How do I set a Notepad++ variable? - printing

Printing code with Notepad++ is very handy because of the syntax-highlighting.
Unfortunately I'm experiencing a problem with printing.
Now at the left top of the page $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) is printed, which is, D:\cppWorkspace\project1\display\GUI\main.cpp
I don't want the whole path, to the project, to be printed. However it also should not only print the file name.
In this case it should be, display\GUI\main.cpp. (which are packages inside the project and the file itself)
I tried to edit or set a Notepad++ variable, but I couldn't find a way to do this.
Hopefully someone knows how this can be fixed.
Thanks in advance,

Unfortunately the variables are fixed, and cannot be "set" - at least as of the current version (6.3.1). They are simple replacements, handled in the expandNppEnvironmentStrs method in RunDlg.cpp
You're welcome to suggest an idea on IdeaTorrent (see the hosted apps menu on the Sourceforge project), or vote a similar idea up if one exists.


Automator folder generation - strange problem

Hoping someone here can shed some light on an issue I've been having with Automator. For work, we needed something to auto-generate folders & sub folders based on answering 2 questions. The first asks for "Job No", and the second asks for "Job name". Whatever the user answers sets 2 variables - one for Job No and the other for "Job name".
This works well. From here I have a shell script which then generates specific folder structures which inherit the Job No ( example - CF1005 ) , using a folder renaming action in Automator. This works quite well, except foe the subfolders.
The initial set of folders are renamed correctly. That is, they have the Job No added to them as a prefix. However it's the sub-folders that's causing the issue. Sometimes one of the subfolders is renamed correctly, other times it's a few folders. See below:
As you can see, the folders with XX_ as the prefix aren't bring renamed with the Job No. Please note, this isn't always the case. It's hit and miss. The only thing I can think of is timing. I suspect the renaming action is being executed while the folders & subfolders are still being created by the OS?? I'm stumped. I've added some pauses and that seems to give me a higher success rate, but it's not a 100% success rate. Here's a screengrab of my workflow:
Automator Workflow
Can someone here shed some light on what the issue might be? Last note. At present we can't run this app within a folder. It issues us with an error. Not sure if someone here can help with is, but I thought I'd ask.
It seems to me the problem is the Get Selected Finder Items action, which I can't quite see the sense of. Instead, try it this way (beginning with the Pause action):
The Find Finder Items action gathers just the files you need and passes them straight into the rename action (after another short pause).

Debugged Line is not getting Highlighted in my cs-html page

The Debugged line is not getting highlighted in the cs-html page. It works perfectly when i am debugging in the cs page but unfortunately its not working for the cs-html page.
I tried changing the font size or background color from the Options->Fonts and colors.But still its not working.
Please check if you could get some help from this thread.
And I think what you mean is: When you set a breakpoint in the .cshtml file, the highlight does not work instead of during debug mode.(Any misunderstanding please correct me!)
If you set the breakpoint in the .cshtml file but no highlight you can try closing VS,go C:\Users\lancel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio to delete all 15.x folders. And restart VS to resolve it. (This solved the issue in my side, and you can try other suggestions from the link above)
If what you mean is the highlight not work in this situation:
Please go Tools menu=>Get Tools and Features to open installer and choose repair VS.
Any update please feel free to let me know:)

How do I enable page exception output in nopcommerce MVC?

Currently, if there is ANY KIND OF ERROR in a view or route in nopcommerce MVC, I get alien unicode text, meaning it looks like you are viewing binary output via text. I had to rewrite this question because it was said to not be specific enough although this is just another way to say the exact same thing so not sure what to do.
This issue is fixed in version 2.30. Or simply apply changeset d21c5993c77f and dd416ab78db1. Let me know if it helped

Command - R like functionality in MacVim

I'm on a Mac and when I am in TextMate editing a ruby file I can simply hit Command-R to execute the file and see the results in a new window. Is there something similar to this using MacVim?
It's really important that I be able to open up a NEW window. Reason is because in the current window I might have more than one full page of info. If that happens I can't scroll through it.
You could create your own mapping to do it:
map <D-r> :w<CR>:!ruby %<CR>
% is the current file. If your file starts with #!/path/to/ruby you can omit the explicit call to ruby in your mapping.
Haven't tested the <D-r> mapping - no mac here. It's likely configuration dependent.
The following question has the answer to exactly what I was looking for

ASP.NET MVC - Intellisense doesn't update model

Firstly, I've done a build, I've done a clean, I've done a rebuild, of both the project and the solution, so that's not the problem.
When I change my model for some reason the intellisense (in fact, it's not just the intellisense as if I do a build it comes up with an error as well) doesn't work. I have a model under ViewData.Model.ContractCostCentre which exists. VS isn't picking this up, at all. Instead, it's referring to an old one which has since been deleted and replaced with the prior one, this is called ViewData.Model.ContractCCList. So in my view I'm having to iterate over a ViewData.Model.ContractCCList despite this not even existing in my *.dbml file.
This isn't the first time I've had this problem, it seems to happen quite often if I change my dbml file (and it's likely to change as we work on highly progressive systems which are always subject to change).
Any ideas?
can you look into your ????.designer.vb or .cs, depend which language you are using
if you don't see that file, show all file in solution
intellisense is using that file
At the top of your View, there is part of a line of code that determines what model type the page uses. It should look something like this (my example is in c#):
Change it to look like this:
