Given an expression in Z3py, can I convert that to SMT-LIB2 language? (So I can feed this SMT-LIB2 expression to other SMT solvers that support SMT-LIB2)
If this is possible, please give one example.
Thanks a lot.
We can use the C API Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string. Every function in the C API is available in Z3Py. This function was initially used to dump benchmarks in SMT 1.0 format, and it predates SMT 2.0. That is why it has some parameters that may seem unnecessary. Now, by default, it will display benchmarks in SMT 2.0 format. The output is not meant to be human readable.
We can write the following Python function to make it more convenient to use:
def toSMT2Benchmark(f, status="unknown", name="benchmark", logic=""):
v = (Ast * 0)()
return Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(f.ctx_ref(), name, logic, status, "", 0, v, f.as_ast())
Here is a small example using it (also available online here)
a = Int('a')
b = Int('b')
f = And(Or(a > If(b > 0, -b, b) + 1, a <= 0), b > 0)
print toSMT2Benchmark(f, logic="QF_LIA")
I am wondering how to compare two expressions in C++ z3. The following code generates two equal expressions, but the result shows they do not share the same id, which is different from this post. A way to do this is to simplify before checking but the speed is slow due to the simplify overhead. Is there an efficient way to solve it?
z3::context c;
z3::expr z1 = c.bool_const("z1");
z3::expr z2 = c.bool_const("z2");
z3::expr z11 = z1 && z2;
z3::expr z22 = z2 && z1;
auto res = Z3_is_eq_ast(c, z11, z22);
Simple answer: No.
Note that two terms that are semantically identical can still yield False, even after a call to simplify. The only way to check equivalence for sure is to call check_sat.
The way to think about Z3_is_eq_ast is that if it says True, then you absolutely have the same term. If it says False, then it may or may not be the same term, you just don't know. (It's essentially hash-consing, an old idea, and all the caveats apply. See here:
Per this answer the Z3 set sort is implemented using arrays, which makes sense given the SetAdd and SetDel methods available in the API. It is also claimed here that if the array modification functions are never used, it's wasteful overhead to use arrays instead of uninterpreted functions. Given that, if my only uses of a set are to apply constraints with IsMember (either on individual values or as part of a quantification), is it a better idea to use an uninterpreted function mapping from the underlying element sort to booleans? So:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
string_set = SetSort(StringSort())
x = String('x')
s.add(IsMember(x, string_set))
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
string_set = Function('string_set', StringSort(), BoolSort())
x = String('x')
Are there any drawbacks to this approach? Alternative representations with even less overhead?
Those are really your only options, as long as you want to restrict yourself to the standard interface. In the past, I also had luck with representing sets (and in general relations) outside of the solver, keeping the processing completely outside. Here's what I mean:
from z3 import *
def FSet_Empty():
return lambda x: False
def FSet_Insert(val, s):
return lambda x: If(x == val, True, s(val))
def FSet_Delete(val, s):
return lambda x: If(x == val, False, s(val))
def FSet_Member(val, s):
return s(val)
x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
myset = FSet_Insert(x, FSet_Insert(y, FSet_Insert(z, FSet_Empty())))
s = Solver()
s.add(FSet_Member(2, myset))
Note how we model sets by unary relations, i.e., functions from values to booleans. You can generalize this to arbitrary relations and the ideas carry over. This prints:
[x = 2, z = 4, y = 3]
You can easily add union (essentially Or), intersection (essentially And), and complement (essentially Not) operations. Doing cardinality is harder, especially in the presence of complement, but that's true for all the other approaches too.
As is usual with these sorts of modeling questions, there's no single approach that will work best across all problems. They'll all have their strengths and weaknesses. I'd recommend creating a single API, and implementing it using all three of these ideas, and benchmarking your problem domain to see what works the best; keeping in mind if you start working on a different problem the answer might be different. Please report your findings!
I'm trying to implement some code from this paper: Model Checking Using SMT and Theory of Lists to prove facts about a simple machine. I wrote the following code using the Python Z3 API, mirroring the code described in the paper: the code and problem was intentionally simplified in order to show the problem better:
from z3 import *
MachineIntSort = BitVecSort(16)
MachineInt = lambda x: BitVec(x, 16)
def DeclareLinkedList(sort):
LinkedList = Datatype(f'{}_LinkedList')
LinkedList.declare('cons', ('car', sort), ('cdr', LinkedList))
return LinkedList.create()
State = Datatype('State')
('A', MachineIntSort),
('B', MachineIntSort),
('C', MachineIntSort),
('D', MachineIntSort))
State = State.create()
StateList = DeclareLinkedList(State)
def transition_condition(initial, next):
return State.A(next) == State.A(initial) + 1
def final_condition(lst):
return State.A( == 2
solver = Solver()
check_execution_trace = Function('check_execution_trace', StateList, BoolSort())
execution_list = Const('execution_list', StateList)
solver.add(ForAll(execution_list, check_execution_trace(execution_list) ==
If(And(execution_list != StateList.nil, StateList.cdr(execution_list) != StateList.nil),
StateList.nil == StateList.cdr(StateList.cdr(execution_list)),
StateList.nil != StateList.cdr(StateList.cdr(execution_list))
True), # If False, unsat but incorrect. If True, it hangs
states = Const('states', StateList)
# Execution trace cannot be empty
solver.add(StateList.nil != states)
# Initial condition
solver.add(State.A( == 0)
# Transition axiom
The problem is that model step hangs instead of giving the (trivial) solution. I think I might not have implemented everything the paper describes: I don't understand what "Finally, it is important to stress the purpose of the instantiation pattern ( PAT:
{check tr (lst)} ) in the FORALL clause. This axiom states something about all
lists. However, it would be impossible for the SMT solver to try to prove that the
statement indeed holds for all possible lists. Instead, the common approach is to
provide an instantiation pattern to basically say in which cases the axiom should
be instantiated and therefore enforced by the solver." means, so I didn't implement it.
My goal now is not to have pretty code (I know the star-import is ugly, ...) but to have working code.
Quantified formulas are hard for SMT solvers to deal with, as they make the logic semi-decidable. SMT solvers usually rely on "heuristics" to deal with such problems. Patterns are one way to "help" those heuristics to converge faster, when dealing with quantifiers.
You might want to read Section 13.2 of
To see an example of how to add patterns in the z3py bindings, look at this page: (Search for "Patterns" when the page comes up.)
As per my knowledge, since z3 doesn't recognize transcendental functions its throwing me an error while conversion using following code.
def convertor(f, status="unknown", name="benchmark", logic=""):
v = (Ast * 0)()
if isinstance(f, Solver):
a = f.assertions()
if len(a) == 0:
f = BoolVal(True)
f = And(*a)
return Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(f.ctx_ref(), name, logic, status, "", 0, v, f.as_ast())
pi, EI, kA , kB, N = Reals('pi EI kA kB N')
s= Solver()
s.add(pi == 3.1415926525)
s.add(EI == 175.2481)
s.add(kA>= 0)
s.add(kA<= 100)
s.add(kB>= 0)
s.add(kB<= 100)
s.add(N>= 100)
s.add(N<= 200)
please change the path of the input file "beamfinv3.bch", which can be found at: link
input_file = open('/home/mani/downloads/new_z3/beamfinv3.bch', 'r')
for line in input_file:
if line.strip()=="Constraints":
if line.strip()=="end":
if continue_read==True:
parts = line.split(';')
if (parts[0]!="end"):
#print parts[0]
result=convertor(s, logic="None")
file.write (result)
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'sin' is not defined
Any way out? or help?
The core of this problem is that eval tries to execute a Python script, i.e., all functions that occur within parts[0] must have a corresponding Python function of the same name, which is not the case for the trigonometric functions (the are neither in the Python API nor the C API, the former being based on the latter). For now you could try to add those functions yourself, perhaps with an implementation based on parse_smt2_string, or perhaps by replacing the Python strings with SMT2 strings altogether.
Z3 can represent expressions containing trigonometric functions, but it will refuse to do so when the logic is set to something; see arith_decl_plugin. I don't know Python well enough, but it might have to be None instead of "".
While Z3 can represent these expressions, it's probably not very good at solving them. See comments on the limitations in Can Z3 handle sinusoidal and exponential functions, Z3 supports for nonlinear arithmetics, and Z3 Performance with Non-Linear Arithmetic.
I have been using Z3 to check if terms can be satisfied. But in addition I need to simplify terms for human consumption e.g. when n is an Int simplify And(n>4 , n != 5) to n > 5. Dose any one know how to do this in Z3 or via other tools?
As you probably already noticed Z3 has a simplifier exposed over the API and you can also use it from SMT-LIB. The tutorials on Z3 from and give several examples of the simplifier. However, the simplifier does not attempt any normal form conversions, so it will unlikely produce results of the style you hint you want. In particular it does not simplify the conjunction And(n > 4, n != 5) to n > 5.
Possible answer:
n = Int('n')
antecedent = And(n >4, n != 5)
claim1 = n > 5
prove(Implies(antecedent, claim1))