NSInputStream and NSOutputStream problems - ios

I have two NSInputStream and NSOutputStream between devices that are connected to each other via network. When I write something in output stream, the data is written until the NSStreamEventEndEncountered event occurs. I close the output stream but on the other side (input stream) the NSStreamEventEndEncountered event never occurs, until I exit the view controller of the output stream. So:
1. Why does not the NSStreamEventEndEncountered event occurs at input stream even after the the same occurred at the output stream ? (the output stream is even closed in this event)
2. It is my understanding that, once you open the NSOutputStream, you can only write data once. Opening the output stream again after NSStreamEventEndEncountered event (for example to write something new on any event) is not possible, right ????

I probably need more info about your connection and how you're sending your data but let me try and answer your questions:
You're not encountering an end of your inputstream because you never started reading from it. The outputstream finished writing because it probably encountered an end, just like you said.
Imagine Jacob (your outputstream) delivering a envelope (your data) to his friend's house. Jacob puts the envelope on his friend's doormat and walks back to his own house. At this point Jacob's work is done so he tells himself that he's done (in your case the outputstream signals an NSStreamEventEndEncountered).
Jacob's friend George (your inputstream) could see the envelope or not, but nevertheless never looks what is in it. So unless George takes the envelope and looks what is inside it, he could never tell himself that he finished looking at it (in your case the inputstream never signals an NSStreamEventEndEncountered).
This actually depends on how you plan to use your outputstream. If you plan to send data multiple times to the same device, why not leave the outputstream open? You can write data as long as the socket is open and there is space available. When you close the outputstream you need to reopen it however.


Are WebSocket messages cached on iOS?

Strange but I cannot find any information on that: if I write a [large] message to the WebSocket stream on iOS and the execution gets back to my code, is the message already sent or somehow buffered?
I'm using Starscream library but it just uses CFStream-s.
Looking at the source code for the Starscream library mentioned, the library appends the send operation to a NSOperation queue:
private func dequeueWrite(..) {
and then immediately returns.
So when the one of the send methods returns, for example:
open func write(data: Data, completion: (() -> ())? = nil)
The message will not yet have been sent.
But as you can see you can pass a completion block to this method, that will be called when the whole message has been written to the underlying output stream. Note that this doesn't tell you anything about whether the message has actually been sent on the network, or if the sender has received it successfully.
To know if the sender has received and processed the message successfully, you need to wait for a response message - that is something you need to define in your application protocol.
Before using the Starscream library in production, you might want to report/fix some issues in it. While reviewing the send mechanism I noticed that if the OutputStream buffer is full on WebSocket.swift line 1254 the library tries sending the rest of the buffer in a busy loop rather than waiting for a hasSpaceAvailable event. This may waste a lot of CPU cycle if you send a large message.
Also, it looks like the case when stream.write returns 0, indicating that the output buffer is full, is incorrectly handled as an error.
Probably it use
func CFWriteStreamWrite(_ stream: CFWriteStream!,
_ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>!,
_ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex
the write call return "The number of bytes successfully written, 0 if the stream has been filled to capacity (for fixed-length streams), or -1 if either the stream is not open or an error occurs."
So yes, they are buffered. But I think that is the only option, a write function need to have the buffer because every socket have a max buffer zsize

Dart: Do I have to cancel Stream subscriptions and close StreamSinks?

I know I have to cancel Stream Subscriptions when I no longer want to receive any events.
Do I have to this even after I receive a 'Done' event? Or do I get memory leaks?
What happens to Streams that are passed to addStream of another Stream? Are they automatically canceled?
Same Question on the StreamSink side do I have to close them if the stream is already done?
Short-answer: no, but you should. Nothing in the contract of either StreamSubscription or StreamSink requires closing the resources, but some use cases can lead to memory leaks if you don't close them, even though in some cases, doing so might be confusing. Part of the confusion around these classes is that they are overloaded, and handle two fairly distinct use cases:
Resource streams (like file I/O, network access)
Event streams (like click handlers)
Let's tackle these subjects one at a time, first, StreamSubscription:
When you listen to a Stream, you receive a StreamSubscription. In general, when you are done listening to that Stream, for any reason, you should close the subscription. Not all streams will leak memory if choose not to, but, some will - for example, if you are reading input from a file, not closing the stream means the handle to the file may remain open.
So, while not strictly required, I'd always cancel when done accessing the stream.
The most common implementation of StreamSink is StreamController, which is a programmatic interface to creating a Stream. In general, when your stream is complete (i.e. all data emitted), you should close the controller.
Here is where it gets a little confusing. Let's look at those two cases:
File I/O
Imagine you were creating an API to asynchronously read a File line-by-line:
Stream<String> readLines(String path);
To implement this, you might use a StreamController:
Stream<String> readLines(String path) {
SomeFileResource someResource;
StreamController<String> controller;
controller = new StreamController<String>(
onListen: () {
someResource = new SomeFileResource(path);
// TODO: Implement adding to the controller.
return controller.stream;
In this case, it would make lots of sense to close the controller when the last line has been read. This gives a signal to the user (a done event) that the file has been read, and is meaningful (you can close the File resource at that time, for example).
Imagine you were creating an API to listen to news articles on HackerNews:
Stream<String> readHackerNews();
Here it makes less sense to close the underlying sink/controller. Does HackerNews ever stop? Event streams like this (or click handlers in UI programs) don't traditionally "stop" without the user accessing for it (i.e cancelling the StreamSubscription).
You could close the controller when you are done, but it's not required.
Hope that makes sense and helps you out!
I found in my case that if I have code like this:
Stream<String> readHackerNews(String path) {
StreamController<String> controller = StreamController<String>();
return controller.stream;
I see a warning message "Close instance of 'dart.core.Sink'." in the Visual Studio Code.
In order to fix this warning I added
to the event handler for the OnCancel event, see below:
Stream<String> readHackerNews(String path) {
StreamController<String> controller = StreamController<String>();
//TODO: your code here
controller.onCancel = () {
return controller.stream;
Hope this helps!

Read raw data from socket

I have a device that sends data to my server via gprs . The problem is that it sends raw data and i don't know where i can stop the reading
Currently i am using something TIdHttpServer and something like this to read the strings :
s : string;
until acontext.Connection.Socket.InputBufferIsEmpty;
Is there a better solution to my problem ?
TCP is stream oriented. If the protocol is unknown, the server only can try to read into a byte array (if memory is not a problem) or a file stream. If the client disconnects normally, the data is 'complete'. Unfortunately, if the protocol is unknown, the server can not tell wether the client died or disconnected normally.
InputBufferIsEmpty does not help, as it only says if there is data in the (TCP) buffer - and depending on latency this can happen frequently, but it does not mean that there are no more in-flight bytes.
You could try to 'reverse engineer' the protocol, by sending known strings over the client devices. But if the sender is a black box, there can be many special cases - think of encoding or 'escape' characters etc.
You could make up you own protocol.
Some ideas are:
use a special character or characters combo to define the end of the
append at the start of the message some fixed size field with the size of the message

Delphi ScktComp: When is the onWrite event being fired?

I have come to the point of thinking that the onWrite Event of a ClientSocket is redundant when I directly write bytes into the socket connection via SendBuf().
Is my point of thinking somewhere in the desert?
The Delphi Documentation is also somewhat bad because it just sais: "Write a routine for the onWrite event to write into the socket connection."
OnWrite is used when you're using asynchronous IO (when you have ClientType = ctNonBlocking, in other words). It's called when the socket's ready for you to send data.
Thus, your thinking's only half in the desert: if you're using ctBlocking, then don't bother with OnWrite at all. If you need that thread to send data and get on with other stuff at the same time, then use ctNonBlocking and write to the socket in OnWrite.
When you use async sockets, Windows will send your socket a CM_SOCKETMESSAGE, handled by TCustomWinSocket.CMSocketMessage. When that message has its SelectEvent property set to FD_WRITE, the OnWrite's (ultimately) invoked.
The magic ingredient here is the call to WSAAsyncSelect in TCustomWinSocket.DoSetAsyncStyles.

Resetting comm event mask

I have been doing overlapped serial port communication in Delphi lately and there is one problem I'm not sure how to solve.
I communicate with a modem. I write a request frame (an AT command) to the modem's COM port and then wait for the modem to respond. The event mask of the port is set to EV_RXCHAR, so when I write a request, I call WaitCommEvent() and start waiting for data to appear in the input queue. When overlapped waiting for event finishes, I immediately start reading data from the queue and read all that the device sends at once:
1) write a request
2) call WaitCommEvent() and wait until waiting finishes
3) read all the data that the device sends (not only the data being in the input queue at that moment)
4) do something and then goto 1
Waiting for event finishes after first byte appears in the input queue. During my read operation, however, more bytes appear in the queue and each of them causes an internal event flag to be set. This means that when I read all the data from the queue and then call WaitCommEvent() for the second time, it will immediately return with EV_RXCHAR mask, even though there is no data to be read.
How should I handle reading and waiting for event to be sure that the event mask returned by WaitCommEvent() is always valid? Is it possible to reset the flags of the serial port so that when I read all data from the queue and call WaitCommEvent() after then, it will not return immediately with a mask that was valid before I read the data?
The only solution that comes to my mind is this:
1) write a request
2) call WaitCommEvent() and wait until waiting finishes
3) read all the data that the device sends (not only the data being in the input queue at that moment)
4) call WaitCommEvent() which should return true immediately at the same time resetting the event flag set internally
5) do something and goto 1
Is it a good idea or is it stupid? Of course I know that the modem almost always finishes its answers with CRLF characters so I could set the comm mask to EV_RXFLAG and wait for the #10 character to appear, but there are many other devices with which I communicate and they do not always send frame end characters.
Your help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Your solution does sound workable. I just use a state machine to handle the transitions.
ioState := ioIdle;
while (ioState <> ioFinished) and (not aborted) do
Case ioState of
ioIdle : if there is data to read then set state to ioMidFrame
ioMidframe : if data to read then read, if end of frame set to ioEndFrame
ioEndFrame : process the data and set to ioFinished
ioFinished : // don't do anything, for doc purposes only.
