Remote Validation not working in a partial view -

Let me describe the layout of my page. There is a splitter on my page, the left page is the navigation panel and the right page is the content. So when the user, clicks a node on the panel, the content will be displayed on the right side. The problem is when the user supply a value on the displayed content, the remote validation is not firing. I tried this when the page is not a partial view and it was working.
Here is script when loading the partial view.
var onPanelItemSelect = function (e) {
var windowPath;
windowPath = $(e.item).attr('data-value');
if (windowPath != '#') {
type: 'GET',
url: windowPath,
success: function (data) {
return false;

Essentially, I have a feeling that problem could also be that that property names are not bound correctly if you use the same model to bind the main page as well as the partial.
For example if you have a model class (called ModelClass) that has a property each for the two panels (called ModelClass.LeftPanel and ModelClass.RightPanel)
LeftPanel could have a property (TextProperty) that you use to bind to the right partial page.
You would expect it to be named 'RightPanel.TextProperty' but it actually ends up with a name 'TextProperty'. This could also impact remote validations.
This Stackoverflow question describes what I think is the problem, as well as various solutions to it.
Hope this helps.

Fixed the problem, I'm open if anyone has a better answer. On the header for each view I attach the validate and unobstrusive script.

Try this:
success: function (data) {
success: function (data) {

Please add reference to validate.min.js, and validate.unobtrusive.js in your partial page.
Its working for me.
P.S: Am I too late :)

My article has a descriptive code for remote validation , you can have a look at it .
Remote Validation Article


Rendering dynamic scss-files with ajax, rails

As the title suggests, my main objective is to render a dynamic scss(.erb) file after an ajax call.
// onChange of a checkbox, a database boolean field should be toggled via AJAX
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('input[class=collection_cb]').change(function() {
// get the id of the item
var collection_id = $(this).parent().attr("data-collection-id");
// show a loading animation
// AJAX call
type : 'PUT',
url : "/collections/" + collection_id + "/toggle",
success : function() {
// removal of loading animation, a bit delayed, as it would be too fast otherwise
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
def toggle
# safety measure to check if the user changes his collection
if == Collection.find(params[:id]).user_id
collection = Collection.find(params[:id])
# toggle the collection
collection.toggle! :auto_add_item
# redirect the user to error page, alert page
render :nothing => true
All worked very smooth when I solely toggled the database object.
Now I wanted to add some extra spices and change the CSS of my 50+ li's accordingly to the currently selected collections of the user.
My desired CSS looks like this, it checks li elements if they belong to the collections and give them a border color if so.
ul#list > li[data-collections~='8'][data-collections~='2']
border-color: #ff2900;
I added this to my controller to generate the []-conditions:
def toggle
# .
# .
# toggle function
# return the currently selected collection ids in the [data-collections]-format
#active_collections = ""
c_ids = current_user.collections.where(:auto_add_item => true).pluck('')
if c_ids.size != 0
c_ids.each { |id| #active_collections += "[data-collections~='#{id}']" }
# this is what gets retrieved
# #active_collections => [data-collections~='8'][data-collections~='2']
now I need a way to put those brackets in a scss file that gets generated dynamically.
I tried adding:
respond_to do |format|
to my controller, having the file views/collections/toggle.css.erb
ul#list<%= raw active_collections %> > li<%= raw active_collections %> {
border-color: #ff2900;
It didn't work, another way was rendering the css file from my controller, and then passing it to a view as described by Manuel Meurer
Did I mess up with the file names? Like using css instead of scss? Do you have any ideas how I should proceed?
Thanks for your help!
Why dynamic CSS? - reasoning
I know that this should normally happen by adding classes via JavaScript. My reasoning to why I need a dynamic css is that when the user decides to change the selected collections, he does this very concentrated. Something like 4 calls in 3 seconds, then a 5 minutes pause, then 5 calls in 4 seconds. The JavaScript would simply take too long to loop through the 50+ li's after every call.
As it turns out, JavaScript was very fast at handling my "long" list... Thanks y'all for pointing out the errors in my thinking!
In my opinion, the problem you've got isn't to do with CSS; it's to do with how your system works
CSS is loaded static (from the http request), which means when the page is rendered, it will not update if you change the CSS files on the server
JS is client side and is designed to interact with rendered HTML elements (through the DOM). This means that JS by its nature is dynamic, and is why we can use it with technologies like Ajax to change parts of the page
Here's where I think your problem comes in...
Your JS call is not reloading the page, which means the CSS stays static. There is currently no way to reload the CSS and have them render without refreshing (sending an HTTP request). This means that any updating you do with JS will have to include per-loaded CSS
As per the comments to your OP, you should really look at updating the classes of your list elements. If you use something like this it should work instantaneously:
Hope this helps?
If I understood your feature correctly, actually all you need can be realized by JavaScript simply, no need for any hack.
Let me organize your feature at first
Given an user visiting the page
When he checks a checkbox
He will see a loading sign which implies this is an interaction with server
When the loading sign stopped
He will see the row(or 'li") he checked has a border which implies his action has been accepted by server
Then comes the solution. For readability I will simplify your loading sign code into named functions instead of real code.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('input[class=collection_cb]').change(function() {
// Use a variable to store parent of current scope for using later
var $parent = $(this).parent();
// get the id of the item
var collection_id = $parent.attr("data-collection-id");
// AJAX call
type : 'PUT',
url : "/collections/" + collection_id + "/toggle",
success : function() {
// This is the effect you need.
error: function() {
complete: function() {
close_loading_sign(); /*Close the sign no matter success or error*/
Let me know if my understanding of feature is correct and if this could solve the problem.
What if, when the user toggles a collection selection, you use jquery change one class on the ul and then define static styles based on that?
For example, your original markup might be:
And your css would have, statically:
ul.collection1 li.collection1,
ul.collection2 li.collection2,
ul.collection8 li.collection8 {
border-color: #ff2900;
So by default, there wouldn't be a border. But if the user selects collection 8, your jquery would do:
and voila, border around the li that's in collection8-- without looping over all the lis in javascript and without loading a stylesheet dynamically.
What do you think, would this work in your case?

Chosen not working in jquery dialog on reloading mvc partial

I am loading two MVC Partial Views in jQuery UI dialog using following code for editing and adding a record:
$.get(url, function(data)
var $form = $(formid);
$"validator", null);
var dat = $"unobtrusiveValidation");
var opts = dat ? dat.options || '' : '';
Following is the function that wires-up chosen functionality.
function runEditCreateStartScripts(){
no_results_text: "no match",
allow_single_deselect: true
Everything is perfect on first call. After opening one dialog say edit a few times everything is broken. There is only hyperlink available in place of chosen stuff. This also happens if I open one dialog say add and then second dialog. The bindings and other functionality from first one (add) is gone.
Any insights on why this might be happening?
The problem that caused my issue was that the modals I was loading via AJAX had inputs with the SAME ID as an input field that was already on the page (using Django that has generic ID generators for model fields). This caused collision between the two inputs when re-triggering .chosen() on the selector. When I made the ID fields unique, all worked as expected.
Hope this would have helped.

How to make Google Analytics count pop up posts

I have a wordpress site where you can view posts in two ways. You can view them on their single page or you can click on thumbs from the homepage and view them in an ajax popup that shows the full post. My problem obviously is that Analytics isn't counting the popup views. I use a template to popup the post and I'm looking for a way to make analytics recoginze it as a page view and tell me what post it was. I tried adding the analytics code to the top of the template page but that didn't do anything. Any ideas? I use the SimpleModal jquery plugin to popup posts and call them like this.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('a.postpopup').live('click', function(){
var id = jQuery(this).attr('rel');
jQuery('<div id="ajax-popup"></div>').hide().appendTo('body').load(''+id).modal({
position: ["0%"],
onOpen: function (dialog) {
dialog.overlay.fadeIn('200', function () {;
dialog.container.fadeIn('500', function () {'slow');
onClose: function (dialog) {'slow', function () {
dialog.container.hide('500', function () {
dialog.overlay.fadeOut('200', function () {
return false;
you can simulate a page view by using _trackPageView
Google Analytics has several options to track non-pageview related user activity that I think you could use here:
Virtual pageviews - as mentioned by user273895, you can add the call to your code when the dialog pops-up to see a "fake" pageview in your reports with a title like '/popup/post-name'
Events - you can instrument the above call with an event, for example: _trackEvent("popup", "click", "post-name"). The interaction is then trackable in the event reports and can be used to specify additional segments and filters for more advanced analysis.
Custom variables - you can set up a page or session level custom variable to record the interaction.
I'd suggest the first 2 options. Personally I tend to use events for this sort of thing but in your case it may make more sense to use a virtual pageview.

Rails 3, bootstrap modal multiple layers of remote calling

I've been racking my head against this for 2 days now. I'm massively frustrated, and I can't seem to find any information on this with searching.
The issue. I'm using a :remote => true link to load some html from a different controller.
$('.managed_locations').bind('ajax:complete', function(evt, xhr, status){
So it gets the html, dumps it into the bootstrap modal and displays the modal. This is working fine.
But inside of the modal I ALSO have a form which also uses :remote => true. Now to make life harder, when a button is pressed I clone the form and display it. So the user could have many forms.
Now the issue. Whenever the form is submitted it just loads it like a normal page. It's as if the :remote => true is being ignored. But this only in the modal. If I just load the modal controller by itself it works just fine. I also had this developed before using another jquery lightbox where it was working fine. I'm just switching in bootstrap for consistency.
So my initial thoughts are that the jquery_ujs.js isn't finding the new forms. So I added some code to output the form elements.
$("#log_events").click(function () {
$(document).find(".new_stored_physical_location").each(function() {
console.log( $(this).data() );
console.log( $(this).data('events') );
return false;
Which outputs in the console:
Object { type="html", remote=true}
Object { ajax:complete=[1]}
So I see that the events are being set in jQuery. Each of these forms has :remote => true and has the ajax event for when the request is complete. But it's just not doing an ajax request when I hit submit.
Is there something I'm missing that is required to make sure an ajax request will happen from the form???? The data() looks fine, the data('events') look fine. But is there some other event/binding that I need to look at?
The html that is loaded in from the modal right now is loading a layout. But i've done it both with a layout, without a layout. It's driving me nuts. Thanks for the help guys.
Edit: Some extra weirdness. The modal also loads some additional remote links, all of which are working correctly. It's only the form links which don't seem to work.
I got a solution. The big issue was within jquery_ujs.js Especially this line:
$(document).delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit.rails', function(e) {
FYI, rails.formSubmitSelector = 'form'. So this code found all of the forms in the document, overwrote the submit with this function. But the issue was that once you loaded in some ajax, and that ajax contained a it wouldn't add this fancy event to it. You need to re-add it.
So this is what I did.
Inside of jquery_ujs there is a bunch of functions that are accessible outside of it using $.rails. So things like: $.rails.enableElement, $.rails.nonBlankInputs. And the code for the submit event was sitting around all willy nilly. It only executes once when the page is loaded. So I put that in a function addSubmitEvent():
// Add the form submit event
addSubmitEvent: function(element) {
//$(element) was before $(document) but I changed it
$(element).delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit.rails', function(e) {
var form = $(this),
remote ='remote') !== undefined,
blankRequiredInputs = rails.blankInputs(form, rails.requiredInputSelector),
nonBlankFileInputs = rails.nonBlankInputs(form, rails.fileInputSelector);
if (!rails.allowAction(form)) return rails.stopEverything(e);
// skip other logic when required values are missing or file upload is present
if (blankRequiredInputs && form.attr("novalidate") == undefined &&, 'ajax:aborted:required', [blankRequiredInputs])) {
return rails.stopEverything(e);
if (remote) {
if (nonBlankFileInputs) {
return, 'ajax:aborted:file', [nonBlankFileInputs]);
// If browser does not support submit bubbling, then this live-binding will be called before direct
// bindings. Therefore, we should directly call any direct bindings before remotely submitting form.
if (!$.support.submitBubbles && $().jquery < '1.7' && rails.callFormSubmitBindings(form, e) === false) return rails.stopEverything(e);
return false;
} else {
// slight timeout so that the submit button gets properly serialized
setTimeout(function(){ rails.disableFormElements(form); }, 13);
This is basically the exact same code. But now it's $(element) instead of $(document). This was changed because now I can sniff for when the modal has loaded in the html. Then I can call:
I then had an issue of it adding the event too many times from when I opened/closed the modal multiple times. So I just put a simple true/false if around it to call it once only.

JQGrid afterCellEdit function

After working on with master detail with JQGrid , I am trying to get partial view data added to a div block.
what I am trying to do is
afterEditCell: function () {
url: "/order/Selected/",
type: "GET",
success: function (response, status, xhr) {
var jqContainer = $('.right');
I am using inline cell editing
jQuery('#list10_d').jqGrid('editRow', id, true,);
ONce I edit value in cell it does send the update to server wher I am able to update selected dataitems with value.
Once this is done I want to load partial view which contains information about selected data item
afterEditCell event never fires.
I have checked the ajax call by adding it to $().ready.
Am I using the right event. Is there a better way to add partial view after row has been edited?
There are a misunderstanding because jqGrid is a grid which can do probably too many things. The problem is that Inline Editing, Form Editing and Cell Editing are three absolutely different implementation of jgGrid editing. You can combine Inline Editing and Form Editing. There are some common grid settings used during all of editing modes. The events used by editRow can be defined as parameters of editRow. You can use succesfunc or aftersavefunc for your purpose. The Events of the cell editing will be
not fired by editRow which is the part of Inline Editing.
I may have got one solution from another post on SO
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
function updateSelected(rowid, result) {
return true;
and inside JQGrid script
jqGrid('editRow', id, true, '', updateSelected, '', '', '');
Though it works for me I will stillwant to know if it is possible to do so using cell events?
