Getting state for system wide notifications in iOS and OS X - ios

I am trying to write a code which will handle turning on/off screen on iOS (You can take a look at this question where similar problem is discussed). I included OSX tag for this question, because OSX has the same system wide notification facility. And the problem described below is inherit to the notifications facility (vs to iOS or OSX).
There is well known method of registering for system wide notification to receive notifications when the screen is turned off or on.
Just for references (here are the API which are used for registering for system wide notifications):
notify_post, notify_check_ notify_get_state and friends
CFNotificationCenterPostNotification, CFNotificationCenterAddObserver and friends (which uses notify_post and etc internally)
However, there are two interrelated problems with this approach:
Notifications for both screen turning off and on come with the same name (
Observer doesn't receive a state as part of the notification.
So, as result we need to implement some solution which will differ screen turning on and off (since the same notification callback will be called and none of parameters will have a state).
Generally speaking, the core problem that the state is decoupled from notification callback. I don't see how to handle this gracefully.
I come up with two straightforward approaches (each of them are flawed). And looking for ideas of another approaches or improvements over this approach.
Counting solution
We can implement a counter which counts how many notification we already received and based on this information we will know whether it's notification for turning screen on or off (based on oddity of our counter).
However, it has two downsides:
1) In the case, if the system (for unknown in design time reason) will send additional notifications with the same name, our logic will be screwed, because it will break oddity check.
2) Also, we need to set initial state correctly. So somewhere in the code we will have something like that:
counter = getInitialState();
In this case we have one race condition. If system will send notification and change the state after we did getInitialState(), but before registerForNotification() we will end up with wrong counter value.
If we will do following code:
counter = getInitialState();
In this case we have another race condition. If system will send notification and change the state after we did registerForNotification(), but before getInitialState(), we will get a counter, will enter notification callback and will increase a counter (which will make it wrong).
Determining state when notification received solution
In this case, we don't store any counter, but rather use API notify_get_state in notification callback to get current state.
This has it's own problem:
1) Notification delivered to the application asynchronously. So, as result if you turn off and on screen really fast, you can receive both notifications when the screen was already on. So, notify_check will get a current state (vs the state at the moment when notification was send).
As result, when the application will use notify_get_state in notification callback it will determine that there was two notification "screen was turned on", instead of one notification "screen was turned off" and another "screen was turned on".
P.S. Generally speaking, all described problems aren't specific to screen on/off case. They are actual for any system wide notifications which has distinctive states and send with the same notification name.
Update 1
I didn't test exactly scenario with turning screen on/off very fast and getting the same results from notify_get_state().
However, I have kind-of similar scenario when I received two notifications (subscribed through CFNotificationCenterAddObserver) and I used another API to get a current device locked status and received the same values for both notifications.
So it's only my assumption that notify_get_state would return same values too. However, I think it's educated guess. The input parameter for notify_get_state will be the same for two calls (it doesn't change). And I don't think that system stores FIFO queue of states which should be returned by notify_get_state.

So, I built a very simple experiment. I ran this on a jailbroken iOS 6.1 iPhone 5, outside the debugger.
I built a consumer app, with the following code:
#define EVENT ""
- (void)registerForNotifications {
int result = notify_register_dispatch(EVENT,
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0l),
^(int info) {
uint64_t state;
notify_get_state(notifyToken, &state);
NSLog(#"notify_register_dispatch() : %d", (int)state);
if (result != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) {
NSLog(#"register failure = %d", result);
CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter(), //center
NULL, // observer
notifyCallback, // callback
CFSTR(EVENT), // event name
NULL, // object
static void notifyCallback(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef userInfo) {
uint64_t state;
notify_get_state(notifyToken, &state);
NSLog(#"notifyCallback(): %d", (int)state);
So, as you see, it uses two different methods to register for the same custom event. I startup this app, let it register for the event, then put it into the background (home button press).
Then, the producer app, which lets me generate the event with a button press:
double delayInSeconds = 0.001;
dispatch_queue_t q = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0l);
dispatch_async(q, ^(void) {
notify_set_state(notifyToken, 2);
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, q, ^(void){
notify_set_state(notifyToken, 3);
I then ran the producer app, manually generating a pair of events about every two seconds. As you can see, the producer quickly posts the event with a state of 2, and then immediately posts another event with a state of 3. So, the consumer should print out 2 then 3, for both callback methods, if this is working perfectly. It does not (as you feared):
Feb 13 21:46:12 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:12 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:12 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:12 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:18 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:18 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:18 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:18 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:22 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:22 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:22 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:22 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:26 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:46:26 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:26 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:26 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:30 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:30 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:30 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:30 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:33 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:33 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:33 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:33 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:46:36 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:46:36 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:36 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:46:36 iPhone5 MyApp[1971] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
I tried changing one consumer registration method to use CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorCoalesce (instead of delivering immediately). Results:
Feb 13 21:48:17 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:17 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:17 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:17 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:20 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:20 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:20 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:20 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:24 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:24 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:48:24 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:24 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:29 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:29 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:29 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:29 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:32 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:32 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:48:32 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:32 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:35 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:35 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:48:35 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:35 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:38 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:38 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:48:38 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:38 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:48:39 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:48:39 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:39 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:48:39 iPhone5 MyApp[1990] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
I then tried changing the queue priority of the notify_register_dispatch() consumer to high, instead of background priority. Results:
Feb 13 21:49:51 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:49:51 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:49:51 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:49:51 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:49:53 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:49:53 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:49:53 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:49:53 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:49:55 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:49:55 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:49:55 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:49:55 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:49:59 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:49:59 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:49:59 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:49:59 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:50:01 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:50:01 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:01 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:01 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:50:04 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:50:04 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:50:04 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:04 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:50:06 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:50:06 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:50:06 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:06 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:50:09 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:50:09 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 2
Feb 13 21:50:09 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:09 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Feb 13 21:50:10 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 2
Feb 13 21:50:10 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:10 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notify_register_dispatch() : 3
Feb 13 21:50:10 iPhone5 MyApp[2006] <Warning>: notifyCallback(): 3
Conclusions (?)
There is a problem as you suspected, and it's not just with the SBGetScreenLockStatus call. Sometimes, the consumer never saw the state set to 2.
If I increased the producer time delay to 5 msec, I never saw the problem. So, this may only be an issue for events really close in time. Screen lock / unlock probably isn't a big deal. Obviously, slower phones (iPhone < 5) will respond differently.
The static notifyCallback() method seemed to get called back first, unless the GCD callback block was put on the high priority queue. Even then, usually the static callback function was called first. Many times, the first method called back got the correct state (2), while the second one did not. So, if you have to live with the problem, you might choose the callback mechanism that seemed to perform best (or at least, prototype this yourself, inside your app).
I can't say that the suspensionBehavior parameter made much difference. That said, depending on how iOS is posting the events, they may be using a call like CFNotificationCenterPostNotification that may ignore the consumers' behavior request.
If you look at this Apple document, you'll see two things.
First, notify_set_state was not part of the very original API
Second, the very first paragraph in that document says
Darwin Notification API Reference
These routines allow processes to exchange stateless notification
So, maybe we're just trying to do something that's not consistent with the original design :(
If you also look at Apple's NotificationPoster example, you see that they don't use notify_get_state and notify_set_state to convey state. They pass it with the notification as a user info dictionary. Obviously, if you're observing Apple's iOS events, you have no control over how the events are posted. But, in apps where you get to create the producer and consumer, I'd stay away from notify_set_state.


iOS 14.1 showing RSSI of 19 randomly

Since updating to iOS 14.1 my iPhone has randomly showed a BLE device with RSSI of positive 19. A positive RSSI isn't possible, and I've never seen it before until iOS 14.1. I know 127 is a hardcoded values for "none" in the BLE reference. Does anyone know what 19 is or why my iPhone is reporting positive RSSI values?
Here is a list of random reading:
So my BLE device regularly reports about -70 to -80, but then randomly 19.
From looking through iOS sysdiagnose logs I see that bluetoothd logs a message of a new "rssi level is 19" before reporting to my app the RSSI:
Nov 4 17:36:24 bluetoothd[506] <Notice>: Applying RSSI offset of 0 to 27, new rssi level is 19
Nov 4 17:36:24 bluetoothd[506] <Notice>: Applying RSSI offset of 0 to -74, new rssi level is -74
Nov 4 17:36:24 bluetoothd[506] <Notice>: Matched UUID 6712B74E-8D81-465E-8E07-09C1923C11C6 for device "<private>"
Nov 4 17:36:24 bluetoothd[506] <Notice>: Matched UUID 6712B74E-8D81-465E-8E07-09C1923C11C6 for device "<private>"
Nov 4 17:36:24 MyApp(MyAppLibrary)[4380] <Notice>: [HomeViewController:801] Discovered 6712B74E-8D81-465E-8E07-09C1923C11C6 19
Nov 4 17:36:24 MyApp(MyAppLibrary)[4380] <Notice>: [HomeViewController:801] Discovered 6712B74E-8D81-465E-8E07-09C1923C11C6 -74

How to QUERY a Spreadsheet by Row value

I Have a table in my spreadsheet like this
10 14 7 13
12 9 8 19
15 11 14 16
And I want to use this info in another table. What I want to accomplish is in this another table compare two months by getting this info with the name of the month.
10 7
12 8
15 14
What I did was
=QUERY(AnotherTable!1:1001; "SELECT * WHERE Row2 = 'FEB'")
But it didn't seems to work.
Any thoughts?
You might be able to use a FILTER formula instead:
or to return both months:
Use TRANSPOSE built-in function two times, the first to flip the source data, the second to flip the result, and instead of referencing rows, the formula should reference columns.
The resulting formula is
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(A:D),"Select * where Col1='FEB' OR Col1='APR'"))
Applying the above formula to the following source data
10 14 7 13
12 9 8 19
15 11 14 16
will return the following result
10 7
12 8
15 14

Heroku, Oink and R14 errors. Can one line of code need 70MB of memory?

I've been somewhat concerned at the number of R14 errors I'm getting on Heroku recently.
I don't know if this has anything to do with using Unicorn. Or having recently installed New Relic or Logentries. I really can't work it out.
I have "installed" Oink and have just received the following analysis but have no read idea how to fully understand what it's trying to tell me.
Worst Requests:
1. Nov 13 02:53:51, 70836 KB, messages#getmessagecount
2. Nov 13 02:03:04, 65836 KB, messages#getmessagecount
3. Nov 13 02:21:46, 60236 KB, messages#getmessagecount
4. Nov 13 01:32:47, 6328 KB, messages#deletemessage
5. Nov 13 01:33:43, 6328 KB, locations#sendprofiles
6. Nov 13 01:32:56, 6328 KB, messages#deletemessage
7. Nov 13 01:32:58, 6328 KB, messages#deletemessage
8. Nov 13 01:32:49, 6328 KB, messages#deletemessage
9. Nov 13 01:47:46, 5300 KB, messages#getmessagecount
10. Nov 13 03:09:56, 5300 KB, messages#getmessagecount
Worst Actions:
9, messages#deletemessage
7, messages#getmessagecount
1, locations#sendprofiles
1, photos#photodatarequest
1, messages#getmessages
Aggregated Totals:
Action Max Mean Min Total Number of requests
messages#getmessagecount 70836 29814 464 208700 7
messages#deletemessage 6328 3016 180 27144 9
locations#sendprofiles 6328 6328 6328 6328 1
photos#photodatarequest 460 460 460 460 1
messages#getmessages 300 300 300 300 1
I'm concerned, as a layman, that my message#getmessagecount is eating a LOT of memory. Is that what the above means?
If so ... the routine is simply:
def getmessagecount
#messagecount = Message.where(recipient: current_user, messageSysMessCode: 0, messageAdminMessage: false).count
And I have no idea how this could be "leaking" memory.
The graph of memory usage on Heroku over the last day looks like:
I'm using Ruby 2.1.4 and Rails 4.1.7 if that's any help. I'm using two Web dynos and one Worker.
Oh ... and my delete message routine is:
def deletemessage
#message = Message.where(recipient_id:, id: params[:messageID]).first
if (#message)
#code = "OK"
#code = "Couldn't delete message"
This is killing my performance (if that's the right thing to say) every 3 hours or so. I have no idea why this is ramping up every 10 minutes (which I hopefully infer from reading the graph). 10 minutes might be significant as I have an iPhone app which is polling the getmessagecount routine every 10 mins with a single test app. I can only wonder what will happen if 10 copies of the app (or 1,000's) start hitting the server?
Any help would be very deeply appreciated.

VLCMobileKit iOS crash on screen lock on iPhone 4

I am facing a strange issue in MobileVLCKit for iOS.I am playing RTSP links in my app. I have set the flag to play audio and video in background to true in my app. So when the app goes in background the video playing in my VLC player keeps playing without any problem.
But on iPhone 4 (with iOS 7.0.4) when I lock the screen of my iPhone when the video is playing, the app crashes without showing any logs. Strange thing is that if I send the app in background by pressing home button then the app doesn't crash. The issue is only on iPhone 4 and not on iPhone 5.
Have somebody come across such issue before?
Bellow is device crash log:
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI kernel[0] <Debug>: 019323.846533 wlan.A[400] AppleBCMWLANNetManager::updateLinkQualityMetrics(): Report LQM to User Land 100, fAverageRSSI -69
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI kernel[0] <Debug>: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1c8)
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI kernel[0] <Debug>: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 0
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI backboardd[28] <Notice>: Posting '' notifyState=0
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI SpringBoard[34] <Warning>: [MPUNowPlayingController] Not registered for now playing notifications. Ignoring call to -unregisterForNotifications.
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI backboardd[28] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 0->255
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI MyApp[817] <Warning>: log: applicationWillResignActive
May 27 03:18:41 My-iPhone-VI MyApp[817] <Warning>: log: applicationDidEnterBackground
May 27 03:18:42 My-iPhone-VI profiled[818] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
May 27 03:18:42 My-iPhone-VI ReportCrash[819] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 817
May 27 03:18:43 My-iPhone-VI ReportCrash[819] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process MyApp[817]
May 27 03:18:43 My-iPhone-VI[1] (UIKitApplication:com.My.MyApp[0x19d8][817]) <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.My.MyApp[0x19d8]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
May 27 03:18:43 My-iPhone-VI backboardd[28] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.My.MyApp[0x19d8]' exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11
May 27 03:18:43 My-iPhone-VI mediaserverd[46] <Warning>: Encountered an XPC error while communicating with backboardd: <error: 0x3cd9f744> { count = 1, contents =
"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x3cd9f9dc> { length = 22, contents = "Connection interrupted" }
May 27 03:18:43 My-iPhone-VI ReportCrash[819] <Notice>: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MyApp_2014-05-27-031842_My-iPhone-VI.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
May 27 03:18:53 My-iPhone-VI profiled[818] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
Below is the stack trace taken in method didEnterBackground:
Stack trace : (
0 MyApp 0x0010a191 -[MyAppAppDelegate applicationDidEnterBackground:] + 76
1 UIKit 0x2fc85543 <redacted> + 590
2 UIKit 0x2fc06ae1 <redacted> + 764
3 UIKit 0x2fc06721 <redacted> + 72
4 UIKit 0x2fc6bb3d <redacted> + 664
5 GraphicsServices 0x320a270d <redacted> + 608
6 GraphicsServices 0x320a22f7 <redacted> + 34
7 CoreFoundation 0x2d4599df <redacted> + 34
8 CoreFoundation 0x2d45997b <redacted> + 346
9 CoreFoundation 0x2d45814f <redacted> + 1398
10 CoreFoundation 0x2d3c2c27 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 522
11 CoreFoundation 0x2d3c2a0b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106
12 GraphicsServices 0x320a1283 GSEventRunModal + 138
13 UIKit 0x2fc66049 UIApplicationMain + 1136
14 MyApp 0x001078e9 main + 116
15 libdyld.dylib 0x37d26ab7 <redacted> + 2
You need to disable video decoding prior to entering the background state. Otherwise, MobileVLCKit will try to draw OpenGL contents in the background which will be prevented by the OS by terminating the app.
You can disable video decoding by setting the current video track on your media player instance to -1. Once your app is moved to the foreground again, switch it back to the currently decoded video track (so you should cache it if your stream includes more than one video track).
When disabling video decoding, audio decoding is not affected and will continue just fine. This approach also got the benefit of saving CPU load and battery.. ;)
This is how VLC for iOS works, too. :)
i think You need to disable video decoding prior to entering the background state,this will work for sure this is major thing Apple says that a fix for the home screen crashes is coming also you can read here more How to take a screenshot on iphone without using lock button

rails 3 - given XXX.created_at - How to output the 3 digit month + Day

Give a model.created_at
I've been able to use:
<%="#{time_ago_in_words(model.created_at)} ago "%>
What is the helper to output something like
Oct 8
Sep 23
Aug 31
Jul 11
Bonus points, if it outputs like above, but for any records that were created today (not 24hrs ago but today). it shows the time, example:
Oct 8
Sep 23
Aug 31
Jul 11
How about a helper method like:
def formated_date(date)
if date >
return date.strftime("%l:%M%p")
date.strftime("%b %d")
