Getting a . instead of a / in my link(path) - ruby-on-rails

# GET system_accounts/:id
def show
# If a system account already exists in session, it was found from a search with the account id
# Otherwise, this is a new search for a system account by the given id
if params[:id]
Rails.logger.debug { "Querying for the account with id: #{params[:id]}" }
response = query_account(CGI.escape(params[:id]))
if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
#account = JSON.parse(response.body)
unless #account.empty?
redirect_to system_accounts_path(params[:id])
The above is my show action. So the thing is if i search with my id=2 i should get the resultant link to be system_accounts/2 but what i get is system_accounts.2 . why a . instead of a / . Anything i am missing out on ?

if you are closely following the rails convention, you should use system_account_path(params[:id]) (without an s). 2 is interpreted as the format so it is appending .2 to the url because system_accounts_path most probably points to the index action of system_accounts controller. remove the s to point to the show action.


How to create Post request to Rails API using Postman?

I am new to Postman. I have a Rails server running on the background. I am trying to mock a POST request, but it is not being accepted.
Let's say the model is called manufacturer_organization.rb. Inside, it requires 3 parameters: organization_id (uuid data type), manufacturer_id (integer data type), and account_number (string data type). manufacturer_organization belongs_to organization and it also belongs_to :manufacturer (vice versa; manufacturer and organization has_many manufacturer_organization)
Inside manufacturer_organizations_controller.rb, I have a create method:
def create
#manufacturer_organization =
puts "success!"
render json: #manufacturer_organization
puts "Sorry, something went wrong"
I can confirm that I have sufficient authorization; when I perform a GET request I got the right JSON response. I am using rails serializer and I have setup serializer for this model as well. Route is also setup using resources :manufacturer_organizations. My gut feeling says the way I am using postman is wrong.
Here is the screenshot of Postman app. I have the right address on address bar, and I am performing a POST request. I have the three params under key-value.
After I Send it, under my Rails Server log I see:
Started POST "/manufacturer_organizations" for at 2017-04-13 16:56:44 -0700
Processing by ManufacturerOrganizationsController#create as */*
Parameters: {"organization_id"=>"fb20ddc9-a3ee-47c3-bdd2-f710541-ff89c", "manufacturer_id"=>"1", "account_number"=>"A rand
om account number test"}
  (0.4ms)  BEGIN
   (0.3ms)  ROLLBACK
Sorry, something went wrong
I can do, manufacturer_id:, and account_number: "random test account number") just fine inside rails console.
How can I submit a POST request from postman to add a new manufacturer_organization?
def manufacturer_organization_params
api_params.permit(:organization_id, :manufacturer_id, :account_number)
whereas inside application_controller.rb
def api_params
#api_params ||=
I added error.full_messages and this is what I got:
Manufacturer can't be blank
Organization can't be blank
Account number can't be blank
Why are they blank?
You can pass the data using params or within the body request.
The best way to do this is using the body, because you can send files and the request becomes more clean without the params.
To send data in the body, you must pass the model name and attribute in the "key" field, and the value in the "value" field, like this:
I don't understand what you do to your params. There is a reason the ActiveModelSerializers::Deserialization is namespaced in the "Model" namespace. It shouldn't be used to serialize or de-serialize internet params, but instead it's for serializing/de-serializing model instances.
If parameters arrive in the correct format ActionController::Base from which AplicationController and thus ManufacturerOrganizationsController inherit will de-serialize them for you. The Rails query parameter format looks as follows:
name=something #=> params[:name] = 'something'
names[]=something1&names[]=something2 #=> params[:names] = ['something1', 'something2']
instance[id]=1&instance[name]=foo #=> params[:instance] = {id: '1', name: 'foo'}
This can also be stacked and is used for nested resources by Rails. Example:
#=> params[:instance] = {title: 'some', nested: {name: 'thing', ids: ['1', '2']}}
Having said that let's get to your example. First of al let us throw away those manual building of params and stick to the convention:
class ManufacturerOrganizationsController
# ...
def manufacturer_organization_params
# arriving params should look like this:
#=> params = {
# manufacturer_organization: {
# organization_id: 'fb20ddc9-a3ee-47c3-bdd2-f710541-ff89c',
# organization_id: '1',
# account_number: 'A random account number test'
# }
# }
# The method #require raises an exception if the provided key
# is not present or has a blank value (with exception of false).
# If the key is found and has a value present than that value is
# returned.
.permit(:organization_id, :manufacturer_id, :account_number)
With that out of the way let's send the correct formatted params:
| Key | Value |
| manufacturer_organization[organization_id] | fb20ddc9-a3ee-47c3-bdd2-f710541-ff89c |
| manufacturer_organization[manufacturer_id] | 1 |
| manufacturer_organization[account_number] | A random account number test |
Those 2 things combined should let you create your resource successfully.
The key thing you should take from this is that params is not a string containing al the params that should be de-serialized. It already should be de-serialized, if it's not than you might have send your parameters wrong.
Ruby on Rails and Postman - Post request.
Hello, this is an example that I developed with Postman and Rails API.
I can't add images but this what you have to add in postman Key = Value
Change to Post Request and send.
book[name] = 'Harry Potter'
book[author] = J.K. Rowling
Ruby on Rails 7.
Rails maintains the same code.
def create
#book =
render json: #book, status: :created, location: api_v1_books_url(#book)
render json: #book.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
def book_params
params.require(:book).permit(:name, :author, :price)
I hope this helps.

Rails saving arrays to separate rows in the DB

Could someone take a look at my code and let me know if there is a better way to do this, or even correct where I'm going wrong please? I am trying to create a new row for each venue and variant.
venue_ids => ["1","2"], variant_ids=>["10"]
So, I would want to add in a row which has a venue_id of 1, with variant_id of 10. And a venue_id of 2, with variant_id of 10
I got this working, and it's now passing in my two arrays. I think I am almost there I'm not sure the .each is the right way to do it, but I think that I'm on the right track haha. I have it submitting, however, where would I put my because this might cause issues as it won't redirect
Thanks in advance.
def create
#back_bar =
#venues = params[:venue_ids]
#productid = params[:product_id]
#variants = params[:variant_ids]
# For each venue we have in the array, grab the ID.
#venues.each do |v|
#back_bar.venue_id = v
# Then for each variant we associate the variant ID with that venue.
#variants.each do |pv|
#back_bar.product_variant_id = pv
# Add in our product_id
#back_bar.product_id = #productid
# Save the venue and variant to the DB.
flash[:success] = "#{} has been added to #{}'s back bar."
# Redirect to the back bar page
redirect_to back_bars_path
flash[:alert] = "A selected variant for #{} is already in #{}'s back bar."
# Redirect to the product page
redirect_to discoveries_product_path(#back_bar.product_id)
end # Variants end
end # Venues end
def back_bar_params
as i said in comments
this is untested code and just showing you how it's possible to do with ease.
class BackBar
def self.add_set(vanue_ids, variant_ids)
values ={|ven|{|var|
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("INSERT INTO back_bars VALUES #{values}")
def create
# use in controller
BackBar.add_set(params[:venue_ids], params[:variant_ids])
# ...

Remove element from array unless has a certain value in Rails

I have an array of "names" and I would like to display the current user's name ONLY IF there it is the only name in the array. If there are other names in the array, I don't want to show the current user's name.
Currently, I am listing the names and excluding the current user's name, but don't want to exclude the current user's name if it is the only one in the array. I hope I explained that okay.
My code now:
module ConversationsHelper
def other_user_names(conversation)
users = [] do |receipts|
users << do |receipt|
receipt.receiver != current_user
end ', '
This should work:
def other_user_names(conversation)
# get all users (no duplicates)
users =
# remove current user if there are more than 1 users
users.delete(current_user) if users.many?
# return names', ')
I would move the first line into a Conversation#users method.

How to store the result of my algorithm?

I have an algorithm that searches through all of my sites users, finding those which share a common property with the user using the algorithm (by going to a certain page). It can find multiple users, each can have multiple shared properties. The algorithm works fine, in terms of finding the matches, but I'm having trouble working out how to store the data so that later I'll be able to use each unit of information. I need to be able to access both the found users, and each of the respective shared properties, so I can't just build a string. This is an example of the output, being run from the perspective of user 1:
user 4
user 6
What do I need to do to be able to store this data, and have access to any bit of it for further manipulation? I was thinking of a hash of a hash, but I can't really wrap my head around it. I'm pretty new to programming, and Ruby in particular. Thanks for reading!
EDIT - Here's the code. I'm fully expecting this to be the most incorrect way to do this, but it's my first try so be gentle :)
So if I'm understanding you guys correctly, instead of adding the interests to a string, I should be creating an array or a hash, adding each interest as I find it, then storing each of these in an array or hash? Thanks so much for the help.
def getMatchedUsers
matched_user_html = nil
combined_properties = nil
online_user_list = User.logged_in.all
shared_interest = false
online_user_list.each do |n| # for every online user
combined_properties = nil
if != # that is not the current user do |o| # go through all of the current users properties do |p| # go through the online users properties
if p.interestname.eql?(o.interestname) # if the online users property matches the current user
shared_interest = true
if combined_properties == nil
combined_properties = o.interestname
combined_properties = combined_properties + ", " + o.interestname
if shared_interest == true
matched_user_html = n.actualname + ": " + combined_properties
return matched_user_html
render :nothing => true
This returns an array of hashes with all users and their corresponding sharedproperties.
class User
def find_matching_users
returning do |matching_users|
self.logged_in.each do |other_user|
next if current_user == other_user # jump if current_user
# see for more details on the & opreator
unless (common_properties = &
matching_users << { :user => other_user, :common_properties => common_properties }
In your view you can do something like this:
<%- current_user.find_matching_users.each do |matching_user| -%>
<%-# you can acccess the user with matching_user[:user] -%>
<%-# you can acccess the common properties with matching_user[:common_properties] -%>
<%- end -%>
You can use a hash table with the key being the user object and the value being an array of the shared properties . This is assuming that you first need to do a lookup based on the user .
Something like this :
#user_results = { user1 => [sharedproperty3,sharedproperty7] , user2 => [sharedproperty10,sharedproperty11,sharedproperty12]}
You can then acces the values like :
or you can also iterate over all the keys using #user_results.keys

interning empty string error

Currently, in my request model I have:
belongs_to :requestor, :class_name => 'User'
So the requestor is the current_user.
Problem is when the current_user clicks the create button to submit a form for a request, all of the attributes get updated to the database that are in the form.
But since requestor_id is not a value to fill out in the form, that brings back a value of null in the database when the new request record is created.
What I want is an integer (which equates to the primary key of the Users table) updated in the requestor_id column in the request table when the user clicks the create button.
So I thought that maybe adding a requestor_id as a symbol in the params for the create action would solve that:
def create_common
#a =
b = #a.requestor_id
#resource = yield params[:contact + "#{b}".to_sym]
self.resource = #resource
But instead it returns the following error:
interning empty string
Thanks for any suggestions.
I kept getting this error. I traced it to very simple code and reproduced in the console with this:
ruby-1.8.7-p174 :084 > a = 'fred'
=> "fred"
ruby-1.8.7-p174 :085 > a.to_sym
=> :fred
ruby-1.8.7-p174 :086 > a = ''
=> ""
ruby-1.8.7-p174 :087 > a.to_sym
ArgumentError: interning empty string
from (irb):87:in `to_sym'
from (irb):87
Can you not just pass the Request the current_user when you create it?
#req = => current_user)
I am not quite sure what the yield params statement is meant to be doing,
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you want to assign the current_user's id as the requestor id to the Request model?
# assign values passed in via form
#request =[:request])
# assign current_user to request
#request.requestor = current_user
# save the request!
Hope this helps!
I had a '.' in an error message similar to:
errors.add('You entered a non-supported widget.')
and was getting the "interning empty string error"
This post saved me:
Simply changing to:
errors.add('You entered a non-supported widget')
fixed it. Rails 2.3.4 and Ruby 1.8.5
