Youtube Search Results as Playlist, Need Advise - youtube

Hi guys, this is my first time to post on this awesome community so
please bear with me.
I am working with a Wordpress Plugin that can display a Youtube Search Results into Video Playlist.
My settings are:
Content- channel/keyword
My first Approach was this:
with this api as reference,
search for the keyword > display the relevant results according to the author as playlist
*I'm in doubt if I this is possible, coding 30%
*I'm not sure where could I use my settings for Content
but then when my coding is in progress I recently bumped an article that says Youtube Search is differrent on Searching a Youtube Playlist
Now I can't continue my coding because I'm not sure If I'm doing it
right. Can you give me some advise with this situation or show me some
similar project/examples?

You don't have to write any YouTube Data API code for this; it's a built-in feature of the YouTube Player.
This blog post has an example of loading a list player that takes its content from the recent uploads of a channel. You can do something similar by setting listType=search&list=SEARCH_TERM, where SEARCH_TERM is whatever string you want to search for (be sure to URL escape it). You can read more in the documentation.


Youtube API v3 category topics

Hey guys I'm not having an issue with the API directly, but with the documentation. I can make an API request and get the video topic details just fine, but I am looking for a master list of all topics.
According to the documentation the old style of topics that you can see here was depreciated in 2017 and replaced with Wikipedia articles. This is fine and a little better for my use case but I would like to get a list of all options. The documentation says
A list of Wikipedia URLs that provide a high-level description of the video's content.
which is not especially helpful haha. I think I found the Wikipedia Source for all music genres, and it looks like they are just using the "main" genres but I would like to confirm that. I also found this list of topics that looks similar but is from the natural language API documentation instead of the YouTube API documentation.
I could try and brute force it but that would require a considerable amount of effort with no real way to confirm my results. I also found this API but it just returns the top level categories.
I am also really only interested in the music categories.

How do I to POST info about a Youtube video's chapters via API?

Youtube added the ability to break up their videos in the progress bar into sections called "chapters". As seen here Video Chapters
I would like to post a video via API and add chapters, I have not been able to find any documentation or example in the API about this.
This method is not currently available in the YouTube Data api, it appears to just be part of YouTube studio.
YOu may want to add a feature request maybe its something they will add to the api.

YouTube API comments streaming

Is there any YouTube API which enables external applications to search for keyword/brand name across all video comments on YouTube and send it back to some URL? Also, pull method is fine if the proposed push idea does not exist.
So I would like to know if my brand was mentioned in any video comment on YouTube, similar as what Twitter allows with User/Site Streams.
The YouTube API (v2.0) defines comments as a property of the video object. Details on this relationship here:
Therefore, in order to search every YouTube comment you would need to traverse the entire collection of videos. If you're going to attempt something like this, it makes sense to validate your concept by first focusing on the feeds or categories that are most relevant to your brand. Details on feed and categories here:
No, there isn't anything like this available from the existing youtube api (neither V2 nor V3)

Why the link get from youtube get_video_info doesn't work for download?

I test with browser with the link I get from "" to see if it is be able to download.
After remove some parameters from original link, some works but some still don't.
I read some post here but most of are pretty old. A lot of change since then.
I wonder if there are somebody working on this recently.
The purpose I need this is because my youtube view program need a better quality video to display.
This is link doesn't work:; codecs="avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2"&itag=18&
What wrong with it? I removed fallback_path and replace sig with signature.
The working link is for webm. This is for h264. Both have the same kind of parameters.
And this is working now.; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"&quality=large,itag=35&
That's not a supported method of interacting with YouTube. You need to use one of the official YouTube Player mechanisms to display YouTube videos.
Please familiarize yourself with the YouTube API Terms of Service if you have any more questions.

search for and embed youtube videos in ruby on rails application

I have a website where I want to basically allow people to display several youtube videos onto the same page.
For example, I have a friend who has 3 different videos. Instead of sending a link to the three videos individually, they would go to my site see the 3 search boxes, search for the videos individually (the search is done on youtube), then they can pick the videos and click "done", at which point, the 3 videos would be embedded on their page.
I'm trying to figure out how to approach this in ruby on rails, but I'm not finding much information on how.
Here's a link from 2009 of a guy who's saying that he can actually do the search and retrieve from youtube:
But I don't know how to do the search & retrieve, and I don't know how to do the embed. I think I can figure out the embed, but what's the best way to do the search/display results?
Thanks a lot for your help stackoverflow, you're my only hope (besides google, but google failed me today).
all you need to know about the search feature is described in YouTube Data Api. You will need your app to communicate with this API. The best thing to do may be to look after a gem specialized in this ; there is a list available in another StackOverflow question.
