multiple builds of same project - ant

i want to deploy a java web application.but with some changes i need to use the same application for trail also. the difference is an additional using Ant or some other tools, is it possible?i need to deploy the applications as two war file.sorry for my english

This should be possible using Ant. You can create two separate targets, one for each war, and then run both of them in your build.
<project name="Proj" default="package" basedir=".">
<target name="package" depends="war1,"war2" />
<target name="war1">
... build the first WAR
<target name="war2">
... build the second WAR
If you find the targets are repetitive you can break common parts out into smaller targets or you can use macrodef to create macro let's you run similar targets with different parameters.


How to generate document output from text files in TFS

We store various design documents within TFS in multimarkdown format. We also have an EXE process that can run to take those MMD files and generate PDF's from them - but just by getting the files from a local folder.
What we'd like to do is to have a process run "on-checkin", just as if you'd run an automatic build on checkin (i.e., ultimately calling msbuild to compile an application) but in our case we'd like it to be able to get a list of the checked in files and to process and generate an output of them. The result doesn't need to be in TFS because they're a build output, not the source.
I'm sure this should be somehow possible by taking the same approach as must be taken by the workflow for a "normal" build.
Has anybody done anything like this or can point me in a suitable direction please ?
You could use the exec task in MSBuild to invoke the exe and "build" your output. Create a file called something like buildDocs.proj and check it in to TFS possibly in a folder under the things you want to build. Use the MSbuild below as a guide.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Build">
<Exec Command='"My.exe" -My Paramiters' />
<CopyItems Include="[path to output]\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(CopyItems)" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)\SomeDir" />
The trick will be in identifying the various paths involved.
Use the default template to build the proj, just as you would a c# project. If you need to pass in additional Parameters to MSBuild you can do this from within the advanced section of the build definition process tab.

Ant - How can I run the same depends from multiple targets

Is there a way to get ant to execute multiple depend targets multiple times. Consider this:
<target name="buildall" depends="mycommon,myDAO" />
<target name="myCommon" depends="initCommon, clean, makedir, compile" description="">
<echo> Build completed for myCommon </echo>
<target name="myDAO" depends="initDAO, clean, makedir, compile" description="">
<echo> Build completed for myDao </echo>
I would like buildAll to call myCommon, which calls initCommon, clean, makedir, compile, then call myDAO which calls initDAO, clean, makedire, compile.
So I want the clean, makedir and compile tasks to be executed multiple times. They are generic and run based on properties set in the initXXX task.
I tried this:
<target name="buildall">
<antcall target="myCommon" />
<antcall target="myDao" />
but that runs everything outside of tasks everytime which is not what I want. Any thoughts?
First: Do not use <antcall/> it's usually a sign you've done something wrong.
Now, understand that Ant is not a programming language where you tell Ant what you want to do and the order you want it to be done. Ant is a matrix dependency language. You merely tell Ant what you want (I want to build this jar), and let Ant figure out what it should do. Ant does its very best not to run a target multiple times.
For example, both myCommon and myDAO call the clean target. Ant duly notes that both require clean target, and then calls clean once and only once before it runs both of your targets. It's the way Ant is suppose to work.
So, let Ant do its job. First, Thou shall not clean under normal circumstances. Builds are suppose to minimize rebuilding in order to speed up a task. If you haven't modified a *.java file, why should you force me to rebuild the corresponding *.class file?
Second: Don't double up dependencies: For example, if I want to build the target myDAO, I want to compile the code (maybe build a jar or war). That's all my myDAO target should depend upon. Now, when I compile, I might need to make my directory, and when I make my directory, I might need to do my init:
<target name="clean">
<echo>Clean up my working directory to be nice and sparkly</echo>
<target name="initDAO">
<echo>Initialize stuff for my DAO build</echo>
<echo>Maybe setup some properties?</echo>
<target name="makedir"
<echo>I need my directories for building.</echo>
<echo>But first, I need to setup stuff"</echo>
<target name="compile"
<echo>I need to compile my dao source"</echo>
<echo>But first, I need to make the necessary directories</echo>
<target name="myDAO"
<echo>Here's where I package up my DAO</echo>
<echo>But I have to compile stuff before I can package it</echo>
Note the above structure. If I run the target myDAO, Ant will look at the dependencies and then run initDAO, makedir, compile, and finally myDAO to package everything up. Again, I have a clean target that will restore my working space to pristine (before anything was built) condition, but I don't call it as part of a package because I don't want to redo work.
"Ah!", you say, "But I have to clean up because myCommon and myDAO use the same directories for building and packaging."
Well don't do that. Instead, make sure your two packages use different target directories for building and packaging. This way, you don't have to clean up the mess from one to another. And, you can change a single source file, rebuild, and not have to recompile everything again.
You can save yourself from trouble by defining macros to handle stuff in common between the two. For example, you might be able to define a compile macro that takes as its parameters the name of a source directory and it will create a destdir based upon that source directory name and compile your common and DAO targets.
So, let Ant work its magic. Use dependencies not as a means of telling Ant how to do something, but merely telling Ant that a particular target depends upon another target. Let Ant figure out the order of execution. Also, don't set up your tasks to require you to scrub directories and reinitialize everything. You want Ant to help minimize the build by not having to rebuild or recopy over files that haven't changed.

ant multiple target to execute

I have few target that I need to execute. I create a target naming all of them but I think it's not the way to do it ? Here is the target run that call all other target :
<target name="test.all" depends="build
echolaunching agent /echo
antcall target="RunJtfTests" /
antcall target="launchOpenAgent" /
antcall target="run.test" //target
target name="run.test" depends="build, launchOpenAgent, runJtfTests"
echo Launching test/echo
echo message="${toString:iControlSilk4J.classpath}" /
<java classname="com.miranda.icontrol.silk4j.installation.AdministrationCtrl"
classpath><fileset dir="${lib.dir}"
include name="**/*.jar" />
pathelement path="${iControlSilk4J.classpath}" /
pathelement location="${jarPath}/Admin.jar" /
It doesn't run and I do it to get the report and I get nothing ? What is wrong ? From what I read, antcall is like a goto loop which is not good. I want to call tests instead.
-> Here are all the tests I want to execute :
but this can be more general (regarding tests I will add in Silk4J). Is there a way to be more generic ?
Repeat after me:
Ant is not a programming language. It's a dependency matrix language.
This is an important distinction. You don't tell Ant what to execute. You tell Ant what you need, and Ant will figure out what to do.
I can tell you're having problems understanding Ant with all of those <antcall/>. That is a no-no because it could make you execute tasks more than once. Your build file also makes no sense.
Use the target's dependency parameter. For example, here's a skeleton build.xml file:
<target name="clean"/>
<target name="prepare"/>
<target name="compile"
<target name="package"
<target name="test-compile
<target name="test"
<target name="deploy"
<target name="post-test-results"
<target name="all"
When I want to run my target all, I mainly mean I want to do a clean build, post my test results, and deploy the build. This is true with Makefiles too. I don't list all of my tasks. Why do I care if I do my prep work for compilation? It's not my concern.
So I call, all, and that will call clean, post-test-results, and deploy. I have no idea what Ant will do beyond calling these three targets.
Wait... What do I need to do in order to post my test results? Well, I may need to run my tests. Therefore, I have a dependency to test for my post-test-results target. But, in order to run my tests, I may have to compile them. So, there's a dependency to test-compile on my test target.
In order to compile my tests, I have dependencies on the regular Java code. So, test-compile will depend upon compile. In order to compile, I have to prepare. Maybe that's building the necessary structure, or downloading the required jars. That's called before compile. Now, I can deploy. However, before I can deploy, I need to package my deployment. So, deploy depends upon package.
Package itself depends upon compile, but so did my compile-test. Since I've already called compile, my package target doesn't have to do that. All it has to do is package up the already compiled class files.
Thus, I'll probably execute the following targets in this order:
My all target does hit all of my other targets, but I didn't have to list them all as dependencies or force them to build via <antcall/>s.
It looks like you need to learn about Ant and how it works. Your sample Ant file is simply not valid. Ant uses an XML style structure. All tasks are XML style entities.
Fortunately, there are a lot of good books on Ant. I would recommend Manning's Ant in Action as a good starting point.
One of the things you will find out is that you can specify batches of junit tests in a single <junit> task. This can be done via one or more <batchtest> sub-entities on the <junit> task. The <batchtest> will run all classifies that match a particular criteria. You can also use the <test> sub-entity on the <junit> task. The <test> sub-entity allows you to specify individual classfiles to run. Many times, these classfiles may simply call a specified set of other Junit classifies. This way, the developer can specify what tests to run and what tests to skip.
You can control what tests to run or not run by using properties and not by creating dozens of testing tasks. This allows you to specify sets of tests without having to spawn multiple JUnit processes.

Generate Ant tasks with macro

I've been searching for a possibility to generate ANT targets from top-level macro.
We have heterogenic build system. ANT+IVY is used as top-level (inherited solutin, can't be changed). Some projects are built via MSBuild, called from ANT via exec task. For each of these projects, there's at least two distinct calls to msbuild (wrapped with macro for brevity), one in "build" target, and one in "clean". Two of them are different only by "target" parameter. So I was guessing, if there's possibility for something like this:
Extension nodes:
<extensionpoint name="build-ext-point" />
<extensionpoint name="clean-ext-point" />
<target name="build" depends="build-ext-point" />
<target name="clean" depends="clean-ext-point" />
My magic macro:
<macrodef name="msbuild-proj" />
<attribute name="project" />
<target name="#{project}-build" >
<msbuild project="#{project}" target="Build" />
<target name="#{project}-clean" >
<msbuild project="#{project}" target="Clean" />
How it would be used:
<msbuild-proj project="CPP-proj" />
P.S: Yeah I know that I can define those build and clean overridden, or via ext point, or whatever. The question is actually whether I can remove some code duplication.
UPD: I'd answer this by myself. At the point, there's no such possibility. Mainly, because Target class is a task container, but not a task. So, it cannot be placed into container. So I guess I'll write some kind of extensible task.
ANT has a couple of mechanisms for building modular builds.
First of all I think your main question was on how to build "extension points" to your build? The following ANT tasks are designed to import common build logic from another build file:
Since you're already planning to extend your build using macrodefs, I'd recommend packaging these as a reusable ANTlib. The ANTlib can live within your project, but it's really designed to be packaged within a jarfile which another build can pickup, for example by installing it in the standard ANT lib directory:
Finally, if you're already using ivy and you package your taskdefs as ANT libs, you could version your build logic by installing it in a Maven repository manager like Nexus. This addresses one of the key problems with large ANT builds. Over time they become so big it's impossible to change the common logic without impacting older builds (Demonstrating that the builds are not properly isolated from each other).
Actually done this.
Does its job, although some caveats are present.
For those interested:

Can an Ant task execute tasks from other build scripts without importing?

I have a number of projects, each of which has their own Ant script that provides targets such as "build", "run", "test" and so on. Is it possible to write an Ant script for a "top level" project that will chain the appropriate tasks from other scripts, of the form:
<target name="test">
<antcall target="subproject A's test"/>
<antcall target="subproject B's test"/>
Note that I can't do this just by importing A and B's build.xml at the top of the "top level" build.xml as they would have conflicting target names.
Is there a way to do this within Ant, or would I have to either (a) rename all the targets in the subprojects so that I can import them, or (b) write a shell script to run Ant multiple times?
I am using Ant 1.8.2 from within NetBeans 7.0.
