How do I put admobs into xcode 4.6 over a scrollview - ios

I have been looking for an answer to this question on google and other places, but have not found a helpful answer as of yet.
I am making an app on Xcode 4.6 using storyboards. I am using a View Controller with a Scroll View inside it and images and text inside the Scroll View.
I have managed to display admob ads put these only appear at the top of the page and go away as I scroll down the page, as the ads are pinned to the top.
I have managed to achieve a scrollable page where the ad stays at the bottom of the page on Android, but not in xcode. I have tried to edit the banner view in the .m file but this has only moved the ad banner down, towards the middle etc.
For example, this is website shows what I am trying to achieve -
I would like to achieve the same thing in iOS, Xcode 4.6, so that my apps are consistent throughout the two operating systems.
Thanks in advance.

Don't put the AdMob View inside the scrollview.
Move the bottom edge of your scrollview up so that the banner has enough space.
Place the banner underneath the scrollview. Make sure that banner and scrollview share the same super view (red arrow)
Adjust the autoresizing mask so the banner stays at the bottom. (blue arrow)
activate the "allow horizontal resizing" arrow too. I forgot to do this for the screenshot


What if layout height is longer than device height in xcode?

Please take a look at screen shot from simulator for iphone 8 plus. (01.png) Here is my question: I cant see whole view of my page(i cant see whole part of button5 and button6 because there is no vertical scroll bar) Shouldn't vertical scroll bar appear automatically? If vertical scroll bar appears then i can reach bottom of the page. What should i do? Please give me an advice because i haven't founded any solution yet. You can also take a look at screen shot from xcode main story board to see height of button5 and button 6. (02.png) I mean page background should not move. But I should be able to scrolling up and down through on page. Thanks.
Just add image view with background image below all components in the ViewController.
Then add Scroll View with your content on top of that image view.
Don't forget to select clear colour as the background for scroll view and the inner view apart from your buttons.
Follow this tutorial to add Scroll view and content in it directly in storyboard using Interface builder.

xcode 6 webview fullscreen

I've almost pulled out all my hairs and I can't seem to find a solution. After searching and watching dozens of tutorials I'm asking here.
I have an iOS universal project in which I have only 1 webview. The whole project is set to landscape. Unfortunately it seems I cannot get this webview run in fullscreen. Whenever I have it running on my iPhone 5 the webview is only visible partially on my phone. The view is a square and centered horizontally and vertically. In landscape mode it reaches top to bottom but on the left and right side I have empty room the view did not reach.
Anyway I think it has something to do with the new storyboard feature stuff in xcode 6, but somehow I don't seem to be able to the make it working as I intend.
As said in the beginning I watched several tutorials but none of em where with only a fullscreen webview. If anyone can give me a push in the right direction I'd be glad.
Thanks in advance.
I've added a screenshot of my project:
Hold down 'Ctrl' on keyboard.
Click and hold down click the 'Web View' item in the 'view controller scene' content list on left.
Drag the 'Web View' item up to the 'View' item in the 'view controller scene' content list on left. ( You will see blue line to link the items )
A pop up menu will appear as to how you wish the two items to interact.
There you can select, 'Equals Width', and 'Equals Height'.
Reset all the constraints of the UIWebView and then add the following four constraints:
Trailing space to superview -16
Leading space to superview - 16
Top space to container/superview - 0
Bottom space to container/superview - 0
This will make the UIWebView fullscreen and centered to the UIView.
I finally was able to found a solution to my problem. Thanks for everybody who tried to help me - it seems I was unable to properly describe my problem.
The solution to my problem was found here:
Black bars showing when running app on iOS 7 (4 inch retina display)

iOS 7 Pullable view

I'm looking into implementing a subview in a view controller that will sit as a bottom bar of the screen until the user holds down and pulls it up to the top of the window to cover the whole screen.
What Google Maps does in Android/iOS with clicking on a pin and pulling the bottom bar up to see details is exactly what I want to implement.
Here's what I'm talking about. I'm not sure what the best way is to implement this.
I can either have an animation that is hardcoded when the bar is clicked causing the view to expands up and cover 3/4 of the screen and anchors there and 1/4 of the screen will be a map and once the map is clicked will drop the view back down. Or have the user drag and pull up the view and pull it back dock to anchor.
You should have look at demo code from following github link which have implemented pullable behaviour similar to the Notification Center in iOS:

How do I keep the mergExt Banner control from covering the tab bar at the bottom of an IOS device

I am just getting started with using MergExt and I am unsure how keep the iAd banner from covering my Tab Bar at the bottom of the IOS display? Additionally is it possible to manually move its position to any other location on the screen in case it covers any other controls? I have tried looking about for information but havent found much on the subject and I have tried playing with setting the rectangle to no avail. any info would be appreciated.
mergBanner displays the banner at the bottom of your screen. What many people do is align the tab bar to the top of the banner and use the area below to display a static ad/image until the iAd is loaded. There's currently no options for setting the rect of placing the add anywhere other than the bottom of the screen.

iOS Slide in UIView on top of other UIView

I need to present of a menu UIView on top of my main UIView. This happens when the user clicks the square button as illustrated in the picture. It´s kinda of a facebook app layout except the main view is not pushed away, it´s still in position but with the menu view on top of it.
The menu is supposed to be around 80% in screen width and sliding in from left when clicking the square button.
Every possible non-external-lib solution I´ve tried so far failed so I´m really need some help with this one. Code examples or a push in the right direction would be highly appreciated!
Requirements: No external libs.
Facebook Navigation
Here is an app demo that you can try to use the code from
