Can i play songs from document directory with iPodMusicPlayer in iOS? - ios

I am using iPodMusicPlayer to play songs from iPod Library.
Now i want to play songs from document directory with iPodMusicPlayer.
I don't want to play with AVPlayer.
If i can , how can i play it?
Thanks for your help.

I'm pretty sure you can. Try checking out this Apple document:


AVPlayerViewController video's audio background playing and support for multiple formats

I have to do a Video streaming app (using a remote url) in swift. But there is no any exact video format. Sometimes it can be m3u8 sometimes mp4 etc.. but my video player should support for what ever the format comes from the back end.
Also when the app is in background, the audio should play and when the app comes foreground video should play without any time delay between the vide and the audio.
I want to know whether is it possible to achieve my objectives using AVPlayerViewController or else what is the best player that I can use to achieve my targets. Please help me.
AVPlayerViewController supports m3u8 and mp4 both format. For playing video's audio you need some extra configuration. You can check from here...
How do I get my AVPlayer to play while app is in background?
Is it possible to play video using Avplayer in Background?
So according to me AVPlayerViewController is best option for your requirement.

playing multiple videos at the same time

Is it possible to play multiple video in a view.i have tried MPMovieMediaPlayer but only the last added video is playing,is there any other solution to play all files together.
You can use Apple's AVPlayer.

Capture sound while plying a YouTube video

I'm building an app in iOS 5.0.
I want to record sound and video while playing a YouTube video.
The video is not a problem, but I can't record the sound.
Anyone have an idea ?
Best regards,

Play a list of media (video/audio) items on iOS

I'm developing an iPhone App and I need to implement a player to play a list of media (video/audio) items.
Following is a screenshot of player I have captured from an another iPhone app, I found many apps playing video/audio using a player has similar UI like this.
Can this player (including UI) can be implement by official API? Or just implement manually?
How can I implement a same player like this?
To Play audio follow this blog
And to play video, either you can use CustomMovieplayer or go with UIWebView with embedded html.
Movie Player sample code from here
To play video as embedded html in UIWebView, check this..
As per the file type, you can modify the source type.

How to add iPod EQ when playing audio with AVPlayer?

I am able to play songs from iPod library using AVPlayer class.
Now what I want to do is to insert equalizer to the audio produced.
Anybody has experienced in doing this?
There is no way to play MPMediaItem and adding sound equalizer with AVPlayer. We have to use Audio Unit processing.
I have done this leveraging a class provided in the Apple Samples:
Hope this helps.
