I would like to call partials on some standard operations. I am using this method for calling the partial:
%li= link_to 'Delete Event', 'javascript:void(0);', :class => 'alert tiny button', :data => {'reveal-id' => :RevealDelete}
= render 'layouts/reveal_delete', :item => event_display(#event.event), :resource => #event
Then in my partial,
%a.close-reveal-modal ×
%h3= "Delete #{item}"
%p Are you sure you want to delete this?
=link_to "Delete #{item}", resource, :method => :delete, :remote => :true, :confirm => resource, :class => 'button close-reveal-modal'
%a.button.alert.close-reveal-modal Cancel
How can I have this has as something like:
link_to 'Delete', '#', :partial => 'layouts/delete', :remote => :true?
so that I only render that partial when clicked and not when the page loads?
You can do that with javascript like:
<%= link_to "Delete", delete_content_path, :remote => true %>
The action in your corresponding controller then will be this:
My Controller:
def delete_content
respond_to do |format|
Then you can create the delete_content.js.erb inside your correct directory of the link and there you put the following code:
$('#div_id').html("<%= render :partial => 'my_partial' %>");
Then in your view:
<div id = "div_id">
#this div is html div that will render your partial
Don't forget to put your partial _my_partial.html.erb in the same folder.
To add to the accepted answer, I only got it to work after changing the js portion to the following:
$('#div_id').html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'my_partial') %>");
Without the escape_javascript it was just rendering the partial in the background and not updating the view.
on the view do this:
link_to "Delete #{item}", '/model/confirm_deletion', :method => :delete, :remote => true #add the class and extra attributes if neeeded
on your controller
def confirm_deletion
and add a view to the confirm_deletion action in js
%a.close-reveal-modal ×
%h3= "Delete #{item}"
%p Are you sure you want to delete this?
=link_to "Delete #{item}", resource, :method => :delete, :remote => :true, :confirm => resource, :class => 'button close-reveal-modal'
%a.button.alert.close-reveal-modal Cancel
that would make an ajax request to load that custom confirmation dialog, maybe you want to add some wrapper to insert the dialog instead of using body.append
I am implementing comments in Rails 4 application.
I want to create comment and delete comment to work remotely with Ajax.
It works fine except the delete link for a newly added comment doesn't work.
What is the best way of making delete link work for a newly created item?
/views/posts/ show.html.haml
%h1= #post.name
%h2 Comments
= render 'comments/form', comment: #comment
= render 'comments/comment', :collection => #post.comments, :as => :comment
= simple_form_for comment, :remote => true do |f|
= f.input :body, :input_html => { :rows => "2" }, :label => false
= f.button :submit, :class => "btn btn-primary"
= link_to "Destroy", comment_path(comment), :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete, remote: true, :class=>'link_comment_delete'
$('#comments li[data-id=<%=#comment.id%>]').hide();
$("#comments").append("<li><%= escape_javascript render #comment %></li>");
// ??? what to write here to make Delete link work
I've had the same exact situation, and ended up re-thinking the delete view by using .closest instead of biding to data-id, so you can do something like:
$("a.link_comment_delete").on('ajax:complete',function(e) {
$(this).closest('div.comment.body [or whatever class / id you are using]').fadeOut(100)
I need to make a button to destroy object.
Instead of destroy it shows fields
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/glossy_green_button.png"), device , { :html => { :method => :delete}, :controller => :devices, :action => 'destroy',:id => device.id, :onclick => 'return confirm(\'Are you sure?\');' }, :method => :turnon %>
def destroy
#device = Device.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render action: "destroy" }
format.json { head :no_content }
device GET /devices/:id(.:format) devices#show
PUT /devices/:id(.:format) devices#update
DELETE /devices/:id(.:format) devices#destroy
Appreciate any ideas what I got wrong.
Thank you
<%= button_to "Delete", device , :method => :delete %>
this works fine
Which version of Rails are you using? Why your link_to method calling is so complex? It can be simply re-written. Try the following one:
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/glossy_green_button.png"), device , :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure?"
Destructive actions should be performed as a form submission - http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/whenToUseGet.html#checklist
use button_to (passing a :method of :delete) instead and style the button appropriately.
or Try this <%= button_to "delete", your_object, :method=>:delete, :class=>:destroy %>
I have the following on my index file
<%= button_to '', line_items_path(:product_id => product), :remote => 'true', :class => 'addbasketbtn' %>
However I can not add this to the Show page it give me an error.
Am I doing something wrong here ?
I guess in your controller you have
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
In your view just replace product with instance variable #product
<%= button_to '', line_items_path(:product_id => #product), :remote => 'true', :class => 'addbasketbtn' %>
I have the following bit of code in my views:
- if admin?
Administrator options:
= link_to 'Edit This Post', edit_post_path(#post)
= link_to 'Delete This Post', #post, :method => 'delete', :confirm => 'Are you sure?'
I find that I use this same basic snippet a lot, but sometimes with different resources, and sometimes with more than one resource on a page. I'd like to extract this into a partial to DRY it up, but I need to write is so it could work with local or instance variables for any model. For instance, I need it to work with:
#post, post, #page, page
How do you do that?
You can cleanly write your partial to be independent of the given object:
- if admin?
Administrator options:
= link_to 'Edit', [:edit, object]
= link_to 'Delete', object, :method => 'delete', :confirm => 'Are you sure?'
And then you could do something like
render :partial => 'shared/admin_link', :locals => { :object => #post }
You can commit a variable to a partial using the :object or the :collection options in the render method. The :object option passes a single object to the partial that can contain anything. The :collection option is used to pass an Array of Objects that must be from the same Class.
For example you have your #post and pass it to the partial like this
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/my_partial', :object => #post, :as => :my_local_var %>
Then you can access the object by calling my_local_var in the partial. Using :collection is slightly different but you can read it on your own here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html
A Problem will be the usage of one partial in different Classes because of the routes names. Then you cant use the edit_modelname_path(#instance_var) you must use the routes Hash { :controller => params[:controller], :action => 'edit' } in the link_to method!
// For Link creation wihout params[:controller] :
Its just an Idea I didnt do this before but you can try this for example:
You render the partial and use :object => #instancevar, :as => :my_local_var you can use the following line for dynamic link creation:
<%= link_to "link text", { :controller => my_local_var.class.to_s.pluralize.downcase, :action => 'edit', :id => my_local_var.id } %>
Then you dont depend on the params[:controller] but are able to link to the vars edit link.
I've ran into a ror problem using the link_to. Why does my link to use the GET method and my button_to use the POST method, after I specified my "method"=>"post" within the link_to parameters?
<%= button_to "pdf", :action => 'getquote' %>
<%= link_to 'pdf', {:controller => 'inventories', :action => 'getquote', :method => :post } %>
Controller Method:
def getquote
#cart = find_cart
respond_to do |format|
Terminal Output (Button/Link, respectively):
Processing InventoriesController#getquote (for at 2010-01-30 01:38:02) [POST]
Parameters: {"action"=>"getquote", "authenticity_token"=>"D2cwnHyTHgomdUM3wXBBXlOe4NQLmv1Srn0paLbExpQ=", "controller"=>"inventories"}
Processing InventoriesController#show (for at 2010-01-30 01:39:07) [GET]
Parameters: {"method"=>"post", "action"=>"show", "id"=>"getquote", "controller"=>"inventories"}
I think your html options have to be in a separate hash from your url options:
<%= link_to 'pdf', {:controller => 'inventories', :action => 'getquote'}, {:method => :post } %>
I looked all over for a proper example, with no luck. For my code, I've mostly given up and just use the new style:
<%= link_to 'Delete', custom_event, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
Might be useful for someone who is visiting :)
By default, button_to performs POST action only.
to do make a GET the syntax is as follows:
<%= button_to 'pdf', { :action => 'getquote'}, :method => :get %>
One possibility is that you have Javascript disabled, in which case it will fall back to a GET.