How to use swagger with OAuth API? - swagger

Is it possible to use swagger as a documentation/testing tool for APIs that use OAuth2? I don't see anything on the swagger site (or anywhere else for that matter). Every usage I've seen uses either an API key, HTTP basic, or cookies.

I have been working along the same lines. Swagger will accept any header or URL defined api key or token. Adding a validation helper to the api and app is a standard approach.
Oauth does require a HTML review and or login to start the handshake aouth process. This means that a swagger api will need to support a web interface for a standard login and scope acceptance. Rolling oauth into swagger results in a few logic loops, which long term are not easy to support.
A different approach we are exploring is the option to let the api handle and store access tokens for a number of different oauth providers; GitHub, twitter and Facebook. This might result in login loops as well.

late to the party here but oAuth support is now in 1.3.0-RC1 of swagger-core. The javascript library which can support oAuth was released yesterday in swagger-js. Finally, the swagger-ui is in develop phase, and will soon have a oAuth implicit and server flow.

the blog´s post cited by #fehguy shows an example of java code to include the authorization data in json generated by swagger, however my question was where it should be included with app with Spring, JAXRS and CXF. I didn´t find it in CXF + JAXRS Sample :
However, looking for a bit more and gotcha !
Is necessary include a Bean with a class called Bootstrap (extends HttpServlet) and a static block !
Opinion: Maybe it would be more “spring-friendly” loaded from annotations by SwaggerConfig Scanner in Rest class instead a static block in a servlet.

public class SwaggerConfiguration {
#DependsOn("jaxRsServer") //org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server bean
public ServletContextInitializer initializer() {
return new ServletContextInitializer() {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
BeanConfig scanner = (BeanConfig) ScannerFactory.getScanner();
Swagger swagger = scanner.getSwagger();
servletContext.setAttribute("swagger", swagger);
public Feature swaggerFeature() {
XSwagger2Feature feature = new XSwagger2Feature();
return feature;
public FilterRegistrationBean swaggerApiFilter() {
ApiOriginFilter filter = new ApiOriginFilter();
FilterRegistrationBean registrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registrationBean;
public static class XSwagger2Feature extends Swagger2Feature {
protected void addSwaggerResource(Server server) {
BeanConfig scanner = (BeanConfig) ScannerFactory.getScanner();
Swagger swagger = scanner.getSwagger();
swagger.securityDefinition("api_key", new ApiKeyAuthDefinition("api_key", In.HEADER));
new OAuth2Definition()
.scope("read:pets", "read your pets")
.scope("write:pets", "modify pets in your account"));

IOdocs from mashery seems to support OAuth, but it's quite different from swagger (redis, node, etc.). It's available on github.


Spring Security: Custom RequestEntityConverter with multiple clients

I was working on getting a client credential flow with Auth0 to work using Spring Security 5.4.1. I created a little demo application for reference:
Everything works fine, but I was wondering how to handle multiple OAuth2 clients. As far as I understand, the configuration made in OAuth2ClientSecurityConfig is valid for all client credential flows to any provider, correct?
What if I have another provider and don't want to convert RequestEntity in the same way?
There's usually no perfect answer for multi-tenancy since a lot depends on how early in the request you want to fork the behavior.
In Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 Client support, the ClientRegistration is the tenant, and that tenant information is available in most of the client APIs.
For example, your Auth0RequestEntityConverter could have different behavior based on the ClientRegistration in the request:
public RequestEntity<?> convert(
OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantRequest request) {
ClientRegistration client = request.getClientRegistration();
if (client ...) {
} else if (client ...) {
} ...
Or, if you need to configure more things than the request entity converter, you could instead fork the behavior earlier by constructing a OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager for each provider:
public class ClientsOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager implements OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager {
private final Map<String, OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager> managers;
// ...
public OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorize(OAuth2AuthorizeRequest request) {
String clientRegistrationId = request.getClientRegistrationId();
return this.managers.get(clientRegistrationId).authorize(request);

How to Integrate swagger UI with Apache wicket web application and its rest apis

I have an apache wicket web application. In that, I want to integrate swagger UI. Is there any integration with the apache wicket. If anyone works on apache wicket and if you go through with swagger UI then please share your thoughts.
In my case all the api manage through the mountResource(name, staticResourceRefernce) method.
I am trying to add a Docket object in WebMarkupContainer.
public class SwaggerUiPage extends WebPage {
public static final SwaggerUiPageResource PAGE_RESOURCE = new SwaggerUiPageResource();
private IModel<Docket> model;
protected void onInitialize() {
add(new WebMarkupContainer("swagger",model));
public Docket postsApi() {
Docket docket = new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).groupName("public-api")
return docket;
This is the swagger-ui.html page
Thank you
back in 2017 I've tried to provide an integration with rest-annotations module and Swagger. I never had the chance to finish this work so I just came to a partial implementation using a SwaggerResource to expose API information and a SwaggerUtils class to extract rest endpoints information. If you want you can take a look at the code here:

Spring Integration Security with REST service example

I am implementing Spring Integration for REST services. I am following XPadro's githib example -
I have created simple read, write and update operations.
Examples taken from int-http-dsl project.
I want to implement spring-security with oath2. I am taking reference from
I am not able to connect both together. Because below is how they map a request
public IntegrationFlow httpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(httpGetGate()).channel("httpGetChannel").handle("personEndpoint", "get").get();
public MessagingGatewaySupport httpGetGate() {
HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway handler = new HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway();
handler.setRequestMapping(createMapping(new HttpMethod[]{HttpMethod.GET}, "/persons/{personId}"));
return handler;
and below is how we can integrate security
#SecuredChannel(interceptor = "channelSecurityInterceptor", sendAccess = "ROLE_ADMIN")
public SubscribableChannel adminChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
I am not able to find a way to create channels in first example so how to integrate that.
Am I going right direction or getting it all wrong?
Is there any better tutorials to handle spring-integration (http) with spring-security (using oauth)?
Spring Integration Java DSL allows to use external #Beans for message channels from the flow definition. So, your httpGetChannel may be declared and used like:
#SecuredChannel(interceptor = "channelSecurityInterceptor", sendAccess = "ROLE_ADMIN")
public SubscribableChannel httpGetChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public IntegrationFlow httpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(httpGetGate())
.handle("personEndpoint", "get")
Feel free to raise a GitHub issue to make in the Framework something more obvious directly from the DSL's .channel() definition:

Swagger 2.0 where to declare Basic Auth Schema

How do I define basic authentication using Swagger 2.0 annotations and have it display in swagger UI.
In the resource I have:
#ApiOperation(value = "Return list of categories", response=Category.class, responseContainer="List", httpMethod="GET", authorizations = {#Authorization(value="basicAuth")})
public Response getCategories();
I looked here:
And it says "Once you've declared and configured which authorization schemes you support in your API, you can use these annotation to note which authorization scheme is required on a resource or a specific operation" But I can't find anything that talks about where to declare and configure the authorization schemes.
I found code on how to declare the schema, but I still do not see any information about the authentication schema in the UI. I'm not sure what I am missing
public class MyApiDefinition implements ReaderListener {
public static final String BASIC_AUTH_SCHEME = "basicAuth";
public void beforeScan(Reader reader, Swagger swagger) {
public void afterScan(Reader reader, Swagger swagger) {
BasicAuthDefinition basicAuthDefinition = new BasicAuthDefinition();
swagger.addSecurityDefinition(BASIC_AUTH_SCHEME, basicAuthDefinition);
Using Springfox 2.6 annotations, you must first define Basic authentication as one of the security schemes when you set up the Docket in your configuration, like this:
List<SecurityScheme> schemeList = new ArrayList<>();
schemeList.add(new BasicAuth("basicAuth"));
return new
Then you can use the Springfox annotations in your service to set Basic Auth for the operation for which you want to require authentication:
#ApiOperation(value = "Return list of categories", response=Category.class, responseContainer="List", httpMethod="GET", authorizations = {#Authorization(value="basicAuth")})
public Response getCategories();
I struggeled with this as well. In my case i used the swagger-maven-plugin. To solve this i added this within the maven plugin:
After that i was able to add it on my resource like this:
#Api(value = "My REST Interface", authorizations = {#Authorization(value="basicAuth")})
The generated json included the security element for each endpoint:
"basicAuth" : []
And the security definition:
"securityDefinitions" : {
"basicAuth" : {
"type" : "basic"
I hope this helps others as well.
You can use the #SwaggerDefinition
or you can configure the swagger object directly, here's an example

Client library to be used for Oauth2 implementation in Java

I am trying to access google and Twitter API for one of my Project. Both of these can give access to there API only using OAuth2.
Which is best OAuth client library available for the same?
Both API use OAuth 2 only and google deprecated the OAuth 1 support. It's always good to use latest version as it's more secure.
OAuth 2 has less round trips so it fast and quick.
You can use spring-security-oauth2. It is quite easy to implement all OAuth2RestOperations.
Create a OAuth2RestOperations bean which works almost same as RestTemplate(except for OAuth2 token handling part).
For example, if you are creating an rest call with Password credential authentication,
public OAuth2RestOperations sampleROPCRestTemplate() {
return new OAuth2RestTemplate(sampleforcePasswordResourceDetails(), new DefaultOAuth2ClientContext(new DefaultAccessTokenRequest()));
protected OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails sampleforcePasswordResourceDetails() {
ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resource = new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();
return resource;
