVN allows us to add projects to the repository.

THtmlViewer for DelphiXE

I need a version of PBears thtmlviewer that will work in DelphiXE.
I found the Google code page ( where is is now supported but I cannot figure out where/how to download a version I can use.
I also cannot figure out how to even ask someone on that website.
Am I missing something obvious or is there no download available yet?
There don't appear to be any downloads set up, but you can obtain the source with SVN, as described on the Source tab.
# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout thtmlviewer-read-only
It's a bit simpler than Google Code describes if you download and install TortoiseSVN. It adds SVN functionality into Windows Explorer. Then just go to where you want to download the code to, right-click and select "SVN Checkout...", and enter as the URL of repository, set a checkout folder, and hit OK, and it'll download the code for you.
You can find the latest downloads at now :)
