TFS: How to maintain project references when branching - tfs

Our Visual Studio 2010 Solution includes six projects. One of the six is the main application and the remaining five are class libraries that are configured as Project References in the main application. Our TFS Source Control structure is as follows:
I need to create a Branch of Application1 so I have this:
My question is, when I create the Branch for Application1, do I also need to create Branches for the five Project References whether they get updated with the new feature or not? If I do, do I need to manually update the Project References so Application1-NewFeature knows to reference Class1-NewFeature instead of just Class1? When I merge the new feature back into the main branch, do I need to update the Project References all over again? Branching is totally new to me and I'm afraid I'll have a mess of Branches and Project References that gets out of control. What is "Best Practice" for this scenario?

I find it best, in effect, to branch the entire solution or system of solutions. It doesn't duplicate files, so it's not a big deal to have projects in your branch that you're not going to change.
Ironically, one rule of thumb that I use is that anything referenced via project references should be branched together.


Copy new directory from one TFS branch to another

Another developer has some test files in a new directory in their branch. They're useful to me as well but I'm working in a totally independent, newer branch and he's not likely to merge his branch anytime soon.
I am able to branch his "test-data" directory into my branch but I really want to break the branch association so they're treated as new files in my branch, i.e. so TFS thinks our branches independently added the same new files and we resolve conflicts later since our test data is likely to diverge.
Is there a way to "orphan" the branched files somehow?
You can just get files in TFS using the web access component. Just browse to the folder through the code portion of web access and right click > get as zip.
You can do it from the command line as well but I am not familiar with that. SO has a lot of resources on how to do that from what I have seen.
It is possible to break the branching relationship in TFS and there are many questions on SO on how to do that. But your branch wouldn't initially treat them as 'added' and the history will be in TFS. I would recommend branching just the folder his useful code into your branch and leaving that relationship for posterities sake.
That being said, depending on your situation it may not make sense. If you want to remove the branching relationship immediately, then I don't think you need to use TFS.

What is the recommended TFS structure.

We are trying to move from our current source control to a TFS as a source control. Right now we have all projects as project references. Our organization is small and we have a lot of common projects that are used by various development teams and all teams update these projects as needed. When we migrate to TFS we are looking to use DLL references for these projects but I am wondering if that would make branching impossible and I am also concerned about is there a benefit of having DLL references to the projects that all teams in the company need to make changes to.
Could you please suggest, given our scenario, if it would be good idea to have DLL references to our common projects or to have project references. Any links to suggested readings would also be helpful.
Depends on the size of these projects and how often you make changes there, dll references are generaly used for 3rd party libs, if you own common projects are not often changed and/or changed by small/dedicated group of ppl then it may be benificial to treat them the same way, otherwise its better to have project references.
Im not sure why dll references would present branching problems ? You branch them just like any other code or project, if they dont differ per branch you can save yourself time on updates and keep them outside branch in single location.

How to work in TFS with one solution pointing different branches

I am using TFS. I created a branch for one of folder/project in my solution. Now I have two branches (folders) with the same code. But my solution pointed only one (parent folder-branch. But from now I want to work with newly create son folder-branch.
I found two ways:
Redesign my solution to point newly created son folder-branch. My solution includes near 200 projects and this way will take a lot of job.
Don't change solution but change workspace by clocking parent folder-branch and mapping newly created to old place. This way also very complicated.
May be somebody will give me advise to another way. Easy way of using the same solution for several branches.
Typically you will want to branch and merge at the solution level, not the project level.
I have been following the ALM Rangers' guidance on branching, using their "basic" branching structure:
Created a "$/TP/Main" folder
Converted it to a branch
Created a "$/TP/Dev" folder
Branched from Main into "$/TP/Dev/Dev"
Created a "$/TP/Release" folder
Branched from Main into "$/TP/Release/Release"
My normal workspace maps from "$/TP/Dev/Dev" to my local "C:\TP" folder. That's where I do my day to day work, and the solution files are under there. When I merge forward to Main, and then to Release, the solution naturally comes with it.
The solution doesn't refer to any branch. It contains references relative to the disk location, so it all works in any branch or any machine.

TFS: Create a new project from an existing one in TFS

What is the best way to create a completely new project in TFS by copying an existing one?
I have an ASP.NET project that will have 50+ "releases" per year. Each release is a distinct entity that needs to remain independent of all others. Once created, I want to make sure that any change to one (the source project or the copy) does not affect the other.
This is for source control only. I do not need to copy any work items.
In the pre-TFS world I would do this by simply copying the folder that contained all of the project files. This had me 90% of the way to the new app, which I could then tailor for the new release. It is very rare that I need to actually add functionality to the base application, and even when I do it never affects existing apps. Is this still possible using TFS, by copying my local folders and then adding the copy into TFS as a new project?
Any suggestions? One branch per release looks like the "standard" way of doing this but I will quickly end up with dozens of branches that really aren't related, and I'd rather keep each new project as it's own distinct project, with no chance of changes in one affecting the other.
Thanks for the responses. I think you've all given me enough insight to get started. Richard, thanks for the detail. I was a bit concerned that it might be too easy to accidentally merge the branches.
There are really two questions here:
1) Is it better to copy/paste or branch?
I'd venture to say that copy/paste is never appropriate. Unless you are very careful (at minimum, run 'tfpt treeclean' immediately before copying), it's likely you'll end up checking in some inappropriate files to the new location. In addition, you will be using up FAR more disk space on the server, since it must store 50+ full copies instead of just diffs.
There is virtually no danger that branches will "accidentally" become comingled down the line. Merging branches back together involves at least 3 deliberate steps: pend the merge (itself a 4-page wizard), then resolve all conflicts, then checkin.
Nor are you likely to get confused as to your place in the tree. TFS uses "path space" branching. That means branches appear to the user as separate physical locations in the source tree, rather than mere version-tags on top of the same path. Since branches look like folders, you can do all the normal folder operations on them: Cloak (don't download them to your local workspace), Permission (in particular, removing someone's Read permission will ensure they can't even see it), Delete or Destroy (when you're truly done with them).
2) When is it appropriate to create a new Team Project?
This is a more complex topic in general. Official guidance. My opinion.
However, I'd say your case is easy: don't do it. Team Projects have a lot of overhead. There is a finite number you can create on a server...ever. Don't forget about other forms of overhead too, like the time it takes for the project admin to port over all your settings, and the time every developer on your team spends reconnecting his Team Explorer.
All for what? The links above go into great detail about the forms of sub-structure that can be created inside a single Team Project. In short, almost anything is possible. The only areas that are somewhat lacking are Team Queries and Build Definitions, which are restricted to a single container folder, and a few settings like Exclusive Checkout which are all-or-nothing. Unless you have a very large or very diverse team, the benefits of separate team projects per release are very unlikely to outweigh the drawbacks.
Of course, if a "release" is a major event that signals a change in your SCM practices , that's a whole other story. New SCM => new process template => new team project. But I doubt you do that 50+ times a year :)
I would recommend using branching. Create a branch for each release from the main branch. As long as you do not merge the branches they will remain independent. Changes to the main branch will only affect releases created after the those changes were made.
You could copy the files and create a new project, but you may run into a couple of problems:
The projects "remember" that they were in TFS, there is a bit of manual work to clean up special files etc.
TFS may slow down when you have many projects, compared with a single project with branches
This might sound obvious but you should only create a new project for a "new project". It sounds like what you are talking about are different versions of the same project.
If you want to maintain separate codebases for previous releases then as the other answerers have said, branching the code is your best option. This works nicely when you want to merge bug fixes from your latest version into older releases too.
However if you really really must have new projects, you still use branching in the same manner.

How to branch and merge in TFS

This question is a derivative of a previous question: How to version resources that are shared across projects
I have a project that contains code that is consumed by many other projects. Specifically, one folder in this parent project has been branched to dependent child projects.
We have since made changes in the parent project and checked them in. In Source Control Explorer, I right click on the branched folder in the parent project and select "Merge", intending to push the changes to a dependent project. I select the child project as a destination and then select "Latest Version". The wizard informs me "There are no changes to merge."
From my perspective, this isn't true, since the recently updated files are clearly different.
Is there a fundamental misunderstanding of the merge process in TFS here? What do I need to do differently?
The TFS merge engine relies almost entirely on history, not file contents. This makes it efficient for very large trees, and flexible for tasks like safely cherry-picking changes -- but it also makes answering your question difficult.
The first step is to understand the diagnostic commands tf history, tf merges, and tf merge /candidate. Here is a good introduction:
If you are new to branching & merging in TFS then your history is probably not very complex. I think it's likely you'll find your answer with one quick call to tf merges. However, tracing merge history can become extremely convoluted in the general case, so if you have trouble feel free to post back with more details.
Go to one specific file you know has changed in your "parent" project. Try merging just that file. Don't check anything in; just see what happens.
Something to watch for: The merge tools will not include files that have been added after you branch. You have to branch new files explicitly before you can merge any further changes. If a file is added to both parent and child folders without using a branch operation, the merge tools don't treat them as versions of the same file (and you can't merge changes between them).
