Error setting up Azure Continuous Deployment -

I keep getting this error everytime I try to setup TFS plublishing with my Azure Cloud Services Account:
Unable to find AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml
And links to this post:
I had removed the BuildProcessTemplates folder to another path inside TFS. I just restored it to "$//BuildProcessTemplates" just like the article said, but I keep getting the same error from the Windows Azure Management portal.
The publishing templates haven't been modified.

OK so apparently, I needed at least one Build Configuration defined in the "Builds" section of Team Explorer for this to work.
I added a new configuration called TEMP and directed the process template xaml to the root folder.
Once that was configured I went back to the Azure Management Site, retried the "Setup TFS Publishing" option and everything worked fine.


JetBrains Rider - errors when connecting to on-prem TFS

I am trying to connect latest version (2019.3.4) of Rider to TFS (on premise, TFS 2010).
I went through the steps in their community support (, and got stuck on the step #6.
Go to VCS -> TFVS -> Manage Workspaces, select your server, and press "Reload workspaces"
I am getting the following error when clicking reload:
If I try to click 'Edit' button, I get a different error:
When I try to view file history, I get this warning
13:50 Problems while loading file history: HTTP 401 Unauthorized
Rider never asked me to authenticate with my VCS (and I see no way of doing that).
What should I do to make it work?
The documentation you refer to is using Visual Studio's TFVС local workspace, while TFS 2010 only supports Server workspace. Local & server workspace:
Azure DevOps plugin supports working with Git and TFVC repositories on Azure DevOps Services or Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015+, and support Local workspace only.
So, the answer by Cece is helpful, but does not solve the problem.
It simply turned out that I need a different plugin to Rider.
The one installed by default in recent releases is for Azure DevOps.
There is another one, called TFS - and that's the one to use.

TFS Build Server gives service unavailable (503) message

I recently installed TFS 2015 on a new machine. I want to configure the same machine as our build server but i have massive trouble doing this. I neither can configure the new vNext-system nor can i configure an "old-style" xaml build server. As the build account i want to use the NT AUTHORITY\Network Service. For the xaml configuration i set "Execute service as" to NT AUTHORITY\Network Service and use the same account for the connection to the team foundation server.
But when i add a new controller and want to browse to custom assemblies, i get a "service unavailable" error. So i decided to test without the custom assemblies, added an build agent and created a new build-definition for a simple test project. I added a build to the queue and wait. Nothing happenend (in the build window) until after about 50 seconds an error was shown in the build window: Service Unavailable (Typ VssServiceResponseException).
Same for the new vNext builds. I downloaded the from the web-frontend, opened the powershell and started configuring the build-agent. After waiting some minutes, the configuration aborted with.... service unavailable.
So i decided to test something different : instead of using the FQHN, i used localhost and - tataaa - it starts the agent, which is also shown green in the web-frontends agent-tab. So i created a new vNext-Build-Definition and added it to the queue, but it does not start, but shows the message : "waiting for console output from an agent".
So i decided to test it on a different pc : i downloaded the agent to my laptop and installed it, configuring the agent with it's FQHN. Without any problems the agent was started and i was able to start and run a build.
So the question is : Why am i'm not able to configure the build service on the tfs. I guess it has something to do with permissions, but i don't now, what permissions the network service account should have. I also tried it with a local account, but with the same result.
Any hints are very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
BTW: I can ping the FQHN from the command-line.
This is the output, after trying to add a vNext-agent via the powershell.
I used the the servers IP-address instead of its name and it suddenly worked.
Take XAML build for example, to configure a Team Foundation Build Service, you must be a member of both the Windows Administrators security group on the server on which you are configuring Team Foundation Build Service and the Project Collection Administrators group on TFS.
According to the second paragraph, you can configure build controller and add build agent. Before queuing a build, you need to make sure the build controller and agent are in Ready status, sometimes relevant services are not yet fully available when you newly configure them or restart them.
Also, you may try to remove build service feature, and reconfigure it, to see whether you can solve the issue.

Trouble Setting Up Team Foundation Server 2015 Build Server

I'm setting up TFS 2015 for my team to try out, and I'm having trouble getting it off the ground. It sounded straightforward, but things don't work and I can't find any diagnostics, and tutorials don't match what I'm seeing. Some highlights:
When I go to download a Build Agent from the server, I don't get a PowerShell file (ConfigureAgent.ps1), I get ConfigureAgent.cmd.
The images and description of setting up the build controller show me a nice picture of the TFS Admin Console with a Build Controller and Build Agent and their statuses underneath 'Build' (see Team Foundation Server 2015 Builds will not start or On my system, I see this display under XAML Build Config (the old way,) but the Build item in the console doesn't have anything like that. It has a link to download an agent, but installing an agent doesn't change this.
Installing the agent appears to work. I get a service that's running, and the web portal agrees that I have an agent in the default queue and pool.
But, queuing a build just sits there. I've found the _diag folder for the agent, which has logs with a bunch of "Message received, no message retrieved" lines. I can't find anywhere else to check if the server knows about this build.
The service account is Network Service, and I've tried putting it in every TFS group mentioned online regarding permissions.
My setup is TFS and VS 2015 installed on our build machine, with it also hosting the build agent. I'm on port 8079, because port 8080 is taken. It's got to be something silly I missed, because everything looks like it's working. Has anyone gotten this beast off the ground without coming from a pre-existing install?
The configureagent.cmd is the correct file (it does pretty much what he ps script did)
Make sure the account that the agent is run under is in the "Agent Pool Service Account" role. It is better to use a domain/machine account not a local service account.
Make sure the queue is provisioned in the collection ( https://your-tfs-server:8080/tfs/your-collection/_admin/_AgentQueue ). If not - select "New queue.." and select the existing queue.
Make sure that when setting up the build through web access, the demands (on the general tab) is met by the capabilities of the agent.
If all this is in place, I have found that it facilitates testing by running the agent in interactive mode (not as a service). This gives you a bit better insight into what is happening. When it is working you can configure it as a service again.
Use an actual service account, not NETWORK SERVICE, and make sure that service account is a member of the Build Service Accounts group in your Team Project.
For me the issue was that the IIS's Team Foundation Server site setting's Authentication, "Windows Authentication" had to be enabled.
I was using a windows user as the log in credentials for the Build Agent running as a service.
Remember this new build system uses all http now.
It does not talk to any tfs build controller.

TFS2012 - Access denied on copying diagnostic activity logs

I have a problem with TFS2012 builds which I can't seem to figure out nor find any solution for.
Separate SQL server, separate TFS Application server (TFSAT01 / WinSvr08R2) and separate build machine (TFSBLD01 / Win7x64).
Drop share created on TFSAT01 - R/W acess granted to the two computers in our domain: TFSAT01$ and TFSBLD01$ (According to #8
The build controller is configured on the TFS app. server TFSAT01.
The build agents are running on the build machine TFSBLD01.
My CI build does complete and does copy all binaries to the drop share.
But I keep getting one error under Other Errors and Warnings in the build output window which says: "An error occurred while copying diagnostic activity logs to the drop location. Details: Access to the path '\TFSAT01\Drops\PRODUCT-CI\PRODUCT-CI_20130211.16\Logs\ActivityLog.xml' is denied.". The ActivityLog.xml is indeed written and I can access it.
Any ideas to why I get this error even though it seems that the share is configured with the proper access rights?
I can get around this error by specifying a user-account for the build agent to use (also with R/W access rights to the drop share) - but I would rather if I could stick with the default NetworkService credentials used by the build controller and agents.
Adding in resolution based on discussion in the comments
The build controller account needs to have R/W permissions on the drop location. The TFSAT01$ account was provisioned here while the build controller was configured as network service. Since these are not really the same account providing R/W permissions to NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE is the required fix.
The build controller must run under the same account which has R/W permissions on drop location. I recommend to use same user account for build agents and build controller.
On TFS build controller, right click on the XAML Build Configuration > [your build service]
Click on "Stop the service"
Click "change" button under Run service as: section
Use a user who has access to both TFS repository & the drop location.
p.s. using TFS 2015

tfspreview, continuous integration, and external folders getting overwritten

The problem stated simply:
using account linked to Azure website.
using continuous deployment build provided by Azure team.
All works perfectly, when I check in:
code is uploaded to tfs server
Remote Host is used to build code
A drop folder is created with the compiled code
code from drop folder is published to Azure website
Now this is all good, but it always overwrites any external folders (not part of project) that are on the server. I went into the process template and changed 'Clean Workspace' setting to 'None', but that didn't help.
If I build locally and publish using web deploy, things don't get overwritten. What am I missing here? obviously it's something with the build process or drop folders not being aware of the publish settings. Any ideas?
