Deploying MVC 3 application in MVC 4 hosted IIS -

I have created MVC 3 application, everything is working fine.
Now we moved for deployment. However the IIS 7 got already installed with MVC 4 and running other MVC 4 application.
Can I simply host my MVC 3 application? Or do I need to do any changes in web.config, or global.asax etc? Any breakdown will happen?
I developed MVC 3 with Razor.

You can install MVC3 and and MVC4 side by side, but you may need to follow the advice here
If you don't want to install MVC3 on the server, simply BIN deploy it and make the changes in the attached link. That way you'll risk no knock on effects to other apps.


.Net MVC 4 Blank Page

I am trying to deploy the default empty internet application template from .Net MVC 4, my app gives the same problem so figured start with the simplest app I could.
The server is 2008 R2 running .Net 4 (app has been changed to 4 from 4.5). I have other sites running on that machine with .Net 4 and MVC 3 but the MVC 4 app just brings up a blank page. I have confirmed HttpRedirection and HttpErrors are installed (and the MVC 3 apps run fine).
I have tried the solution from Michel van Engelen here I am getting a blank page while deploying MVC application on IIS and confirmed it works on my machine but still a blank page.
I ended up adding ELMAH to try get info on the exception that was causing the problem and the site started working, I am not sure what changes to the web.config to install ELMAH resulted in the site starting but did the same thing to my other original app and all is now fine.

ASP.NET MVC and host problems

I have done the following :
Start Visual Studio 2010
New Project > ASP.NET MVC
Default ASP.NET MVC project generated by VS2010
Add a couple off simple buttons on the first page
Start local IIS manager, Create a web application and point it to the ASP.NET MVC project
Set correct right on the ASP.NET MVC project folder(to the user running the thread pool in IIS7)
Browse site (http://localhost/MyTestSight/) and the first page is shown
Upload site to
Host sets the site to be runned on .NET 4.0
Browse and the site is not working?
The host has checked that tha Active Server Page is set to allow
Host has installed up to MVC 3
I could turn on the Browsable to see the file structure but this will not help to get the site running.
How do I get this asp.NET MVC web site running?
Is the application pool running in integrated mode the IIS site running under that application pool?
It's my understanding that if this isn't the case, the MVC site will not run.
Alternatively, have you tried this?
+1 Unicorn power HooooooO!!!!! Also I've always when hosting a site published the project to a different folder then setup the site via IIS from that folder hope this helps.

How to update MVC 1 application to MVC 3 with razor in ASP.NET MVC

I have a MVC 1 application who i want to migrate to MVC 3 last days. i make a fresh project and rewrite all logic and put in new.
at a half :- i hear that do not changes in admin. so i include the logic from old code to fresh.
now code is not worked. so all my work look like gone.
Now i thing to migrate the project not by making fresh perhaps by using old solution [proj] i have to make upgraded to MVC 3.
so i can include changes i make in new to old.
so i need a thing that:-
How i can make MVC 1 project to MVC 3 project who can work with razor. second thing i need that used old sollution not making new sollution for migration.
are you know any thing to upgrade i can MVC 1 project to MVC 3 project. How ?
Thanks for help
Martin Aatmaa has a post on how to upgrade manually from MVC 1 to MVC 2 or you could try Eilon Lipton's upgrading tool
Then from there you might be able to use MVC 3 upgrader tool also by Eilon Lipton
I'm not aware of any tools to upgrade from MVC 1 to MVC 3 directly.
Once upgraded to MVC 3 you will then have to go through each view manually and change the code from an ASPX view to a Razor view. Note that both view engines can be used along side each other in the same project.

Hosting ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor Engine Site

I am working on a ASP.NET MVC 3 beta Razor engine website. Its a small project. I would like to know if its possible to deploy Razor engine site to normal hosting provider. I assume I would need to copy relevant dll's to my site bin folder. Will this work or I would need to do something more than this to successfully deploy my site to shared hosting.
Yes, it is definitely possible to deploy an ASP.NET MVC 3 app to a web hoster that doesn't have it installed. The link that tshao posted is a great start. The only requirement is that the hoster is running ASP.NET 4.
yes it is possible to run MVC 3.0 with web pages inside shared hosting. please refer this article of mine;

Does MVC need to be compiled before it’s deployed onto a web server?

I can’t get a basic MVC site to work on my web server unless I’ve compiled it first in Visual Web Developer. If it doesn’t have a dll in the Bin, it says the Namespace can’t be found.
In classic I could just upload the files and the server would compile it at first run. Is this not the case in MVC? Essentially I’d like to build an MVC site without using Visual Web Developer.
That's cause ASP.NET MVC is not based on the Website model that many ASP.NET Web Forms apps were. It is based on the Web application model.
You can read about Web Application Projects here.
I've read about people migrating the Web Application to the Web site model in ASP.NET MVC but I don't recommended it.
Yes, you do need to compile an MVC site and deploy some DLLs in a bin folder when you deploy an MVC site
You can build MVC without Visual web developer... but why?
