Saving My Places with Google Maps SDK on iOS - ios

I recently got invited to use Google's Map SDK/API's for iOS. I've been reading through the limited docs that they have and I didn't see a way to access My Places. Does anyone know of a way to access/save My Places on iOS?

I did not find anything in the frameworks headers so i guess you need to use the Places API on your server and download the result for this.


I can't find where can I get the POI results in using Google Maps SDK for iOS and Google Places for iOS

My app using Google maps the SDK, but not from Google found on the official document about the POI retrieval method, I demand is this: to a certain point as the center, in a certain value of circle diameter to retrieve certain places, such as retrieval from places such as hospitals, schools, bus, subway, I want to find a way to can return to these results, but don't know where the document。Who knows? Please help me.Thank you very much.
Places search is currently available only via web services:
There is also a feature request in the issue tracker to add places text search in iOS SDK:
Feel free to star this feature request and subscribe to further notifications from Google.
Hope this helps!

how to upgrade ios sdk for google glass app development

I am new bie to xcode.I want to create google glass app in ios.I googled many sites.But didn't find proper information regarding this and even want to know how to upgrade google glass API in xcode. please give any links and suggestions to develop sample google glass app in xcode.Thanks for your suggestions in advance.
You'll be using the Mirror API, which is a REST based web API. Although the Google Objective C library supports the Mirror API, there is not a lot of documentation on its use. You can see the Mirror API documentation for generic guidance which you will need to apply to the specific ObjC implementation.
Update: While you don't need to download or use this library, if you don't, you'll need to use HTTPS calls to Google's servers instead. You should read the documentation about the Mirror API at

Video file share with YouTube and Twitter on iOS 6 and above

I'm working on a Video recording iOS app and as a final step I need to allow the user to share the video file ( MOV ) with FB, Twitter and YouTube. FB implementation is done. But I'm having difficulty with YouTube and Twitter.
I know that Twitter doesn't have Video share option by default and we have to relay on 3rd part services like Vine or twitpic. So I'm ok to drop Twitter video sharing if its too difficult.
But There should be a easy way with YouTube. I have read but its seems bit outdated.
So I need any one of your's help on this point. Has anyone done any similar implementation for iOS 6+ ? If so kindly give me a helping hand. Or at least a suggestion to use YouTube API with iOS app.
Really appreciate any help.
Kind Regards
The Google objective-c API client that you reference in your question has a sample app for YouTube authentication and file upload. You should be able to just copy and paste most of the code, just using the correct API keys that you obtained in the Google API Console.
I recently open sourced YouTube Direct Lite for iOS.
Here's the upload protocol that I'm using latest resumable uploads.
If you don't want to implement yourself, you can use ESSVideoShare. (Will not work with iOS 7 or higher)
Thanks everyone for answering and comment on this question because that leads me to get the best solution for my problem. Since I was looking for a very simple solution for my problem there was no direct answer to my question.
After searching on Google and trying out possible solutions I think I have found the simplest way of doing this. The resources are
Again the code is bit out dated but still work.
Combination of these two and some changed to the Github code to make it ARC enabled I managed to do it.
Its 2 simple files and GData static library.
Thanks everyone!
I recently discovered that the new 'Youtube Capture' app can be used with
Reference on iOS
Sadly I have been trying to pass a caption using the annotation field without any success.
But if caption is not important, it's worth knowing.

Comparison of reverse geocoding by Google and by Apple

I need to compare reverse geocoding by Google and by Apple
I'm developing an app for iOS and plan to port it to Android, and it's crucially important that the names given by Google and Apple geocoder would be the same.
I compared how they work in some locations and didn't see the difference. But the fact that I didn't find it doesn't mean that there isn't one.
So my question is: are the names given by Apple and Google reverse geocoder different?
Don't forget in google's terms of use, it says you can only display the data on google maps.
This probably doesn't answer your question, but you could just use google's geocoding api in both your iOS and android apps. iOS can get JSON data from google's apis and turn it into a NSDictionary which you can read, so there is no reason you have to use the iOS library.

BlackBerry:Accessing Google Maps API's on Blackberry platform?

I am developing an application, which should be able to access Google Maps and it's API set on Blackberry platform?
I want to programmatically,
1. search for current location information
2. Places information like famous places, malls, restaurants and other details etc.
using Google Map API's.
How do i access Google Map API's to achieve this in Blackberry platform? If not possible,
How do i achieve this in Blackberry platform in any other way?
From which version of Blackberry(SDK and Device version), these things will be possible to implement?
I googled it, and found some links related this like below, those doesn't helped me.;jsessionid=760CF8E4A2DAA4B5A31BC2ACD1F09998
BlackBerry and map based apps like Yelp and Google Map
Thanks in Advance.
i have implemented the google static map with navigation control, please find the code here add comments and update back.. thanks
