Model object and Core Data - ios

I have an object that I load up data from Core Data. I then modify the object with user inputs/choices.
My first though was to override the setter methods for the properties:
-(void)setType:(NSString *)type {
NSLog(#"setType fired | newType: %#", type);
_type = type;
appDelegate *appDelegate = (appDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [appDelegate managedObjectContext];
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:DEFAULTS_DB];
NSError *error;
NSArray *fetchedObjects = [context executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
if (fetchedObjects.count == 1) {
Defaults *defaults = [fetchedObjects objectAtIndex:0];
defaults.sceneType = type;
if (![context save:&error]) {
NSLog(#"Error in saving first run defaults | error: %#", error);
else {
NSLog(#"new type was saved to core data");
My other thought was to update the Core Data when applicationWillResignActive: fires (but that method only gets a few seconds to run before the app is frozen) and when the user logs out.
The app i'm creating is one that the user would start up, set up what he wants, then puts it down 10-60min until he uses it again so i'm concerned with my app being killed while inactive and loosing the data.
Is updating core data in the setter method a good way to handle updates or is it a really bad idea (too resource intensive, too slow)?

It's not a typical usage pattern. Typical would be to fetch your object before displaying its data and hold it. Then when the user changes something, update object properties and save the context.

It sort of depends on how much amount of data you are setting and retrieving with each call to your customer setters. I'd try what you are doing now (updating core data in setters) but test it out on an old device, say an iPad 1, and see how it performs. After playing it out for a while, you can decide whether you want to update core data with every setter or not.
Now, if you don't see any performance difference at all, I wouldn't worry about it. You're good. You are having the comfort of being able to save the most updated actions from the user by committing your data in setters. However, there might come a point when you are saving more data and/or large files/images and the earlier devices start to see a difference in performance.
In order to be prepared for such a situation in advance, I'd suggest having a buffer (that mirrors the structure of your entity) in your program that gets written to core data every so often - may be when the app goes into a state of inactivity or if the app goes into background or for every fixed time period. It's imperative the buffer gets updated in the setters. The possible hiccup with your idea of writing code in applicationWillResignActive: stems from how prepared you are at handling crashes. Crashes can happen any time for any reason, sometimes maybe not because of your own bad code. And this is one strong reason why having buffers is a good idea. You either lose one chunk of small data during a crash (worst case) or you achieve performance + consistency (best case).


How to properly save updates with MagicalRecord?

I'm using MagicalRecord, and I can't understand how to make it work stable and predictable.
When I need to update some entities, I retrieve them from DB, change them according to the logic, after then I send them into my “Saver” method:
- (void) saveEntities:(NSArray *)entities {
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
for (Entity_class *entityElement in entities) {
NSPredicate *entitySearchPredicate = [...] // Composing predicate
Entity_class *foundEntity = [Entity_class MR_findFirstWithPredicate:entitySearchPredicate];
foundEntity = entityElement;
[[NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext] MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait];
} completion:^(BOOL contextDidSave, NSError *error) {
// contextDidSave always equals NO. Sometimes changes get saved, but sometimes they don't
I've tried to save local context [localContext MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait] instead of the default one, but it never worked.
I'm struggling with these contexts for the second night, and just I've run out of the search query variants for Google. How to deal with context and save them properly?
There are a few important notes to understand using CoreData:
You must save using the context the entity was created in.
Meaning, if entities were created on a different thread they might be using a different context and sometimes that can cause faults when having multiple threads and a lot of saves-per-second.
The "saveWithBlock" method is for asynchronous saving, meaning it will save the context once its ready (usually its immediately), so if you try and check for changes right away and fetch the data, it might not have been saved yet.
It will help you to read more about the differences in core data between the different contexts - MainQueue and PrivateQueue.
Usually i'd use the given methods:
[[NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext] MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait]
[[NSManagedObjectContext MR_contextForCurrentThread] MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait]
You can also use the MR_saveToPersistentStoreWithCompletion: for asynchronous saving.
This way it saves the entire context without the need to select specific entities.
If you are new to it, you can also check CoreDataStack
Which is a more recent and up-to-date core data wrapper

xCode 7.0 IOS9 SDK: deadlock while executing fetch request with performBlockAndWait

Updated: I have prepared the sample which is reproduce the issue without magical record.Please download the test project using following URL:
The provided project has following problem: deadlock on fetch
in performBlockAndWait called from main thread.
The issue is reproduced if code is compiled using XCode version > 6.4.
The issue is not reproduced if code is compiled using xCode == 6.4.
Old question was:
I am working on the support of IOS mobile application.
After the recent update of Xcode IDE from version 6.4 to version 7.0 ( with IOS 9 support ) I have faced with critical issue - application hangup.
The same build of the application ( produced from the same sources ) with xCode 6.4 works OK.
So, if the application is built using xCode > 6.4 - application hangs up on some cases.
if the application is built using xCode 6.4 - application works OK.
I have spent some time to research the issue and as the result I have prepared the test application with similar case like in my application which reproduces the problem.
The test application hangup on the Xcode >= 7.0 but works correctly on the Xcode 6.4
Download link of test sources:
The requirements for the test application is:
1. cocoa pods manager must be installed in the system
2. MagicalRecord framework of version 2.2.
Test application works in the following way:
1. At the start of the application it creates test database with 10000 records of simple entities and saves them to persistent store.
2. At the first screen of the application in the method viewWillAppear: it runs the test which causes deadlock.
Following algorithm is used:
-(NSArray *) entityWithId: (int) entityId inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)localContext
NSArray * results = [TestEntity MR_findByAttribute:#"id" withValue:[ NSNumber numberWithInt: entityId ] inContext:localContext];
return results;
int entityId = 88;
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext1 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext1";
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext2 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext2";
NSArray *results = [self entityWithId:entityId inContext: childContext2];
for(TestEntity *d in results)
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,; /// this line is the reason of the hangup
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
int entityId2 = 11;
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"id=%d", entityId2];
NSArray *a = [ TestEntity MR_findAllWithPredicate: predicate2 inContext: childContext2];
for(TestEntity *d in a)
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
Two managed object contexts are created with concurrency type == NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType (please check the code of MR_context of magical record framework). Both contexts has parent context with
concurrency type = NSMainQueueConcurrencyType. From the main thread application performs fetch in sync manner ( MR_findByAttribute and MR_findAllWithPredicate
are used performBlockAndWait with fetch request inside ). After the first fetch the second fetch is schedule on the main thread using dispatch_async().
As a result the application hangs up. It seems that deadlock has happened, please check the screenshot of the stack:
 here is the link, my reputation is too low to post images.
If to comment the line
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,; /// this line is the reason of the hangup
(which is the line 39 in ViewController.m of the test project ) the application becomes working OK. I believe this is because there is no read of name field of the test entity.
So with the commented line
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
there is no hangup on binaries built both with Xcode 6.4 and Xcode 7.0.
With the uncommented line
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
there is hangup on binary built with Xcode 7.0 and there is no hangup on binary built with Xcode 6.4.
I believe the issue is happens because of lazy-loading of entity data.
Has anybody problem with the described case? I will be grateful for any help.
This is why I don't use frameworks that abstract (i.e., hide) too many details of core data. It has very complex use patterns, and sometimes you need to know the details of how they interoperate.
First, I know nothing about magical record except that lots of people use it so it must be pretty good at what it does.
However, I immediately saw several completely wrong uses of core data concurrency in your examples, so I went and looked at the header files to see why your code made the assumptions that it does.
I don't mean to bash you at all, though this may seem like it at first blush. I want to help educate you (and I used this as an opportunity to take a peek at MR).
From a very quick look at MR, I'd say you have some misunderstandings of what MR does, and also core data's general concurrency rules.
First, you say this...
Two managed object contexts are created with concurrency type ==
NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType (please check the code of MR_context of
magical record framework). Both contexts has parent context with
concurrency type = NSMainQueueConcurrencyType.
which does not appear to be true. The two new contexts are, indeed, private-queue contexts, but their parent (according to the code I glanced at on github) is the magical MR_rootSavingContext, which itself is also a private-queue context.
Let's break down your code example.
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext1 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext1";
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext2 = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]; = #"childContext2";
So, you now have two private-queue MOCs (childContext1 and childContext2), both children of another anonymous private-queue MOC (we will call savingContext).
NSArray *results = [self entityWithId:entityId inContext: childContext2];
You then perform a fetch on childContext1. That code is actually...
-(NSArray *) entityWithId:(int)entityId
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)localContext
NSArray * results = [TestEntity MR_findByAttribute:#"id"
withValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:entityId]
return results;
Now, we know that the localContext in this method is, in this case, another pointer to childContext2 which is a private-queue MOC. It is 100% against the concurrency rules to access a private-queue MOC outside of a call to performBlock. However, since you are using another API, and the method name offers no assistance to know how the MOC is being accessed, we need to go look at that API and see if it hides the performBlock to see if you are accessing it correctly.
Unfortunately, the documentation in the header file offers no indication, so we have to look at the implementation. That call ends up calling MR_executeFetchRequest... which does not indicate in the documentation how it handles the concurrency either. So, we go look at its implementation.
Now, we are getting somewhere. This function does try to safely access the MOC, but it uses performBlockAndWait which will block when it is called.
This is an extremely important piece of information, because calling this from the wrong place can indeed cause a deadlock. Thus, you must be keenly aware that performBlockAndWait is being called anytime you execute a fetch request. My own personal rule is to never use performBlockAndWait unless there is absolutely no other option.
However, this call here should be completely safe... assuming it is not being called from within the context of the parent MOC.
So, let's look at the next piece of code.
for(TestEntity *d in results)
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,; /// this line is the reason of the hangup
Now, this is not the fault of MagicalRecord, because MR isn't even being used directly here. However, you have been trained to use those MR_ methods, which require no knowledge of the concurrency model, so you either forget or never learn the concurrency rules.
The objects in the results array are all managed objects that live in the childContext2 private-queue context. Thus, you may not ever access them without paying homage to the concurrency rules. This is a clear violation of the concurrency rules. While developing your application, you should enable concurrency debugging with the argument 1.
This code snippet must be wrapped in either performBlock or performBlockAndWait. I hardly ever use performBlockAndWait for anything because it has so many drawbacks - deadlocks being one of them. In fact, just seeing the use of performBlockAndWait is a very strong indication that your deadlock is happening in there and not on the line of code that you indicate. However, in this case, it is at least as safe as the previous fetch, so let's make it a bit safer...
[childContext2 performBlockAndWait:^{
for (TestEntity *d in results) {
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
Next, you dispatch to the main thread. Is that because you just want something to occur on a subsequent event loop cycle, or is it because this code is already running on some other thread? Who knows. However, you have the same problem here (I reformatted your code for readability as a post).
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
int entityId2 = 11;
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"id=%d", entityId2];
NSArray *a = [TestEntity MR_findAllWithPredicate:predicate2
for (TestEntity *d in a) {
NSLog(#"e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
Now, we know that code starts out running on the main thread, and the search will call performBlockAndWait but your subsequent access in the for-loop again violates the core data concurrency rules.
Based on that, the only real problems I see are...
MR seems to honor the core data concurrency rules within their API, but you must still follow the core data concurrency rules when accessing your managed objects.
I really don't like the use of performBlockAndWait as it's just a problem waiting to happen.
Now, let's take a look at the screenshot of your hang. Hmmm... it's a classic deadlock, but it makes no sense because the deadlock happens between the main thread and the MOC thread. That can only happen if the main-queue MOC is a parent of this private-queue MOC, but the code shows that is not the case.
Hmmm... it didn't make sense, so I downloaded your project, and looked at the source code in the pod you uploaded. Now, that version of the code uses the MR_defaultContext as the parent of all MOCs created with MR_context. So, the default MOC is, indeed, a main-queue MOC, and now it all makes perfect sense.
You have a MOC as a child of a main-queue MOC. When you dispatch that block to the main queue, it's is now running as a block on the main queue. The code then calls performBlockAndWait on a context that is a child of a MOC for that queue, which is a huge no-no, and your are almost guaranteed to get a deadlock.
So, it seems that MR has since changed their code from using a main-queue as the parent of new contexts to using a private-queue as the parent of new contexts (most likely due to this exact problem). So, if you upgrade to the latest version of MR you should be fine.
However, I would still warn you that if you want to use MR in multithreading ways, you must know exactly how they handle the concurrency rules, and you must also make sure you obey them anytime you are accessing any core-data objects that are not going through the MR API.
Finally, I'll just say that I've done tons and tons of core data stuff, and I've never used an API that tries to hide the concurrency issues from me. The reason is that there are too many little corner cases, and I'd rather just deal with them in a pragmatic way up front.
Finally, you should almost never use performBlockAndWait unless you know exactly why its the only option. Having it be used as part of an API underneath you is even more scary... to me at least.
I hope this little jaunt has enlightened and helped you (and possible some others). It certainly shed a little bit of light for me, and helped reestablish some of my previous unfounded skittishness.
This is in response to the "non-magical-record" example you provided.
The problem with this code is the exact same problem I described above, relative to what was happening with MR.
You have a private-queue context, as a child to a main-queue context.
You are running code on the main queue, and you call performBlockAndWait on the child context, which has to then lock its parent context as it tries to execute the fetch.
It is called a deadlock, but the more descriptive (and seductive) term is deadly embrace.
The original code is running on the main thread. It calls into a child context to do something, and it does nothing else until that child complete.
That child then, in order to complete, needs the main thread to do something. However, the main thread can't do anything until the child is done... but the child is waiting for the main thread to do something...
Neither one can make any headway.
The problem you are facing is very well documented, and in fact, has been mentioned a number of times in WWDC presentations and multiple pieces of documentation.
You should NEVER call performBlockAndWait on a child context.
The fact that you got away with it in the past is just a "happenstance" because it's not supposed to work that way at all.
In reality, you should hardly every call performBlockAndWait.
You should really get used to doing asynchronous programming. Here is how I would recommend you rewrite this test, and whatever it is like that prompted this issue.
First, rewrite the fetch so it works asynchronously...
- (void)executeFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)request
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context
completion:(void(^)(NSArray *results, NSError *error))completion
[context performBlock:^{
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (completion) {
completion(results, error);
Then, you change you code that calls the fetch to do something like this...
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[request setEntity: testEntityDescription ];
[request setPredicate: predicate2 ];
[self executeFetchRequest:request
completion:^(NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
if (results) {
for (TestEntity *d in results) {
NSLog(#"++++++++++ e from fetchRequest %# with name = '%#'", d,;
} else {
NSLog(#"Handle this error: %#", error);
We switched over to XCode7 and I just ran into a similar deadlock issue with performBlockAndWait in code that works fine in XCode6.
The issue seems to be an upstream use of dispatch_async(mainQueue, ^{ ... to pass back the result from a network operation. That call was no longer needed after we added concurrency support for CoreData, but somehow it was left and never seemed to cause a problem until now.
It's possible that Apple changed something behind the scenes to make potential deadlocks more explicit.

NSManagedObject values are correct, then incorrect when merging changes from parent to child NSManagedObjectContext

I’m having a Core Data issue while using 2 NSManagedObjectContext, running on different threads, and migrating changes from the parent to the child. In essence, I’m able to pull the changes from parent to child, but immediately after doing so, the changes are lost.
The app I’m building is a test for syncing a model between multiple devices and a server.
The context that holds the objects the user interacts with is on the main thread and is configured as a child of the sync context and is created like this (error checks omitted)
NSManagedObjectContext *parentMOC = self.syncManagedObjectContext;
_managedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType];
[_managedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:^() {
[_managedObjectContext setParentContext:parentMOC];
The syncManagedObjectContext is the parent context and is where the syncManager performs the sync with the server. It gathers up objects modified by the user, sends the changes to the server and merges changes received back. The syncManagedObjectContext also sends its data to the PersistentStoreCoordinator to be stored in SQLite.The context runs on a background “thread” so that syncing and storing does not block the main thread. Here’s how it is created:
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [self persistentStoreCoordinator];
_syncManagedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[_syncManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:^(){
[_syncManagedObjectContext setPersistentStoreCoordinator:coordinator];
Sync Logic Flow
The syncing is kicked off when the syncManager handles the NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification from the main context. Here is a rough flow of what happens:
syncManager handles NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification which lets it know that objects have been changed in the main thread context. It calls save on the main context which saves the changes to syncMOC.
When the syncManager receives NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification to indicate the save has been completed, it gathers up the newly changed objects from the sync context and sends the changes to the server. It then does a save on the sync MOC which sends the data to SQLite. Note that each object has a uuid field which I create as a portable id - not be confused with Core Data’s objectID, as well as a lastSynced timestamp that is provided by the server.
The server responds back with updated timestamps for the objects sent, as well as any other changes that have happened. In the simplest case that illustrates the issue, what is received is a set of records that consists of the uuid and the updated lastSynced time for the objects that the syncManager just sent.
For each update, the syncManager updates the object in the syncContext and stores the NSManagedObject objectID for the object (not the uuid) in an array.
The syncManager then does a save on the on the sync MOC to write the data to disk and posts a message to provide the main MOC with the array of objectID’s for updated objects. At this point, if I do a fetch for all Entities in the syncMOC and dump them to the log, they all have the correct values. Further, if I look at the SQLite database on disk, it too has the correct values.
Here’s abbreviated code (some error checking and non-essential stuff removed) for how the updates are merged in on the main thread, with comments as to what’s happening: (Note: I’ve been careful in the code to use performBlock and it appears from tracing in the debugger that everything is happening on the correct thread.)
-(void)syncUpdatedObjects: (NSNotification *)notification
NSDictionary *userInfo = notification.userInfo;
NSArray *updates = [userInfo objectForKey:#"updates"];
NSManagedObjectContext *ctx = self.managedObjectContext;
[ctx performBlock:^() {
NSError *error = nil;
for (NSManagedObjectID *objID in updates) {
NSManagedObject *o = [ctx existingObjectWithID:objID error:&error];
// if I print out o or inspect in the debugger, it has the correct, updated values.
if (o) {
[ctx refreshObject:o mergeChanges:YES];
// refreshObject causes o to be replaced by a fault, though the NSLog statement will pull it back.
// NOTE: I’ve used mergeChanges:NO and it doesn’t matter
NSLog(#"uuid=%#, lastSynced = %#", [o valueForKey:#"uuid”], [o valueForKey:#"lastSynced"]);
// Output: uuid=B689F28F-60DA-4E78-9841-1B932204C882, lastSynced = 2014-01-15 05:36:21 +0000
// This is correct. The object has been updated with the lastSynced value from the server.
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:#“MyItem"
request.entity = entity;
NSArray *results = [ctx executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
for (MyItem *item in results)
NSLog(#"Item uuid %# lastSynced %# ", item.uuid, item.lastSynced);
// Output: uuid B689F28F-60DA-4E78-9841-1B932204C882 lastSynced 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
// Now the objects have incorrect values!
In case you missed it, the issue is there in the comments after the NSLog statements. The object initially has the correct values from the parent context, but then they become incorrect. Look at the timestamp, specifically.
Does anyone have any idea why this would happen? I should note that the business of doing the fetch at the end was part of debugging. I was noticing that the NSManagedObjects being held on to in the program did not have the correct values, even though I was seeing that things were updated correctly in the above code and through uniquing, they should be updated too. I thought that what might be happening is that I was creating “extra” objects with the correct values while the old ones were still around. However, the fetch showed that the right objects and only the right ones were around, only with bad values.
One more thing, if I do the same fetch in the parent context after this function runs, it shows the correct values as does SQLite.
Any help is much appreciated!
I finally found the answer to this issue and hope it might help others.
What I noticed at some point is that the object ID coming back to the main context had incorrect
Core Data ID - they should have been permanent, but were not. And in fact, during the merge, I
realized that the ID for a given object in my main MOC and the ID for the changes to merge for
that object were both temporary, but different. But neither were the permanent ID that they should have been.
A search on Stack Overflow for that issue led me to
this answer which gives a workaround for a known Core
Data bug.
So the problem wasn't that I was doing it wrong, it was that Core Data was not doing what it
said it would do. The workaround is that during the save operation on the main object context I added the following
code prior to calling save.
if ctx.insertedObjects.count > 0 {
do {
try ctx.obtainPermanentIDsForObjects(Array(ctx.insertedObjects))
} catch {
log.error("Unable toobtain permanent ids for inserts")
That fixed it! So what I had originally been observing was that the merge was not actually taking
place. There were 2 objects alive for what was supposed to be one.
You could simply subscribe to NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification of the sync context and then merge changes into UI context by calling -mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:.

Initializing new UIDocument with some data

I've been reading everything I can here about UIDocument and UIManagedDocument since there is more help on UIManagedDocument and it's a subclass of UIDocument, but I've not been able to figure what I need to do about this.
When the user hits the add button for my app to create a new document I need to create the document and have a couple of items prepopulated into it. My code for doing this works fine as long as I am single-stepping through the debugger, but at full speed the couple of items don't make it into the document.
I store a reference to the document in my AppDelegate and have a macro defined for simplified reading in the code:
#define SelectedDocument [(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] selectedDocument]
So in handling the add request, my code does this:
GnKDocument *tmp = [[GnKDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:fileURL];
[(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] setSelectedDocument:tmp];
[SelectedDocument saveToURL:fileURL forSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
if (success) {
[SelectedDocument openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
if (success) {
[SelectedDocument setDateCreated:[NSDate date]];
NSString *c1UUID = [SelectedDocument appendChapterWithName:#"Chapter 1"
NSString *p1c1UUID = [SelectedDocument appendPageWithParent:c1UUID
withName:#"Page 1"
NSLog(#"Just added Page 1 as %# to chapter %#", p1c1UUID, c1UUID);
[SelectedDocument closeWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
The two append calls into my UIDocument subclass do their work and then call
[self updateChangeCount:UIDocumentChangeDone];
And as a testing step I overrode that method just to log out that changes were being made:
- (void)updateChangeCount:(UIDocumentChangeKind)change
[super updateChangeCount:change];
NSLog(#"GnKDocument recording a change");
Am I doing things in the right order? Should I be dispatching calls off to various queues?
Init the instance
Save it for creating
Open it (to add my initial items to it)
Make my additions
Close it (according to the docs, closeWithCompletionHandler: asynchronously saves any changes).
Again, if I set breakpoints at each call (saveToURL:, openWithCompletionHandler:, and closeWithCompletionHandler) and "step over" those calls, then run to get into the completion handlers, the document ends up on disk as I intended. If I disable my breakpoints and run again, the document is created on disk and the changes are logged, but the closed file does not contain my two initial elements.
For the longest time I thought the difference was the speed with which the code was executing was either creating or avoiding a race condition. But in investigating that possibility I added lots of NSLog statements everywhere something critical was happening... and the problem went away. So it clearly wasn't a timing issue. Looking back over the contents of the NSLog statements I realized that some of the values were being lazy-loaded, and the act of referencing them in the NSLog statements was causing them to be loaded. Similarly, while single-stepping through the code, I suspect that "Print description of..." commands were having the same effect (maybe).
So in my case, the UIDocument subclass builds a file wrapper that contains two files, one for metadata about the document and another that is the actual document data. There was a test to verify minimal correctness in the document, and this test used values from the metadata file which were meant to be lazy loaded but had never been accessed, so the test determined the file was not valid and set up the initial values all over again, wiping out the two items I was prepopulating the file with.

NSFetchRequest not seeing changes to relationships in NSManagedObjectContext

I am using a UIManagedDocument for core data. I have Calendar objects in my managedObjectContext that have a calendarSelected attribute. The Calendar entity has a to-many relationship to CalendarEntry.
When I change their calendarSelected attribute and then perform a NSFetchRequest to get CalendarEntry objects with the following predicate:
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"calendar.calendarSelected = YES"]
the calendar.calendarSelected does not seem to be seeing the change I made without me calling
[myManagedDocument saveToURL:myManagedDocument.fileURL forSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForOverwriting completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {}];
first. I read somewhere that fetching things from the same context should honor changes made to in that context even if the changes had not been written to the persistent store. What am I missing?
It appears to be happening when the calendarEvents relationships is a fault: calendarEvents = "<relationship fault: 0x91aec90 'calendarEvents'>"; but works when the relationship is not a fault.
If the issue occurs only on newly-inserted CalendarEntry objects pointed to by the to-many relationship, then it's possible that they don't yet have permanent object ids. This is easy to debug via just dumping the object id and checking to see if it's temporary or permanent.
I've seen this happen when the containing object in the to-many relationship is retained; it seems that so long as it is retained, the to-many contained objects in the relationship never get to a point wherein they obtain permanent ids. Somewhat easy to debug by putting the application in the background and restarting it; the backgrounding will typically force the UIManagedDocument to save, and things will start working as you expect thereafter, as the CalendarEntry entities will have been assigned permanent ids and thus will become fetchable.
So far as saving the UIManagedDocument, you don't have control over when that'll happen when using a UIManagedDocument. The best thing to do is schedule a save to occur in the future, via updateChangeCount:UIDocumentChangeDone, but again, it'll happen 'soon', but not deterministically, i.e., it's not possible to know when it'll happen.
To resolve the temporary vs. permanent object id issue, if that's what you're seeing, try the following category on NSManagedObjectContext; call it after you've completed inserting new CalendarEntry objects, in order to force the issue.
// Obtain permanent ids for any objects that have been inserted into
// this context.
// As of this writing (iOS 5.1), we need to manually obtain permanent
// ids for any inserted objects prior to a save being performed, or any
// objects that are currently retained, that have relationships to the
// inserted objects, won't be updated with permanent ids for the related
// objects when a save is performed unless the retained object is refetched.
// For many objects, that will never occur, so we need to force the issue.
- (BOOL)obtainPermanentIDsForInsertedObjects:(NSError **)error
NSSet * inserts = [self insertedObjects];
if ([inserts count] == 0) return YES;
return [self obtainPermanentIDsForObjects:[inserts allObjects]
Basically, after making any changes, you must either use an undo manager, or call [document updateChangeCount:UIDocumentChangeDone]; and THAT'S ALL! Any other "save" calls will just break something else down the line somewhere.
The canonical method of updating should be...
You know you are on main thread
NSManagedObjectContext *ctx = document.managedObjectContext;
// Do stuff with it
[document updateChangeCount:UIDocumentChangeDone];
You are on a different thread
[document.managedObjectContext performBlock:^{
// Do stuff with it on the main thread
[document updateChangeCount:UIDocumentChangeDone];
NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
moc.parentContext = document.managedObjectContext;
[moc performBlock:^{
// Do stuff with it on a background thread
// Push changes up to parent (which is the document's main MOC)
// The document will know it's dirty and save changes
[moc save:&error];
OR if you want to make changes in a background thread, without messing with the main document MOC, do them on the parent... the main MOC will not see them until the next fetch.
[document.parentContext.managedObjectContext performBlock:^{
// Do stuff with it on a background thread, but the main MOC does not
// see the changes until it does a fetch.
