How to capture command not found with popen4 - ruby-on-rails

I'm using popen4 to capture stdout, stderr, and the exit status of a command line. I'm not tied to popen4 as long as I can capture those 3 things above. Currently I've not found a good way to capture command not found errors. I could do a which cmd in a pre-task I suppose, but hoping for something built in.
Below you can run a good task, bad task, and a fake task to see the differences. I'm doing this in a fresh rails new app with the popen4 gem
#!/usr/bin/env rake
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
require 'open4'
# returns exit status 0, all is good
task :convert_good do
puts "convert good"
status = Open4.popen4("convert logo3w.png output.jpg") do |pid, stdin,stdout,stderr|
puts "stdout:"
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "stderr: #{stderr.inspect}"
stderr.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "status: #{status.inspect}"
puts "exit: #{status.exitstatus}"
# returns exit status 1, we messed up our command
task :convert_bad do
puts "convert bad"
status = Open4.popen4("convert logo3w-asdfasdf.png output.jpg") do |pid, stdin,stdout,stderr|
puts "stdout:"
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "stderr: #{stderr.inspect}"
stderr.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "status: #{status.inspect}"
puts "exit: #{status.exitstatus}"
# I want this to return exit code 127 for command not found
task :convert_none do
puts "convert bad"
status = Open4.popen4("convert_not_installed") do |pid, stdin,stdout,stderr|
puts "stdout:"
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "stderr: #{stderr.inspect}"
#it doesnt like stderr in this case
#stderr.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "status: #{status.inspect}"
puts "exit: #{status.exitstatus}"
Here are the 3 local outputs
# good
stderr: #<IO:fd 11>
status: #<Process::Status: pid 17520 exit 0>
exit: 0
# bad arguments
convert bad
stderr: #<IO:fd 11>
convert: unable to open image `logo3w-asdfasdf.png': No such file or directory # blob.c/OpenBlob/2480.
convert: unable to open file `logo3w-asdfasdf.png' # png.c/ReadPNGImage/2889.
convert: missing an image filename `output.jpg' # convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2800.
status: #<Process::Status: pid 17568 exit 1>
exit: 1
# fake command not found, but returns exit 1 and stderr has no lines
convert bad
stderr: #<IO:fd 11>
status: #<Process::Status: pid 17612 exit 1>
exit: 1

A couple of points first.
You're not actually using the popen4 gem - which is a wrapper around the open4 gem (if you're running on a Unix system, at least) - you're using the open4 gem directly. If you wanted to use popen4, you'd call it like this:
status = POpen4.popen4('cmd') do |stdout, stderr, stdin, pid|
# ...
The popen4 method ultimately executes the specified command via the Kernel#exec method, and the behaviour of that depends on whether it determines the given command should be run in a shell or not. (You can see, but it's not terribly helpful. The source code is a better bet.)
For example:
> fork { exec "wibble" }
=> 1570
> (irb):56:in `exec': No such file or directory - wibble (Errno::ENOENT)
from (irb):56:in `irb_binding'
from (irb):56:in `fork'
from (irb):56:in `irb_binding'
from /Users/evilrich/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2011.03/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'
from :0
Here, exec was trying to execute the non-existent command 'wibble' directly - hence the exception.
> fork { exec "wibble &2>1" }
=> 1572
> sh: wibble: command not found
Here, exec saw I was using redirection and so executed my command in a shell. The difference? I get an error on STDERR and no exception. You can also force a shell to be used by specifying that in the command to be executed:
> fork { exec "sh -c 'wibble -abc -def'" }
Anyway, understanding the behaviour of Kernel#exec may help in getting the popen4 method to behave the way you want it to.
To answer your question, if I use the popen4 gem and construct the command in such a way that (by exec's rules) it'll get run in a shell or if I use "sh -c ..." in the command myself, then I get the kind of behaviour I think you are looking for:
> status = POpen4.popen4("sh -c 'wibble -abc -def'") {|stdout, stderr, stdin, pid| puts "Pid: #{pid}"}
Pid: 1663
=> #<Process::Status: pid=1663,exited(127)>
> puts status.exitstatus
Interesting. Open4.popen will also return a 127 exit status if you read from stderr. So, there's no need to use the popen gem.
> status = Open4.popen4("sh -c 'wibble -abc -def'") {|pid, stdin, stdout, stderr| }
=> #<Process::Status: pid 1704 exit 127>


Vitis IDE invalid arguments

I'm trying to create a boot image with TCL script on xsct console. But getting error. I couldn't find where I made a mistake. I couldn't find any results in Xilinx's documents and other forums.
ERROR: source /home/nmi/Desktop/load.tcl
Invalid arguments, name or processor not specified
setws /home/nmi/workspace
platform active zc702
app create -name fsbl -hw /home/nmi/Desktop/projeHDF/base_zynq_wrapper.xsa proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone -template {Zynq FSBL}
app build -name fsbl
exec bootgen -arch zynq -image /home/nmi/workspace/FSBL_system/_ide/bootimage/FSBL_system.bif -w -o BOOT.bin
Assuming you've given us the content of the file in question, the initial issue is that we don't know which command is throwing the error. Tcl does know that information and reports it in the error-info stack trace, but the code that runs the source is ignoring that stuff and only saying the immediate error message.
We can fix that.
What we want to do is to wrap some extra code around the outside. If you're using Tcl 8.6 inside there, you can do this easily:
try {
# The original code in the file goes in here
} on error {msg opts} {
puts stderr "ERROR: $msg"
# Let's put a nice double underline next
puts stderr [string repeat "=" [string length "ERROR: $msg"]]
# And now, we print out the error info stack trace
puts stderr [dict get $opts -errorinfo]
# Raise the error again; this isn't the properly right way to do it, but it works
# and the stuff that gets lost is about to be thrown away by the caller
error $msg
With 8.5, you'd instead do:
if {[catch {
# The original code in the file goes in here
} msg]} then {
puts stderr "ERROR: $msg"
# Let's put a nice double underline next
puts stderr [string repeat "=" [string length "ERROR: $msg"]]
# And now, we print out the error info stack trace
puts stderr $::errorInfo
# Raise the error again
error $msg
Once you know which command is failing, you can look up what the command requires and figure out how things are going wrong.
Here's the full example of what I mean.
try {
setws /home/nmi/workspace
platform active zc702
app create -name fsbl -hw /home/nmi/Desktop/projeHDF/base_zynq_wrapper.xsa proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone -template {Zynq FSBL}
app build -name fsbl
exec bootgen -arch zynq -image /home/nmi/workspace/FSBL_system/_ide/bootimage/FSBL_system.bif -w -o BOOT.bin
} on error {msg opts} {
puts stderr "ERROR: $msg"
puts stderr [string repeat "=" [string length "ERROR: $msg"]]
puts stderr [dict get $opts -errorinfo]
error $msg

How to check if PDF, DOC or DOCX file is password protected in Ruby?

Is there a way through which I can identify if the file that has been uploaded by the user is password protected? We have a scenario where we do not want our users to upload password protected files in our app that's built on Ruby on Rails.
File types will either be PDF or a Word Document (DOC or DOCX)
I don't know of any Ruby library that can be used for that kind of task.
But you may call external tools like docx2txt and pdftotext from Ruby code. For encrypted files calling these tools results in printing message to STDERR and returning non-zero exit code.
Let's have a look at this demo code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
file_names = ARGV
command = ""
file_names.each do |file_name|
case file_name
when /.\.pdf$/i
command = "pdftotext #{file_name} -"
when /.\.docx$/i
command = "docx2txt #{file_name} -"
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command)
puts "command: #{command}"
puts "stdout: #{stdout}"
puts "stderr: #{stderr}"
puts "status: #{status}"
I created four files for pdf and docx with self explanatory names: pass.docx, pass.pdf, no_pass.docx, no_pass.pdf and executed above script:
./tester.rb pass.pdf pass.docx no_pass.pdf no_pass.docx
command: pdftotext pass.pdf -
stderr: Command Line Error: Incorrect password
status: pid 5856 exit 1
command: docx2txt pass.docx -
stderr: Failed to extract required information from <pass.docx>!
status: pid 5860 exit 2
command: pdftotext no_pass.pdf -
stdout: Hello world.
status: pid 5866 exit 0
command: docx2txt no_pass.docx -
stdout: Hello world.
status: pid 5870 exit 0
At least for PDF you can determine if a file is password protected if you call pdftotext without providing a valid password (specified with -upw argument). Just watch for Command Line Error: Incorrect password stderr message.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a tool for docx that returns an unambiguous error message in that case - there might be other reasons why docx2txt fails to convert file with Failed to extract required information from <pass.docx>! message and that will require further investigation.

Redirect Output to stderr

I want to redirect my output to stderr. I have a cron job
function auth_tester {
cd /data/$1/current && bundle exec rake 'authentication:tester' 1> /dev/null
which calls a rake task
namespace :authentication do
desc "Automatically runs authentication tester and notifies in case of failure"
task :tester => :environment do
auth_tester_results = AuthenticationTester.perform
exit(auth_tester_results.success? ? 0 : 1)
If the 'auth_tester_results' boolean is a false I want to redirect the output to stderr. How can it be done?
Since you are already dealing with shell, do it in shell:
function auth_tester {
cd /data/$1/current && \
bundle exec rake 'authentication:tester' >/dev/null 2>&1
# HERE: ⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑
stderr has an id = 2, and we are redirecting stdout to /dev/null, and stderr to stdout, eventually redirecting it to /dev/null.
To redirect stdout to stderr, use the opposite:
To redirect the output from ruby, one uses proper receiver with IO#puts:
$stderr.puts "Goes to stderr"
Sending output to STDERR can be done via print or puts. Here I opt to send to STDERR rather than $stderr, but this will work for either:
STDERR.puts 'my message here'
If you'd like to change the exit status of your Ruby script (to show the script did not finish successfully, for example) you can use exit with a parameter of false:
To both send output to STDERR and return an unsuccessful exit status, you can use abort:
abort 'my message here'
For additional information, ref this article from

how to use linux 'mail' command from a ruby file to send a mail?

In the below code, I have to send an e-mail on the status of the process whether it is completed, error out or timed out...
def check_for_forecasts
wait_until_time = + timeout.minutes
loop do "Checking if process has finished"
if find_token != 0
update_completion_status "Process has finished"
elsif find_error != 0
update_timed_out_field "Process has errored"
elsif > wait_until_time
update_timed_out_field "Process has timed out"
else "Waiting for Process to finish"
sleep(60) # if it hasn't completed then wait 1 min and try again.
In general, we use linux 'mail' command only in .sh files not in the .rb files. Below is how we write the 'mail' command to send mails in .sh files.
mail -s "the process has been finished"<<EOM
The process has finished successfully.
Is there any way to use the simple mail command in the .rb file? Or do I have to install any gems for the same?
Please Help.
Thank you.
A really ugly but useful way to do the same from ruby:
to = ""
subject = "the process has been finished"
content = "The process has finished successfully."
`mail -s "#{subject}" #{to}<<EOM
You can use backticks in Ruby to run command line instructions. So what you would want is something like:
`mail -s "the process has been finished"<<EOM
The process has finished successfully.

Capistrano & Bash: ignore command exit status

I'm using Capistrano run a remote task. My task looks like this:
task :my_task do
run "my_command"
My problem is that if my_command has an exit status != 0, then Capistrano considers it failed and exits. How can I make capistrano keep going when exit when the exit status is not 0? I've changed my_command to my_command;echo and it works but it feels like a hack.
The simplest way is to just append true to the end of your command.
task :my_task do
run "my_command"
task :my_task do
run "my_command; true"
For Capistrano 3, you can (as suggested here) use the following:
execute "", raise_on_non_zero_exit: false
The +grep+ command exits non-zero based on what it finds. In the use case where you care about the output but don't mind if it's empty, you'll discard the exit state silently:
run %Q{bash -c 'grep #{escaped_grep_command_args} ; true' }
Normally, I think the first solution is just fine -- I'd make it document itself tho:
cmd = "my_command with_args escaped_correctly"
run %Q{bash -c '#{cmd} || echo "Failed: [#{cmd}] -- ignoring."'}
You'll need to patch the Capistrano code if you want it to do different things with the exit codes; it's hard-coded to raise an exception if the exit status is not zero.
Here's the relevant portion of lib/capistrano/command.rb. The line that starts with if (failed... is the important one. Basically it says if there are any nonzero return values, raise an error.
# Processes the command in parallel on all specified hosts. If the command
# fails (non-zero return code) on any of the hosts, this will raise a
# Capistrano::CommandError.
def process!
loop do
break unless process_iteration { #channels.any? { |ch| !ch[:closed] } }
logger.trace "command finished" if logger
if (failed = { |ch| ch[:status] != 0 }).any?
commands = failed.inject({}) { |map, ch| (map[ch[:command]] ||= []) << ch[:server]; map }
message = { |command, list| "#{command.inspect} on #{list.join(',')}" }.join("; ")
error ="failed: #{message}")
error.hosts = commands.values.flatten
raise error
I find the easiest option to do this:
run "my_command || :"
Notice: : is the NOP command so the exit code will simply be ignored.
I just redirect STDERR and STDOUT to /dev/null, so your
run "my_command"
run "my_command > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"
this works for standard unix tools pretty well, where, say, cp or ln could fail, but you don't want to halt deployment on such a failure.
I not sure what version they added this code but I like handling this problem by using raise_on_non_zero_exit
namespace :invoke do
task :cleanup_workspace do
on release_roles(:app), in: :parallel do
execute 'sudo /etc/cron.daily/cleanup_workspace', raise_on_non_zero_exit: false
Here is where that feature is implemented in the gem.
