LuaSocket - TCP 2nd message not sending - lua

I've been searching Google for awhile and there seems to be no offers on fixing this problem I have here.
I am using LuaSocket as a simple way to connect to a external server I created, and I am able to connect to it successfully and send a signal.
However, when I try to send a second message later on, the external server does not seem to be receiving the message, even though I am still connected to the socket.
socket = require("socket")
host, port = ip, port
tcp = assert(socket.tcp())
tcp:settimeout( 0 )
tcp:connect(host, port);
msg = {
msg = Json.Encode(msg)
tcp:send(msg); -- This message, the server received this message.
-- Later in my code, I attempt to send another message.
msg = {
msg = Json.Encode(msg)
tcp:send(msg); -- This message is not sending, even though i'm still connected.

You need to show what happens on the other side as it may be simply not reading even though the connection may be open. You also don't say what exactly happens when "message is not sending"; do you get an error? the script finishes but the message is not sent?
There are several things you can try:
Switch to the (default) synchronous send until you get it working; remove tcp:settimeout(0), as your send may simply fail with "timeout" message if the other side is not ready to read the message.
Check the error message from :send call to see if it's timing out or not.
local ok, err = tcp:send(msg)
Use to check if the other side it ready to accept the message you are sending.

Try adding "\r\n" at the end of your serialized JSON.


Resubscribing to MQTT Topic when Network ist Lost

I have developed a Quarkus app with which I want to receive and process MQTT messages.
This also works so far.
My problem is that when the internet goes down at the MQTT broker and the app reconnects afterwards, the app reconnects to the broker but no messages are received. I think that the "subscribe" method is not called anymore.
How can I solve this problem?
Here is my Config:
Here is my Controller:
public void consume(byte[] raw) {
String price = new String(raw,StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String[] parts = price.split(",");
String watt = parts[0].trim();
String timeStamp = parts[1].trim();
byte wattH = Byte.parseByte(watt.replace("WH", ""));
ZonedDateTime now ="Europe/Vienna"))
Message message = new Message(wattH,now);
Stack Output if i cut the Connection:
2022-09-20 07:50:09,683 ERROR [io.sma.rea.mes.mqtt] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) SRMSG17105: Unable to establish a connection with the MQTT broker: Connection reset
If the Connection is back:
2022-09-20 07:50:26,751 INFO [io.ver.mqt.imp.MqttClientImpl] (vert.x-eventloop-thread Connection with established successfully
So the connection seems to be back, but there are no more incoming messages.
I solved the Problem by myself.
I set :
And now it works fine.
I tried many ways to fix the problem, but this seems to be the issue.
I think there is some bean removed in the runtime when the connection is lost for a too long time.
If anyone can explain why this happens please tell me

Raid doesn't receive C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage

I'm making this addons that have to send to the raid my interrupt cooldown.
The problem is that whenever i send a message to the raid i am the only one that receive it.
This is the code that send the message:
C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage("KickRotation",string.format( "%0.2f",remainingCd ), "RAID")
This is the event handler:
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
local prefix, msg, msgType, sender = ...;
if event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
if prefix == "KickRotation" then
print("[KickRotation]" ..tostring(sender) .." potrĂ  interrompere tra: " ..msg);
if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
print("[KickRotation] v0.1 by Galfrad")
Basically when the message is sended it is printed only to me.
Network messages are handled and transferred to the recipient channel (in this case, Raid Group) by the server. The reason that you are seeing the message locally, but the other people do not see it is that the message will be handled on the local system (sender) to reduce the repetition of data transmit.
Server however, only accepts and sends messages that are registered to it.
Therefore, you must first register your add-on messages to the server so the other players in the requested channel be able to receive it.
First, register your add-on messages with the name you have given already (But be sure to call the registration method only once per client):
local success = C_ChatInfo.RegisterAddonMessagePrefix("KickRotation") -- Addon name.
Next, check if your message was accepted and registered to the server. In case success is set to false (failure), you may want to handle proper warning messages and notifications to the user. The case of failure means that either server has disabled add-on messages or you have reached the limit of add-on message registrations.
Finally, send your message again check if it did not fail.
if not C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage("KickRotation",string.format( "%0.2f",remainingCd ), "RAID") then
print("[KickRotation] Failed to send add-on message, message rejected by the server.")

mqtt.client:connect() "not established" callback is unexpectedly called after a disconnect

The documentation for mqtt.client:connect() states that the last arg is a "callback function for when the connection could not be established".
I have a case where mqtt.client:connect() succeeds, so the "not established" callback is not called (correct behavior). But, later, when my mqtt broker goes down, the "not established" callback function gets unexpectedly activated.
I have the following code:
function handle_mqtt_error (client, reason)
print("mqtt connect failed, reason = "..reason..". Trying again shortly.")
tmr.create():alarm(10 * 1000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, do_mqtt_connect)
function do_mqtt_connect ()
m:connect(MQTT_HOST, MQTT_PORT, 1, function(client)
print("mqtt connected")
client:publish("topic/status", "online", 1, 1)
-- init mqtt client
m = mqtt.Client(MQTT_CLIENT_ID, 120, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASS)
-- connect to mqtt
print("Starting Test")
I see the output from the test begin, as expected, with:
Starting Test
mqtt connected
At this point, I kill my mqtt broker, and I unexpectedly see:
mqtt connect failed, reason = -5. Trying again shortly.
mqtt connect failed, reason = -5. Trying again shortly.
And, happily, but unexpectedly, when I restart my broker, I see:
mqtt connected
So, it appears that handle_mqtt_error() is not only called "when the connection could not be established". It appears that it also be called if mqtt.client:connect() successfully establishes a connection, then the connection is later broken.
======= New Information =======
I downloaded the "dev" tree and used the Docker image to build the firmware. Within mqtt.c, I enabled NODE_DBG. The interesting lines are:
enter mqtt_socket_reconnected.
mqtt connect failed, reason = -5. Trying again shortly.
enter mqtt_socket_disconnected.
leave mqtt_socket_disconnected.
leave mqtt_socket_reconnected.
The "mqtt connect failed..." message is printed by handle_mqtt_error(), which is my "connect failed" callback.
Here's my theory. When my test starts, do_mqtt_connect() calls mqtt_socket_connect(), which does this:
espconn_regist_reconcb(pesp_conn, mqtt_socket_reconnected);
This sets reconnect_callback (in app/lwip/app/espconn.c). Later, after my broker goes down and comes back up, espconn_tcp_reconnect() is called (in app/lwip/app/espconn_tcp.c). It calls the reconnect_callback, which is mqtt_socket_reconnected(), which calls handle_mqtt_error().
So, I think the end result doesn't match the documentation, but it works out okay for me. If the behavior did match the documentation, I would just add some Lua code to handle the "offline" event, and try to reestablish the mqtt connection. I just thought someone might be interested if the behavior doesn't match the documentation.

How SignalR manages connection between Postbacks

1> Just want to understand how SignalR 1.x functions in a particular scenario
Lets say we have a 10 clients connected to Hub and one of the connected clients say client-1 performs a postback so OnDisconnected is called than OnConnected is called right ?
What happens if during this phase if client-2 try's to send message to client-1 exactly between the said scenario ie (msg is sent after client-1 is disconnected and before connected again )will client-1 miss the message or there's internal mechanism which makes sure client-1 does not miss the message sent by client-2
2> Second query I have is that I'm trying to pass a querystring using following code
var chat = $.connection.myHub;
$.connection.myHub.qs = { "token": "hello" };
but not able to retrieve it on the server side from the Context object
I even tried
var chat = $.connection.myHub;
$.connection.myHub.qs = "token=hello" ;
But it does not work ie when I check the keys, token is not present in AllKeys
Will appreciate if someone just help me out.
1: If a postback occurs a client will disconnect and then connect. However, when the client performs a connect again it will have a different Connection Id than it had prior to the postback. Therefore, any message sent to the old connection id will be missed because when the users browser connects again it will be known as a different client.
2: You're trying to set the query string on the hub proxy, not the connection. What you should be doing is:
$.connection.hub.qs = { foo: "bar" };

Mirth: How to send ACK message to sender host and port

I am receiving lab HL7 messages from a static host and a dynamic port. For each message received I need to send a ACK message back to this host and port.
I have a destination TCP Writer channel with the correct message in there. Though the port number has to be fixed.
How do I tell Mirth to send this message to the sending host and port?
Thanks in advance
You should configure your channel to use the LLP Listener instead, which has the option to reply with a custom HL7 ACK message. The message will be send back on the same connection so you don't have to keep track of the address of the sending system.
In Mirth you send a customized ACK message.
In Scripts, select the Postprocessor (This script executes once after a message has been processed)
and write this code
var ackString = ""; //build a javascript string for your custom ack
var ackResponse = ResponseFactory.getSuccessReponse(ackString);
responseMap.put("Custom ACK", ackResponse);
Mirth will then parse the Postprocessor script, and discovers the reponseMap code. On the source tab, go to the Send ACK radio list, you can now select "Respond from" and "Custom ACK" from the options in the dropdownlist avaiable.
