Storyboard view IOS - ios

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here :)?
For some reason the view as it is on the storyboard doesn't show the same in the simulator.

There might be many problems here including :
1)You are running the project on a 4-inch simulator, but your app probably doesn't have the default-568h#2x image, which is required so your app can be run full-screen on a 4-inch device.
2) If you're using auto-layout, probably the constraints aren't set right.
3) If you're not using auto-layout, probably the auto-resizing masks aren't set right


App resizes on deployment to iphone 6s - xcode

I have a simple single screen app with two buttons that looks great on the story board on xcode. As soon as I run the app on my iphone 6s, it resizes the screen and the buttons at the bottom disappear. It looks like the resolution has changed and the app is not meant for an iphone 6s screen.
I have already tried the following without any success:
1) Enabled "Use Auto Layout" for my View controller in the File Inspector menu(under utilities)
2) Set the deployment target to "10.3", Devices to "iPhone" and checked "portrait, landscape left and landscape right" for Device orientation under the General Settings.
Is there any other setting that I might have missed to check that is causing this scaling? I am using xcode 8.3
Edit: I recieved some great feedback in the comments section, and learnt about adding constraints. I am here adding screenshots of what my app looks like before and after adding constraints:
Here is my xcode storyboard (what I am looking to get on my iPhone 6s)
And here is a screenshot of what I have on my phone (prior to constraining)
I have tried constraining the view like so with no luck (same output on the phone):
Is there a specific set of constraints that will do the job here?
Your screenshots show that you have not set your constraints. The last screenshot shows that you have set some constraints on the root view. Like mentioned by Martin you need to have constraints for each object.
To place the button correctly at the bottom of the view, you need to draw from your button to your view (holding the ctrl-key) and then select the bottom, leading and trailing constraints.
I suggest to make a beginner tutorial in Autolayout with InterfaceBuilder.
Thank you for your great responses. Turns out the solution was a little different than just experimenting with constraints. It took me about 3 hours to figure this out, and I wanted to share the simple solution here in case someone else goes through the same thing in the future.
The problem was in the General section of the settings. Your Launch Screen File must reflect the MainStoryboard like so:
My Launch Screen File option was previously set to nothing which caused the problem. As soon as I changed it to the MainStoryboard, things look just fine.
Hope this helps someone!

How To Fit UITableView in the screen with AutoLayout

I am trying to fill the screen with a TableView. I've tried pinning 4 edges but it broke when I view it in different devices (iPad Pro, iPhone SE, landscape and portrait orientation). The TableView is messed up for some reasons. It shouldn't be this hard to fill that in. Did I messed up some settings in my Xcode?
If you ran the application on a real device you'll find it as you expect it to be.
And if you opened another file then came back to storyboard you'll find the preview as expected too, I think it's a bug in the UI Builder.
Note: I'm using Xcode Version 8.3.2.

Same Storyboard for different screen Sizes without Auto Layout

I've been using different storyboard for different screen sizes.
Now, I'm updating an old app with only one Storyboard for iPhones and it looks the same appearance as iPhone 5 in different iPhone simulators, without using auto layout. Works well on iPhone6 and 6 plus Simulator.
Can I trust this behaviour or is any simulator bug? Is it due to any Properties project config ?
You must use auto-layout otherwise it will not work 100%. If you enable auto resize subviews option in storyboard view then it might work upto some extent.
I got it... Just not setting any launch screen image for the devices without defined storyboard

Why is my App always shifted to the right in the iOS Simulator?

I am building a simple iOS app using Storyboards. Currently running Xcode 7.2.1. I have previously built one using .XIB files and never had an issue with layouts on devices.
I have a UIViewController that has a UINavigationBar and Bar Button Item. When I run the app in the simulator, everything looks shifted to the right and partly off screen. The title should be shown in the centre. I am simulating using iPhone 6 and everything in Simulated Metrics are set to Inferred. Could someone help me understand, am I missing a step?
The views are shifted because you didn't set the auto layout constraints. To fix this, add missing constraints.

Black Frame Around iPad Build

I made an iPhone app under universal applications. Deleted the iPad storyboard at the start and added it back in using this answer: Converting Storyboard from iPhone to iPad at a later stage.
Now when I run my iPad build, there seems to be a black border around it.
I've made sure my .plist is using Main_iPad for Main storyboard file base name (iPad).
Found my bug: this is because under Deployment Info in the General tab, I selected only iPhone as my Devices. Changing it to Universal fixed it.
Frankly speaking, this looks like just a scaled-up version of iPhone app. Anyways, to make it work in a better shape you may have to tweak here :
Make sure you have added constraints that actually meeting the iPad size requirements as well. The width & the Heights.
Please provide a launchImage for iPad size. That should solve your problem.
Hope that helps.
