Highcharts in Google Apps Scripts - highcharts

Has anyone gotten Highcharts working within Google Apps Scripts.
I know that you can do in GWT via:
Is there anyone aware of how to apply this to Google Apps Scripts environment?

If you're using HtmlService to publish your web app, you can certainly add the Highcharts javascript file to your page with <script> tags, but be warned that Google Caja sanitizes your HTML code before it displays it to the user. What does this mean? Well, since the highcharts js file is pretty big, it will take a while (in the realm of several seconds) to sanitize it.
You're probably better off using the Apps Script Charts service.


How do I integrate the "highchart editor" in react js web app?

I want to add the high chart editor into my existing ReactJS application. Can you give me some suggestions? I am trying to explore from last 1-week onwards but no results.
Is it possible to send a basic working example of a high chart editor with ReactJs?
Thank You

How to use multiple files with phonegap jquery mobile app

I am starting a jquery mobile/phonegap application. And would like to know if there is any way I can keep my code in seperate files so it is easier to manage. From all the reading I have done on jquery mobile it looks like all of your pages are in one file and are just seperated by divs like <div data-role="page" id="page-one"></div>. I guess I could try to make some type of a makefile that concatenated them all together, but it seems that most apps are pretty lengthy that they should have a solution for this. Keeping all the code in one file just seems impossible to maintain.
JQuery demo, three pages, all one source file:
You can just use normal links with jQuery mobile:
It will "hijack" the link and use transitions to give you a native like animation. As Flatlineato pointed out you need to make each page confirm to the required markup, and you'll need to repeat your headers/footers etc on each included page.
Or you can use more complex solutions to dynamically change the content of your page, which can be stored in multiple files, like this other SO post:
including the header and footer in jquery mobile multiple page site
But I would also agree with Leo and say the jQuery mobile isn't the best choice for Phonegap, it's not that well optimized, and runs slower in the Phonegap webkit view than it does in native safari.
I've also switched to a custom navigation system and dropped jQM early on in my Phonegap development, but that was over a year ago, more recent versions may work better.
I think my personal API is what you are searching for:
Demo example:
jQuery Mobile allows you to have the pages in separate files. Obviously in each file must conform to the structure of the markup pages.
To point to another page in the link instead of the id you specify the correct file name. If the file then you enter multiple jquery mobile pages must also specify the id.

Meteor + jQuery Mobile + Phonegap

How to connect jQuery Mobile (meteor add ...)? I understand that you can connect by adding the head, but I do not want to.
I know about how to use Meteor + Phonegap, however, advise which option is better?
Outdated information:
jQuery-Mobile Meteor sample integration and/or integration guidelines
I created a new jQuery mobile (jqm) demo app at jqmdemo.meteor.com
because the "old" demo app (jqm.meteor.com) wasn't working as expected.
You can create a package in your local lib folder to use jqm in meteor (see source code on bitbucket, link is on the demo page).
There's no meteorite package for this at atmosphere yet (mrt add ...). I haven't created one, because I think there are still many things that can be improved in the demo (e.g. popups are not working in the demo).
Also event binding needs to be re-checked because I added the event to the rendered function of the templates with jQuery.on(...).
Attaching the jquery mobile events to the template.[yourtemplate].events({}) handler would be better, but I don't know how to do this.
I can not say anything to phonegap at the moment. Because I haven't tested it.
But at the moment I think that jqm and meteor is a bit slow in performance. If you have a look at the fontawesome-demo inside of the jqm demo you'll notice that it takes quite long to render the >300 icons. Maybe a server side rendering would be better, but I think that's not ready in meteor.

Convert jquery mobile mvc4 web application to phonegap

I've created one Jquery mobile mvc4 web application using webapi support, which is well looking site in almost all mobile device as well. but now i want to convert this MVC application to phonegap to use mobile feature supports like camera,accelerometer,sound etc..
What is the best way to start converting it to phonegap, will i need to create SOAP based web-Service for webapi code. I've searched on web regarding that but not getting enough help,support.
am i going right way ? or need something else ?
any help is appreciable.
Okay so in order to convert it first you are going to have to know Objective-C because that is the only language that is allowed on the iPhone but assuming you know that here are the steps you can take in making a conversion like that.
*Make sure that any outside information the application retrieves is either a) In a REST api you can use the new WebApi in fact I am using it right now and it works like a charm. Or b) Any script src= tags are converted to local files on disk. So if you had script src="My awesome css" make that file a local file on the phone.
*Next take any views and decide where all of their API calling code is. Make not of that and then get ready to be moving that code.
*Once that is all recorded startup a phonegap project and get rid of any extra .index files or anything you don't need.
*Create your applications PhoneGap plugin. Have the OBjective-C plugin make any API calls that you will be needing and then make the javascript plugin match the objective-C function.
*Where you had any calls in your previous views, make those now call the cordova (PhoneGap) plugin.
This is a very brief roadmap to get started.
Once the tediousness is over it is worth it though. I moved my IOS application to Android and they transfer pretty easy.

Is there any Javascript Chart Library which i can use for Blackberry browser. Without ActiveX?

Is there any Javascript Chart Library which i can use for Blackberry browser. Without ActiveX?
I want to make one blackberry browser based chart report app using PhoneGap with html and javascript.
You have a couple options:
RaphaelJS / gRaphael
Google charts
Both Google charts and RaphaelJS use SVG (which in turn renders using VML in IE). gRaphael unfortunately hasn't been maintained in the past year, but there are several examples that show various charts.
