Why isn't the keydown event firing? - dart

I'm trying to attach an event handler to the keyDown event in a canvas element. Here is a simplified version of my code.
class CanvasFun{
CanvasElement canvas;
print("Game is loading!");
void handleInput(e)
//breakpoint is never hit
I've removed some of the drawing code. In my main function I simply query the canvas element and pass it to my CanvasFun constructor.
I've also tried doing it this way:
void main() {
var canvas = query("#Game");
var canvasFun = new CanvasFun(canvas);
void handleInput(e)

The reason why the event is not firing is because the focus is on the document (or some other element like an input, for example). And in fact, canvas element even when focused does not fire an event. Some elements do, like input elements.
The solution is to listen to key down events from the document or window:
document.onKeyDown.listen(handleInput); // You already noticed this worked.

John McCutchan has written a nice Dart package to help handle keyboard input. You can read more about it here: http://dartgamedevs.org/blog/2012/12/11/keyboard-input/
Note that this library helps you handle input "correctly". You do not want to do any "work" in the input handling, instead you simply want to register that a key was pressed. You can check the state of any key presses inside of your requestAnimationFrame callback.
Hope that helps!

There exists a workaround to get the canvas-element accept KeyboardEvents:
Problems handling KeyboardEvents on DartFlash
Once you add the tabindex-attribute to your canvas-element, it can get the focus and then it will receive KeyboardEvents.

It looks like I can get it to work if I register the event on the document rather than the canvas element.


Accessing HTMLCollection

So I am trying to access all of a specific class name and then eventually ad an event listener to them. I'm doing it this way because I am building a hightcharts graph and cannot add click events specifically to the legend items. So after the graph is build I am trying to access the buttons and then add the event listener.
getButtons() {
let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('legend-btn');
The first console.log comes back with an HTMLCollection with a length of 48 (I know very long but for now it's more testing purposes than anything).
The second console.log comes back as undefined. Any ideas why? I was hoping to do something like this:
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
Any suggestions for how I can add the click event for the newly built highcharts graph?
May I suggest that you try:
for (let button of buttons) {
button.addEventListener('click', changebackground);
I am not sure why you intended to call changebackground(event): in order to do that, you'd have to put event in the event listener's parentheses. Better pass changebackground directly (assuming it does take an event as a parameter).
I'm not quite sure about what I'm telling you: hard to tell without seeing more of the context.

How to remove "on-click" from a custom Polymer component

I have a custom button component done in Polymer Dart:
<div id="buttonDiv">
<my-button id="traceButton"
mode="icon" faicon="fa-comment-o"
toolTip="Print a simple comment"
disabled="false" on-click="{{ traceSomething }}">
I'm trying to copy/paste this button somewhere else. So a user defines it somwhere, and I basically move it by way of getting $['buttonDiv'].children then inserting it somewhere else. The problem is that {{ traceSomething }} is now irrelevant since it's not part of the new parent. I get errors saying that the parent object, which is another polymer component doesn't have an instance getter "traceSomething".
My question is, is there a way to remove "traceSomething" before I insert it somwhere else? I tried removing the "onClick" event listeners, but the buttons still wants to call that function upon click. Also, I've tried adding a preventDefault, etc, like in: In Dart, if I listen to a click event with two listeners, how do I know which happens first?
But, no luck.
I'm not sure what you mean by copy/past. Do you clone the element, or do you just append it to some other elements children.
Anyway, I don't think you can remove the event listener if it was added declaratively. If you add it imperatively it is easy to remove and readd later.
import 'dart:async';
StreamSubscription subsc;
attached() {
subscr = onClick.listen((e) => (this.parentNode as ShadowRoot).host.traceSomething(e));
detached() {
if(subscr != null) {
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/22168745/217408 about accessing the parent of a Polymer element (for Dart Polymer <= 0.16.x)

How to add an onclick event listener to all input fields using Polymer.dart

I want to add an onclick and an onchange event to all input fields inside a Polymer template.
Is there a way to add the events at once by code to all of them?
I want to avoid adding onclick and onchange attributes to the input fields one by one.
I think it must be possible, but I'm messing around with the code and I can't get it.
Thanks in advance
This is quite similar to Listen to events on ElementList with no explicit accessor. You might need a different selector but your question doesn't contain enough information to know what that might be. Maybe:
List<StreamSubscription> _clickSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription>[];
List<StreamSubscription> _changeSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription>[];
.forEach((e) {
_clickSubscriptions.add(e.on["on-click"].listen((event) {
print("Event Triggered");
_changeSubscriptions.add(e.on["on-change"].listen((event) {
print("Event Triggered");
to cancel the subscription use
_clickSubscriptions.forEach((s) => s.cancel());
_changeSubscriptions.forEach((s) => s.cancel());
See also How can you assign mutliple listeners to a single StreamSubscription?

Intercept dialog from <webview> and read the contents

I use this code to intercept a dialog from a webview but I can not see the content or interact with it:
Element webview= querySelector("#webview");
Map<String,String> map=new Map();
window.addEventListener("dialog",(Event e){ //Use window or webview returns the same result
... //What should I do here ??
} );
Any solution?
Open issue: https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=23556
The problem definitely lies with your usage of Dart's Event class.
It simply does not support the extra properties that Chrome is adding to the event: e.dialog, e.messageText, e.messageType.
It does not seem like there is a ready solution for that, at least not in chrome.dart.
Sadly, I don't know Dart well enough to give you a solution. You need to somehow extend that event class, possibly dropping to JS level.
This library, even if abandoned, should give you ideas on how to do that (by catching the JS-level event and stuffing the extra properties in CustomEvent's detail property), though implementing DialogController (which is not JSON-serializable) would be a bit trickier, I guess.

jQuery UI dialog binding keydown doesn't always work

I'm writing my own ESC handler because I need to do other actions when ESC is pressed, specifically I need to manage where focus goes for keyboard-only users. I have it working for all menus and some dialogs (both of which are using jQueryUI) but I'm having problems with dialogs that open on top of other dialogs (confirmation dialogs).
I'm using a Backbone View and adding my keydown handler on dialogcreate. this.$el.on('dialogcreate', this.bindKeydownEvent);
My handler:
bindKeydownEvent: function(ev, ui) {
var self = this;
this.$el.dialog().on('keydown', function(evt) {
if(evt.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
if(self.options.closeFocusEl) {
I've checked and this.$el.dialog() is the correct dialog when the second dialog calls this.bindKeydownEvent but for some reason the keydown handler is not being triggered no matter what I press in the dialog (Tab, Space, Enter, random letters, etc).
Any idea what I'm doing wrong or have a better way I could bind the keydown event?
I just noticed that this is also happening in some first-level dialogs. It looks like the only difference is the way we get the template and therefore create the interior of the dialog. In our Alert and Confirmation dialog classes, we define the template as an attribute on the object like this: template: _.template("<div><%= o.content %></div>"). In other views (in which the keydown binding works) we build the child elements and add them to the DOM of the dialog, set the template in the initialize function
this.options.template = 'navigation/CreateNewDialog.template';
or set it when we call the dialog
var closeConv = new views.CloseConversationDialogView({
confirm: this.closeConversationConfirmed,
content: i18n.t("closeConversationInput"),
template: "conversation/CloseConversationDialog.template"
Is there a reason that creating the template inline as an attribute on the view would not bind keydown correctly?
To understand why your event handler isn't being triggered you need first understand how event delegation works.
The key to event delegation in that events bubble up the DOM. So when you bind your event using this.$el.dialog().on('keydown',..., what you basically doing is listening to any keydown event that is triggered on your $el or it's descendants. In this case being that your second dialog isn't a descendant of your $el it's events won't bubble up to it and therefore don't trigger your handler.
To work around this you can either bind directly to your second dialog, or instead bind to a exisitng higher level element like the document. For example
$(document).on('keydown', '.myDialog', function() {...
The only thing my original attempt was missing was "widget". The widget method, according to api.jqueryui.com,
Returns a jQuery object containing the generated wrapper.
I don't see any documentation on what exactly $('.selector').dialog() returns but apparently it is not the same as $('.selector').dialog("widget"). I also changed on('keydown'... to just use the jQuery keydown instead.
bindKeydownEvent: function(ev, ui) {
var self = this;
this.$el.dialog("widget").keydown(function(evt) {
if(evt.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
if(self.options.closeFocusEl) {
