iOS Image search on the web - ios

I am developing the functionality of letting the user search the internet for images through any query.
There are services/APIs like Google's (I read that it is deprecated), Yahoo and Bing etc. I want to know, is there any FREE services/APIs/frameworks/libraries for iOS to search for images against any query?
We can fetch the thumbnails against the results URL and populate a grid-view to show the thumbnails. Then download the actual image in the App once the user clicks on a particular image. Is there any such service that is free?

you can use flickr, in the Ray Wenderlich site you have a good tutorial of how to use it. About the services you mentions I don't know if the has a public (free) API


How can I save tweets of a user as images?

There is a Twitter user who posts valuable stuff and I want to save his tweets not as text but as images (screenshots) just as you see it on your phone or computer.
I installed python-twitter and tweepy but I didn't find a solution in the docs and neither in communities so far.
Alternatively: Is there another way to save tweets in a kind of pretty, visually appealing way?
Thank you in advance.
With those libraries you can only extract Twitter data. Those aren't image processing libraries. You will have to write your own logic how you want those pictures displayed.
Look into Pillow.
I usually use this site called It converts any tweet into an image.
I figured it out. Using Selenium Webdriver to open the Twitter account page in the browser, then scrape the tweets and use a screenshot tool to make an image. This looping through all tweets.

Big Picture — What sort of feed for an iOS news app?

Alright — this sort of question shows my naïveté but I am asking it nonetheless so I don't venture down the wrong rabbit hole while trying out this app.
I'm making what amounts to a news app. Imagine taking a Wordpress blog and fitting it to iOS. Now, here's my question — what sort of feed / architecture should I be using to push information from my Wordpress server to my app? I would assume RSS using AFNetworking, but that seems to cause some rough edges, and all tutorials that I see end up pushing to a web view instead of a scrollview with nice, rendered text. Plus, none of the same tutorials seem to have anything further than the initial feed (loading more than the initial 10 stories given, for example).
I've already committed a few hours to trying the RSS / AFNetworking approach, but is there a significantly better alternative that I just haven't come across. (Note that I do have access to the back-end of my Wordpress site, i.e. it isn't somebody else's)
If you are building an iOS app that connects to WordPress, I suggest you to access the website data by an API instead of feed, then you can hit the API from your app and manipulate the data as you want.
If you have access to the WordPress backend, check the Thermal API which is a plugin that will probably solve your problem.
I would suggest that you look at this is to be added to the core of wordpress so it would seem that is the way to go I think.
By the way I am working on the same type of thing as you.
I think the most popular Wordpress API is the one that comes with Jetpack. You can find its documentation here:
If you just want read access, then i think the easiest way to do so is by using:
If you also want write access, then you have to implement Oauth2. For that you can select a library from:

ios load content from website

I want to create native iOS app, which must display static content of some website (for example, news website). I just need to display news categories, articles' text and images in my native iOS app.
How is it better to get content of website? What is the usual way to do that?
Ask website's developers for website's api? Or using some iOS SDK tools to get web content?
Thanks for help!
Asking the webmaster for the API is the best and easiest way, if they provide.
You can get the specific content you need via crawling script
written by Python. Run the python script on your own server to fetch
the articles under news category over and over, analyze the content
and extract the useful part, finally provide your own API for your native iOS app. This costs more.
Straightway, create NSURLRequest to load the webpage content, and do
the analysis task on the client instead. This affects the user experience.
You can use an UIWebView to load websites.
If the developer provides you a website API with XML or JSON you can create a UITableView with the news titles and a UIViewController to load the news details, but I don't think any developer would do it for you.

Is it possible to tag a user/page through Facebook open graph api?

I found this post on SO as well as some other links on the web but they all seem outdated and seem to indicate that FB has not yet exposed this through the Open Graph API and i couldnt find anything to the contrary on the web. I am trying to find a way to post an image to a users wall and be able to tag multiple users in the post title or caption?
Is there still no way to do this through the api or somehow achieve the same result?
Tagging user/page in photo caption
This is not possible through the Graph API, and as far as I know the old #[user_id:0:link_text] is currently unavailable. Sadly I'm going to say that it is not possible at the time of writing this post.
I'll update this post with relevant info if I come across any.
Tagging user/page in Photo
This is possible through the Graph API.
The documentation for how to accomplish what you are looking for is located under the headline "tags" if you follow the link below: - Core Concepts › Graph API › Photo

search for and embed youtube videos in ruby on rails application

I have a website where I want to basically allow people to display several youtube videos onto the same page.
For example, I have a friend who has 3 different videos. Instead of sending a link to the three videos individually, they would go to my site see the 3 search boxes, search for the videos individually (the search is done on youtube), then they can pick the videos and click "done", at which point, the 3 videos would be embedded on their page.
I'm trying to figure out how to approach this in ruby on rails, but I'm not finding much information on how.
Here's a link from 2009 of a guy who's saying that he can actually do the search and retrieve from youtube:
But I don't know how to do the search & retrieve, and I don't know how to do the embed. I think I can figure out the embed, but what's the best way to do the search/display results?
Thanks a lot for your help stackoverflow, you're my only hope (besides google, but google failed me today).
all you need to know about the search feature is described in YouTube Data Api. You will need your app to communicate with this API. The best thing to do may be to look after a gem specialized in this ; there is a list available in another StackOverflow question.
