Drag & Drop in iFrame using jQuery UI issue - jquery-ui

I'm using jQuery UI. When I drag element in the iframe and I move mouse out of the iframe, the element is still in the draggable state. So when I move mouse back to the iframe, I can still drag it, like I would had left mouse button down.
How to avoid it? So that if I start to drag element, it stops when I go out of the iframe in the last draggable position?

You need to trigger a mouseup() when your pointer leaves the iframe so that the element being dragged is no released.
$('body').one("mouseleave", function(){
There were more questions asked pertaining to my solution, so please refer my question posted here for more details


Why popover not close when click outside in popper.js?

I use element ui's el-popover to show my popover. But when I click outside of the popover, the popover won't be closed. Maybe I blocked some events to body or some other elements used by popper.js. Please gime me some advices or is it possible to specify an element for popper.js to handle events for closing the popover?
Some element blocked click mouse event when propagation.

Click on a disabled Jquery UI Slider goes to top of page

When you click on a JQuery UI slider that is disabled and the page has been scrolled down, the page goes back to the top.
This is happening because the slider widget is implemented with an anchor tag containing an Href of #.
This is my hack solution.
function () {return false;});
It works well but, is there a native (API) way to stop this?
How about this (you may need to change the class, depending on how you set it up)

jQuery mobile popup not appearing in center

I am using jQuery mobile and trying to show jQuery pop on page load. But when the page is loaded popup is not appearing in center, instead popup's TOP LEFT corner is appearing in center.
But as soon as browser window size gets change popup automatically shifts to center (Even if I press F12 for developers tool). And then all frequent calls to $('#popupBasic').popup("open"); make it to appear in center of the screen.
But first time top left corner of the popup box appearing in center.
try this: data-position-to="window".
this is the source
You may try repositioning the popup on pageshow:
$( '#popupLogin' ).popup( 'reposition', 'positionTo: window' );
I reckon what you are experiencing is down to the positioning happening prior the page is fully drawn by the browser. You can overcome this by repositioning the popup like this:
$(document).on('pageshow', '.selector', function(){
$('#popupBasic').popup('reposition', 'positionTo: window');
$(document).on("popupafteropen", function() {
$('#popup').popup('reposition', 'positionTo: window');
You can use the custom pop up events to reposition it after opening
I was getting the same error. You only want to show the popup after the page has been painted.
Adding your code to listen to the pageshow event instead of the pageinit event will probably fix your problem. It fixed it for me.
This is a very vague question.
A few items you should provide:
What browser are you testing on and what version?
What version of JQM?
Are there any custom CSS interacting with JQM?
As of JQM 1.2, Popup options available:
default: "origin"
Sets the element relative to which the popup will be centered. It has the following values:
"origin" When the popup opens, center over the coordinates passed to the open() call (see methods page).
"window" When the popup opens, center in the window.
jQuery selector When the popup opens, create a jQuery object based on the selector, and center over it. The selector is filtered for elements that are visible with ":visible". If the result is empty, the popup will be centered in the window.
It worked for me when I set the width of popup div manually; try:

jQuery-UI: On click move draggable to top like dialog

When one clicks on a jQuery-UI dialog, it is automatically moved on top of any other UI element. How can this behavior be duplicated for jQuery-UI draggables?
Solved it approximately with the stack option:
stack: '.ui-dialog'
It doesn't work on click, though. Anyway, sometimes it does help to look at the docs. ;-)

jQueryUI - draggable with a separate click to drop

I've implemented drag and drop OK with jQueryUI draggable and droppable.
For the less savvy users, I'd like to also offer a visible "move" button. When they click this button, the element would be picked up, and when they click again on a drop target, it's dropped. So the same as drag and drop, but started with one click and dropped with another.
I know it would be possible to do this with separate code, but I'd rather not reinvent everything for a slight variation. Is there a way to get jQueryUI to do this?
The only thing I found is calling the trigger method of the draggable, but you have to pass a mousedown event...
See my answer on this other question. If you change it so instead of
.mousedown(function(event) {
x = event.pageX;
y = event.pageY;
.mouseup(function() {
bind to click and implement a toggling mechanism to decide if you are beginning the drag (mousedown equivalent) or ending the drag (mouseup equivalent) you should be most of the way there.
I would use .animate to animate the object to its target. I have done this before with a game. For example you could specify top and left coordinates for the element to move to onClick of the button.
