Is there a option to add a new row in shinobi grids? - ios

First of all i am using shinobicontrols for developing interactive UI controls (Grids) for iOS using Objective c and please don't suggest me some other controls as an answer because i need to use only this.
I am half way stuck while using this control. i have downloaded demo code for grids provided by shinobicontrols (trial for 30 days). from :
I was able to reorder rows and columns, edit contents of cell, re size column width by pinch gesture and much more.
But i couldn't add a new row or column to the existing grid. Just wanted to know whether this can be achieved.
Thanks in advance.

Edit the datasource (add/remove) item and just do [grid reload];
I think this should do.

The above answer seems to be correct. Adding my views Shinobi grids can be considered as UITableView cells, If you simply change the data source array of the tableview and call [tableview reloadData], number of cells displaying on the view will also change. There is no option to add a row still.

Look at this one. It is in alfa stage, but it will be quite a powerful in month or two, I would say. Any suggestions are welcome and it's free, of course. Number of rows and row content is fully controlled from delegate, so it is dynamic.


Upward expanding Accordion TableView in iOS

I want to implement an "accordion" TableView in iOS, something like in this link.
But one small change, I would like the TableView to be at the bottom of the screen, and have the sections expand upwards instead of downwards.
I would like this to be supported in iOS7 and up. Support for iOS6 would be nice to have, but not mandatory.
I've been searching for a solution for the last 3 days and tried many different libraries, but no luck. Any ideas on how to implement something like this? Is this something that's possible to do with any library I use? Or do I need to find something with that specific functionality?
You may try this one library I had Used for something same..
This is definitely possible.
I don't know whether there is a framework but I can suggest you using simple inserting of table view rows.
Apple doc on table view
But you will definitely need an advanced table row management

iOS UI - Toggling between UICollectionView & UITableView in one screen

The question is hopefully pretty straight forward. In one of the tabs of my application where I'm presenting a set of data from Core Data, I want to give the user the option of a Grid view or Table view. Both views should share the same custom header with a button in the header that let's them toggle.
I see it in other apps all the time, but couldn't return any searches. I'm getting stuck on how to flip between the 2 controllers based on different classes.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Assuming you are using a UICollectionViewFlowLayout, just adjust the itemSize property of your items to be the width of their containing view.
Bam. Instant "table view"
Sure, it's not quite a tableView, and reasonable people can disagree over when a tableView might be more appropriate than a collectionView, but for what you describe (giving the user a choice between rows or grid), it's probably the magic bullet you seek.

Multiple columns in tableview ios

I am working on an app using objective C and Xcode.
For the moment I am using a table view and returning rows with cells containing an image thumb and title. My problem is that now i need to change the layout and for 4 of the cells I need to make them fall on the same row (so each article of the 4 should be 50% width). So basically create 2 columns but only for 4 of the articles. The rest remain on 1 column (full width).
I would add an image but I don't have enough rep points.
I know there is some thing like collection view...but I am not very familiar with that one and I was hoping maybe there's an easier way than redoing the viewcontroller and all the connections I already have created there.
Since I am already using tableview..what's the best way to change the layout to fit what I need now?
Based on what you're trying to do a UICollectionView might not be the best bet. I would create a second type of UITableViewCell for those rows with 4 columns. This should help Multiple Custom Rows UITableView?
You can use UICollectionView with flowlayout and variable cell width. There are many tutorials about it out there.
You can also try this library:
Have you taken a look at this library:TSUIKit
If you just want to quickly arrange your data, this would be much easier than trying to wrangle with UICollectionView.

IOS table view inside of a table view

I have a table view with expanding cells for each of them. I want to make every expanding cell be a new table inside of the bigger one. Is that possible? I've done the research, someone said that duplicate UITableView cannot put in one file.
For example
dish order1
dish order2
dish order3
which every "dish order #" is a cell of a table, and when you expand one cell, there will be a smaller table appears. I've done all the expanding stuff. But don't know how to put a small table into a bigger one. Thanks
Well if i understand your question correctly, what you search is called nested tableView, here's some examples:
Good luck.
It would likely be impossible to put one table view inside of another table view, and if you did manage to do it, it would be awful. Ask yourself, have you EVER seen this in a commercial app? If not, as a novice iOS developer, you are out of your depth trying to invent new UI paradigms.
Master the existing UI tools first. Don't try to use the UI elements in totally novel ways until you have a strong feel for the standard way to use them. Expect this to take 6 months or more.
Others have suggested a sectioned table view where initially only the first element of a section is visible, but when you tap on it, it expands to add other rows. This works quite well.
Another approach would be to use a master/detail UI, where tapping on one table view cell pushes a new view controller the uses a new table view to display detail information about the previously selected item. There are some use cases where you might have several levels of increasing detail.
I really do not think you want two instance of UITableView, instead what you want is a sectioned UITableView which expands when it's header is tapped. Apple has a good sample code for this here:
UITableView expand/collapse
i have demo for you , just got from github..
i hope this is helpfull for you...
Have you considered using one UITableView with multiple sections? You can accomplish what you are depicting above with only one tableView.
Since this was a problem for many people in the past, iOS 9 has a thing called Stack View, it does exactly what you are saying.
Check out this article.

UITableViewCell resort without whole table reload

I now have some table with some custom cells in it. It' can be scrolled, cells provide some information and can interact with user with some buttons and so on.
Is where any way to resort the cells with some animation without whole table reload?
for example I have cells with tags 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - placed as I wrote here. I want to resort it to become 2,5,1,3,4 for example - and user must see the cells moving to it's new place - but without table reload. Now I have to reload the table - so there is no any visual animation and to user it can be hard to understand what there is go on...
Maybe this question will help you:
UITableView animate row reordering upon sort
You probably cannot use the tag for each TableCell, but I cannot see how you get your data for your cells so can't help you much there. If you use a model, you could add a field to define the sorting order.
Hope this helps you in the right direction!
I complete with my own question, thanks to Laura for provide me help where I found the way to do what I want. The main point of it - to use
[_tableView moveRowAtIndexPath:indFrom toIndexPath:indTo];
for it. There is exist some not easy things here with indexPaths of items currently not visible on screen, but main thing - cell move - os ok.
