iOS correctly resume after application becomes active - ios

I'm building a game for iOS using Cocos2D. In my game I have a pause menu that can be pulled up when playing the game. A simple tap will return from the pause menu to the game. What I would like to implement is a clean way to resume the game on the pause menu if the method applicationDidBecomeActive is called. The problem is that only the appDelegate receives the call to applicationDidBecomeActive, and my pause menu is many layers deeper than that. Right now I'm essentially passing the applicationDidBecomeActive call through about 4 different layers to get it down to the pause menu. There must be a cleaner way?

Sure is. Just add an observer for the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification from anywhere that's convenient. Application state changes can be hooked that way as well as via the app's delegate.
(Docs here.)

Read about the NSNotificationCenter
here and at Apple or just receive the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification anywhere.

take a BOOL variable in appdelegate.h with property and synthesised it then when pause button pressed from any scene set this variable to yes.
in applicationDidBecomeActive method of appdelegate check if(self.pause == YES) then don't resume ccdirector else resume it
i used this in my game and it work fine when i press pause and then press home button and when come back the app is still pause. try this


How can I detect if the notification center was opened

In a cocos2dx project, on iOS 10 devices, when the notification center is swiped down then up, a huge frame rate drop happens. As a result, when the animations resume ui elements whose motion depends on the delta t are moved to invalid positions. It looks to me that the OS is putting the app in some kind of a background mode but the applicationDidEnterBackground is not called.
Is there a way to receive an event when the notification center is swiped down/up?
The above delegate gets called when ur app leaves foreground. This is the same delegate that gets called when ur app momentarily looses focus like on receiving call etc.
You can use
to figure out when ur app regains the focus.
read :
As these delegates are called on App's UIApplicationDelegate which is typically ur appDelegate file and most of the times you would like to get notified of these events in individual ViewControllers rather than in AppDelegate you can always use NotificationCenter and add observer for UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification
read : How to access UIViewController's varaibles inside "func applicationWillResignActive"? Swift, iOS xcode

Running a function when the game becomes active iOS - SpriteKit

In my game in swift / SpriteKit, I have a problem when the user quits the app and opens it up again. If the game is on the pause menu and everything is paused, when the game is reloaded the game is unpaused but the labels on the pause menu do not disappear. How do I keep the game paused when I reopen it? I have tried
func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
let scene = GameScene(size: CGSize(width: 2048, height: 1356))
scene.view?.paused = true
But this is not doing anything. I have also tried pause() but that messes things up. Any help is appreciated.
You want to use the applicationWillResignActive function to pause your scene, by doing something like scene.speed = 0 which will properly pause your scene (don't know why, but it doesn't quite work just using pause). Here you can also display your pause menus (which you appear to be doing).
Then you want to use the applicationDidBecomeActive function to continue your game. Here you do your checks to see if (guessing here) your "resume" button is pressed, and in the response method for that, set the scene.speed = 1. Here your response method, do anything that requires starting back up (animations, actions, hiding your pause menu(s), or music).
I will say, these are the two functions that I use, you are free to use whichever two functions you would like that have a on/off kind of thing. I've found these to be very reliable.

How to ensure SKScene is paused when app resumed from background?

I am developing an iOS game; I am using several SKScenes and a single View Controller and my menu navigates between the different SKScenes. I'm having a problem with pausing (my game is using SKActions):
Problem: Suppose my game is in a 'paused' state (all SKActions of objects in my game are paused). When I click the 'home' button and send my app to the background, everything remains paused as it should. However, when I click my app to resume it, the scene that should be paused automatically 'resumes' itself, and all the SKActions resume to completion, and then the game pauses after this. (Please let me know if I can provide any additional details).
'Evidence': I know this because in the 'update' loop called every frame I have an NSLog statement that prints when the SKNode nodeGamePlay is paused, and it prints several times (half a second) when I click my game on the simulator's background.
What I want: When the app is clicked and opens, I want my pause-game-menu to appear, and I want my game (children of nodeGamePlay) to be paused.
What I have: In my SKScenePlay, I have a method that loads a 'pause menu' (not a child of nodeGamePlay) and pauses nodeGamePlay, which displays when a user clicks the pause button. Currently, when the user sends my app to the background and then reopens it, this method is called and the pause menu is added and the nodeGamePlay SHOULD GET paused (I call it with the following in my only viewController). However, although the pause menu displays, the nodeGamePlay does not get paused. How can I fix this?
- (void)appDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notification {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"loadPauseGameMenu" object:scene];
EDIT: Update, when I set self.paused=true (for the SKScene), everything pauses correctly. When I do a for-in loop for each child in self and set each child.paused=true, SKActions are not paused correctly.

iOs game - lives refill

I'm working on match 3 game in there I need to add lives. If user didn't solve puzzle he loses 1 life. I made it but how I can make lives refill every 20 minutes? I'm stuck. Another on problem is if game moves to background, how to check after user open game again?
My game is Sprite Kit project on objective-c
First part of your question:
You are looking for some timer. You could use NSTimer to call a method every 20m or SKAction with waitForDuration method init.
Second part of your question:
In your AppDelegate find or add method applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
. This method is called everytime your app should become active. Or addObserver for applicationWillEnterForeground notification where you need it.

How to disable iPhone 'app not active' flashing banner

My app checks the GPS while my app is not the active app and I use AVAudioplayer too in background.
It works fine and stays in the background doing its thing, but ios7 displays this red top banner with my app name flashing on it when it is not the active app.
How can I disable this banner, it is annoying to use other apps that are squished down 1 line?
I know this can be done as I have other GPS based background apps that don't display this flashing banner.
EDIT - So we found the answer quickly but the solution evades me:
If I stop OpenEars pocketsphinxController from listening with a button that calls this method while the program is active, the banner disappears when the app loses focus:
-(void) mystopListening{
NSLog(#"Tried to stop listening");
[pocketsphinxController stopListening];
BUT if I call the same method from my app delegate with (I had to import my view controller.h file in my app delegate.h and add -(void) nystopListening; in my view controller.h to make the below execute properly):
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application{
myViewController * vc = [[myViewController alloc]init];
[vc mystopListening];
The banner persists! It is a little like ios7 has decided I am a recording culprit before I even have a chance to turn it off. OR, am I even turning it off?
How do I do this effectively and in what event?
EDIT - So it turns out I am not really turning pocketsphinxController off when 'mystopListening' is called from the app delegate. I know this because it DOES log the 'Tried to stop listening' when called from app delegate but the pocketsphinxController does not respond with its 'pocketsphinxDidStopListening' method. PocketsphinxController does call its 'pocketsphinxDidStopListening' method when I call 'mystopListening' from a button while the app is active.
Why won't the pocketsphinxController respond when called from from the app delegate, I must be doing it wrong?
Turns out I was not really calling the original pockectsphinxcontroller instance from my app delegate.
As a workaround to the problem I did this:
My app always has a timer running, so in my app delegate where I get notice of when app goes to inactive and comes back active, I just set global flags so my timer can know app active status. Then my timer just uses pockecsphinxcontroller methods to stop and start listening and voila, the banner is no more while app not active.
