Flex Mobile - Simple catalogue . iOS - ios

just new in mobile development.
I am starting to use/learn Flash Builder 4.6 and try to do my first test app for iOS
I would like to create a simple app which works like a simple catalogue. Basically a list of images that can be showed and switch between images just moving the fingers. Move from left to right will show next image, move from right to left will show previous image.
Basically the same way that you can see your pictures on your Iphone / Ipad
Do I need to create a view per image?

This Flex mobile demo app may overlap your example.
Demo application from Finnkino Movies
Source Code (FXP)
Source Code (ZIP)
You may also want to create a Flex mobile app in Flash Builder using a default template to experiment with transitions of ViewNavigator.
Demo application from Finnkino Movies
Define views in a mobile application
Define transitions in a mobile application


iOS Airprint without displaying popover dialogue box

I am developing an app that needs to be able to print out name labels after a user finishes a registration process. It needs to do this without displaying a popover which is automatically created when using UIPrintInteractionController.
I know other apps have approaches where they print directly after the user touches a print button that is placed in the view controller. Fx the iPrint&Label app by Brother.
How can I create a similar button that allows the application to print automatically without displaying the popover dialogue box?
p.s The application doesn't have to be app store clean, the final application will only be installed on two specific iPads.
p.p.s this is my first entry on stackoverflow, I hope I'm not being to much of a newbie :-)
It is possible on iOS 8 and newer - use printToPrinter:
Docs here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIPrintInteractionController_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010141-CH1-SW34

How to display multiple live filters at once like iOS 7 Camera App

In the iOS 7 camera app, if you click on the icon in the bottom right corner it opens a collection view that is a 3x3 grid showing a live preview of different filters. How can this be recreated for our own app purposes? I have tried using GPUImage but I am only able to display one GPUImageView at a time and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
GPUImage comes with a MultiViewImage example that fulfills this exact requirement. I will use it as a starting point.
The example was found in the GPUImage GitHub (https://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage) under the directory /examples/iOS/MultiViewFilterExample/
Direct Link
The project in that folder shows how to display 4 GPUImageViews, each with their own filter on one UIView.

UI very distorted using jquery Trigger.io apps

I have couple of questions:
1) I am creating apps using Trigger.io and trying to make a search form that loads listview and shows data. However the UI is very distorted when i tried on android simulator and i also tested on my android tablet.
All the rounded borders and icons in list view looks very messed up. Does anyone have any solution to this?
2) How can i add ads in my apps? Can i use admob?
3) How can i scale YouTube video according to screen size?
1) Is your HTML displaying properly in browsers? Unfortunately, we don't control the HTML rendering, so you'll need to write your markup in a webkit-compatible way.
2) We have an AdMob integration in our medium-term plans
3) If you want full-screen video playback, see forge.media. For inline video, we should behave in the same way as the stock browser - if not, let me know!
1) Android 2.x has f'ugly rendering of CSS rounded corners, combined with older 2.x handsets having lower res displays leads to some really freaky looking borders, shadows and bevels. Also slows down the page a lot - I would avoid these css effects if possible if you want to target these devices.

What HTML5 features are available for Dashcode widgets in iBooks?

With the new iBooks Author tool, you can create e-books for the iPad. The format allows you to embed HTML widgets created with Dashcode. The resulting files can be distributed outside of the app store, similar, but probably easier (because it is just one file in a format Apple fully supports), than offline HTML5 web apps (which you have to install via Safari).
What features of HTML5 can be used in those Dashcode widgets? Is there for example DOM storage? Canvas? Location?
Regarding storage, tests made in preview mode on the iPad suggest that localStorage works. It is per book. You can save data in one HTML widget and read them in another HTML widget.
Regarding location, this blog post on "Location with iBooks Author" suggests that it is functional
I just built a test widget that uses flot to draw graphs into a canvas element, and then I inserted the widget into an iBook. When previewing the iBook on my iPad 1, the graph doesn't appear in the in-layout thumbnail, but when expanded to full screen, the graph displays beautifully.
So as far as canvas is concerned: it appears to be available, but apparently only when in full-screen interactive mode.
Update: Apparently the in-layout thumbnail is just an image of the widget, not the widget itself, which is why the graph (which requires executing code) does not display.
CSS Animations can be inserted into iBooks via the iBooks author widget support. Here is an example of us using Sencha Animator to add animations to iBooks Author.
I didn't get Canvas Code to execute on an iPad 1.
Update: no success on iPad 2 either.
(Edit: I was using the Processing.js library)
There is a github repo with a few demonstration HTML widgets that show how to use the interactive features.

Website for iPad Mobile Safari

While creating a website for iPad Mobile Safari, I have a few questions;
Does the orientation happen automatically or do we have to write code for that ?
What is the best approach in terms of CSS/JS..I mean create separate copy of the web CSS for iPad and just update for iPad specific. Also what about JS?
What is the best way to detect for iPad (CSS/JS) and how?
Any online references which specifically covers iPad Mobile Safari development will also be great.
Thank you.
The orientation happens automatically, but you can write code to intercept the event and do things.
I highly recommend using an existing JS library such as Sencha Touch to handle the UI for you; they automatically detect the client and will display the appropriate scale of the app.
I just added a few meta tags to my current project, based on this page - http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2010/04/06/ipad-web-development-tips/
It made a huge difference. The orientation media queries work great. I madea simple example by setting the body background colour different based on orientation.
