Blackberry : PIMList.getFieldLabel(id) not working - blackberry

I'm trying to retrieve all fields of a Memo in blackberry device. At the moment I'm testing in my simulator OS 5.0. My code below:
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
BlackBerryMemo item = null;
while(memos!=null && memos.hasMoreElements()){
item = (BlackBerryMemo) memos.nextElement();
int[] fieldIds = item.getFields();
int id;
for(int index = 0; index < fieldIds.length; ++index)
id = fieldIds[index];
if(item.getPIMList().getFieldDataType(id) == PIMItem.STRING)
for(int j=0; j < item.countValues(id); ++j)
String value = item.getString(id, j);
sb.append(((PIMList) item).getFieldLabel(id) + " = " + value); //problem here
The problem I'm facing is that when the last line is executed, it throws ClassCastException. Can some one please help? Thanks a lot.

Sorry, such a silly question. I corrected the line of code to:
sb.append((item.getPIMList()).getFieldLabel(id) + " = " + value));
And it was solved. Thanks anyways.


Whats wrong in my code . iam trying to calculate pi

i dont know if iam using the right code to calculate pi please help me.
void main() {
dynamic result=4 ;
for (var i = 3; i <=15 ; i++) {
var sign = -1;
if (i % 2 != 0) {
var t = 4*( 1/i) ;
sign = sign * -1;
You were doing everything right actually. Your sign was actually within loop so your variable sign was always negative. To reach value of Pi you would need a lot of iterations.
void main() {
dynamic result=4 ;
var sign = -1;
for (var i = 3; i <=500 ; i++) {
if (i % 2 != 0) {
var t = 4*( 1/i) ;
sign = sign * -1;

Modifying countdown() method to display parameters in VS ASP.Net Core MVC

Task: Modify the code for Countdown() method so it starts counting down at the start parameter, ends at the end parameter, and displays the message parameter when the countdown is done.
Current code: [Route("[action]/{start}/{end?}/{message?}")] public IActionResult Countdown(int start, int end = 0, string message = "") { string contentString = "Counting down:\n"; for(int i = start; i >= 0; i--) { contentString += i + "\n"; } return Content(contentString); }
enter image description here
I am not sure what's your expected result. The current code works but it just do a loop and then output a string:
public IActionResult Countdown(int start, int end = 0, string message = "")
string contentString = "Counting down:\n";
for (int i = start; i >= end; i--)
contentString += i + "\n";
return Content(contentString);
If you want to achieve a countdown timer, I think you should do it combined with your frontend, maybe you can provide us more information.

BlackBerry null

I am using following code for getting contents of a web page
String url = ""
+ "2554";
try {
url += ";deviceside=true;interface=wifi;ConnectionTimeout=" + 50000;
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection),
// connection.openDataOutputStream();
InputStream is = connection.openDataInputStream();
String res = "";
int chr;
while ((chr = != -1) {
res += (char) chr;
} catch (IOException ex) {
showDialog("http: " + ex.getMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
showDialog("unknown: " + ex.getMessage());
public void showDialog(final String text) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public String parseData(String str) {
String[] data = split(str, "//");
StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
System.out.println("data:" + data[i]);
String[] vals = split(data[i], ">>");
if (vals.length > 1) {
builder.append(vals[0].trim()).append(": ")
} else {
builder.delete(0, builder.toString().length()).append(
return builder.toString();
public String[] split(String splitStr, String delimiter) {
// some input validation
if (delimiter == null || delimiter.length() == 0) {
return new String[] { splitStr };
} else if (splitStr == null) {
return new String[0];
StringBuffer token = new StringBuffer();
Vector tokens = new Vector();
int delimLength = delimiter.length();
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < splitStr.length();) {
String temp = "";
if (splitStr.length() > index + delimLength) {
temp = splitStr.substring(index, index + delimLength);
} else {
temp = splitStr.substring(index);
if (temp.equals(delimiter)) {
index += delimLength;
i += delimLength;
if (token.length() > 0) {
} else {
// don't forget the "tail"...
if (token.length() > 0) {
// convert the vector into an array
String[] splitArray = new String[tokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i > splitArray.length; i++) {
splitArray[i] = (String) tokens.elementAt(i);
return splitArray;
This is working absolutely fine in simulator but giving 'http:null' (IOException) on device, I dont know why??
How to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
I think the problem might be the extra connection suffixes you're trying to add to your URL.;deviceside=true;interface=wifi;ConnectionTimeout=50000
According to this BlackBerry document, the ConnectionTimeout parameter isn't available for Wifi connections.
Also, I think that if you're using Wifi, your suffix should simply be ";interface=wifi".
Take a look at this blog post on making connections on BlackBerry Java, pre OS 5.0. If you only have to support OS 5.0+, I would recommend using the ConnectionFactory class.
So, I would try this with the url:;interface=wifi
Note: it's not clear to me whether your extra connection parameters are just ignored, or are actually a problem. But, since you did get an IOException on that line, I would try removing them.
The problem was that no activation of blackberry internet service. After subscription problem is solved.
Thanks alto all of you especially #Nate

duplicate SSID in scanning wifi result

i'm trying to make an app that can create a list of available wifi access point. here's part of the code i used:
x = new BroadcastReceiver()
public void onReceive(Context c, Intent intent)
results = wifi.getScanResults();
size = results.size();
if (results != null) {
for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
ScanResult scanresult = wifi.getScanResults().get(i);
String ssid = scanresult.SSID;
int rssi = scanresult.level;
String rssiString = String.valueOf(rssi);
textStatus.append(ssid + "," + rssiString);
unregisterReceiver(x); //stops the continuous scan
textState.setText("Scanning complete!");
} else {
textState.setText("Nothing is found. Please make sure you are under any wifi coverage");
both textStatus and textState is a TextView.
i can get this to work but sometimes the result shows duplicate SSID but with different signal level, in a single scan. there might be 3-4 same SSIDs but with different signal level.
is it really different SSIDs and what differs them? can anyone explain?
Are you having several router modems for the same network? For example: A company has a big wireless network with multiple router modems installed in several places so every room has Wifi. If you do that scan you will get a lot of results with the same SSIDs but with different acces points, and thus different signal level.
According to Walt's comment you can also have multiple results despite having only one access point if your modem is dual-band.
use below code to to remove duplicate ssids with highest signal strength
public void onReceive(Context c, Intent intent) {
ArrayList<ScanResult> mItems = new ArrayList<>();
List<ScanResult> results = wifiManager.getScanResults();
wifiListAdapter = new WifiListAdapter(ConnectToInternetActivity.this, mItems);
int size = results.size();
HashMap<String, Integer> signalStrength = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ScanResult result = results.get(i);
if (!result.SSID.isEmpty()) {
String key = result.SSID + " "
+ result.capabilities;
if (!signalStrength.containsKey(key)) {
signalStrength.put(key, i);
} else {
int position = signalStrength.get(key);
ScanResult updateItem = mItems.get(position);
if (calculateSignalStength(wifiManager, updateItem.level) >
calculateSignalStength(wifiManager, result.level)) {
mItems.set(position, updateItem);
} catch (Exception e) {
This is my simple Solution please and it is work for me
private void scanWifiListNew() {
List<ScanResult> wifiList = wifiManager.getScanResults();
mWiFiList = new ArrayList<>();
for(ScanResult result: wifiList){
checkItemExists(mWiFiList, result);
private void printList(List<ScanResult> list){
for(ScanResult result: list){
int level = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(result.level, 100);
System.out.println(result.SSID + " Level is " + level + " out of 100");
private void checkItemExists(List<ScanResult> newWiFiList, ScanResult resultNew){
int indexToRemove = -1;
if(newWiFiList.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < newWiFiList.size(); i++) {
ScanResult resultCurrent = newWiFiList.get(i);
if (resultCurrent.SSID.equals(resultNew.SSID)) {
int levelCurrent = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(resultCurrent.level, 100);
int levelNew = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(resultNew.level, 100);
if (levelNew > levelCurrent) {
indexToRemove = i;
}else indexToRemove = -2;
if(indexToRemove > -1){
}else if(indexToRemove == -1)newWiFiList.add(resultNew);
} else newWiFiList.add(resultNew);
private void setAdapter(List<ScanResult> list) {
listAdapter = new WifiListAdapter(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), list);

ScriptBundle not including other script depending on the ordering

I'm trying to combine all scripts into one.. I have two folders, the main folder 'scripts' and the other 'scripts/other'.
When I try:
BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/scripts/all").Include("~/Scripts/*.js", "~/Scripts/other/*.js"));
scripts from 'scripts/other' are not included.
but when I invert the order:
BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/scripts/all").Include("~/Scripts/other/*.js", "~/Scripts/*.js"));
it works!!
Someone can tell me why?
Can you try calling the IncludeDirectory methods directly and seeing if you see the same issue?
ScriptBundle("~/scripts/all").IncludeDirectory("~/Scripts", "*.js").IncludeDirectory("~/Scripts/other", "*.js"));
If this works, then it's possible we have a bug here.
I don't know what is happening, but this is the code inside the System.Web.Optimization.Bundle:
// System.Web.Optimization.Bundle
public Bundle Include(params string[] virtualPaths)
for (int i = 0; i < virtualPaths.Length; i++)
string text = virtualPaths[i];
Exception ex = Bundle.ValidateVirtualPath(text, "virtualPaths");
if (ex != null)
throw ex;
if (text.Contains('*'))
int num = text.LastIndexOf('/');
string text2 = text.Substring(0, num);
if (text2.Contains('*'))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, OptimizationResources.InvalidPattern, new object[]
}), "virtualPaths");
string text3 = "";
if (num < text.Length - 1)
text3 = text.Substring(num + 1);
PatternType patternType = PatternHelper.GetPatternType(text3);
ex = PatternHelper.ValidatePattern(patternType, text3, "virtualPaths");
if (ex != null)
throw ex;
this.IncludeDirectory(text2, text3);
return this;
