Application freezes after editing custom UITextField - ios

I have a custom UITextField used for validating for non empty input, correct emails, passwords bigger than x characters etc.
The UITextField has a delegate to itself, since I do all the validation on the text field object itself. Not sure if this is the problem.
This custom UITextField is created in the .XIB file.
The text field sometimes locks the application when editing the text field itself. It also usually locks up when I press the "Next" button on the keyboard (for going to the next text field that needs to be filled).
Xcode doesn't give back an error (such as a loop-error, which I was assuming it was), the application just locks up. This doesn't happen all the time, but usually, if I stress test it with text, then press "Next", it's likely to lock up.
The app doesn't doesn't go back to the main screen, but it really just locks up, and stays unresponsive.
Any ideas? Let me know if you need more info to figure this out. I'm at a loss at the moment.
edit: Solved, apparently it's not a good idea to set a UITextField's delegate to itself. What I ended up doing is creating a separate class that deals specifically as being the delegate for the UITextField and doing all the logic in that class. That class would also have a property connected to the text field it is a delegate for.

I'll also write the answer here:
Apparently it's not a good idea to set a UITextField's delegate to itself, because it can end up going into a loop.
What I ended up doing is creating a separate class that deals specifically as being the delegate for the UITextField and doing all the logic in that class. That class would also have a property connected to the text field it is a delegate for.


Misuse of UITextField.inputView to get similar popup behavior of keyboard

I often want to put my own things in the same place the keyboard pops up, but for my own controls... such as putting a UIDatePicker there, or a custom UIPickerView, or whatever.
I came up with a clumsy way of getting this behavior by having a dummy UITextField and putting my custom view in its inputView property. Then when the user clicks on my item, I just trigger off the UITextField to display the view I've assigned to the inputView.
Then I got to wondering if there was a better less kludgey way to do this. I found this article Show UIPickerView like a keyboard, without UITextField where several people recommend the same thing I do.
My question is this. Is it common to (mis)use the UITextField in this manner?
Many times you will face a UITextfield that you would want to populate through a custom control other than the standrd keyboard. Thus the inputView method was declared and can be used.
What is recommended:
1- if the UItextfield is normal, use the keybard (don't change the input view)
2- if the value is numeric, show the numberpad in keyboard directly (textField.keyboardType = .numberPad)
3- if your textField is a date then you set the input view as a date picker.
4- sometimes you need a UITextField where you need to choose between stuff. Thus you develop your own custom UIPicker and set it as an input View.
5- If what you are tring to achieve don't fall in all the above then you can do your own inputView and assign it.
So in short don't be afraid, it is the normal thing to do!
Hope this helps!

iOS 8 Keyboard Extension Detecting first responder change

I'm writing a keyboard extension for iOS (hence overriding UIInputViewController) and I'm trying to figure out how to detect when the first responder changes. Is this even possible?
My motivation is that when the user selects a different text input field (while the keyboard is active) the style of the keyboard might need to change to suit the attributes of that input. This can happen when there are several text fields displayed on a UI and the user first selects one (causing the keyboard to be initialized) then the user selects another with different attributes (keyboard doesn't know it).
I've looked through the methods exposed by UIInputViewController and the delegates it implements but nothing I've seen really fits the bill. The closest thing I've found is selectionDidChange on UITextInputDelegate.
I found the best way to get this information is to override the UITextInputDelegate textDidChange method (UIInputViewController implements UITextInputDelegate). It turns out that textDidChange is called whenever the user switches the input text field (first responder), or when the text changes for some reason (luckily not when it is your keyboard that initiated the change).
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
That should tell you when it expects to become firstResponder. A couple things to keep in mind;
*This will only be called when a UITextFied is the thing becoming firstResponder. If some other object decides to, this won't be called. It'll probably call the method below.
*Your class must conform to the UITextFieldDelegate and all of your UITextFields must set their delegates to self. Without that they won't call shouldBeginEditing on your class.

iOS Turn on capitalization on UIKeyBoard temporarily?

I need to manually turn caps lock on, on the keyboard.
Using autocapitalizationType property won't do the job. The problem is I am implementing a bullet list feature, where after the user inserts a bullet I need to turn on the capLock right away. This doesn't happen using standard autocapitalization because the first letter in my paragraph is #"•" rather than the text the user needs to enter.
Any way to turn capitalization on manually?
I had a similar issue a while back and what I ended up doing was using the UITextFieldDelegate or UITextViewDelegate depending on which control you are using they both contain textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: or textView:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: which is called every time the content of the field is changed. This allows you to change the character values automatically.
Hope this helps.
You can check out the documentation here:

how do i make UIKeyInput make repeated deleteBackwards calls

Currently I am using UIKeyinput but it is only sending a single delteBackward event even when I hold down the delete key for a long time.
How can I make it send me multiple event calls when I hold delete down for a long time?
There is no easy way to have the system keyboard do auto-repeat. These leaves you with two options:
Fake it by using an overlay on the keyboard (see the comment by #pho0)
Implement a custom keyboard, install it as the inputView for your view or view controller and implement a custom protocol that supports auto-repeat.
Solution 1 works well if you only need the delete key to auto-repeat, but if you need all the keys to auto-repeat the overlay code becomes as complex as the custom keyboard option. (The overlay needs a rectangle for each key, so why not just replace the underlaying keyboard).
Solution 2 involves a certain amount of "up-front" work... One way you might do this is define a key cap class (like a physical key) and a keyboard layout class.
I have implemented both solutions in projects I have worked on, but I currently use solution 2 since I can create whatever keyboard I like. In the simple case the use need never know that it is not the system keyboard. For power users they can customize the keyboard as they see fit.
For what it is worth, I found it useful to have the keyboard class be dumb; it just communicates that a key has transitioned to being down or has transitioned to being up. An additional class above that decides what action should be taken.
In some ways, I know this is not the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps,
One thing I've seen people do is put a fake button on top of the keyboard button. When someone is holding down on it, have a timer remove the last letter every time it fires.
Hope this helps.

Curious Warning Message on UITextView

Has anyone run across this warning message building for the iPhone?
More importantly do you understand how to fix it?
"unsupported configuration data detection and editable"
It's seems to be the UITextView that is complaining.
Here's a screenshot.
The problem is that you have that textview set both to editable + to detect/autolink phone numbers, events, addresses, etc. a text area can either be editable and not detect/autolink text, or it can autolink text but not be editable.
Your settings for that textview should look like:
but not like:
I think in your scenario, the text input is only used to input text, nothing more. Then when it get's presented back, the "presenting text view" will take care of detecting the potential information... dates, events, etc.
To be more precise : in a simple app scenario, a user types in some text (let's say an event input text view - with no detection necessary at this point). Then when it get's eventually presented back to him or another user (let's say the detail view of the event), the text will be presented back in a "non-editable" text view that in turn will be able to have detections.
I know this question is a little old, but this is how I resolved it;
In Interface Builder I have Links Detection selected, and Editable Behaviour not selected.
Then, in my ViewController, I implemented the UITextView - (BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView { } delegate method and return NO.
It removed the warning and prevents the user from being able to edit the UITextView's content.
