Grails JMS Plugin - Not receiving messages - grails

I installed the Grails JMS pluign into my application, but am not receiving any messages. My config is as follows:
In resources.groovy
jmsConnectionFactory(package.OracleAqFactoryBean) {
dataSource = ref("dataSource")
In config.groovy
jms {
containers {
standard {
autoStartup = true
connectionFactoryBean = "jmsConnectionFactory"
In my Grails Service:
class MyService {
static exposes = ["jms"]
static destination = "queuename"
static listenerCount = 5
void onMessage(msg) {
// handle message
println "WE GOT A MESSAGE...."
In Datasource.groovy
dataSource {
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:#restofurl"
username = "xxx"
password = "xxxx"
We have a connection to the queue working using standard Spring config in a standard Java app, but that spring config does not work if imported in the Grails app, which is why we are trying to use the jms plugin.


Get environment specific server app URL in grails service

I want to get the server URL in Groovy, if I deploy in my local environment I want it to link to localhost:8080 but on the test and live environment it should be different. Is there any way to do this in my Groovy service?
Your Config.groovy
environments {
development {
grails.config.serverAppURL = YOUR_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_APP_URL
production {
grails.config.serverAppURL = YOUR_PRODUCTION_MODE_APP_URL
test {
grails.config.serverAppURL = YOUR_TEST_MODE_APP_URL
Access this url in your service
Class MyService {
def grailsApplication // inject this service
def testMethod(){
def appUrl = grailsApplication.config.serverAppURL // getting url here
println appUrl
Configuration of your grails application
environments {
development {
grails.server.url = "localhost:8080"
production {
grails.server.url = ""
test {
grails.server.url = ""
You can get your server URL using Holders like this.
class something {
String getAppURL() {
String serverURL = Holders.flatConfig.get("grails.server.url")
return serverURL

Using H2 server mode for Grails integration tests

I want to try user H2 db in server mode for my grails integration tests, but there is a problem: H2GrailsPlugin: Started TCP Server - args: -tcp,-tcpPort,8043
ERROR pool.ConnectionPool - Unable to create initial connections of pool.
Message: Connection is broken: " Connection refused: localhost:8043"
Now I use grails h2 plugin, for running H2 server with next configuration in my Config.groovy:
plugins {
h2 {
tcpserver {tcpPort = 8043;}
This is my DataSourse:
test {
dataSource_one {
pooled = true
driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
username = "sa"
password = ""
dbCreate = "update"
//url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"
url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:8043/testDb"
Also I tried direct run of the Server in my Bootstrap.groovy:
import grails.util.Environment
class BootStrap {
Server server
def init = { servletContext ->
println "INIT"
if(Environment.current == Environment.TEST){
server = Server.createTcpServer('-tcpPort', '8043').start()
def destroy = {
but this code wasn't executed cause of exception was thrown before . It would be great, if someone help me with this issue.

How to configure tempusage in activemq grails app

I am using jms to send messages between two apps, here is the code for receiver app
xmlns amq:""
useJmx: '${grails.jms.useJmx}',
dataDirectory: '${grails.jms.dataDirectory}'){
amqConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory) {
brokerURL = '${grails.jms.brokerUrl}'
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) { bean ->
targetConnectionFactory = ref(amqConnectionFactory)
I am able to run the app but getting error like
"Store limit is 102400 mb, whilst the data directory: /my-activemq-data/localhost/KahaDB only has 7438 mb of usable space" in console. I just want to configure the temp memory usage, can anyone help me on this. thanks
Are you using the plugin?
If so, I added precisely that functionality to the plugin.
The plugin allows the following configuration options (just put them in your Config.groovy): = (true|false) default to true
grails.activemq.useJms = (true|false) default to false
grails.activemq.startBroker = (true|false) default to true
grails.activemq.brokerId = (string) default to "brokerId"
grails.activemq.brokerName = (string) default to "localhost"
grails.activemq.persistent = (true|false) default to false
grails.activemq.port = (int) default to 61616
grails.activemq.tempUsageLimit = (size in bytes) defaults to 64Mb
grails.activemq.storeUsageLimit = (size in bytes) defaults to 64Mb
If you aren't using the plugin maybe you should :)
For reference, this is the resources.groovy file I use for most projects (which rely on an application server jndi based JMS service for test and production and use activemq for development):
import grails.util.Environment
import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory
import org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory
import org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean
beans = {
switch(Environment.current) {
case Environment.PRODUCTION:
case Environment.TEST:
jmsConnectionFactory(JndiObjectFactoryBean) {
jndiName = "java:/ConnectionFactory"
case Environment.DEVELOPMENT:
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) {
targetConnectionFactory = { ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf ->
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
I had the same problem as you while using ActiveMQ with the activemq plugin, so I made a pull request adding those configuration options and setting them to a more reasonable default (for development) of 64Mb.
If you use the plugin you just need to add it to your BuildConfig plugins section, and it should work ok without further configuration, just the resources.groovy inside config/spring.
Anyway, the options I described should go into Config.groovy if you need any of them.
Finally, I got solution to my problem. here is the updated resource.groovy
activeMQTempUsage(TempUsage) {
activeMQTempUsage.limit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
activeMQStoreUsage(StoreUsage) {
activeMQStoreUsage.limit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
activeMQSystemUsage.tempUsage = ref('activeMQTempUsage')
activeMQSystemUsage.storeUsage = ref('activeMQStoreUsage')
tcpConnector(TransportConnector,uri:'tcp://localhost:61616') {
myBrokerService.useJmx = false
myBrokerService.persistent = true
myBrokerService.dataDirectory = 'my-activemq-data'
myBrokerService.systemUsage = ref('activeMQSystemUsage')
myBrokerService.transportConnectors = ref('connectors')
amqConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory) {
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) { bean ->
targetConnectionFactory = ref(amqConnectionFactory)
Using XbeanBrokerService properties we can achieve this, if you we want add more configuration we can add by using properties of XbeanBrokerService as like above.

Not able to use grails database session plugin with mongodb

We are using grails 2.3.5 app with mongodb (no hibernate installed). I had forked & modified grails database session plugin with HQL queries to use simple queries so as to support mongodb.
Then when I'm trying to login via ajax, it fails. By fail, I mean that, session in created & persisted to the database but not able to login. When I enabled to logs, I saw cookies is present in the request path /j_spring_security_check after authentication but is not available after redirect i.e. in path /login/ajaxSuccess which causing authentication to be treated as false & a new session is created.
Our URL mapping config looks like this: (Does not matters)
"/$controller/$action?/$id?(.$format)?" {
constraints {
"/v2/$customController/action/$customAction" {
controller = {
return params.customController?.toUpperCamelCase()
action = {
return params.customAction?.toUpperCamelCase()
"/v2/$resource/$resourceId?/$subResource?/$subResourceId?" {
controller = {
if (params.subResource) {
return params.subResource.toUpperCamelCase()
return params.resource.toUpperCamelCase()
action = {
Map actionMethodMap = [GET: params.resourceId ? "show" : "index", POST: "save", PUT: "update", DELETE: "delete"]
return actionMethodMap[request.method.toUpperCase()]
id = {
if (params.subResource && params.subResourceId) {
return params.subResourceId
return params.resourceId
Our configuration looks like this for spring security:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.authority.className = 'com.test.Role'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.userLookup.userDomainClassName = 'com.test.User'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.userLookup.authorityJoinClassName = 'com.test.UserRole'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useSessionFixationPrevention = true
//grails.plugins.springsecurity.redirectStrategy.contextRelative = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl = "/app/ng/index.html"
grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.loginFormUrl = "/app/ng/index.html#/auth/signin"
grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.ajaxLoginFormUrl = "/v2/login/action/auth-ajax"
grails.plugins.springsecurity.ui.encodePassword = false
grails.plugins.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [
'/j_spring_security_switch_user': ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/ck/standard/filemanager': ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/ck/standard/uploader': ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/ck/ofm/filemanager': ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/ck/ofm/filetree': ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/quartz/**': ["ROLE_ADMIN"],
Other than this, grails.serverURL config is commented for all environments to support wildcard subdomain.
Spring Security Core plugin version
Cookie plugin version 0.51
Webxml plugin version 1.4.1
Mongodb plugin version 2.0.1

Grails jms remote listener not working

I'm a beginner at grails and jms, and i was trying to do a simple message listener of messages coming from glassfish.
my grails-app/spring/resources.groovy
beans = {
myQueueFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) {
targetConnectionFactory = { ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf ->
brokerURL = 'tcp://localhost:7676'
jms {
containers {
standard {
autoStartup = true
connectionFactoryBean = "myQueueFactory"
class MyService {
static exposes = ['jms']
static destination = 'myQueue'
def onMessage(msg) {
println msg
But when i send a message, nothings happens! There's something wrong?
Both glassfish and grails app are running in the same localhost.
thanks in advance!
did you look at
Do you have ActiveMQ setup and running?
How would static destination = 'myQueue' make the jump to use 'myQueueFactory'?
