iOS native app GA tracking (v2) - video and audio - ios

I'm trying to track video and audio plays as screen views using the GA iOS SDK v2. Is this possible?
Normally one would replace the uiviewcontroller reference with GItrackedviewcontroller. This doesn't seem to be an option.

Yes, this is possible. You can manually invoke
[tracker sendView:#"My view name"];
everytime you open a video or audio stream.
The GAITrackedViewController does nothing other than placing exactly this sendView call in the viewDidAppear (or viewWillAppear, not sure about that).


Push to next vc. wkWebView

I have a wkWebView where I display a video. How can I automatically switch to the next screen after the video ends?
It doesn't look like WKWebView has any call back methods to notify when a video has completed. The only suggestions I can provide is if the video lives locally in the app, you can use AVFoundation and take advantage of their call back methods. Other users have also mentioned using Javascript to detect when an online video has finished.

Adding Sound With UIPageViewController iOS Swift

I am new to iOS, and am using PageViewController to set up an app with books. I am having a hard time finding any information on setting up sound with each page. How do you add mp3 files into an array using AVFoundation?
You can play a audio file in background usinf AVAudioPlayer u can even play different audio for different page.... Change audio file inside page view controller delegate method, visit this link for more detail info

youtube in background mode in ios

I'm using for implement Youtube videos in my iOS Project.
I implement the YTPlayerView object in Appdelegate; in my ViewController I execute the view. Really YTPlayerView, is a UIView that show an UIWebview.
The proble occure when I want to listen the webview (Youtube Music) in background.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application{
[self.playerView playVideo];
I implement this in Appdelegate but the first time I dismiss the app, the music is set in background, but the second time no and I don't know why.
I have seen so many apps at app store that u can make this, so is possible but I don't have seen anything about it.

Can iOS APP play downloaded MP4 files in custom window?

We have an iOS APP project which will play video in our custom window and would like to play the downloaded video files. According to such kind of demand, is that possible to do that?
This is possible. Please check the documents for MPMoviePlayerController . This allows you to play a video and managing your own view hierarchy/custom views. To play a video inline, you need to use the view property of your MPMoviePlayerController instance an put it into your view hierarchy. The features of MPMoviePlayerController have changed with iOS 3.2, so while using it, be sure to only use features for your deployment target.

iPhone SDK: Custom video player controls

In my iPhone app I have designed a custom video player, currently it is very basic with just a play pause and stop button,
but I would like the user to be able to scrub, (I think thats the right word) the video like you can do with apple's original media player.
So for Instance I would like to be able to take a UISlider and have it control the current postiion of the videos playback if you get what I mean. Oh and incase your curious, the way I pause/play/stop the video is by using this simple piece of code [self.theMovie play]; [self.theMovie stop]; [self.theMovie pause]; The trouble is I don't know how to scrub the video.
Any help appreciated.
I've asked the same question: customize quicktime iphone and here MPVideoPlayer add/remove buttons
It seams that you have to posibilities:
You can add you view over the main window. An sample can be found here: MoviePlayer Sample
You can iterate through views, found one you need and Add/Remove views. I don't know yet how must does Apple likes/dislikes this method.
