Rake task - undefined method - ruby-on-rails

I tinkering my way into creating a rake task that grabs the amount of checkins for a given page throw facebook-graph. I usign the koala gem and rails.
I do this by creating a rake task:
task :get_likes => :environment do
require 'koala'
# Grab the first user in the database
user = User.first
# Loop throw every school & and call count_checkins
School.columns.each do |column|
user.facebook.count_checkins(column.name, user)
# Count like for every school else return 0
def count_checkins(name, u)
a = u.facebook.fql_query('SELECT checkins FROM page WHERE name = "' + name + '"')
if a[0].nil?
return 0
return b = a[0]["checkins"]
# Initialize an connection to the facebook graph
def facebook
#facebook ||= Koala::Facebook::API.new(oauth_token)
But I get a error:
private method `count_checkins' called for #<Koala::Facebook::API:0x007fae5bd348f0>
Any ideas or better way to code a rake task would be awesome!
Check the full error here: https://gist.github.com/shuma/4949213

Can't really format this properly in a comment, so I'll put it in an answer. I would put the following into the User model:
# Count like for every school else return 0
def count_checkins(name)
a = self.facebook.fql_query('SELECT checkins FROM page WHERE name = "' + name + '"')
if a[0].nil?
return 0
return b = a[0]["checkins"]
# Initialize an connection to the facebook graph
def facebook
#facebook ||= Koala::Facebook::API.new(oauth_token)
Then change the rake task to:
task :get_likes => :environment do
require 'koala'
# Grab the first user in the database
user = User.first
# Loop throw every school & and call count_checkins
School.columns.each do |column|
That way count_checkins is defined on the user model, rather than trying to modify a class within Koala -- and you aren't duplicating work by having to pass around more User and Facebook parameters than are necessary.


How to update rails db records

I have a rails app. I have a table User and a column Number which is a string. Some users saved their phone number with spaces (for example 1234 1234) and now I want to remove the space from their phone numbers.
I tried this but it didn't work:
space = " "
phones = User.where("number like ?", "%#{space}%").pluck(:number)
phones.each do |phone|
phone = phone.gsub(/\s+/, "")
I got the error NoMethodError: undefined method 'save' How can I do this properly?
You need to have the user object to save it. Read inline comments below
space = " "
users = User.where("number like ?", "%#{space}%") # collect users with number having space character here.
# then iterate on those users
users.each do |user|
user.number = user.number.gsub(/\s+/, "") # notice here, changing the phone number of that user
user.save # and saving that user with the updated `number`
You pluck data from User table. Thus, phones variable contains a number array not USER objects. You can't use save on a array element. That's why the error occurs.
You can do the following:
space = " "
phones = User.where("number like ?", "%#{space}%")
phones.each do |phone|
phone.number = phone.number.gsub(/\s+/, "")
The way you could do is create a rake task to update the existing records on the system.
namespace :update do
desc 'Strip space from existing numbers from Users'
task(:number => ::environment) do
space = ' '
numbers_with_space = User.where("number like ?", "%#{space}%")
numbers_with_space.each do |a|
a.number = a.number.gsub!(/\s+/, '')
a.save(validate: false) # You would like to use
# validate false in order
# to stop other validation from updating the record.
Then execute the rake task.
bundle exec rake update:number
Another way to handle this beforehand can be through reformatting number during validation. This way you'll not need to run the rake task or code to reformat and save when new data are entered in app.
class User < ApplicationRecord
before_validation :reformat_number, on: [:create, :update]
def reformat_number
self.number.gsub!(/\s+/, '')

Parse API and Show Output in Rails View

So, I wrote a program that sends a get request to HappyFox (a support ticket web app) and I get a JSON file, Tickets.json.
I also wrote methods that parse the JSON and return a hash with information that I want, i.e tickets with and without a response.
How do I integrate this with my Rails app? I want my HappyFox View (in rails) to show the output of those methods, and give the user the ability to refresh the info whenever they want.
Ruby Code:
require 'httparty'
def happy_fox_call()
auth = { :username => 'REDACTED',
:password => 'REDACTED' }
#tickets = HTTParty.get("http://avatarfleet.happyfox.com/api/1.1/json/tickets/?size=50&page=1",
:basic_auth => auth)
tickets = File.new("Tickets.json", "w")
tickets.puts #tickets
puts "Calling API, please wait..."
puts "Complete!"
require 'json'
$data = File.read('/home/joe/API/Tickets.json')
$tickets = JSON.parse($data)
$users = $tickets["data"][3]["name"]
Count each status in ONE method
def count_each_status(*statuses)
status_counters = Hash.new(0)
$tickets["data"].each do |tix|
if statuses.include?(tix["status"]["name"])
#puts status_counters # this is cool! Run this
status_counters[tix["status"]["name"]] += 1
return status_counters
Count tickets with and without a response
def count_unresponded(tickets)
true_counter = 0
false_counter = 0
$tickets["data"].each do |tix|
if tix["unresponded"] == false
false_counter += 1
else true_counter += 1
puts "There are #{true_counter} tickets without a response"
puts "There are #{false_counter} ticket with a response"
Make a function that creates a count of tickets by user
def user_count(users)
user_count = Hash.new(0)
$tickets["data"].each do |users|
user_count[users["user"]["name"]] += 1
return user_count
puts count_each_status("Closed", "On Hold", "Open", "Unanswered",
"New", "Customer Review")
puts count_unresponded($data)
puts user_count($tickets)
Thank you in advance!
You could create a new module in your lib directory that handles the API call/JSON parsing and include that file in whatever controller you want to interact with it. From there it should be pretty intuitive to assign variables and dynamically display them as you wish.

undefined method `set' for nil:NilClass in Rails even though similar code works in irb

The following code works fine in IRB (Interactive Ruby Shell):
require 'prometheus/client'
prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry
#requests = prometheus.gauge(:demo, 'Random number selected for this users turn.')
rescue Prometheus::Client::Registry::AlreadyRegisteredError => e
#requests.set({name: "test"}, 123)
test = #requests.get name: "test"
puts 'output: ' + test.to_s
2.4.0 :018 > load 'test.rb'
output: 123.0
=> true
2.4.0 :019 >
However, when I put the same code into my Ruby on Rails controller, the second time the user uses the application, the following error is returned:
undefined method `set' for nil:NilClass
Can someone tell me when I'm doing wrong? Thank you.
require 'prometheus/client'
class RandomnumbersController < ApplicationController
def index
#randomnumbers = Randomnumber.order('number DESC').limit(8)
#counter = 0
def show
#randomnumber = Randomnumber.find(params[:id])
def new
def create
#randomnumber = Randomnumber.new(randomnumber_params)
prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry
#requests = prometheus.gauge(:demo, 'Random number selected for this users turn.')
rescue Prometheus::Client::Registry::AlreadyRegisteredError => e
#requests.set({name: "test"}, 123)
test = #requests.get name: "test"
redirect_to #randomnumber
def randomnumber_params
params.require(:randomnumber).permit(:name, :number)
Because there is no #requests for :demo argument.
When ORM cannot find any info in db it returns nil (NilClass)
and You're trying to do:
#requests.set({name: "test"}, 123)
it's interpreted like:
nil.set({name: "test"}, 123)
why it's causes this issue in second time?
cuz Your code changes #requests name attribute to be test and seems like :demo is not test or maybe in another part of Your app You're replacing/deleting data in database that makes: #requests = prometheus.gauge(:demo, 'Random number selected for this users turn.') to return nil
in code level add this fixes to avoid such unpredictable situations (check for nil) :
unless #requests.nil?
#requests.set({name: "test"}, 123)
test = #requests.get name: "test"

Writing conditionals in rails

I need to write a conditional in order to find users without facebook id's and then have a image path set for those users. Here is the code so far.
# load rails
require '../../config/boot.rb'
require '../../config/application.rb'
users = User.order('id ASC').limit(500)
users.each do |user|
facebook_id = user.facebook_id
unless facebook_id.blank?
puts facebook_id.size
I was thinking maybe an if/then conditional so if the number is 0 (meaning blank) then input https://graph.facebook.com/ + facebook_id + '/picture?width=120&height=120 for that user.
Maybe something like:
if facebook_id.blank
then input.('https://graph.facebook.com/' + facebook_id + '/picture?width=120&height=120')
For the query part this is the way to go:
User.where(facebook_id: nil) #=> returns all users without facebook_id
About the path, you were close:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base # reopen User class and define a new instance method
def poster_path
if self.facebook_id
"https://graph.facebook.com/" + self.facebook_id + "/picture?width=120&height=120"

How can I run a "cron script" on heroku by user interaction on Rails?

I have the following script which runs once a day on cron on heroku.
However, I realize that I would like the option for the user to be able to press a button from a web page to initiate this same process.
Is there a way to create a 'subroutine' that either cron can call or from a web request? I don't want to use a separate service that runs jobs.
I've just put a snippet to illustrate.....
letter_todos = Todo.current_date_lte(Date.today).asset_is("Letter").done_date_null
unless letter_todos.blank? #check if there any ToDos
# group by asset_id so that each batch is specific to the asset_id
letter_todos.group_by(&:asset_id).each do |asset_id, letter_todos|
# pdf = Prawn::Document.new(:margin => 100) #format the PDF document
html_file = ''
letter_todos.each do |todo| #loop through all Letter_Todos
contact = Contact.find(todo.contact_id) #get associated contact
letter = Letter.find(todo.asset_id) #get associated Letter
redcloth_contact_letter = RedCloth.new(letter.substituted_message(contact, [])).to_html
html_file = html_file + redcloth_contact_letter
html_file = html_file + "<p style='display: none; page-break-after: always'><center> ... </center> </p>"
kit = PDFKit.new(html_file)
kit.stylesheets << "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/stylesheets/compiled/pdf.css"
file = kit.to_pdf
letter = Letter.find(asset_id)
# Create new BatchPrint record
batch = BatchPrint.new
batch.pdf = File.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/PDF-#{letter.title}-#{Date.today}.pdf")
I've done this by putting the function in question in a file in lib (lib/tasks_n_stuff.rb, say):
module TasksNStuff
def self.do_something
# ...doing something...
Then I can call if from a Rake task:
desc 'Make sure we depend on :environment, so we can get to the Railsy stuff...'
task :do_something => :environment do
Or from a controller (or anywhere, really):
class WhateverController < ApplicationController
def do_something
And since you can run a rake task as a cron job (cd /my/rails/root; rake do_something), that should be all you need. Cheers!
