iOS application won't rotate on iPhone but will rotate on iPad - ios

I made my gles app, and tested it on my iPad. It is supposed to work only on landscape mode, so I have my Info.plist like this
I set landscape-right only for iPhone so the splash screen shows correctly (it seems you can't set separate splash screens for landscape-right and landscape-left on the iPhone)
The application runs fine, but on a friend's iPhone, the app runs on portrait mode, and won't rotate to either landscape. The rotation lock is off.
I am not doing anything in particular from my code to support rotations, as just setting my Info.plist worked perfectly on my iPad.
The iPhone simulator automatically turns to landscape, and retains the landscape rendering even if I rotate it.
What could be causing this? I also tried allowing both landscape rotations, but no dice.

ios6 introduced new ways to deal with orientation changes - I'd guess your friend's iphone is running ios5. See the UIViewController docs to see how to deal with both versions:
Handling View Rotations
In iOS 6, your app supports the interface orientations defined in your
app’s Info.plist file. A view controller can override the
supportedInterfaceOrientations method to limit the list of supported
orientations. Generally, the system calls this method only on the root
view controller of the window or a view controller presented to fill
the entire screen; child view controllers use the portion of the
window provided for them by their parent view controller and no longer
participate in directly in decisions about what rotations are
supported. The intersection of the app’s orientation mask and the view
controller’s orientation mask is used to determine which orientations
a view controller can be rotated into.
You can override the preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation for
a view controller that is intended to be presented full screen in a
specific orientation.
In iOS 5 and earlier, the UIViewController class displays views in
portrait mode only. To support additional orientations, you must
override the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method and return
YES for any orientations your subclass supports. If the autoresizing
properties of your views are configured correctly, that may be all you
have to do. However, the UIViewController class provides additional
hooks for you to implement additional behaviors as needed. Generally,
if your view controller is intended to be used as a child view
controller, it should support all interface orientations.
When a rotation occurs for a visible view controller, the
willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:, and
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: methods are called during the
rotation. The viewWillLayoutSubviews method is also called after the
view is resized and positioned by its parent. If a view controller is
not visible when an orientation change occurs, then the rotation
methods are never called. However, the viewWillLayoutSubviews method
is called when the view becomes visible. Your implementation of this
method can call the statusBarOrientation method to determine the
device orientation.


IOS Simulator rotates despite Info.plist [duplicate]

I am updating an old iPad app, but I'm unable to stop iOS from rotating a controller that should only be viewed in portrait mode. The app has a UISplitViewController, but at one point I need to present another controller fullscreen in portrait mode regardless of whether the iPad was in portrait or landscape before.
I have two issues:
If the UI was in landscape mode, the portrait view controller also appears in landscape
The rotation is no longer blocked, so the user can rotate the device even if the controller was displayed in the correct orientation
The documentation says that all rotation-related methods were deprecated in iOS 8, and instead iOS will call viewWillTransitionToSize on the window's root viewcontroller. I am therefore calling [window setRootViewController] to setup my portrait-only controller, and indeed iOS calls viewWillTransitionToSize on my controller. However, at that point it's already too late! I need to stop the transition before it begins.
After spending many hours googling and trying variations, I am no closer to a solution – there is so much old stuff on the 'net (and here on Stack Overflow) that it's really hard to find current information.
I have tried setting modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen both in viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear, and then overriding preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation. My override is never called.
I still have the old methods supportedInterfaceOrientations, shouldAutorotate and shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation, but none of them is ever called.
I tried implementing application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow in my app delegate, but the method is never called. (from the answers to this question)
What's the correct way of doing this on iOS 14? Should I use a modal full-screen presentation? Or use the trait environment with UITraitCollection somehow?
You cannot by any means prevent an iPad app that can assume all four rotational position from actually assuming all four rotational positions, unless you explicitly opt out of iPad multitasking.
To do so, set the Info.plist key UIRequiresFullScreen to YES; you can do that conveniently while editing the app target by checking Requires Full Screen in the General tab.
But Apple warns that this option is slated to be removed; multitasking will become a requirement and thus rotation to any position will be required as well. Basically it would be better to change your desires.
I had asked a simmilar Question for an Ipad but i got closed because of this Question.
My Solution for Ipad IOS 14.5 and VisualStudio2019 was adding these Lines in the InfoPlist.
(For beginners Like me: don't open the Manifest Mask, rightclick the "infoPlist" unter the IOS Header and select "view Code".) Then add these Missing lines:
<string>UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait</string> <!--For Vertikal-->
<string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft</string> <!--For Horizontal-->
<string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string> <!--For Horizontal-->

How do you launch an iOS app in the current device orientation?

I'm working with Xamarin and am having troubles launching my app in the current device orientation.
I have a UINavigationController that I set on my main UIWindow as the root controller. I created a custom UINavigationController which overrides the methods :
If I hold my iPad in landscape mode and start the app, it will start in portrait mode and then rotate in landscape. I'd like to make it start in the same orientation as the device's physical orientation. From the doc I've read it seems that since iOS 8, everything related to rotations should be handled in the root uiview controller which is my custom UINavigationController.
And here's my problem... let's say I want to start my app in the current device's orientation and then block everything except Portrait once the app is loaded. I tried the 2 following solutions and none worked.
1- I put all interface orientations available in the supported interface orientations key in the info.plist file. I launched the app while holding the iPad in landscape mode. In this case, my app starts in the same orientation as the device which is cool. What is not cool is that it doesn't call my navigation controller method GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations anymore. So even if I change the return value of that method to Portrait only later one, it does absolutely nothing since the method is never called anymore.
2- I removed all supported interface orientations from the info.plist file. I lauched the app while holding the iPad in landscape mode. In this case, my app starts in portrait mode and then rotates to landscape. I want to prevent the rotation and just start the app in the current device's orientation (landscape). With this setup though, I can later change the supported orientation as the navigation controller method GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations is being called everytime we try to rotate the app.
In apple's doc, it says "At launch time, apps should always set up their interface in a portrait orientation. After the application (_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method returns, the app uses the view controller rotation mechanism described above to rotate the views to the appropriate orientation prior to showing the window."
The part where the view rotates to the appropriate orientation PRIOR to showing the window doesn't seem to work for me. It shows the window and then rotates it after.
So how do you launch an app in the current device's orientation (without the user seeing your first view rotate from portrait to whatever) and then be able to change the supported orientations later in the app? Example : I hold my iPad in landscape mode. I launch my app. First view I see is already in landscape mode. I can then rotate my iPad to change the view in portrait/landscape back and forth. Then I click a button which changes the supported orientation to Portrait which prevents me from changing the orientation to Landscape anymore.

iOS Orientation adapts to unapproved device orientation after Camera dismissed

I am currently writing an iOS app in which have the acceptable device orientations set to Landscape Right and Landscape Left, and in all of my view controllers, I’m returning only those two in the supportedInterfaceOrientations method.
However, if the user uses the in-app camera functionality (which is implemented via UIImagePickerController presented modally in full screen) and rotates the device to Portrait orientation to take a picture, the camera rotates to portrait mode (which is fine), and if the user clicks "Use Photo", when the modal view is dismissed, the view from which the camera was launched is somehow now in portrait mode (which is not fine).
After the camera view has been dismissed, the view controller from which it was launched has UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait set to true. I am wondering how it ended up in this orientation, and how when a picture is taken, I can ensure that the presenting view controller remains in a landscape orientation. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I am currently writing an iOS app in which have the acceptable device
orientations set to Landscape Right and Landscape Left, and in all of
my view controllers, I’m returning only those two in the
supportedInterfaceOrientations method.
In iOS 6 and later, your app supports the interface orientations defined in your app’s Info.plist file
Have you tried setting it here? Then see if the problem still occurs.
Also, if this doesn't work, try setting the supportedInterfaceOrientations values in the viewWillAppear method of the ViewController that launched UIImagePicker?

Landscape-only IPad App With UISplitViewController

I am almost done developing an app. Right now I'm converting it to a universal app by supporting iPad to supported devices as well.
Can I set the app to use Landscape orientation only, since I am using UISplitViewController and want the Master View Controller to remain on the screen all the time? Is there any Apple policy that states that I cannot restrict it to Landscape only and I have to implement both portrait and landscape? Is there any chance my app can be rejected by setting it to Landscape only for iPad?
Don't worry, you'll be fine. Support both landscape orientations and neither portrait orientation if you want. I've got apps in the store that are like that.
However, note that UISplitViewController does have an option to keep both views on the screen all the time even in portrait. Use the delegate method splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: to forbid hiding the master view:
So if your only reason for being landscape only is that you don't want to hide the master view, it is a false reason. Look, for example, at Apple's Settings app, which works like that; it is a split view controller that always shows both views in all four orientations.

IOS6, MPMoivePlayerViewController and device orientation

My project set supported interface orientations to UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait.
When I use presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated: popup an MPMoivePlayerViewController, on IOS5 when I turn device, the controller will do auto orientation rotation, but on IOS6 it is always at portrait direction.
How can I make it act as IOS5?
Apple changed the way orientations are handle in iOS 6:
Controlling What Interface Orientations Are Supported (iOS 6)
When UIKit receives an orientation notification, it uses the
UIApplication object and the root view controller to determine whether
the new orientation is allowed. If both objects agree that the new
orientation is supported, then the user interface is rotated to the
new orientation. Otherwise the device orientation is ignored.
When a view controller is presented over the root view controller, the
system behavior changes in two ways. First, the presented view
controller is used instead of the root view controller when
determining whether an orientation is supported. Second, the presented
view controller can also provide a preferred orientation. If the view
controller is presented full screen, the user interface is presented
in the preferred orientation. The user is expected to see that the
orientation is different from the device orientation and rotate the
device. A preferred orientation is most often used when the content
must be presented in the new orientation.
So if your application is set to allow only portrait mode, you'll never get into landscape mode regardless of what any controller 'sais'.
See Controlling What Interface Orientations Are Supported (iOS 6) for more information.
