BlackBerry - write and read from persistent object vector - blackberry

I have a BlackBerry Application that sends messages to a server at fixed intervals. The messages are sent via web service using any of the connection methods available; Wifi, BIS, TCP/IP etc.
Since the messages are being sent continuously, I need a mechanism to queue the messages in case internet is not available and send the messages across when internet becomes available. For that reason, I wish to first save any outgoing message in the Persistent Store and then read the Persistent Store and loop through it to send all pending messages. Any new message should be saved at the last spot in the Persistent Store.
I am calling the two methods below when "Send" is clicked:
public static void saveMessage(String msg){
Hashtable hashtable=new Hashtable();
persistentObject = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(KEY);
hashtable.put("MessageToSend", msg);
public static void sendMessage(String msg){
Hashtable hashtable=new Hashtable();
persistentObject = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(KEY);
Vector msgVector = (Vector)persistentObject.getContents();
Enumeration eMsgs=msgVector.elements();;
/*synchronized(poObject )*/{
int i=0;
String encryptedMessage=(String)hashtable.get("MessageToSend");
//check internet connection
String C0NNECTION_EXTENSION = checkInternetConnection();
Dialog.alert("Check internet connection and try again");
This is just an attempt from the tutorials/examples that I came across. Kindly help.

The save method you show is not actually putting the hashtable into the PersistentObject. Try something like this instead:
public static void saveMessage(String msg){
Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
persistentObject = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(KEY);
hashtable.put("MessageToSend", msg);
persistentObject.setContents(hashtable); // <- you were missing this
That's still probably not a great implementation, because I'm assuming that you might want to call saveMessage() multiple times, and add more than one message to the persistent store (?). Is that right, or can you only ever have one message saved? (if that's true, you can ignore this next suggestion for saveMessage())
public static void saveMessage(String msg){
persistentObject = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(KEY);
Hashtable hashtable = (Hashtable) persistentObject.getContents();
if (hashtable == null) {
// lazily initialize the store contents
hashtable = new Hashtable();
hashtable.put("MessagesToSend", new Vector());
Vector queuedMessages = (Vector) hashtable.get("MessagesToSend");
// write the store contents to device storage
* #param msg TODO: I'm not sure why msg needs to be passed, if
* saveMessage(msg) was called first?
public static void sendMessage(String msg){
// TODO: you could choose to save the message here, so that the caller
// need not remember to call both sendMessage() and saveMessage()
// saveMessage(msg);
persistentObject = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(KEY);
Hashtable hashtable = (Hashtable) persistentObject.getContents();
if (hashtable != null) {
// check for saved messages first, and send them
Vector msgVector = (Vector) hashtable.get("MessagesToSend");
Enumeration eMsgs = msgVector.elements();
Vector toDelete = new Vector();
while (eMsgs.hasMoreElements()) {
String encryptedMessage = (String)eMsgs.nextElement();
// if the send was successful, you should delete message from the store
eMsgs = toDelete.elements();
while (eMsgs.hasMoreElements()) {
// we can delete this sent message now
// re-write the persistent store to the device
I'd also generally like to steer you away from making everything static ... that said, that's really a bigger, unrelated issue here, and it does happen that your persistent store object is likely to be a unique, global object in your application (a better implementation, however, would probably avoid all these static declarations).
Update: I'm a little unclear as to how you expect to call these two methods. Based on your description, it seems that you call both saveMessage(msg) and then sendMessage(msg) when Send is clicked by the user. If you save the message first, with my implementation, then there is no need to pass msg in to sendMessage(), since sendMessage() will send out all saved, unsent messages in the queue (vector). So, the API for sendMessage() has an unnecessary parameter. Or, I supposed you could leave sendMessage(String) as the only public method, and have sendMessage(String) first call saveMessage(String).
In any case, that's up to you, and how you want your method calling semantics to work. The basic problem of storing and retrieving persistent objects should be addressed by the code above.


How are Firebase offline capabilities supposed to detect when the cache is outdated? [duplicate]

Whenever I use addListenerForSingleValueEvent with setPersistenceEnabled(true), I only manage to get a local offline copy of DataSnapshot and NOT the updated DataSnapshot from the server.
However, if I use addValueEventListener with setPersistenceEnabled(true), I can get the latest copy of DataSnapshot from the server.
Is this normal for addListenerForSingleValueEvent as it only searches DataSnapshot locally (offline) and removes its listener after successfully retrieving DataSnapshot ONCE (either offline or online)?
Update (2021): There is a new method call (get on Android and getData on iOS) that implement the behavior you'll like want: it first tries to get the latest value from the server, and only falls back to the cache when it can't reach the server. The recommendation to use persistent listeners still applies, but at least there's a cleaner option for getting data once even when you have local caching enabled.
How persistence works
The Firebase client keeps a copy of all data you're actively listening to in memory. Once the last listener disconnects, the data is flushed from memory.
If you enable disk persistence in a Firebase Android application with:
The Firebase client will keep a local copy (on disk) of all data that the app has recently listened to.
What happens when you attach a listener
Say you have the following ValueEventListener:
ValueEventListener listener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
// No-op
When you add a ValueEventListener to a location:
// OR
If the value of the location is in the local disk cache, the Firebase client will invoke onDataChange() immediately for that value from the local cache. If will then also initiate a check with the server, to ask for any updates to the value. It may subsequently invoke onDataChange() again if there has been a change of the data on the server since it was last added to the cache.
What happens when you use addListenerForSingleValueEvent
When you add a single value event listener to the same location:
The Firebase client will (like in the previous situation) immediately invoke onDataChange() for the value from the local disk cache. It will not invoke the onDataChange() any more times, even if the value on the server turns out to be different. Do note that updated data still will be requested and returned on subsequent requests.
This was covered previously in How does Firebase sync work, with shared data?
Solution and workaround
The best solution is to use addValueEventListener(), instead of a single-value event listener. A regular value listener will get both the immediate local event and the potential update from the server.
A second solution is to use the new get method (introduced in early 2021), which doesn't have this problematic behavior. Note that this method always tries to first fetch the value from the server, so it will take longer to completely. If your value never changes, it might still be better to use addListenerForSingleValueEvent (but you probably wouldn't have ended up on this page in that case).
As a workaround you can also call keepSynced(true) on the locations where you use a single-value event listener. This ensures that the data is updated whenever it changes, which drastically improves the chance that your single-value event listener will see the current value.
So I have a working solution for this. All you have to do is use ValueEventListener and remove the listener after 0.5 seconds to make sure you've grabbed the updated data by then if needed. Realtime database has very good latency so this is safe. See safe code example below;
public class FirebaseController {
private DatabaseReference mRootRef;
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private FirebaseController() {
mRootRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
public static FirebaseController getInstance() {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new FirebaseController();
return sInstance;
Then some method you'd have liked to use "addListenerForSingleEvent";
public void getTime(final OnTimeRetrievedListener listener) {
DatabaseReference ref = mRootRef.child("serverTime");
ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
if (listener != null) {
// This can be called twice if data changed on server - SO DEAL WITH IT!
// This can be called twice if data changed on server - SO DEAL WITH IT!
removeListenerAfter2(ref, this);
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
removeListenerAfter2(ref, this);
// ValueEventListener version workaround for addListenerForSingleEvent not working.
private void removeListenerAfter2(DatabaseReference ref, ValueEventListener listener) {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HelperUtil.logE("removing listener", FirebaseController.class);
}, 500);
// ChildEventListener version workaround for addListenerForSingleEvent not working.
private void removeListenerAfter2(DatabaseReference ref, ChildEventListener listener) {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HelperUtil.logE("removing listener", FirebaseController.class);
}, 500);
Even if they close the app before the handler is executed, it will be removed anyways.
Edit: this can be abstracted to keep track of added and removed listeners in a HashMap using reference path as key and datasnapshot as value. You can even wrap a fetchData method that has a boolean flag for "once" if this is true it would do this workaround to get data once, else it would continue as normal.
You're Welcome!
You can create transaction and abort it, then onComplete will be called when online (nline data) or offline (cached data)
I previously created function which worked only if database got connection lomng enough to do synch. I fixed issue by adding timeout. I will work on this and test if this works. Maybe in the future, when I get free time, I will create android lib and publish it, but by then it is the code in kotlin:
* #param databaseReference reference to parent database node
* #param callback callback with mutable list which returns list of objects and boolean if data is from cache
* #param timeOutInMillis if not set it will wait all the time to get data online. If set - when timeout occurs it will send data from cache if exists
fun readChildrenOnlineElseLocal(databaseReference: DatabaseReference, callback: ((mutableList: MutableList<#kotlin.UnsafeVariance T>, isDataFromCache: Boolean) -> Unit), timeOutInMillis: Long? = null) {
var countDownTimer: CountDownTimer? = null
val transactionHandlerAbort = object : Transaction.Handler { //for cache load
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, data: DataSnapshot?) {
val listOfObjects = ArrayList<T>()
data?.let {
data.children.forEach {
val child = it.getValue(aClass)
child?.let {
callback.invoke(listOfObjects, true)
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData?): Transaction.Result {
return Transaction.abort()
val transactionHandlerSuccess = object : Transaction.Handler { //for online load
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, data: DataSnapshot?) {
val listOfObjects = ArrayList<T>()
data?.let {
data.children.forEach {
val child = it.getValue(aClass)
child?.let {
callback.invoke(listOfObjects, false)
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData?): Transaction.Result {
return Transaction.success(p0)
In the code if time out is set then I set up timer which will call transaction with abort. This transaction will be called even when offline and will provide online or cached data (in this function there is really high chance that this data is cached one).
Then I call transaction with success. OnComplete will be called ONLY if we got response from firebase database. We can now cancel timer (if not null) and send data to callback.
This implementation makes dev 99% sure that data is from cache or is online one.
If you want to make it faster for offline (to don't wait stupidly with timeout when obviously database is not connected) then check if database is connected before using function above:
DatabaseReference connectedRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(".info/connected");
connectedRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
boolean connected = snapshot.getValue(Boolean.class);
if (connected) {
} else {
System.out.println("not connected");
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) {
System.err.println("Listener was cancelled");
When workinkg with persistence enabled, I counted the times the listener received a call to onDataChange() and stoped to listen at 2 times. Worked for me, maybe helps:
private int timesRead;
private ValueEventListener listener;
private DatabaseReference ref;
private void readFB() {
timesRead = 0;
if (ref == null) {
ref = mFBDatabase.child("URL");
if (listener == null) {
listener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
//process dataSnapshot
if (timesRead == 2) {
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {

waitForConfirmsOrDie vs PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener

I need to achieve the impact of waitForConfirmsOrDie in core java implementation in spring . In core java it is achievable request wise ( channel.confirmSelect , set Mandatory , publish and Channel.waitForConfirmsOrDie(10000) will wait for 10 sec)
I implemented template.setConfirmCallback ( hope it is same as PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener) and it works great , but ack/nack is at a common place ( confirm call back ) , for the individual sender no idea like waitForConfirmsOrDie , where he is sure within this time ack hasn't came and can take action
do send methods wait for specified period internally like waitForConfirmsOrDie in spring if ack hasn't came and if publisherConfirms is enabled.
There is currently no equivalent of waitForConfirmsOrDie in the Spring API.
Using a connection factory with publisher confirms enabled calls confirmSelect() on its channels; together with a template confirm callback, you can achieve the same functionality by keeping a count of sends yourself and adding a method to your callback to wait - something like...
private RabbitTemplate template;
private void runDemo() throws Exception {
MyCallback confirmCallback = new MyCallback();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
template.convertAndSend(queue().getName(), "foo");
confirmCallback.waitForConfirmsOrDie(10, 10_000);
System.out.println("All ack'd");
private static class MyCallback implements ConfirmCallback {
private final BlockingQueue<Boolean> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
public void confirm(CorrelationData correlationData, boolean ack, String cause) {
public void waitForConfirmsOrDie(int count, long timeout) throws Exception {
int remaining = count;
while (remaining-- > 0) {
Boolean ack = queue.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (ack == null) {
throw new TimeoutException("timed out waiting for acks");
else if (!ack) {
System.err.println("Received a nack");
One difference, though is the channel won't be force-closed.
Also, in a multi-threaded environment, you either need a dedicated template/callback per thread, or use CorrelationData to correlate the acks to the sends (e.g. put the thread id into the correlation data and use it in the callback).
I have opened AMQP-717 for us to consider providing something like this out of the box.

How to detect when Vaadin FileDownloader succeeds or fails

I have Vaadin 7 code to give the user an option to download a file:
Button btnDownloadResults = new Button("Download Results", FontAwesome.CLOUD_DOWNLOAD);
resource = new StreamResource(new MyStreamResource(), suggestedSaveAsFilename);
new FileDownloader(resource).extend(btnDownloadResults);
I would like to trigger code when the download has succeeded, or even if the download manages to start. Uses for this include closing a window, starting a progress spinner, or incrementing a download count.
Unlike the Vaadin Upload component, the FileDownloader does not have any listeners for finding out when a file download fails, succeeds, or starts.
Here is a simplified version of my StreamResouce subclass:
public class MyStreamResource implements StreamSource {
public InputStream getStream() {
String filename = /* code to determine the filename */;
try {
final File results = new File(FilenameUtils.normalize(filename));
return new FileInputStream(results);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
String errorMsg = "Cannot download results. Try again later, or contact your sysadmin.";
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Note that the getStream method returns before the user has even been prompted where to save the file (which they can choose to cancel.) So I can't trigger anything from inside that method.
One suggestion I got was to subclass the FileDownloader as follows:
FileDownloader fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(fileInputStream) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4584979099145066535L;
public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException {
boolean result = super.handleConnectorRequest(request, response, path);
if (result) {
return result;
} ;
Again, this fires too soon (and the boolean result is always true, even if my StreamSource returns null.)
Any suggestions?
After more research I believe the answer is that there is no simple way to get this information from the FileDownloader.
The difficulty appears to be a consequence of the way the FileDownloader is designed. From the FileDownloader docs:
"Download should be started directly when the user clicks e.g. a Button without going through a server-side click listener to avoid triggering security warnings in some browsers."
Because there is no round-trip back to the web server, there is no place to respond when the download fails, starts, or succeeds.
Some vague (and possibly bad) ideas for a workaround:
Have JS post some kind of asynchronous notification to the web
server, letting it know what happened. (Using JMS or Ajax?)
If there was some kind active process on the backend involved with transferring the file, it
would know when the transfer happened.
But the short answer seems to be there is no built-in way in Vaadin to do it.

Accessing encoded stream in OpenRasta

I have a need to access the encoded stream in OpenRasta before it gets sent to the client. I have tried using a PipelineContributor and registering it before KnownStages.IEnd, tried after KnownStages.IOperationExecution and after KnownStages.AfterResponseConding but in all instances the context.Response.Entity stream is null or empty.
Anyone know how I can do this?
Also I want to find out the requested codec fairly early on yet when I register after KnowStages.ICodecRequestSelection it returns null. I just get the feeling I am missing something about these pipeline contributors.
Without writing your own Codec (which, by the way, is really easy), I'm unaware of a way to get the actual stream of bytes sent to the browser. The way I'm doing this is serializing the ICommunicationContext.Response.Entity before the IResponseCoding known stage. Pseudo code:
class ResponseLogger : IPipelineContributor
public void Initialize(IPipeline pipelineRunner)
PipelineContinuation LogResponse(ICommunicationContext context)
string content = Serialize(context.Response.Entity);
string Serialize(IHttpEntity entity)
if ((entity == null) || (entity.Instance == null))
return String.Empty;
using (var writer = new StringWriter())
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(writer))
Type entityType = entity.Instance.GetType();
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(entityType);
serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, entity.Instance);
return writer.ToString();
catch (Exception exception)
return exception.ToString();
This ResponseLogger is registered the usual way:
As mentioned, this doesn't necessarily give you the exact stream of bytes sent to the browser, but it is close enough for my needs, since the stream of bytes sent to the browser is basically just the same serialized entity.
By writing your own codec, you can with no more than 100 lines of code tap into the IMediaTypeWriter.WriteTo() method, which I would guess is the last line of defense before your bytes are transferred into the cloud. Within it, you basically just do something simple like this:
public void WriteTo(object entity, IHttpEntity response, string[] parameters)
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(response.Stream))
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(entity.GetType());
serializer.Serialize(writer, entity);
If you instead of writing directly to to the IHttpEntity.Stream write to a StringWriter and do ToString() on it, you'll have the serialized entity which you can log and do whatever you want with before writing it to the output stream.
While all of the above example code is based on XML serialization and deserialization, the same principle should apply no matter what format your application is using.

J2ME/Java: Referencing StringBuffer through Threads

This question might be long, but I want to provide much information.
Overview: I'm creating a Stock Quotes Ticker app for Blackberry. But I'm having problems with my StringBuffer that contains an individual Stock information.
Process: My app connects to our server via SocketConnection. The server sends out a formatted set of strings that contains the latest Stock trade. So whenever a new trade happens, the server will send out an individual Stock Quote of that trade. Through an InputStream I am able to read that information and place each character in a StringBuffer that is referenced by Threads. By parsing based on char3 I am able to determine a set of stock quote/information.
char1 - to separate data
char3 - means end of a stock quote/information
sample stock quote format sent out by our server:
stock_quote_name(char 1)some_data(char1)some_data(char1)(char3)
My app then parses that stock quote to compare certain data and formats it how it will look like when displayed in the screen. When trades happen gradually(slow) the app works perfectly. However..
Problem: When trades happen too quickly and almost at the same time, My app is not able to handle the information sent efficiently. The StringBuffer has its contents combined with the next trade. Meaning Two stock information in one StringBuffer.
field should be: Stock_quote_name some_data some_data
sample of what's happening: Stock_quote_name some_data some_dataStock_quote_name some_data some_data
here's my code for this part:
while (-1 != (data =
while(3 != (data =
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
} catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error in setting stringbuffer: " + e.toString());
public synchronized void DisplayStringBuffer()
//parse sb - string buffer
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("error in DisplayStringBuffer(): " + ex.toString());
public synchronized void SetStringBuffer(StringBuffer dataBuffer)
{ =dataBuffer;
public synchronized void RefreshStringBuffer()
From what I can see, when trades happen very fast, The StringBuffer is not refreshed immediately and still has the contents of the previous trade, when i try to put new data.
My Question is:
Do you guys have any suggestion on how i can put data into the StringBuffer, without the next information being appended to the first content
The part where you read data is synchronized, but the part where you append data to the buffer is not. If you are reusing the same StringBuffer each time, you will have a race condition.
Well, since you are using invokeLater to set / display / clear your StringBuffer, you're right, there's nothing blocking you from going back up to the next read() call and modifying that StringBuffer before you're able to dispaly it.
Obviously you're not reading from the input stream from your event thread, so in order to update the UI you need to either use invokeLater OR synchronize on the event lock, but you're doing both.
If you want to use invokeLater, then you'll need to make sure you don't append to your StringBuffer with your input stream reader thread while your event thread is attempting to display the data in the UI. Thus, you'll probably look into creating a new StringBuffer for each Runnable.
If you want to synchronize on the event lock, something like this could work (which might work better as it avoids unnecessary garbage creation with creating new Runnables / StringBuffers).
while (-1 != (data =
while(3 != (data =
You can't reuse the same StringBuffer for each stock quote because you are reading the next stock quote before the UI thread has finished displaying the last one. Remember, you are writing to the StringBuffer on one thread, and reading the StringBuffer on another. There is no guarantee that the UI thread (reading thread) has called RefreshStringBuffer() before the loop iterates and starts appending the next stock quote to the StringBuffer.
Use a collection of Strings instead.
java.util.queue<String> q = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
then do q.add(sb.toString()); when your done putting the quote into sb.
to display the quotes
public void DisplayStockQuote() {
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
String s = q.poll();
// display s
//parse s - string containing stock quote
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("error in DisplayStringBuffer(): " + ex.toString());
Call that method from your UI thread instead of
I suggest you try avoiding the extra thread and go with Bradley's solution. But if you really want to have two threads, something like this will work.
