Twitting same body at the time - twitter

I got problem twitting same body at the same time by using Twitter API, I would like to know when can i post it again using either Twitter API or directly twit on twitter.
I twitted body = Good Morning! #goodmorning 5mins ago
I twtted body = Good Morning! #goodmorning
Error Code 403, twitter response you're already twitted this.
Hope you help here. Thanks in advance

You can't post the same tweet twice to twitter see this and this
you need to change the tweet somehow to avoid spam detection.


Is there a workaround for non-premium Twitter developers for getting reply_count?

Does anyone know of a solution for checking if a tweet has replies or not, without checking the reply_count field of the JSON response?
I'm building a crawler and already have a method for scraping a timeline for tweets as well as replies to tweets. In order to increase efficiency I want to find out if a tweet has any replies at all before calling my reply method. I have a standard developer account with Twitter so I do not have access to reply_count.
Looking for this as well. Only way I found was scraping the page (which is against the Terms of Service)
reply-count-aria-${tweet.id_str}.*?(\d+) replies

Twitter API, get Tweet as Image

I understand you can get the specific url of a tweet using the Twitter API by creating a url like this
However, is it possible to get an image of a tweet?
I can get media images, but those are just images that people posted in the tweet. I want to know if it is possible to get an image of the tweet itself.
Twitter's API includes the ability to do this with oembed.
This project provides an API for downloading tweets as images:{your_twitter_handle}&id={your_tweet_id}&theme={light_or_dark}&maxwidth={max_width_of_your_tweet_image}&height={height_of_the_image}&lang={language}
Fast forward to 2023 - none of the one above seems to be available anymore.
This library worked flawlessly for me. It is not an web API but works well and has good options:
You can now get images or screenshots of tweets using the #aissistant handle on twitter.
Retweet any tweet with the comment "#aissistant #image" to get an image.
Retweet any tweet with the comment "#aissistant #screenshot" to get a screenshot.
For other options like converting to memes and jokes check out the handle.
Full disclosure: I am creator of the bot behind the handle.

Using Twitter API to embed tweets with URL

I'm trying to embed tweets in my app by passing in a tweets URL. I'm completely inexperienced with APIs and need a bit of guidance to set it up. Twitter has some documentation here and here on how to do it using Oembed. The part I'm unclear on is how to make a request:
"Make a request to the following URL for each Tweet ID, where {tweet_id} represents the value changing in a programmatic loop:"{format}
Also unsure on where to add the API keys Twitter gives me. Sorry for the broad question, very new at this.

How should I get all the tweets of an specific hashtag?

I'm trying to develop some code in order to get all the tweets that were generated with certain hashtags, then parse them and finally analyse them. I believe I've already thought and solve the last two parts of this but I'm having some trouble with the first one. I've already read the Twitter Search API documentation but I haven't realised yet how to do this. Can anyone help me?
If you want to retrieve the tweets sent recently, you should use the search/tweets endpoint of twitter' REST API, and mention the hashtag inside q parameter
In case you want to listen to tweets containing the hashtag and receive them in real time, then twitter's streaming API is what you should use (statuses/filter endPoint).
Have a look at the documentation on twitter's website, there's also plenty of information on how to do this all around the web.

Get RSS feed of a Twitter hashtag

A client of mine wants to get an RSS feed for a twitter hashtag and include it in a list of other feeds from a variety of other sites.
I've Googled it all morning and I get a mix of answers. Some say it's possible, others say not anymore.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
Unfortunately, as of the API v1.1 upgrade on June 11th 2013, twitter now only gives responses in JSON. You can view the official announcement here.
That being said, I think you may need to think broader with your google searching ;)
Within 30 seconds, I found this, and it looks like exactly what you're looking for:
RSS readers cannot subscribe to JSON feeds. twitter-json-to-rss is a set of PHP scripts that you install on your public facing server that allows you to get around this problem.
Heres the library. Note this is entirely untested by myself, so you'll have to check it out.
Basically, you need to send an authenticated request to the twitter 1.1 API, get your data, then convert the returned json to RSS for your client.
If you're using PHP, this is the fastest post to help you get up to speed with requests to the 1.1 API in PHP.
It's not possible anymore. Twitter removed RSS feeds from their data formats and will require you to use their API to achieve that.
