Log In with Apple ID - ios

I am developing an Application where I want the user to log in with his/her Apple ID.
Is this possible? If so, how can I do this?

Apple introduced Sign In with Apple at their worldwide developer conference, WWDC 2019.
Here's how Apple describe it:
Sign In with Apple makes it easy for users to sign in to your apps and websites using their Apple ID. Instead of filling out forms, verifying email addresses, and choosing new passwords, they can use Sign In with Apple to set up an account and start using your app right away. All accounts are protected with two-factor authentication for superior security, and Apple will not track users’ activity in your app or website.
Sign In with Apple requires iOS 13 or later, iPadOS 13 or later, watchOS 6 or later, macOS Catalina 10.15 or later, and tvOS 13 or later.

Nope, there is an standard API for this. You could use a UIWebView to make a user log in to an existing login form somewhere on apple.com, and then check for the subsequent success or failure URL, but that would probably be both brittle and rejected by the App Store approval process.

It is not possible currently. Your best bet is to submit a feature request at https://bugreport.apple.com/
If you want to authenticate users without setting up your own registration system, you could adopt Facebook Connect. Lots of people already use Facebook obviously, and you don't have to maintain the signup/forgot password/security stuff at all.
If you don't like Facebook, Google also offers a similar system. (see https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/MobileApps)

Apple will probably never allow you to log in with the user's Apple ID.
You might be able to allow your users to log into Game Center. The user's Game Center account is tied to the AppleID, so users can be identified by your app that way. But this is assuming that you were actually building a game.
Apple's Game Center documentation is here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/15_GameCenter/GameCenter.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH7-SW1
The App Store Review guidelines preclude using any information from Apple's services in your app, which is why it's dubious they would ever allow you to login with an Apple ID:
12. Scraping and aggregation
Applications that scrape any information from Apple sites (for example from apple.com, iTunes Store, App Store, iTunes Connect, Apple Developer Programs, etc) or create rankings using content from Apple sites and services will be rejected

If what you want to achieve is a seamless user experience between the user's different iOS devices without requiring the user to pick a username and password for your service you could maybe use iCloud. But of course it depends on what you are building. Apple provides some videos introducing the different iCloud APIs: https://developer.apple.com/icloud/documentation/


How does google make same account visible across multiple apps on an iOS device?

I've installed google Hangouts, and then installed google Meet (two separate apps).
I logged in on Hangouts, and when I opened Meet, it asked whether I want to sign in with the same account. Same happens on Youtube, Gmail and other google apps.
I don't see this entered google account on "Accounts" tab in iOS Settings, so I suppose they use some reliable device tracking mechanism across all their apps. So the questions I have are:
Which mechanism/APIs are they using?
Does the same account show up to google when I visit google services from Safari and other WebKit browsers?
Although convenient for the end user, wouldn't it be a breach of user's privacy and iOS privacy policies?
Apps from the same developer can share files, user defaults, and keychain items. You have to add the right entitlements to the apps and you have to be quite careful as a developer with keychain items, but it’s not difficult.
I don’t think end users can’t see this in any way. Apple could reject the apps if they think the use of this feature is inappropriate but in your case I’d expect no problem.
The feature is also often needed when you add any extensions to your app.

Is Apple In-App Purchase required for apps using auto-renewing subscription?

I am developing an iOS application where all payment related things are on existing website, our app don't have any payment related thing in it. A user adds payment details on website and select appropriate plan and can use it on both website and iOS app.
So please tell me that if i have nothing on app for using In-App purchase then it will be get approved on app store or get rejected just because app is not giving them their 30% share?
I need some expert advise...
I just read through that exact section of the developer guidelines, and it confirms that that is prohibited. A recent example of such apps being rejected: apps using Dropbox were being rejected (the Dropbox API had a button that could navigate users to their website to upgrade their account instead of having it take place in-app, where Apple would have gotten a percentage).
A quote from that article:
In case you’re wondering what the reasoning these apps are getting for rejection, here’s what Apple is responding with:
We found that your app provides access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Specifically, your app enables to user to create accounts with Dropbox and Google.
Well that sucks. Apparently at some point when using an app that utilizes the Dropbox SDK, you can create an account for the service if you don’t already have one. At that point, there’s a link to a desktop version of Dropbox that lets you upgrade your account. That’s exactly what Apple isn’t a fan of.
My suggestion would be to make them available for purchase via an in-app purchase, charge 30% more for it (so you make the same amount as if the user made the purchase on the web or on Android), but make the user's job post last for 30% more time. This isn't quite fair for you because, if you make $100 off John for an 30-day listing, you would still only make $100 off me for a 39-day listing (assuming I bought the listing via the iOS app). That said, there is no incentive for me to pay for the listing via the iOS app because I am paying $130 (30% more than John) for it and the additional days.
Best of luck.
The link on App Store Review Guidelines mentions:
3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services: Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or features they have acquired
elsewhere, including consumable items in multi-platform games, provided those
items are also available as in-app purchases within the app. You must not directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods must not discourage use of in-app purchase.
I am not sure how Netflix does this. New users cannot signup on iOS App, but can sign up on website, purchase subscriptions and use in iOS App.

Private set of users for iOS App

I would like to create an iOS App for a limited set of people.
It should be possible to download the app for free from App Store, but in order to use it
the idea is that you are required to be a member of the organization, which in this case is a local sports organization.
To solve the problem I thought of giving away activation keys to members that can be entered when they create an account, and therefore only members will be using the app.
Will the app be rejected by App Store? If so, is it possible to go around this in some away?
No you will not be rejected by the App Store.
During the review you will only need to give the access to demo account.
Your app will be available to anyone but you are free to give the credential to any person you want.
Fyi I have such apps. The AppStore only block 'discriminating' app based on carrier or location (you can choose the countries anyway), but you are perfectly in the rules if you give access only to your clients...
edit edit
2.22 like I said is against arbitrary criterias, not linked to the login mechanism
for 11.1 and so on, I understand the point, but in my case (and I think yours) there is no problem if
you sell your service before, the app is just complimentary
you dont sell anything within the app
you dont charge for the app itself or anything within the app, you charge only the use of the server/back office/whatsoever
I guess that Apple dont care, they just don't want to bypass the applestore but I dont think that it is your case.
You should try Enterprise distribution for such purpose.
Yes your app may be rejected. Check the App Store Review Guidelines. In 2.2 it says
Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the App, such as by location or carrier, may be rejected
There are different alternatives.
You can opt in for the Apple Developer Enterprise Program, this'll cost you 300$ a year and requires you to be a legal entity.
If you want to test it with a limited number of people (<1000) try looking into Testflight it was bought by Apple and is deeply integrated in the development process.
No, there will not. You need to to give some demo account info as test data to review while submitting to app store in the iTunes Connect portal.
Demo use case(worked for me): Implementation is like, there need some userid/unique pin to the registered account holders to start the application. At the time they input this pin, authenticate the user with our server and give the permission to let in to the app.
Otherwise you need to go for enterprise distribution. Find more about enterprise distribution here.

Getting user details who downloaded my ios app from apple app store

There is requirement in my iOS application to display the list of users who are using my app. can i get this details from apple app store. if it is possible then how can i get user details (mail id, username etc) who have downloaded my app from app store.
Any help would be appreciated.
Before fight for search anything, read this point in the Apple Review Guideline.
12.1 Applications that scrape any information from Apple sites (for example from apple.com, iTunes Store, App Store, iTunes Connect, Apple Developer Programs, etc) or create rankings using content from Apple sites and services will be rejected
2.25 Apps that display Apps other than your own for purchase or promotion in a manner similar to or confusing with the App Store will be rejected
This is not possible using iTunes Connect exposed data and is against AppStore policy.
If you wish to track your users, implement an authentication API in your app, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google or your own, and require users to login before they can use the app.

Submitting beta iPhone app to store

My company is working on a dynamic mobile app that updates the look and appearance based on webcalls and we would like to be able to test that it would be able to get into the store okay. For the time being we have used the code to create an interal company app where the initial screen is a logon screen where the users log in with their company usernames and passwords. There are only about 20 people in the company that will be using this app for the beta release and the app logon is only available to members of the company.
We want to have this test release to first ensure that the app gets into the appstore and secondly to get a feel for the app review process. Would this type of app be allowed into the store? Or due to its limited user group, would they reject it? Also would apple need to be given a test username/pass to login to the company website itself to check how the app runs?
Any information regarding this issue would be very helpful!!
From the App Store Review Guidelines (developer account required):
If your App looks like it was cobbled together in a few days, or
you're trying to get your first practice App into the store to impress
your friends, please brace yourself for rejection. We have lots of
serious developers who don't want their quality Apps to be surrounded
by amateur hour.
2.9 Apps that are "beta", "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected
Finally, yes, you are required to provide a "demo account" if a login is required to use the entirety of your application.
Regarding your small user base, your application may not be accepted if it will only be used by 20 or so people (as stated in the comments). The iOS Enterprise Program is intended for in-house distribution (a small and limited user base).
2.22 Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the app ... may be rejected
I have worked for a company that did release apps that were secured by a login screen. All you need to do to get it into the app store is provide Apple with a proper login so that they may test the functionality of the app themselves. When updating the metadata for your app in iTunes Connect, there is a section for testing notes, simply put your test username/password in there for apple to use.
One way they can reject an app is guideline 2.12: "We found that the features and/or content of your app were not useful or entertaining enough, or your app did not appeal to a broad enough audience, to be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines." If you're concerned about whether or not your app can get to the store, then there is no real problem in just submitting it. Just don't call it a beta test version because they will reject it. If you want, you can always change the release date of the app to a future date once it passes, and then the app will still not be available to all until that future date is reached. And yes you should provide them with a user name
