Getting data from Yahoo Finance [closed] - yahoo-finance

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I read about the YQL, but I didn't understand how can I get some simple data (like company ticker, market cap, stock price, etc.), for ALL COMPANIES?
And an additional question, how can I get all Yahoo Finance tables and theirs fields that can be queried by YQL?

To your first question, you can't really do any query through YQL to get data for all companies. It's more oriented towards obtaining data for a smaller query. (I.e., it's not going to give you a full data dump of the whole Yahoo! Finance database.)
To your second question, here's how you can get started exploring the Yahoo! Finance tables in YQL:
Start at the YQL Console
In the upper left corner, make sure Show Community Tables is checked
Type finance in the search field
You'll see all the Yahoo Finance tables (about 15)
Then you can try some example queries like the following:
select * from where symbol in ("YHOO","AAPL","GOOG","MSFT")
Update 2016-04-04: Here's a current screenshot showing the location of the Show Community Tables checkbox which must be clicked to see these finance tables:

As from the answer from BrianC use the YQL console.
But after selecting the "Show Community Tables" go to the bottom of the tables list and expand yahoo where you find plenty of tables:
Stock Quotes:
Fundamental analysis:
Technical analysis:*
General financial information:
2/Nov/2017: Yahoo finance has apparently killed this API, for more info and alternative resources see

Example to recieve it through a request:

Since Yahoo Finances API was disabled, I found Alpha Vantage API
This a stock query sample that I'm using with Excel's Power Query:


Yahoo Finance APIs - For Different Stock Exchange

I actually want to know that whether i can use the Yahoo Finance API to get the data from a specific Stock Exchange. I tried to find the answer and looked through the YQL guide but they didn't mention that how can I specify the stock exchange to get the current share price.
For example I want to know the share price of a company from Australian Stock Exchange and then I want to know another share price of a different company from NewYork Stock Exchange.
Any help is much appreciated.
For LSE (London Stock Exchange), all the symbols are just appended with '.L'.
It seems the Australian Stock Exchange is '.AX' (I got the info from this page: )

Is yql Bing search or BOSS search v2 still valid?

I'm trying to do large amount of search queries automatically, and YQL has very attractive limitation settings. However, when I was following this post, hoping I could use YQL Bing Search or BOSS v2, through both YQL Console and url, both told me no defination of the tables...
But I found yql-tables here, which includes Bing search and BOSS search and many other tables that cannot be found through YQl Console Show Tables
The tutorials about YQL I have found are all majorly happened in 2011, that's many years ago...
So, I'm wondering, whether tables here are still valid? If so, do you know how can I use or to get the query results?
... that cannot be found through YQl Console Show Tables
Be sure to enable "Show Community Tables" (on the left of the page, above the tables list) as shown below.

Why would one use a POST-based search engine on their website? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm aware of the differences between GET and POST (security and caching, in particular). Additionally, when I search this question using Google, I'm only greeted by results telling me how to hack site search in Google Analytics for POST-based engines. I already know how to do that.
What I'm wondering is why employ a POST-based search engine in the first place? What are the salient advantages? I can't imagine why site search queries would need to be secure. So maybe it has something to do with caching?
Thanks so much in advance to anyone who can shed light on this.
No real "answer" to this one - it's entirely up to the site owners choice and/or the options the software they use on their website.
I would however say that there are very valid reasons for search terms to be secure. If you are searching for personal private medical conditions for example, or perhaps your own sexual preferences that you'd prefer not to be widely known. And then there's search terms used in more restrictive countries than you're obviously used to where having a history of those search terms on your computer could get you in very serious trouble.
Google has long restricted search terms from being passed on to the next website in the referrer field for just the reasons.
Advantages of a GET based search page:
Easy to copy and paste link for someone else.
Adds to your web history.
Allows search engine to be implemented in client side (e.g. like Google Custom Search Engine uses with a JavaScript call to Google's main search engine rather than a complicated server side search engine implementation).
Advantages of POST based search pages are mostly to do with security:
Cannot be accidentally shared by copying and pasting URL.
Does not add search terms to web history
Cannot leak search terms in referrer fields for sites you click on. This takes extra effort to do with a GET request (like Google has done) but is default with POST requests.

Retrieve Movie Pricing like in IMDB [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to know, how we can get pricing list for any valid particular movie. Like in iTunes there are many movies app, which gives pricing for all website for live streaming. How to retrieve that list of pricing.
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking to get iTunes Store Movie Metadata, which include pricing. You can use iTunes Store Search API, which also returns iTunes pricing.
This API call will return JSON response with the following data:
{"wrapperType":"track", "kind":"feature-movie", "trackId":271495352, "artistName":"Steve Oedekerk", "trackName":"Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls", "trackCensoredName":"Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls", "trackViewUrl":"", "previewUrl":"", "artworkUrl30":"", "artworkUrl60":"", "artworkUrl100":"", "collectionPrice":9.99, "trackPrice":9.99, "trackRentalPrice":2.99000, "collectionHdPrice":14.99000, "trackHdPrice":14.99000, "trackHdRentalPrice":3.99000, "releaseDate":"2013-10-02T07:00:00Z", "collectionExplicitness":"notExplicit", "trackExplicitness":"notExplicit", "trackTimeMillis":5641183, "country":"USA", "currency":"USD", "primaryGenreName":"Comedy", "contentAdvisoryRating":"PG-13",
"longDescription":"Africa's the place and Ace is on the case, setting out to rescue an animal he loathes: a bat! Jim Carrey (Batman Forever) returns as Ace, the alligator-wrasslin', elephant-calling, monkey-shining, loogie-launching, burning coals-crossing, disguise-mastering pet detective. If you're ready to laugh like a pack of hyenas, if you want more fun than an industrial-sized barrel of monkeys, you know what to do. Heed the call.", "radioStationUrl":""}
Be careful of the following parameters:
If you are looking for other website streaming prices, I would try to look for the specific API's on service side that would provide you with this information.
The more mature services usually provide REST API's to access it's information. What you are looking to do is basically - creating an abstract pricing layer on top of all available API's. While this answer would be too long going into detail on each and every service, I can give you some information for the sites you mentioned:
Hulu API:
Vudu API:
Rotten Tomatoes (Flixster) API:
Amazon API:
While those links will not solve your problem out of the box, you should be able to get enough information from them to actually understand what can you do.

How to aggregate analytics from Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a video blog for which I would like to track certain statistics, including stats from Google Analytics, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc.
The problem is that the various stats are on different websites, which require different logins, etc. It takes a long time to actually view everything. I am looking for a way to be able to aggregate all of this information in one place.
I have searched quite a bit on Google, Mashable, Delicious, etc and I haven't found any websites that do what I want. Are my searching skills bad, or does this really not exist?
The data in which I am interested appears to be available in readily parsable forms (see below), but I am hesitant to write an app to do this myself, because of an already more than full workload.
Data I want to aggregate:
Google Analytics -- tracking on my website
number of visitors
traffic sources
use Data Export API --
number of followers
number of retweets
new # messages
new direct messages
Twitter API -- (sorry, I can only post one hyperlink because I am new)
Facebook fan page
number of fans
new posts on wall
Facebook API -- (sorry, I can only post one hyperlink because I am new)
number of followers
number of views
view location
number of comments
number of channel subscribers
do this for
YouTube -- CSV report available at (sorry, I can only post one hyperlink because I am new)
Feed burner (RSS)
number of subscribers
CSV report available at (sorry, I can only post one hyperlink because I am new)
SEO stuff
Google PageRank
Alexa rankings
So is there an app that does this already, or should I do this myself? I would like a quick and dirty way to do this -- I was thinking something like Yahoo pipes, but it appears to not be up to the task. I could probably get it done in Grails, but that might be more trouble than it's worth. Other ideas?
I have a better answer. YQL has community data tables for all the services you listed. You can pull in all the different values through their API.
You could try creating a Google Spreadsheet and use their external data import tools.
The biggest problem will probably be access authenticated APIs.
Presumably that all of the services above has fashioned a statistics API, I would advice you to write it yourself rather than battling an integration war with a bunch of aggregating programs.
Here's an iphone app that does at least a bit of this:
I don't know a single tool that can do this, off the top of my head. But you can chain a few tools together to do this.
1- If you're on Windows, use Website Watcher. It has a macro-recording tool to login a webpage, a regex-based tool to filter content and a scripting language that let you email/export the result. IMO, this will let you extract data from just any web page/RSS/forums.
2- Then use Dropbox to automatically upload the result files to your Dropbox's public folder (because you will need the public link to these file).
3- Use Yahoo Pipes to consolidate/aggregate the result files.
I suggest you try Metricly that is natively intergating Facebook & Google Analytics data. It is extensible by nature and with a little bit of tweaking you can push any meric to it. I enjoy it.
I originally suggested this as an edit to abraham's answer but it was rejected:
Mikael Thuneberg has written a freely available google script for pulling GA data into Google Docs using the GA API:
I use it for creating client dashboards all the time. I suspect there may be others for pulling in twitter/facebook data etc.
And Google have just released this tool for importing GA data into Google Docs:
Also see SEOTools for Excel which can pull some facebook and twitter data as well as Google Analytics through the API.
YouTube has a public API to retrieve reports for your videos and channels.
