show content items based on user date params - ruby-on-rails

We have a website with holiday rentals/activities/events in Umbria/Marche(Italy). We have nice content of the area, such as events (model), activities(model) etc. Each model has the attributes start_date and end_date.
I want to make a form with date-fields and ask the visitor what the period is that they want to come to umbria/marche. When the visitor submits the data I want the entries of events and activities that are showed of the 'user' period. I can make the form/calendar. But how can I show the correct 'user input based' content in the entire website. Must this be session based?

Besides using a session you could also overwrite the url_for helper. You would then add the user's data directly to the url and read it on any subsequent request.
Check this documentation and especially the code at the end of the page:
I would put that new url_for function in your ApplicationHelper.


Rails session data - Store in a hash

I have a form on a rails view that submits data to a page that will represent a shopping cart summary page.
When I submit the data to the next page they are transmitted as follows according the console output.
"team"=>{"team_name"=>"Joe Blogs", "email"=>"", "player1"=>"
3", "player2"=>"4", "player3"=>"5"}
I want to store this data is a session variable namely as a hash so if another team gets submitted to the summary page I can add it to the session as another hash entry. i.e. team[1], team[2].
Then I can access team[1].team_name, etc. and use it accordingly.
In summary, I want a user to be able to fill out a form and have it put into their cart. They can then go back and do the same again. Finally the can look at their cart and remove any records they don't want, clear the cart or submit what they choose into the database.
I can't find out how to do it or if it's even possible.
Any solutions or suggestions on how to implement this?
You can easily store a hash in Rails session.
class SomeController < ApplicationController
def some_action
session[:cart] = {"team_name"=>"Joe Blogs", "email"=>"", "player1"=>"3", "player2"=>"4", "player3"=>"5"}
But, by default, Rails stores sessions in cookies, and a cookie size is limited to just 4 kilobytes of data, so if your hash is going to contain more than a few keys, you will need to use something else for session storage, e.g. the database.
To store session in the database you can use the activerecord-session_store gem.

Landing Page for Age check in Rails App

I have built a marketing site for an alcohol brand and I need to check the user's age by adding a landing page before they can enter the main site. What is the best way to tackle the form, submit and validation functionality inside my existing rails app?
Should I just create a raw html form and use javascript?
Add a before_action to ApplicationController that checks if the verification has already taken place (i.e. if it is stored in a cookie, then check for the cookie, etc):
class ApplicationController
before_action :check_age
def check_age
# check if the user has already confirmed their age.
If it doesn't find this, then redirect the user to a controller action that renders a page with the age check form (i.e. AgeVerificationController#new)
Upon submit, set the cookie (or whatever you are doing to store this data), and redirect the user back to the page they were intending to visit (or kick them off the site if they say they are under age!)
You will need to include a skip_before_action on the controller you are using to handle the rendering and submission of the form, i.e.
class AgeVerificationController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :check_age
Using before_action is sometimes a bit of an anti-pattern if you start using it to do a lot of complex stuff, but in this case it is a fairly simple way of doing what you are looking to do.
even if you use javascript,you will need to store the age of the guest to help him out next time for a better user experience.So i will suggest you to save it along with the ip-address to recognise the guest,if you are not storing a unique parameter for login(such as email,mobile number etc).
Once you have the table ready to store this have many options such as:-
first option is to that,before submit get the age of guest using jquery validation and pass it to the controller using form and store it.Use ajax for form submission so that
you can validate other elements as well
second option is to let the user visit the page and show a modal window popup in the middle,after five seconds when page has loaded by using settimeout to call ajax which in turn will call a controller method to render js file which will call a modal such as $(".myModal").show(); or render your own view to get user details such as:
$('#myModal').find('.modal-body').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'users/get_details')) %>");

Generating secret URLs for a resource in rails

I've created a task management app that consists of lists and tasks. Users can only view their own lists and tasks. I would like to add the ability for a user to share a list if they like. Here are the steps I would like to accomplish:
User clicks a link from /list/show to share the list
User receives a secret URL to share: or whatever.
Secret URL redirects to a view other than /lists/show. Something like /lists/1/23534512345234523 which would be routed to /lists/secret_show or whatev.
Only users who have that url can see the information on that page.
Hope that is making sense. I imagine I would have to update the list record with a unique token to list.token. Then I would some how have to recieve the incoming URL and through a new action
def secret_share
Where I filtered for the list record by list.token and routed to secret_share. Then perhaps in the view I could simply restrict the view by the presence of the token in the URL.
Whatever "secret URL" you hand out should not redirect to the real URL or you're going to create all kinds of opportunities for information leakage. It should be a strictly alternate URL.
Using routing for this seems like a good idea instead of using a separate controller. In your route you might want to pass an additional parameter to indicate this is a "secret" URL, like :secret => true where the value in question is something that cannot be submitted by the user to fake things out. User parameters are always strings, for instance, so using true should be a safe alternative.
This special parameter might disable access checking on your controller so that the page can be viewed by people that don't normally have access. You could also show a different layout using the layout method in your controller.

Ruby on Rails - Adding a second (extremely) simple Auth layer in app

Once a user logs into their account, they are presented with a list of 'Employees'.
As of right now, when you click an employee, it takes the user to the 'show' page of that specific employee, however I want to add a 'pin-protected' aspect to that list before it renders the show page.
I want to add a simple layer of authentication that would go like this:
When a user clicks their name on a list, a text-field appears that asks for the selected employee's pin.
The user types in the pin. On submit, it compares the inputted pin against the 'pin' column for that employees' record. If it's correct it grants access to the selected employee's show page.
Is this something that is easily done in RoR? This is the first real app I have worked on, so I am having trouble wrapping my mind around a couple concepts like these.
Thanks so much!
Take a look at devise, it's most definitely your best bet for Ruby on Rails 3 authentication layer.
You're best bet if you just want to add a little functionality to your existing model class would be to add a method along the lines of:
def validate_pin(pin_to_check) == pin_to_check
And then you just need to modify your employee controller so that show method checks to see if the pin has been provided (ideally via a session variable), otherwise redirect and request the pin with an additional method and route Employee#request_pin in the controller which asks the user to enter the pin, on success redirecting to the Employee#show route.
Session handling in the controller
To write the session variable, you'd need an Employee#check_pin method (as a POST route) and you'd just use the code:
session[:pin_valid] = true
Then you'd check session[:pin_valid] in your Employee#show method

Referral program - cookies and more (Rails)

I'm building a referral program for my Ruby on Rails app, such that a user can share a link that contains their user ID ( If a referrer ID is present when a visitor lands on app's homepage, the signup form on the homepage contains a hidden field that populates with the referrer's ID. The controller then detects the ID and creates a new referral in a referral table if the referred visitor signs up. It works, and here's that chunk of code:
#referrer = User.find(params[:r]) rescue nil
unless #referrer.nil?
#referral =>
Pretty simple stuff, but it's pretty easy to break (ex: if visitor navigates away from the homepage, referrer ID is lost). I feel like cookies could be a more robust method, where a cookie containing the referrer's ID is stored on the referred user's computer for x days. This is pretty commonplace, especially with affiliate programs like Groupon, but I have never worked with cookies and have no idea where to start.
Also, is there any good way to mask or change the URLs of the referral system? Instead of having, I would prefer something like <- a randomly generated sequence of numbers associated with a given user, without the ?r= portion.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
To answer the cookie question, it's quite easy to set them:
cookies['app-referrer-id'] = params[:r]
And then it's the same format to read them back (but without the assignment). I would suggest putting this code in a before_filter in your application controller. This way, the cookie will be set irrespective of the page on which your visitor first lands on your site.
With regards to changing the structure of the urls to the suggested format, you would need to have the referral codes match a specific pattern, otherwise you are likely to run into routing problems. If, for example, they matched the format of 3 letters followed by three numbers, you could put the following your routes file:
match '/:referrer_id' => 'app#index', :constraints => {:referrer_id => /[a-zA-Z]{3}[0-9]{3}/}
The reference to app#index should be changed to the controller in which you handle referrals and you can access the referrer_id through params[:referrer_id].
Hope this is of some use.
