Heroku advertisement banner? - ruby-on-rails

This morning when I opened my heroku app in the browser, I noticed a banner advertisement was placed on the bottom. I added an instance (as to not be a free plan) and restarted my server, and it was still there.
I dug through their knowledgebase and stackoverflow, can't figure out how to remove these. Right now I am removing them with JS, but the goal is to not receive the extra load / advertisements.

Heroku will not inject adds into your site whether it's free or not. As mentioned in comments to your question, you should check whether it's something that's done by the network you're on. Maybe try accessing your site using https (i.e. https://paddlar.herokuapp.com/rivers) - with that, the network should not be able to modify responses.


.com extension adds random characters/numbers

I'm using a domain name with this general structure: http://mydomainname.com/
However, when I click it, I get a 404 message saying:
And when I look in the URL, it's not http://mydomainname.com/ but surprisingly http://mydomainname.com/YkPWZ/.
How did YkPWZ/ appear automatically and what can I do to eliminate this issue? Sometimes accessing http://mydomainname.com/ works fine, but most of the time the browser automatically tacks on some random characters at the end of the URL, throwing the 404 message. This is not a browser-specific issue and I've had a few colleagues replicate this issue on different operating systems (both desktop and iOS).
P.S. If it matters at all, I generated my website using Github Pages (markdown files, not HTML).
I'm quite certain this is an issue on the GoDaddy side of things, though I'm unable to find any official documentation on the subject. As noted in comments above, the redirect isn't coming from GitHub Pages.
I found an old thread discussing the issue. Here is a brief summary:
GoDaddy may use redirects like this to handle load balancing on their shared hosting servers.
In several cases, users contacted GoDaddy to ask about the problem and
had the issue resolved, but
were never told the technical specifics of what was happening.
If you wish to stay with GoDaddy I recommend contacting them and sending them to the link I found above. They may be able to resolve the issue for you, though I wouldn't expect an explanation.
Alternatively, you can use another web host. In many circles, GoDaddy isn't rated very highly. It's lucky that there are so many web hosts to choose from. Alternatively, you can use a custom domain directly with GitHub Pages, bypassing a third-party host entirely.

Rails EC2 testp2.czar.bielawa.pl

i deployed a rails app on a EC2 instance and on this morning when i clicked on a section of the app redirected to this http://testp2.czar.bielawa.pl/.
i would like to know if this is a malware or what?
because this link is not part of the app.
Yes its type malware, you might not be the actual target is rather that your server might be used for source of spam, port scanning and DDoS attacks.
There is pretty extensive abuse list for
See here.http://www.abuseipdb.com/report-history/
For getting rid of this follow the great instructions from serverfault below.
Alternatively if there is nothing important there just delete the EC2 and start again

Are any HTTP log files saved on my system by default?

I have an application hosted on Amazon EC2 on a Ubuntu machine, written in Ruby (on Rails), deployed with Capistrano and running on Nginx.
Last friday one module of my application has crashed and nobody in the company noticed until this morning. We spent some money with Facebook and Google ads and received a few hundreds of visits, but nobody created an account due to this bug.
I wonder if this configuration is saving the HTTP requests and its bodies somewhere in a log file. But we didnt explicitly set it, so it would only happen if any of these technologies do it by default.
Do you know whether there is such log or not?
Nope, that wouldn't be anywhere in a usable form (I'm inferring you want to try to create the accounts from request bodies in log files). You'll have the requests themselves in your nginx logs, and the rails logs will contain more info about the request, but as a matter of security, by default, any sensitive information (e.g. passwords) would be scrubbed from them. You may still be able to get some info from them.
To answer your question a little more specifically, the usual place for these logs on your system would be:
On a separate note, I would recommend looking into an error reporting service like Honeybadger, Airbrake, Raygun, Appsignal, or others so that you don't have silent failures like this moving forward.

Heroku app does not respond at all anymore

Eventually a request to access the app will timeout within the browser.
Nothing was changed to the app. Yet suddenly it went down several hours ago.
The heroku logs show no attempt being made to request it.
I can restart it, and deploy to it, yet nothing changes.
I assumed maybe a service is causing this, but I stripped it of any 3rd party vendor calls and it still doesn't respond to me trying to access the site.
Does anyone have any insightful ideas on where to go from here? I'm sorry for how vague this question is..
is your DNS down? use host command to check it or visit the app using *.herokuapp.com

Ways to troubleshoot a connection (works for some, doesn't work for others)

I've got a site that's currently in beta and thus password-protected (sorry, can't show yet). Most of my users access the site no problem and able to interact with it, upload files, ..etc. There's one guy, however, who seems to have a persisten issue with access. Whenever he accesses the site, the connection times out and Heroku sends back an app-not-available response. Better yet, that screws access to everyone else at that time and I have to wait for the service to restart. Heroku logs show no sign of any issues. New Relic logs are also fine.
Do you have any suggestions on how I could troubleshoot , what tools I could use to monitor?
I have also had issues like this with heroku from time to time, and they have blamed in on EC2 when I contacted them. However, this has only happened to me twice and hasn't happened in months.
I tweeted #heroku and #salesforce with the problem when I got a snarky remark, and it got me in touch with someone who was actually able to help me. Sometimes they can be quite standoffish :)
