Why would this not work in Spree - ruby-on-rails

I am having problems with modifying a function in spree. The function is called copy_price
The original version is something like this:
def copy_price
if variant
self.price = variant.price if price.nil?
self.currency = variant.currency if currency.nil?
which if I understand right will update the line_item's unit price only if the price is null, which I believe it shouldn't be inside the orders page (after the order is completed).
I noticed that order changes if the master price is changed inside the admin section even after the order is complete.
So i thought that the copy_price function was to blame, but each time i try to modify it there is no change.
def copy_price
#price_run = true
self.price = 30.00
def get_price_run
if #price_run == true
return "true"
return "false"
and call get_price_run inside my view to print out if the price run was actually run. and It keeps outputting false. Does anyone know why that would be.

I have figured out the problem. The function copy_price is only called when the line item is first created (e.g. when you put it into the cart). So when I was trying to find out if it was called while looking at the admin orders page it was never getting called.


Getting "original" object during a before_add callback in ActiveRecord (Rails 7)

I'm in the process of updating a project to use Ruby 3 and Rails 7. I'm running into a problem with some code that was working before, but isn't now. Here's (I think) the relevant parts of the code.
class Dataset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :autosave => true,
:before_add => ->(owner, change){ owner.send(:on_flag_changes, :before_add, change) }
before_save :summarize_changes
def on_flag_changes(method, tag)
before = tags.map(&:id)
after = before + [tag.id]
record_change('tags', before, after)
def record_change(field, before_val, after_val)
before_val = #change_hash[field][0] if #change_hash[field]
if before_val.class_method_defined? :sort
before_val = before_val.sort unless before_val.blank?
after_val = after_val.sort unless after_val.blank?
#change_hash[field] = [before_val, after_val]
if #change_hash.nil?
#change_notes = {}
#change_hash = {
tags: [tags.map(&:id), :undefined]
def has_changes_to_save?
super || !change_hash.reject { |_, v| v[1] == :undefined }.blank?
def changes_to_save
super.merge(change_hash.reject { |_, v| v[0] == v[1] || v[1] == :undefined })
def summarize_changes
critical_fields = %w[ tags ]
#change_notes = changes_to_save.keep_if { |key, _value| critical_fields.include? key } if has_changes_to_save?
self.critical_change = true unless #change_notes.blank?
There are more fields for this class, and some attr_accessors but the reason I'm doing it this way is because the tags list can change, which may not necessarily trigger a change in the default "changes_to_save" list. This will allow us to track if the tags have changed, and set the "critical_change" flag (also part of Dataset) if they do.
In previous Rails instances, this worked fine. But since the upgrade, it's failing. What I'm finding is that the owner passed into the :before_add callback is NOT the same object as the one being passed into the before_save callback. This means that in the summarize_changes method, it's not seeing the changes to the #change_hash, so it's never setting the critical_change flag like it should.
I'm not sure what changed between Rails 6 and 7 to cause this, but I'm trying to find a way to get this to work properly; IE, if something says dataset.tags = [tag1, tag2], when tag1 was previously the only association, then dataset.save should result in the critical_change flag being set.
I hope that makes sense. I'm hoping this is something that is an easy fix, but so far my looking through the Rails 7 documentations has not given me the information I need. (it may go without saying that #change_notes and #change_hash are NOT persisted in the database; they are there just to track changes prior to saving to know if the critical_change flag should be set.
Turns out in my case there was some weird caching going on; I'd forgotten to mention an "after_initialize" callback that was calling the reset method, but for some reason at the time it makes this call, it wasn't the same object as actually got loaded, but some association caching was going on with tags (it was loading the tags association with the "initialized" record, and it was being cached with the "final" record, so it was confusing some of the code).
Removing the tags bit from the reset method, and having it initialize the tag state the first time it tries to modify tags solved the problem. Not particularly fond of the solution, but it works, and that's what I needed for now.

Rails application helper return if false

I'm writing a helper method to determine if current has any pending reviews to write. If there is a pending review, simply print a line in the view.
My helper is putting exactly the right stuff to the console, however I'm struggling with how to simply return it. In this scenario, current user has an id: 4.
My Code:
def review_pending
gallery = current_user.galleries.first
if gallery
if gallery.permissions.accepted
gallery.permissions.accepted.each do |p|
return true if p.user.reviews.find_by_reviewer_id(!current_user)
puts "already written review: #{p.user.reviews.find_by_reviewer_id(4)} - prints correctly"
My goal: if there is a user from the list that current user has not yet reviewed return true.
Thanks for all your pointers!
I had forgotten/learned 2 things to make it work:
First, if nil is returned, ruby returns the last returned value which in my case was true (if gallery.permissions.accepted).
Secondly, I placed the "!" before current_user, and should have placed it before the entire line.
Corrected Code:
def review_pending
gallery = current_user.galleries.first
if gallery
gallery.permissions.accepted.each do |p|
return !p.user.reviews.find_by_reviewer_id(current_user.id)
return false

Infinite loop during Rails model method

The Use Case
If users haven't filled their box with products up to their credit limit (6 by default), a method is called on the box model which fills it for them.
Code guide
The number of credits in the box is given by box_credits, which loops through all products in the box and returns the total value of them. This seems to work.
The boolean method box_filled? checks if the box_credits method is equal to or greater than the number of credits available (the subscription credits).
The fill_once method should add products to the box until the box is filled (box_filled? returns true). This will happen when box_credits equals the number of credits available.
The Code
def fill_once
unless self.box_filled?
# Get a random product from the user's recommendations
product = self.subscription.user.recommended_product_records[rand(self.subscription.user.recommended_product_records.length - 1)]
# Make sure the product hasn't already been included in the box
unless self.added_product_ids.include? product.id
# If fresh, add the product to the box, size-dependently
unless product.sample_price_credits.nil?
product.add_to_box_credits(self.subscription, "sample")
unless product.full_price_credits.nil?
product.add_to_box_credits(self.subscription, "full")
self.fill_once # Here's the recursion
The box_filled? method looks like this:
def box_filled?
subscription = self.subscription
if self.box_credits >= subscription.credits
return true
return false
box_credits are determined by this method:
def box_credits
count = 0
unless self.added_product_hashes.nil?
# Takes product hashes in the form {id, size, method}
self.added_product_hashes.each do |product_hash|
# Add credits to the count accordingly
if product_hash["method"] == "credits"
# Depending on the product size, add the corresponding amount of credits
if product_hash["size"] == "sample"
# Get the credit cost for a product sample
cost = Product.find(product_hash["id"].to_i).sample_price_credits
count += cost
elsif product_hash["size"] == "full"
# Get the credit cost for a full product
cost = Product.find(product_hash["id"].to_i).full_price_credits
count += cost
return count
The Problem
fill_once runs forever: it seems to ignore the unless self.box_filled? conditional.
Attempted solutions
I tried removing the recursive call to fill_once from the fill_once method, and split it into an until loop (until box_filled? ... fill_once ...), but no joy.
Multiple identical products are being added, too. I believe the issue is that the updated record isn't being operated on – only the original instance. E.g. unless self.added_product_ids.include? product.id checks against the original box instance, not the updated record, sees no products in the added_product_ids, and chucks in every product it finds.
OK, this is solved. As suspected, the updated record wasn't being passed into the iterator. Here's how I solved it:
# Add one random user recommended product to the box
def fill_once(box=self)
unless box.box_filled?
# Get a random product from the user's recommendations
product = box.subscription.user.recommended_product_records[rand(box.subscription.user.recommended_product_records.length - 1)]
# Make sure the product hasn't already been included in the box
unless box.added_product_ids.include? product.id
# If fresh, add the product to the box, size-dependently
unless product.sample_price_credits.nil?
box = product.add_to_box_credits(box.subscription, "sample")
unless product.full_price_credits.nil?
box = product.add_to_box_credits(box.subscription, "full")
Using Ruby's default arguments with a default of self, but the option to use the updated record instead, allows me to pass the record through the flow as many times as needed.
unless self.added_product_ids.include? product.id means no duplicate product will be add to box. So if all products recommend is add to box but the total credits is less than box_credits , may cause infinite loop. I'm not sure, but it could be the reason.
You could add
puts "Box credits #{self.box_credits} vs. credits: #{self.subscription.credits} "
self.fill_once # Here's the recursion
to see if this happens.
OK, this is solved. As suspected, the updated record wasn't being passed into the iterator. Here's how I solved it:
# Add one random user recommended product to the box
def fill_once(box=self)
unless box.box_filled?
# Get a random product from the user's recommendations
product = box.subscription.user.recommended_product_records[rand(box.subscription.user.recommended_product_records.length - 1)]
# Make sure the product hasn't already been included in the box
unless box.added_product_ids.include? product.id
# If fresh, add the product to the box, size-dependently
unless product.sample_price_credits.nil?
box = product.add_to_box_credits(box.subscription, "sample")
unless product.full_price_credits.nil?
box = product.add_to_box_credits(box.subscription, "full")
Using Ruby's default arguments with a default of self, but the option to use the updated record instead, allows me to pass the record through the flow as many times as needed.

Removing an item if the quantity is 0

If a user updates the quantity of an item, I want to save the cart (so I can redirect to it) and destroy that line item. I also want to check to make sure that there is enough inventory in stock of that item as well, if they were to increase the quantity. So my update function looks like this (trust that the response functions work, as they seem to. It cuts the code about in half so it's easier to view):
def update
#line_item = LineItem.find(params[:id])
#line_item_new_qty = params[:item][:qty]
unless LineItem.get_inventory_check?( #line_item.id , params[:item][:qty] )
respond 'Insufficient Inventory'
if #line_item_new_qty == 0
#line_item_cart = #line_item.cart
respond 'Item Deleted'
respond 'Quantity Updated'
get_inventory_check seems to be working, if there is enough, it changes and saves the quantity of the line_item, and return true. Otherwise, it strictly returns false.
I have tried putting the if == 0 statement in every spot possible, and the only thing that I can get to work is if I have #line_item.qty == 0, then it will delete it will first update it to 0, then if you try to update it from their deletes it. I assume that means that it can't tell that the line_item has been updated in the get_inventory_check method, but using params in the if statement doesn't work either.
More than likely, params[:item][:qty] is a String and therefore #line_item_new_qty == 0 will return false. One way to potentially fix this is by converting #line_item_new_qty to an integer:
if #line_item_new_qty.to_i == 0
Alternatively you could just compare it to "0", but in general, the problem is likely one of comparing different types.

How can I output a calculated value using .detect in Ruby on Rails? (or alternative to .detect)

I currently have the following code:
events.detect do |event|
#detect does the block until the statement goes false
self.event_status(event) == "no status"
What this does is output the instance of event (where events is a string of different Models that all collectively call Events) when the event_status method outputs a "no status".
I would like the output to also include the value for delay where:
delay = delay + contact.event_delay(event)
event_delay method hasn't been written, but it would be similar (maybe redundant but I'll deal with that later) to event_status in looking at the delay between when an event was done and when it was supposed to be done.
Here is how event_status looks currently for reference:
def event_status target
# check Ticket #78 for source
target_class= target.class.name
target_id = target_class.foreign_key.to_sym
assoc_name = "contact_#{target_class.tableize}"
r = send(assoc_name).send("find_by_#{target_id}", target.id)
return "no status" unless r
"sent (#{r.date_sent.to_s(:long)})"
My concept of output should be [event,delay] so that, for example, I can access it as Array[:event] or Array[:delay] to get at the value.
****I was thinking maybe I should use yield on a method, but haven't quite put the pieces together (should the block passed to the method be the delay =+ for example, I think it is).**
I am not wed to the .detect method, it's what I started with and it appears to work, but it isn't allowing me to run the tally alongside it.
It's not entirely clear what you're asking for, but it sounds like you're trying to add up a delay until you reach a certain condition, and return the record that triggered the condition at the same time.
You might approach that using Enumerable#detect like you have, but by keeping a tally on the side:
def next_event_info
next_event = nil
delay = 0
events.detect do |event|
case (self.event_status(event))
when "no status"
delay += contact.event_delay(event)
[ next_event, delay ]
Update for if you want to add up all delays for all events, but also find the first event with the status of "no status":
def next_event_info
next_event = nil
delay = 0.0
events.each do |event|
case (self.event_status(event))
when "no status"
# Only assign to next_event if it has not been previously
# assigned in this method call.
next_event ||= event
# Tally up the delays for all events, converting to floating
# point to ensure they're not native DB number types.
delay += contact.event_delay(event).to_f
:event => next_event,
:delay => delay
This will give you a Hash in return that you can interrogate as info[:event] or info[:delay]. Keep in mind to not abuse this method, for example:
# Each of these makes a method call, which is somewhat expensive
next_event = next_event_info[:event]
delay_to_event = next_event_info[:delay]
This will make two calls to this method, both of which will iterate over all the records and do the calculations. If you need to use it this way, you might as well make a special purpose function for each operation, or cache the result in a variable and use that:
# Make the method call once, save the results
event_info = next_event_info
# Use these results as required
next_event = event_info[:event]
delay_to_event = event_info[:delay]
