I am only familiar with Rspec, but now I need to fix a library which uses Test::Unit.
I find out that when I reload the record, the association becomes nil
For example:
test "accepts nested attributes from subscription to user ()" do
#user = User.create(name:'Ash')
#subscription = #user.create_subscription()
puts "user: " << #user.inspect
puts "subscription: " << #user.subscription.inspect
#subscription.update_attributes({ :user_attributes => { :notification_comment => true } })
puts "user: " << #user.inspect
puts "subscription: " << #user.subscription.inspect
assert #user.subscription, "should have an subscription"
user: #<User id: 815823837, account_id: nil, name: "Ash", email: nil, settings: {}, created_at: "2013-02-07 04:28:51", updated_at: "2013-02-07 04:28:51">
subscription: #<Subscription id: 1, user_id: 815823837, created_at: "2013-02-07 04:28:51", updated_at: "2013-02-07 04:28:51">
user: #<User id: 815823837, account_id: nil, name: "Ash", email: nil, settings: {}, created_at: "2013-02-07 04:28:51", updated_at: "2013-02-07 04:28:51">
subscription: nil
Why does this happen? I did check and I can confirm that I can Subscription.find(#subscription.id) so it is saved in the database.
I've been getting intermittent errors while seeding with rails. I'm hoping someone can help provide some insight into the different types of the User class.
The error in full:
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: User(#35560) expected, got #<User id: "bedc7c4e-cdd2-4ea1-a7ee-4e6642467fba", email: "phil#email.domain", jti: "7376cf41-7f88-407d-8365-1e311d946b88", ios_device_token: nil, fcm_device_token: nil, first_name: "Phil", last_name: "6", phone_number: nil, date_of_birth: nil, super_user: true, created_at: "2023-02-08 08:16:37.559974000 +0000", updated_at: "2023-02-08 08:16:37.559974000 +0000"> which is an instance of User(#22700)
The code which causes it:
user = User.new(
first_name: 'Phil',
last_name: '6',
email: 'phil#email.domain',
super_user: true,
password: 'test1234'
organisation = Organisation.find_by_name('Team')
verified: true,
verified_at: now,
organisation_admin: true,
shift_admin: true,
email: 'phil.6#group.com',
email_confirmed: true,
category: organisation.categories.find_by_name('Developer')
organisation = Organisation.find_by_name('Test Org')
membership = Membership.create!(
verified: true,
verified_at: now,
email: 'phil#testorg.com',
email_confirmed: true
If I pause execution before the error I can see that user == User.first is false despite User.first and user being these two lines, which are visually identical:
#<User id: "6ce62b08-cf4c-4bfa-878a-02a1ed889c69", email: "phil#email.domain", jti: "710948b6-5f4f-40ea-ab9f-df8e3b1219c3", ios_device_token: nil, fcm_device_token: nil, first_name: "Phil", last_name: "6", phone_number: nil, date_of_birth: nil, super_user: true, created_at: "2023-02-08 08:17:06.024800000 +0000", updated_at: "2023-02-08 08:17:06.024800000 +0000">
#<User id: "6ce62b08-cf4c-4bfa-878a-02a1ed889c69", email: "phil#email.domain", jti: "710948b6-5f4f-40ea-ab9f-df8e3b1219c3", ios_device_token: nil, fcm_device_token: nil, first_name: "Phil", last_name: "6", phone_number: nil, date_of_birth: nil, super_user: true, created_at: "2023-02-08 08:17:06.024800000 +0000", updated_at: "2023-02-08 08:17:06.024800000 +0000">
It's the same thing if I compare user.class and User.first.class, they look the same but a comparison evaluates to false.
Am I doing something to mutate the local variable?
What you should be doing here is to create an assocation:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :memberships
Then you create the memberships through that assocation instead:
user = User.create!(
first_name: 'Phil',
last_name: '6',
email: 'phil#email.domain',
super_user: true,
password: 'test1234',
confirmed_at: Time.current # the easy way to skip Devise::Confirmable
# make sure you use the bang method so that you're not just getting a nil
organisation = Organisation.find_by_name!('Test Org')
organisation: organisation,
verified: true,
verified_at: now,
organisation_admin: true,
shift_admin: true,
email: 'phil.6#group.com',
email_confirmed: true,
category: organisation.categories.find_by_name!('Developer')
require 'rails_helper'
feature "comment" do
given(:current_user) do
given(:undertaking) do
background do
scenario "can create comment" do
#below two because undertaking = user_id:2 & asking_id:1
p undertaking
p Asking.find(1)
p User.find(2)
p User.find(1)
p Undertaking.all
visit undertaking_path(undertaking)
expect(current_path).to eq undertaking_path(1)
within("form#undertake-form-test") do
fill_in "content" , with: "heyheyhey"
click_button 'Send'
expect(page).to have_content 'heyheyhey'
This is spec/features/comment_spec.rb.
and this below is result command rspec.
#<Undertaking id: 1, title: "MyString", content: "MyText", result: false, user_id: 2, asking_id: 1, created_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", updated_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08">
#<Asking id: 1, content: "MyText", fromlang: "MyString", tolang: "MyString", usepoint: 1, finished: false, title: "MyString", deadline: nil, user_id: 1, created_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", updated_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08">
#<User id: 2, email: "shiba.hayato2#docomo.ne.jp", created_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", updated_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", provider: nil, uid: nil, name: "Shiruba", occupation: "大学生", age: 10, sex: "男性", content: "heyheyheyeheyeheye", skill: "日本語検定3級", picture: "/assets/default_user.jpg", point: 500, country: "Japan", language1: "Japanese", language2: "Korea", language3: "English">
#<User id: 1, email: "shiba.hayato1#docomo.ne.jp", created_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", updated_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", provider: nil, uid: nil, name: "Shiruba", occupation: "大学生", age: 10, sex: "男性", content: "heyheyheyeheyeheye", skill: "日本語検定3級", picture: "/assets/default_user.jpg", point: 500, country: "Japan", language1: "Japanese", language2: "Korea", language3: "English">
#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Undertaking id: 1, title: "MyString", content: "MyText", result: false, user_id: 2, asking_id: 1, created_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08", updated_at: "2016-12-13 15:07:08">]>
1) comment can create comment
Failure/Error: <%= #undertaking.id %>
undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass
and this below is undertaking_controller.rb.
class UndertakingController < ApplicationController
def show
#comment=Comment.new do |c|
and this below is undertaking/show.html.erb.
<%= #undertaking.id %>
Why do I have the error? Why #undertaking is nil in view although Undertaking.first is not nil in spec/features/comment_spec.rb?Please help me.
I think it has to do with the naming used for your controller . The convention is undertakings/show.html.erb for the view instead of undertaking/show.html.erb . I would also use
class UndertakingsController < ApplicationController
instead of
class UndertakingController < ApplicationController
Finally I would check that all my routes also have the correct naming. Hope that helps. Good luck
I am trying to test the following controller action(Using Ruby on Rails, RSPEC, and FactoryGirl):
class ContactsController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
#contacts = current_user.contacts
# #contacts = Contact.all
Here is my contacts_controller_spec.rb file:
require 'rails_helper'
describe ContactsController do
before do
#user = FactoryGirl.create(:user_with_contacts)
sign_in #user
describe "GET INDEX" do
it "assigns #contacts" do
expect(assigns(:contacts)).to eq(#user.contacts)
Failure/Error: expect(assigns(:contact)).to eq([contact])
expected: [#<Contact id: 295, first_name: "Loy", email: "leon#hegmannhintz.net", phone_number: "6044339393", created_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", updated_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", last_name: "Wyman", user_id: 343>]
got: #<Contact id: nil, first_name: nil, email: nil, phone_number: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, last_name: nil, user_id: nil>
And here is my users_spec.rb file:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
email { Faker::Internet.email }
password { "32423fdsfasf42" }
factory :user_with_contacts do
transient do
contacts_count 2
after(:create) do |user, evaluator|
create_list(:contact, evaluator.contacts_count, user: user)
Any Help please? I have been stuck on this for a long time.
If i call
puts #user.inspect
I get
#<User id: 340, email: "johnson_kaulke#brekke.com", encrypted_password: "$2a$04$Si5k6Q1eYERvhQITXKBoIOGEzPyK50E3IQ.yjRcqmDj...", reset_password_token: nil, reset_password_sent_at: nil, remember_created_at: nil, sign_in_count: 0, current_sign_in_at: nil, last_sign_in_at: nil, current_sign_in_ip: nil, last_sign_in_ip: nil, created_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", updated_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42">
puts #user.contacts.inspect
I get
#<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Contact id: 289, first_name: "Fae", email: "ariane#johnston.net", phone_number: "6044339393", created_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", updated_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", last_name: "Spinka", user_id: 340>, #<Contact id: 290, first_name: "Marcellus", email: "chloe_deckow#buckridge.net", phone_number: "6044339393", created_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", updated_at: "2015-09-12 19:13:42", last_name: "Bashirian", user_id: 340>]>
Its just when i call the assigns(:contacts) that the problem happens!
I think you forgot to invoke the controller action. :)
Try adding get :index
it "assigns #contacts" do
get :index
expect(assigns(:contacts)).to eq(#user.contacts)
How can I delete or destroy an object located in memory, but not in the database?
irb(main):034:0> mentor.registered_students.build(:user_id => 20)
=> #<RegisteredStudent id: nil, user_id: 20, assigned_mentor_id: 1, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):035:0> mentor.registered_students.last
=> #<RegisteredStudent id: nil, user_id: 20, assigned_mentor_id: 1, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):036:0> mentor.registered_students.last.destroy
(0.3ms) BEGIN
(0.2ms) COMMIT
=> #<RegisteredStudent id: nil, user_id: 20, assigned_mentor_id: 1, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):037:0> mentor.registered_students.last.delete
=> #<RegisteredStudent id: nil, user_id: 20, assigned_mentor_id: 1, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):038:0> mentor.registered_students.last
=> #<RegisteredStudent id: nil, user_id: 20, assigned_mentor_id: 1, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
I already used destroy or delete but they look for records in database.
def mix
unless params[:mentor_id].nil? || params[:students_id].nil?
#mentor = AssignedMentor.find params[:mentor_id]
#students = params[:students_id]
#students.each do |student|
if student[1] == "0"
registered_student = RegisteredStudent.where("assigned_mentor_id = ? AND user_id = ?", #mentor.id, student[0] ).first
if student[1] == "1"
#mentor.registered_students.build(:user_id => student[0])
if #mentor.errors.size > 0
#redirect_to bind_admin_users_path
#flash[:alert] = t("labels.no_students")
redirect_to bind_admin_users_path
does the trick
When I comment out my after_save call back, my ActiveRecord associations work just fine. In Rails Console, you'd see:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 9, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 18, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #report.questions
=> [#<Question id: 18, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", additive: false, instructions: nil>]
> #question.reports
=> [#<Report id: 9, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55">]
However, the associations stop working when I add the following after_save callback to question.rb:
def create_matching_surveys
self.reports.each do |report|
report.reviews.each do |review|
review.competitors.each do |competitor|
Then, in Rails Console, you get:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 13, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 10:20:51", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:20:51">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 24, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #report.questions
=> [#<Question id: 24, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", additive: false, instructions: nil>]
> #question.reports
=> []
This happens whether or not the report has reviews that have competitors.
The strange thing is I thought the callback was meant to happen after the question was saved? So by rights the association should save too before any of this happens, right?
How do I fix it?
I think I have to call the callback in the right spot in the object's life cycle, but I can't find that spot. Here's why I think this:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 20, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 31, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 12:30:14", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:30:14", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #question.reports
=> []
> #question.update_attributes :description => "foo"
=> true
> #question.reports
=> [#<Report id: 20, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35">]
BTW, the method is now in question_observer.rb:
class QuestionObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_save(model)
model.reports.each do |report|
report.reviews.each do |review|
review.competitors.each do |competitor|
return true
The answer was to use a neat new callback hook called after_commit which was introduced with Rails 3.
See http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Transactions/ClassMethods.html#method-i-after_commit.
The only issue is after_commit doesn't work "out of the box" with transactional fixtures, but there are plenty of solutions out there, and I found this one worked well for me: https://supportbee.com/devblog/2012/01/14/testing-after_commitafter_transaction-with-rspec/