Upload video and share link - API? - ios

I am developing an app that shares video across several social sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and SMS and Email).
Not all of these services does video upload (like Twitter), and sharing the video on multiple networks is time consuming for the user.
I am looking for a service that will allow users to upload videos, and the service will then provide a url the user can share on the social sites. It would be great if this is possible without having to create user accounts, but only one developer account.
All videos will be less than 3 minutes in length.
Hope this makes sense.
I have been thinking about creating an app linked YouTube account, but that might cause problems since users can upload all kinds of things and that might get the account shut down.
Hoping to keep costs down on this one, and not have to host all the videos on my own servers (AWS or something like that).
Hope you have got some ideas.

This is not a programming or even a technical question.
viddur.com might do what you want — its a startup and they probably don't have a public api yet, though. Other than that, no one will offer you this service for free. It cost between 0.01-03 cents to encode video (and you have to do it multiple times per video to support varios platforms). Encoding and hosting video is not as cheap as static images. You're basically trying to create a product around a free service that doesn't exist.
TL:DR: Abandon your idea, and only post technical questions to Stackoverflow.


YouTube API: How can a 'non-business-owner' automate the upload process (public videos)

I want to upload videos through the google API in python to save some time. When I do so, the videos are automatically locked and I get the following email:
We’re reaching out as it’s important you know that your video has been locked as private. This is because it was uploaded to YouTube using a third-party service that hasn’t yet been through our verification process.
This raises two questions:
I trust this 'third-party service', cause its my own. Is there no way to enable that it doesn't get blocked?
When going through the verification process, I need to provide all sort of business data like business website and so on. Many YouTubers do not even have a business cause they are either not earning yet, or earn based on a freelancer status. I see why an audit is important, but I don't want to make this 'app' available for other users - it's just for myself (but I need to have an 'app' cause uploading without OAuth2 is not possible).
I read that Google engineers are monitoring the tags I provided on this question, so it would be great if I could get a statement on how a YouTuber without an official business can automate the upload process.

Can I use Posts, Comments etc. from a Video in my App

I am currently developing an app where I want to combine some social networks. Youtube is one of those. I have some questions regarding the policies.
Is it allowed to show, posts, comments, pictures (comment photos, profile picture, post pictures, etc.), videos, like count, share count and everything the graph api provides me, commercially. Of course, only with the permission of the site owner. If not, what is allowed?
Am I allowed that the user can Like and Share posts/comments?
Can I place own adverts in my app? (not as video. The advert from youtube will be shown anyway)
I want you to answer my questions in a honest way.
You can find YouTube's and YouTube's API terms of service linked below:
YouTube's Terms of Service
YouTube's API Terms of Service

iOS App rejected, how to get permission for downloading contents all over the Internet?

I'm building a video downloader app which basically use UIWebView and user can surf the internet and download videos from almost everywhere. App review team is asking me to provide a documentary evidence of rights to allow media downloading from third-party sources.
How can I get such document?
According to US law, for copyright protection no advance copyright notice is required. Hence, to obtain Documentary evidence, you would need to obtain written evidence from the owner of the material.
This is neither feasible nor possible as there are hundreds of thousands of video content owners. Also, not many of them will be eager to give you permission to use their content for free.
The very premise of your application seems to encourage piracy and is very unlikely to get approved to Apple.
So your best chance to somehow get your efforts to utility would be reducing the scope of your App to certain websites, permission of whose content you can manage to acquire. Giants like YouTube will not entertain your request, but I am sure that if you try you could get the permission out of a bunch of video hosting websites. Then you can present the Documentary evidence of permission from these websites to the reviewer. You would also need to restrict your App to work only on these websites.
Another option would be using this concept in Android!! As you are grabbing your videos from a webview, most of your code should remain the same, and there would be no review hurdles in Play store.

Obfuscate calls/responses from app to allow video playback from a network-denied server

Our sports application is being picked up by schools here in the United States. Our application allows the school's basketball team to upload videos for remote playback, etc. etc.
We use Vimeo as our video processing, hosting, and distribution partner. The app makes calls to Vimeo's servers for specific video playback.
Unfortunately, many schools have networks that block traffic to specific sites, including Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo.
Is there a process in which we may obscure the network call and response, circumventing the network blocks? Initial thought is to man in the middle myself, possibly routing the calls through and effectively hiding the fact that the response is from a Vimeo server?
Here is an example email I have received from a network admin of a school:
Mr. yourNameHere,
We've had this come up for other instances in our school. Here is the official response from our IT department:
"We do not have the ability to whitelist Vimeo videos on an individual level. It's unfortunate that the site is hosting their content on Vimeo, as an unfiltered Vimeo environment is not suggested for educational environments."
There are too many other "genres" of content available on Vimeo to allow open access.
We have a workaround that is available to staff and faculty only. It will not be made available at the student level, again, because of the vast array of inappropriate content that is accessible on Vimeo.
Staff and faculty can navigate to blockpage.com which will force a content filter login to pop up. Faculty can then input their credentials and gain full access to subsequent sites as long as that filter window is left open. This workaround process has already been made available to staff and faculty in the past.
He may not understand that as this is an iOS application, the blockpage workaround is not a help in this situation.
You can proxy the API calls through your own server (which has many additional benefits), but that may not work for playback. You probably don't want to deal with the bandwith required to proxy the streaming video content.
Luckily the playable video files do not come from the vimeo.com domain. The vimeo api provides a player.vimeo.com url, which redirects to a different hostname. If these networks only block vimeo.com, you might be in the clear.

How do I use YouTube API to upload private videos for a product that will be sold?

So I have a video product that I am about to start selling. Once people pay, they will be able to download the videos, or ideally stream it via YouTube.
But...I don't want them to be able to share the link with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
I know that an unlisted video can still be made public, so that won't work for me. But apparently there can be 'private videos' too.
Where can I learn more about this in the API docs? Or what is the best way to approach this? Especially given that I don't want them to have to have a Google+ account.
Ideally, they should be able to login to my app, and watch the embedded videos there. But they should not be able to share the direct YouTube link.
I know they can always share their account info, that's fine...I will do other things to keep track of and monitor that. It's really the anonymous sharing of the YouTube link I am worried about.
Read the API terms of service and check with your legal folks. Specifically, you will want to make sure that your sale of private content uploaded to YouTube is in compliance with #2 in the Terms of Service:
You agree not to use the YouTube API for any of the following
commercial uses unless You obtain YouTube's prior written approval:
the sale of the YouTube API, API Data, YouTube audiovisual content or
related services, or access to any of the foregoing;
