TFS and storing binary files - tfs

Our project group stored binary files of the project that we are working on in SVN repository for over a year, in the end our repository grew out of control, taking backups of SVN repo became impossible at one point since each binary that is checked in is around 20 MB.
Now we switched to TFS,we are not responsible for backing the repository up, our IT tream takes care of it and we have more network and storage capacity for backups because of that but we want to decide what to do with the binaries. As far as I know TFS stores deltas and for binary files but deltas will be huge, but we might end up reaching our disk space quota one day, so I would like to plan things better from the start, I don't want to get caught up in a bad situation when it's too late to fix the problem.
I would prefer not keeping builds in the source control but our project group insists to keep a copy of every binary for reproducing the problems that we see in the production system, I can't get them to get the source code from TFS, build it and create the binary, because it is not straightforward according to them.
Does TFS offer a better build versioning method? If someone can share some insight I'd really be grateful.

As a general rule you should not be storing build output in TFS. Occasionally you may want to store binaries for common libraries used by many applications but tools such as nuget get around that.
Build output has a few phases of its life and each phase should be stored in a separate place. e.g.
Build output: When code is built (by TFS / Jenkins / Hudson etc.) the output is stored in a drop location. This storage should be considered volatile as you'll be producing a lot of builds, many of which will be discarded.
Builds that have been passed to testers: These are builds that have passed some very basic QA e.g. it compiles, static code analysis tools are happy, unit tests pass. Once a build has been deemed good enough to be given to test it should be moved from the drop location to another area. This could be a network share (non production as the build can be reproduced) there may be a number of builds that get promoted during the lifetime of a project and you will want to keep track of what versions the testers are using in each environment.
Builds that have passed test and are in production: Your test team deem the build to be of a high enough quality to ship. As part of your go live process, you should take the build that has been signed off by test and store it in a 3rd location. In ITIL speak this is a Definitive Media Library. This can be a simple file share, but it should be considered to be "production" and have the same backup and resilience criteria as any other production system.
The DML is the place where you store the binaries that are in production (and associated configuration items such as install instructions, symbol files etc.) The tool producing the build should also have labelled the source in TFS so that you can work out what code was used to produce the binary. Your branching strategy will also help with being able to connect the binary to the code.
It's also a good idea to have a "live like" environment, this should be separate from your regular dev and test environments. As the name suggests it contains only the code that has been released to production. This enables you to quickly reproduce bugs in production

Two methods that may help you:
Use Team Foundation Build System. One of the advantages is that you can set up retention periods for finished builds. For example, you can order TFS to store the 10 latest successful builds, and the two latest failed ones. You can also tell TFS to store certain builds (e.g. "production builds"/final releases) indefinitely. These binaries folders can of course also be backed up externally, if needed.
Use a different collection for your binaries, with another (less frequent) backup schedule. TFS needs to backup whole collections, but by separating data that doesn't change as frequently as the source you can lower the backup cost. This of course depends on the frequency you are required to have the binaries backed up.

You might want to look into creating build definitions in TFS to give your project group an easy 'one button' push to grab the source code from a particular branch and then build it and drop it to a location. That way they get to have their binaries, and you don't have to source control them.
If you are using a branching strategy where you create Release or RTM branches when you push something to production, then you can point your build definitions at those branches and they can manually trigger them from the TFS portal or from within Visual Studio.


Jenkins Promoted build

I don't understand what Promoted build really is and how it works. Can someone please explain to me like to a 10 years old kid. If you can provide some sample examples would help me a lot.
In a typical software developing organization with CI system, there are 10's or 100's of continuous builds daily. Only one of those builds (usually the latest stable) is selected and "promoted" to be a Release Candidate (RC), which goes to the next quality gate - usually the QA department. Then, they select one of those RC's (others are dropped) and again, "promote" it to the next level - either to staging environment, validation etc. Then, finally... one of these builds is again "promoted" to be an official release.
Why is that important?
Visibility: You would want to distinguish many "regular", continuous builds from few, selected "RC" builds.
Retention: If you commit often (which is the best practice), you will likely get lot of daily builds, and would like to implement a retention policy (e.g. only keep last 100 builds or only builds from the last 7 days). You will then want to make sure promoted builds (RCs) are locked against retention. This is mostly important if you deploy binaries to customers, and may need the exact binary to reproduce an escaping bug in the future (though you still have the source code in the repository, I've seen cases where escaping bugs relate to the build process rather than the source code - due to rapid changes to the build process, or time-of-build sensitive data like digital signatures).
Permissions: you may want to prevent access to builds with "half baked" features from non-developers.
Binary Repositories: you may want to publish only meaningful builds to an external binary repository.
Builds in Jenkins can be "promoted" either manually or automatically, using plugins like Promoted Builds Plugin. You can also create your entire "promotion" workflow using pipeline scripts. Here's an example:
a "Continuous" job that polls SCM and builds on every change. It has a retention policy to keep only the last 50 builds. Access is restricted only to developers;
a "Release Candidates" job that copies artifacts from a manually selected build (using parameters). Access is allowed to QA testers;
a "Releases" jobs that copies artifacts from a manually selected RC. Access is allowed to the entire organization. Binaries are released to external/public repository.
I hope this answers your question :-)

What's a better way to manage translation in a solution with multiple feature branches?

we have multiple feature branches, one main branch;
one particular project has multiple XML files, key-value pairs for different languages;
only one person doing translation, not programmer, but an analyst;
we use feature branches to separate features and scope of testing; different QA is responsible for testing on different branch for different user story.
when a user story is done, we merge the feature branch up, and sync down to other sub branches
those language XML files are large, say, roughly a few hundred key-value pairs in each.
challenges come when multiple feature branches need translation, and the translation changes are done in the same file, say Japanese;
QA occasionally files a translation bug fixed in another branch;
the analyst is confused which branch to work on;
very high chance when merging, one version overwrites another version; because when we merge from a branch, the default logic in TFS takes the newer version to overwrite it. Most of time it works fine, but in some cases it failed, which increases the complexity of merging.
of course those challenges are manageable.
But ideally, I really think those static files should belong to one place instead of feature branches, so all feature branches share the same translation pack.
I could use an internal nuget source to host the language files, but it will increase the work every time we make a small translation change.
or I could setup TFS to use relative path, but then I need to update build definition in the build server and make sure the local build can grab the correct file.
Is there any other recommendation?
If you have any shared internal libraries then create NuGet packages should be a good way , and you can also create a vs solution just containing that library.
For XAML build, add a post build command to create the nuget package, or extend your tfs build template to do it (there's a number of templates out there that already do this).
For VNext build, there is a new VSTS Task called "NuGet Installer" this allows you to check in your NuGet.config file and specify the different package sources. Run this task before you run MSBuild. More details please refer: How to get TFS2015 Build (Build.vnext) and NuGet package restore to use custom package sources
Moreover, I think if your product or app haven't been published to user, the update changes of translation could not be so frequently. After all, just some translation and language packages. You could update it once or twice during an iteration.

TFS 2012: Correllating binaries to builds and source code

I'm starting to dive into TFS 2012 and I have a basic understanding of the tiers and how build servers, controllers and agents work and how different build scripts can have different configurations and projects.
However, one of the things I'm struggling with is a requirement for our source control solution that says that I need to be able to prove a particular changeset or shelfset produced a particular build. That is, given a particular binary, I can point to a release changeset that generated that binary. I should also be able to point to the test changeset that was merged into the release branch. The idea here is not just a separation of duty, but validating that because the release and test changesets are identical, no code was injected into a project by a code reviewer.
I've read one blog post that talks about "Binary promotions" -- would that concept be useful in my situation? I'm having a hard time finding how this binary promotion is set up in TFS.
Out of the box TFS doesn't really support deployments, it can deploy to 1 location on build which often is a test server (think lab management). TFS 2012 has built in support for Azure deployments, but they still happen at the end of a build and the build artifacts cannot be automatically deployed to a new location.
You could modify the build template to allow to release to different locations, but that would still be a fresh build for every environment and not true binary promotions.
TFS does, however, have a concept of build quality and actually fires off events when this quality is changed. TFS Deployer is a 3rd party tool that hooks into the quality change event and can execute powershell scripts. This means with a simple change of a dropdown value you can automatically kickoff a script that releases to any environment you want. You can customize the build quality list (per team collection) to be a list of environments (dev, uat, staging, production etc) which the script then figures out where to release the specific build to.
VS2012 also has some nice improvements to web deploy which means deployment configurations are stored in source control with the project, which in theory means they'll be available in the drop folder for TFS Deployer to make use of.
I don't believe TFS keeps a history of build qualities, which means you can't really use the build quality history to maintain a list of what is deployed to which environment. You could fairly easily record this information as part of the deployment script though. Or at the very least add a custom summary node to the build with information about the release.
TFS2012 does have the ability to mark a build as deployed as part of the Azure deployment functionality, you mark tfs deployer builds as deployed using a script but it doesn't feel very useful.
Octopus Deploy is another project that's worth checking out, and could be used instead of TFS Deployer if your build template creates NuGet packages. It requires a bit more control over the production hardware as you need to install agents on each environment to handle releases, but it solves a lot of other issues with deployment.
Once you have a nice consistent way of automatically releasing that people don't bypass, you can look at enhancing the build template to inject the build version, or changeset number as the assembly version for anything built as part of that automated build. There's a number of different ways to do it and plenty of blog posts and tools to help you achieve that.
Alternatively you could just use automatic assembly versioning ([assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]) to give you the date/time the build occurred, which ends up like 1.0.1234.123 where 1234 is something like the days since jan 1st 2000, and 123 is the minutes since midnight (my specifics may be wrong here).
If you're deploying websites, then I highly recommend injecting the current build version into the html somewhere. This way you can check what version a website is running without needing access to the bin directory. It can also be appended as a querystring to css/js file imports to ensure no browser caching occurs between versions.
Personally I'm hoping Microsoft realise that the xaml build workflows are trying to do too much and that they split the different concerns (build, test, deployment...) into different scriptable parts. Of course that would not be until the next major release of TFS which is years away. Although with Team Foundation Service they are trying to iterate a lot quicker, so they may actually extend the Azure deployment stuff into something more useful in the nearer future.

TFS and one-up releases

I apologize for the length of this post but I needed to include a lot of information for proper answers. I hope this does not discourage responses...
Our shop historically has coded web sites using Classic ASP with some newer ASP.NET sites configured as web sites. As everyone knows this means that the source files (*.asp, *.aspx, and *.aspx.vb (or *.aspx.cs)) files are deployed to development and production servers as is.
The configuration management process was (and still is) entirely manual and includes the following steps (requirements):
Taking copies of the modified files and storing them in a "release" folder for archiving.
Taking copies of the production files that will be replaced and storing them in a "archive" folder for easier rollback.
Generating a diff report of before and after source files for code review or general reference when diagnosing a post-release issue.
The developer who coded the changes is not the person who performs the production release. The original developer is required to hand off the source files to another developer for some additional testing and production deployment.
To make the situation more difficult (not with the above..but with what I talk about below) we do not follow a formal release schedule. As individual bugs or enhancements are completed they are released. This means we could easily be making several releases to a site a week. It is even possible that a given site gets two different releases to individual pages on the same day!
Since I came on board I have been trying to transition the team to newer technologies like ASP.NET web applications and ASP.NET MVC. (We have also taken on responsibility for stand-alone applications and console utilities used for non-web my dilemma still applies.)
The difference between these technologies and the legacy technologies is the pre-compiling. Instead of deploying the code-behind files (*.aspx.vb (or *.aspx.cs)) a dll or exe gets deployed. This type of deployment package has raised several questions (issues ??).
Generating difference reports when the source has been compiled. While the newly modified source files are sitting on the developers system the production copy is a compiled copy.
Making sure that changes related to other bugs or enhancements are not included in the particular release. This would apply to both the original developer and the person performing the release.
Allowing the original developer to pass along the changed files to another developer for build, testing, and deployment.
Up to now I was the only developer on the team working on these types of sites and applications so the conflicts and issues mentioned above where non-existent. (I skip the difference report step and the I do my own deployments.) However, I am trying to push the rest of the team to embrace this plus allow for better distribution of bugs and enhancement tasks.
We are currently using VSS but I am pushing (and will most likely succeed) in getting us moved over to TFS. Some ideas I have are
Setting up a separate build system for use by the developer to do the deployment. This will solve two problems -- (1) Different versions/patches of Visual Studio and other libraries between developers and (2) instances where the person performing the release has checked out files locally for another change. (Of course this does not guarantee differences between the build system and the original developer but at least that means the release is from a consistent config.
Using labels to tag just the modified files. My problem is that while I can identify (and pull down for a build) the modified files, how do I identify the files that need to be included in the build but have not changed. Again, the idea is to not included checked in files that are related to un-released changes.
Using labels to tag all the files for the release (the modified files and the unchanged files). My problem with this is similar to the last do I make sure that a file checked in by another developer (say they went on vacation) for an un-related change is not labelled and included in this build.
Using the labels I could probably write a script to generate difference reports for the labeled version and the previously labeled version. If the process works properly that should result in exactly what changes are included in the the particular release..?
Any other ideas, concerns, points of interest? While I do have some flexibility of the process some of the requirements (like difference report or some way to easily view differences and having separate developer/deployer) are most likely untouchable.
Thank you so much for any help you can provide on this.
To keep track of different versions of the code and to help you manage very fast release cycles (daily) vs long term enhancements you can use branches in TFS.
There is a ton of information out there on branching, but in general I like to try to keep things simple. For example, have one branch called "release" and another "development". Everybody works on the development branch but the code to be deployed to production is merged into the release branch right before release.
This blog post describes the process:
Well, based on my experience with VS2003 vs VS2010 for example is that the project structures are different and allowing VS to do a conversion often times results in a solution that either requires a lot of refactoring or is unusable. Having said that; if you can transition everything over to TFS2010 then one way to handle it is to setup different projects for each solution and use the TFS built in version handling for the different releases. You can also set up a build server and schedule nightly builds. If the build is ok then you can push this version into testing and ultimately production. You should really read up on TFS because it's totally different from VSS and is definitely a huge upgrade in allowing you to do team-focused development.
P.S. TFS has a really good Sharepoint integration which will help you and your team keep track of all the bugs and tasks.

TFS Lifecycle Management for Build Environment

How would you manage the lifecycle and automated build process when some of the projects (C# .csproj projects) are part of the actual build system?
A .csproj is a project that uses MSBuild tasks that are implemented in BuildEnv.csproj.
Both projects are part of the same product (meaning, BuildEnv.csproj frequently changes as the product is being developed and not a 3rd party that is rarely updated)
You must factor this out into two separate "projects" otherwise you'll spend ages chasing your tail trying to find out if a broken build is due to changes in the build system or chages in the code being developed.
Previously we've factored the two systems out into separate projects in CVS.
You want to be able to vary one thing while keeping the other constant to limit what you would have to look at when performing forensic analysis.
Hope that helps.
