Deploying the adapter shows null in console - adapter

I am not touch with worklight for past 3 months. but lots of changes made in version. In one of my project i created http adapter its working fine before. But now i try to run that project it shows some error. I cant get help in ibm forum because they changed my account to read only.
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] Starting adapter deployment on Worklight Server
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] Deploying adapter: university
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] Server host: localhost
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] Server port: 8085
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] null
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] Adapter deployment failed
[2013-02-15 10:20:37] ERROR
it was running in version platformVersion="5.0.2". Whether i need to change the version

Make sure to review the changes made in the authentication mechanism starting Worklight; make the appropriate changes in your project and re-deploy.
IBM tech note: IBM Worklight Project Auto-upgrade to Authentication Model
Note that you did not supply any other information about your project and environment setup.

I found the solution for this
<loadConstraints maxConcurrentConnectionsPerNode="0"/>
instead Change maxConcurrentConnectionsPerNode from 0 to 2. Enable the adapter deployement.

In my case, the change to maxConcurrentConnectionsPerNode did not resolve the problem. I found that the user name and password in my adapter's data source definition are mandatory (even if the database does not have a user name and password set).


Realm database: synchronization with server

I'm testing Realm database using test application RealmTasks and found out that synchronization with the server doesn't work. Authentication works well, but sync not. Realm server is installed on CentOS 7 server. Default port 9080 is busy so I changed Realm server config file:
enable: true
As a result I can connect to 27080 from outside but can not connect to port 6666. All ports are opened for outside connection. Does it possible that such a configuration doesn't allow to synchronize database?
That config file is just wrong - if that's exactly what you have. The yaml is nested wrongly because your first http is not nested.
Experimenting with the Mac Developer Edition, here's a minimal working configuration.yml file:
root_path: 'root_dir'
public_key_path: 'keys/'
private_key_path: 'keys/token-signature.key'
listen_address: '::'
listen_port: 9666
Important - it seems port numbers are constrained the [configuration documentation( mentions the need to use 1024 or higher as the server doesn't run as root. I am not sure why I could not get 6666 to run although that is supposedly commonly used for IRC. Multiple failure messages appear in the Terminal window of the process launching the server with that port.
Earlier questions
Are you telling the RealmTasks app to connect to that port? (Obvious question but I had to ask.)
Please supply logs from the server or look at the logs, which you can view and adjust the level of in the web dashboard eg at http://localhost:9080/#!/logs

IBM MobileFirst SDK iOS mfpclient.plist

I am creating schemas(To differentiate between development & production environment) for my iOS application which uses IBM MobileFirst platform. I need to provide different values for PROTOCOL, HOST & PORT based on the selected schema value.
For Production Schema values should be as follows:
For Development Schema values should be as follows:
As per the IBM mobilefirst development We need to place the above mentioned values in the mfpclient.plist file.
There is no need to manually update the .plist file of the application or create different "schemas".
What you should do is as follows:
Define the server profiles of your development and production servers in the MobileFirst CLI.
From command-line, run: mfpdev server info. This will show you the current list of server profiles.
Now run mfpdev server add to another server profile. Learn how to add server profiles
Once you have server profiles for development and production, whenever you want to "switch" your application to connect to either way, you simply need to register the application with the required server.
To register with the default server: mfpdev app register
To register to a specific server profile: mfpdev app register replace-with-server-profile-name
When you register the application, this command updates the .plist file with the required properties (host, port, etc...).

why InfluxDB web admin interface doesn't work with 1.1 release?

I have installed influxDB on my vps, and i would like to use his Web admin interface.
Normaly i can acces it at the :8083 port but it doesn't work.
ps: I have activated the admin interface in influxDB.conf file.
The Web Admin interface was deprecated in version 1.1 of InfluxDB. It will be removed in 1.2 in favor of Chronograf.
However in 1.1 you can still enable the Admin UI by updating the [admin] section of the InfluxDB configuration file.
enabled = true
Initially, my installation (Win 7) worked well until I lost access to the web interface after an upgrade to 1.3.5. Even running an older version of Influxd would not fix it. I struggled for a while playing with all sorts of config changes and moved the installation out of the Programs folder with no help, until I found this:
In version 1.3, the web admin interface is no longer available in InfluxDB. The interface does not run on port 8083 and InfluxDB ignores the [admin] section in the configuration file if that section is present. Chronograf replaces the web admin interface with improved tooling for querying data, writing data, and database management. See Chronograf’s transition guide for more information.
I simply downloaded the Chronograph executable and started it to connect on port :8888 which turned out to be a better user experience that the :8083 admin interface.
Having same issue. Installed 1.1 and not able to access admin interface despite changing the port several times. I was able to access the http endpoint though
With little probing, I realized that Influx DB was loading the default config all along and all my config changes were not getting applied. When I started the service with influxd -config influxdb.config the admin console started working.
PS: I am using it on windows.

Deploy Grails app to AppFog using Eclipse CloudFoundry plugin

I'm trying to deploy my Grails application to AppFog using CloudFoundry plugin (ver. 1.1) in Spring Source Suites (STS 2.9.2).
I'm using as server address and for application address when deploying app.
Application is pushed and started, services are bounded but, after that, I recive error saying that:
Communication with server failed: I/O error: Server returned HTTP response code: 405 for URL:
Also, when I try to create Caldecott tunnel toward database I recive response "The URIs: have already been taken or reserved. (404 Not Found)" which I also saw when (by mistake) treid to deploy application to (default AF name instead of particular infrastructure adress).
I suppose that CloudFoundry plugin uses default server address to reach application and also trying to create Caldecott tunnel on default server address ( instead of
Does anybody have idea how to circumvent this situation?
this doesn't sound like an issue with the plugin itself but the response coming back from AppFog's cloud. I would take this up as an issue with them and clarify you can use that plugin with their cloud.
AppFog had issues recently with their Java deployments that was specifically affecting Grails apps. This has been resolved and should be working seamlessly as expected now. You can always reach out for more information in the active google group as well:!forum/appfog-users

Ruby on Rails + Sql Server 2005

This has been addressed some time ago, but I've not had any luck following the steps outlined or advice suggested. Here's my situation:
I've installed SQL Server '05 and have another (non-Ruby) application utilizing it successfully.
I've got Rails up and running successfully (but only for MySQL.)
I've installed the Rails sqlserver adapter gem (as well as its dependencies.)
I've downloaded ADO.rb (now only available on older builds of Ruby-DBI) and placed it into c:\ruby\lib\ruby\site_ruby\1.8\DBD\ADO\ADO.rb.
I've configured database.yml to use the sqlserver adapter and pointed it towards my database with valid login information.
When I attempt to run a migration, I get the ugly 'Unable to load driver ADO (uninitialized constant DBI::DBD::ADO)' error.
Thanks immensely for any assistance.
So just make sure if you're working on Windows or Mac to set up an ODBC connection. You must indicate this explicitly in your database configuration for Rails.
