High traffic volume in short amount of time - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking for some advice here. My school's student section registration process is online and involves around 6,000 students
They base seating off first come first serve basis. Every year they open the site at noon and floods of people get on a try to register as fast as possible to get good seats. Every year without fail the server crashes and everyone is mad.
After several years of being frustrated myself, I've offered to redo their registration system.
My plan is to rewrite it in ruby on rails, and use heroku for hosting.
Does a heroku dyno only handle one request at a time?
Heroku scales up to 50 dynos. Will that be enough to handle around 6,000 users with about 5 pageviews per transaction in a short amount of time, say a half hour?
Any helpful strategies or tips you can give me before I dive into this project?

Does a heroku dyno only handle one request at a time?
Yes. Heroku dynos are single threaded.
Heroku scales up to 50 dynos. Will that be enough to handle around
6,000 users with about 5 pageviews per transaction in a short amount
of time, say a half hour?
This depends on how fast your page loads. For arguments sake let's pretend it takes 2s per page request (as per Google Analytics recommendation) and you need to load 6,000 users x 5 page views / 30 minutes - 1000 page views per minute.
At 2s per page load, one single dyno would load 30 page views per minute. At 50 dynos, this would be 1500 page views per minute. This would obviously allow you to exceed your overall goal and leave you some room for error, but if all 6000 users are hitting the page at once then a single Heroku app may not be able to keep up depending on your timeout. You would need to implement a user queue system - explained below.
Any helpful strategies or tips you can give me before I dive into this
All that said, a 2s load time may vary depending on the assets your page needs to load, the amount it needs to interact with a database, it's queries, caching, etc. Your page can also potentially serve much faster.
You also need to worry about the initial hit of all the users. This could be taken care of via a first come first serve queue system - similar to that used by Ticketmaster if you've ever used their site. This could be accomplished via AWS SQS or your preference of queue system.
With a user queue and caching of your assets and common database queries, you should be able to accomplish this with 50 or less dynos.
EDIT: I'm taking your word for it that Heroku will run 50 web dynos. They show 24 as max on their pricing page, but I cannot find any info one way or another.

Does a heroku dyno only handle one request at a time?
It depends on web server you use (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos#dynos-and-requests). If you want more concurrency within a dyno, I'd suggest taking a look at something like Puma.
Heroku scales up to 50 dynos. Will that be enough to handle around 6,000 users with about 5 pageviews per transaction in a short amount of time, say a half hour?
Any helpful strategies or tips you can give me before I dive into this project?
You can have more than 50 dynos. A specific answer for you app is going to be way better that a guess or generalization. Run a load test against your site (e.g., using Blitz) and find out the real numbers. Costs for add-ons are pro-rated per second, so you only pay for the period you have it installed. So make sure you uninstall or downgrade Blitz once you've finished your test.


Heroku: How expensive could running my application be?

I'm about to release an iOS app, and deploy its backend (rails backend that serves the iOS app) to heroku.
I have very little knowledge when it comes to the practical price you will pay based on traffic, etc. This link (http://notes.ericjiang.com/posts/881) states... Nowadays, especially with faster code and faster computers, a standard 512MB dyno can power websites with tens of thousands of hits per hour.
I'm trying to get a rough estimate of how much running my backend on heroku could cost me. What's the best way to figure this out? The pricing is all very straightforward. It basically just comes down to how many dyno's I'm going to need.
If I get 5 beta testers to run my iOS app for a 10 minute window, can I extrapolate some statistics as to how much my backend is being used? Is it the 'hits' that matter, or the 'data' transferred, or the 'time' the backend is actively doing something, like queueing up some resulting data?
Is there a formula to figure it out? Let's say say a user averages 10 hits per minute, and I constantly have an average of 5000 users. That would be 3 million hits per hour. What exactly should I be looking for in trying to determine an accurate pricing for my first backend?
While Heroku do have some limits surrounding bandwidth (not requests) for the most part your cost is close to fixed.
Monthly pricing is typically made up from a combination of:
Premium support
Heroku provide a price calculator on their website. Further, standard (non-hobby) dynos and up include metrics around CPU usage and memory usage.
My suggestion if you're just starting out? Start with one web dyno and a Postgres database. Beta test your app and check your metrics. A Rails app on a single Standard 1X dyno can handle a reasonable amount of traffic (depending on what else it might be doing) and if you need to add more dynos it's only a command line interface away.
Hope that helps.

Rails 4 on Heroku extremely slow with loading

I've got Heroku deployment with my Rails 4 app and it's proving to be extremely slow. I'm not sure if my location has a factor as I'm based in Australia
I've got NewRelic addon and below is the problem that I'm seeing.
Category Segment % Time Avg calls Avg Time (ms)
View layouts/users Template 98.4 1.0 16,800
Based on this breakdown, I see that layout users is the problem for the performance (which is nearly 16.8 seconds!).
Is there a good way to profile this to find out exactly what functions are causing this problem and what are the best way to fix those?
Also another important thing to note is that when I go to map report it shows End User of 19.5 seconds which takes up a lot of time.
When an app on Heroku has only one web dyno and that dyno doesn't receive any traffic in 1 hour, the dyno goes to sleep.
When someone accesses the app, the dyno manager will automatically wake up the web dyno to run the web process type. This causing delay for this first request.
Are you noticing similar behaviour?

Ruby on Rails hosting - Engineyard vs Enterprise-Rails

I've been running a Rails app on 1 big dedicated server. Now for scaling I want to switch to a cloud service hoster and serve the app on 3 instances - App, DB and Redis.
I have really bad experience with Heroku performance wise and hence cost efficiency. So for me 2 Alternatives remain: Engineyard and Enterprise-Rails.
What I find important is that Engineyard doesn't offer an autoscaling option to handle peaks. On the other hand Enterprise-Rails doesn't have too much of documentation, most of it is handled by a support crew which is setting up everything.
What are other differences and what should I use for my website? I don't need much of administration work and I am not experienced with it. Basically I just want my Site to run optimally safe, stable and cost efficient without much personal work involved.
I am running a massive Rails app off AWS at this time and I'm really happy with it. Previously I had a number of dedicated boxes that were always causing problems - sooner or later one of them would crash for some reason, Raid failures, database problems whatnot.
At AWS I use RDS for database, elastic cache for caching, I keep all my code on a fat instance that acts as staging server and get a variable number of reserved instances to load the code via NFS.
I also use autoscaling - we've prepaid for a number of reserved instances and autoscaling helps starting up nodes when CPU usage goes above 60%, then removing them when it goes below 25%. autoscaling rules are based on cloudwatch alerts that can be set to monitor a particular group of instances, memcache servers, and so on, you even get e-mails and SMS notifications via SNS when certain scaling activities take place, say when more than 100 instances are spammed in less than 1 hour (massive traffic spike). The instances also get added right up to the load balancers by the way and you don't need to mess with the session store as you can use the sticky session feature which is quite nice.
Recently I also started using a 2nd launch group with spot instances, this complicated things a bit in terms of cloudwatch rules but I'm able to save a lot every month as spot prices are much lower. When the spot price (minimum) I bid is not enough, the set-up I have switches back to reserved instances.
Even more recently I've also started using CloudFront which got my app's page assets to load real fast (about 2 megs of CSS, JS, some icon sprites). Previously I was serving directly from instances via the load balancers.
This took about 20 hours to deploy, test and tune for maximum performance and availability.
One of the problems I have with AWS is that there's no support unless you're prepared to foot a bill. They claim some support is offered without a subscription but the only option in the support area is Billing. Ha. Fortunately it's all stable enough not to put me in a position where I'd have to pay for it.
Overall Rails fits in quite nice with AWS. I spend less than 2 hours per month doing maintenance, where I was spending over 30 previously. Most important for me is that I know that I can GTFO on a vacation for X months knowing nothing will cause any trouble - haven't had a monitoring alert more than a year.
Later edit: the app is a sports site with white labeling feature, lots of users, lots of administrators working on content in the back-end, database intensive as we show market pricing data that should update every few seconds. I had an average load time of about 3 seconds per page with dedicated servers that were doing about the same thing - database, memcache, storage, load balancing, web app. Now my average is under 1 second. Monthly bill is about 8 times lower now.
While Engine Yard doesn't offer auto-scaling (it is in the pipeline), we do have a fairly easy to use scaling feature that allows you to spin up multiple instances at once in times of need.
The advantages over something like Enterprise-Rails is the full documentation, the choice to deploy from the CLI or the dashboard,and our amazing support team. It's also easier to use Engine Yard and move from a personal machine or from another cloud setup than it is using a service such as AWS directly.

Advice on number of dynos

I'm new to Heroku, and would like to have some idea of how I can go about guesstimating the number of dynos that might be needed for a RoR app (need to give some number to customer).
The app is already running on the free 1 dyno. Here's some basic info about the app:
App is mainly database reads, with very little writes
Possibly heavy DB load, with queries involving distance calculations (from lat-long, using gmaps4rails)
From some basic testing with WAPT (eval version), it looks like a typical search request takes a min. ~1.3s, avg. ~2s, max. 4-5s
Again from WAPT testing, up to 20 concurrent users and observing the Heroku logs, I don't seem to be seeing any requests being queued
Other requests are largely static assets
How would I get some rough idea of the number of dynos needed, to handle X concurrent users, or how many concurrent users the single dyno can likely handle?
Update: Heroku changed their dyno pricing prolicy https://www.heroku.com/pricing, so the these information might not correct anymore.
According to this article http://neilmiddleton-eu.herokuapp.com/getting-more-from-your-heroku-dynos/, if you use Unicorn, 1 dyno can handle 1 million request per day (100ms per request). So if you host all media in S3, 1 page view need 3 requests (1 html, 1 pipe-lined css, 1 pipe-lined javascript), 1 dyno can handle roughly 300.000 page view a day, or 80 page view per seconds with Unicorn.
Let's say 1 user will view 1 page in 5 seconds, and your application can manage to respond in 300ms, technically, you will have roughly 400 concurrent users with 1 dyno.
But actually our application (quite heavy), 1 dyno can only accept 1/10 of those, around 50 concurrent users.
Hope this help you!

calculate the number of simultaneous Passenger instances

I need to find out if a server I have is capable of handling a number of traffic. I'm running ruby on rails with passenger and apache.
So let say on average a page takes 2 seconds to render and their will be 200k visitors in a day. The busiest hour will see 300 page views in a minute. From this how can I work out how many simultaneous Passenger instances I'll need to handle the expected load and then from that how much RAM I'll need to handle the required number of Passenger processes.
Hopefully this will tell me what server(s) I'll need and maybe a load balancer(s)?
The only way to know for sure is to simulate the load with a benchmarking tool. Memory usage is highly application specific, and can even depend on the areas of the application you're exercising, so if you can generate reasonable diversity in your test data you'll have a much better idea of how it scales.
For a rough start try the ab tool that comes with Apache. For something more complete, there are a number of simulation systems that will perform a series of events like logging in, viewing pages, and so on, like Selenium.
