How to shorten a single resourceful Rails route? - ruby-on-rails

So, I have the following in routes.rb:
scope(path_names: { new: "register" }) do
resources :accounts
This works, as it generates a /accounts/register route, but would like to change it to simply say /register. I know I could use match "/register" => "accounts#new", but I am wondering if there is a better way to accomplish this, as this would still leave the /accounts/register route "open". I could probably rename it to something obscure by using {new: "pygmy_puff"}, but I am not confident if it's the right approach.
I'd really like to do this right.

Try this:
match "/register" => "accounts#new"
# ...
scope(path_names: { new: "register" }) do
resources :accounts, :except => :new
In that order.

Personally, I wouldn't sweat the extra route, and use the extra match statement. Looking forward to rails 4, though I think it would be better written with the http method:
get "/register" => "accounts#new"


Short url with Ruby on Rails routes

I am trying to create short url links for books in Ruby on Rails. I want to get something like this:, where book is the controller name (or custom controller name) and 123 is an id of the book.
Right now my routes look as follow:
resources :books, except: [:edit], path: "book" do
put :new, on: :new
member do
get ':id' => 'books#show'
get 'general' => 'books#general'
get 'additional' => 'books#additional'
get 'photos' => 'books#photos'
get 'map' => 'books#map'
resources :photos, only: [:create, :destroy]
This is what I get: http://localhost:3000/book/40 or
I was trying to find similar questions and I found that the only way to achieve this is to use regex. I am new in Ruby on Rails and I want to find the right and efficient way of doing it.
Also, I might be wrong but I've noticed that some of the urls can affect on the website performance, so I don't want to have such problems.
Any help, information or examples will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your help and time.
You could try this route:
get 'book*id' => 'bookscontroller#show'
Check this article:
As #qdx47 has mentioned you'd better follow convention, but if you must not, I think you can override to_param on book model, like:
def to_param
and then define routes like
get ':id', to: 'books#show', constraints => { :book_id => /book[0-9]+/ }
I think you can give a try to below gem.
Friendly Id Gem
Then you will be able to generate slug that can be any unique string. By default it will be uuid but you can override it. Follow gem documentation. It will allow you generate routes like http://localhost:3000/books/book123.
In general, I think you would be going against convention and best practices by formatting your route in this way.
With that caveat, you should be able to define a route like so:
get(':book_id', 'books#show', constraints => { :book_id => /book[0-9]+/ })
You would then need to extract the id from the 'book' literal in the controller.

Rails 3 Finding the right :id in a controller using a specific route

I have my routes arranged so that when visiting the site the :id is displayed before the slug like so
match "/causes/:id/:slug" => "causes#show", :as => :cause, :via => 'get'
But I also have a nested attribute called "post" that belongs to causes like so
match "/causes/:id/:slug/posts" => "causes#posts", :via => 'get', :as => :posts
When I use this, everything works great for the causes, but not for the posts.
If I use
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
in causes or posts controller it always looks for the ID of the causes, and not the :id of the posts. So if the post :id is 9, and the cause :id is 1, and I use
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
it will always look for post[1] and not 9 or whatever the post id really is.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to make this work in the routes, or maybe a different way to find the id of a nested object in the controller?
I need the route to be the way I have it set up, :id/:slug...
rake routes information:
cause GET /causes/:id/:slug(.:format) causes#show
edit_cause GET /causes/:id/:slug/edit(.:format) causes#edit
PUT /causes/:id/:slug(.:format) causes#update
posts GET /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format) causes#posts
POST /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format)
PUT /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format) causes#update_post
DELETE /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format) causes#destroy_post
causes GET /causes(.:format) causes#index
POST /causes(.:format) causes#create
Any help would be great.
To solve your immediate problem, you'll want to add something like this to routes.rb
# config/routes.rb
match "/causes/:cause_id/:slug/post/:id" => "causes#update_post", :via => 'put', :as => :update_post
And then you can generate the URL in your views like this...
link_to 'Update this post', update_post_path(#cause, #post)
...and access the parameters in your controller as params[:id] (for the post) and params[:cause_id] (for the cause).
More generally, though, the way you are specifying your routes is pretty cumbersome, and I suspect you're making your life harder than it needs to be. If this were me, I would do something like
# config/routes.rb
resources :causes do
resources :posts
This would accomplish something pretty close to what you have now, the main difference being that it wouldn't contain slugs. I'm not sure why you need to have both slugs and IDs, maybe you could just identify your causes by their slugs? Stringex is a good gem for generating slugs, and you can set it so that slugs are guaranteed to be unique.
Here is the section of the Rails guide on nested resources
And here is a Railscast about using slugs with nested resources
Hope this helps.
This is because you're using the id of the cause, and if you're doing /causes/:id/posts shouldn't you be doing #posts = #cause.postsanyway?
I would look into the new router syntax for rails 3 if I were you, as there is a nicer way to nest resources
use the friendly_id gem and nest your resources, to avoid confusion follow REST best practises that resource in question is at the end so

url_for and route defaults in Rails 3

I have a rails route set up like:
match ':controller/:id/:action'
# match 'teams/:id' => "teams#show" # doesn't have any additional effect, which makes sense to me
resources :teams, :only => [:index, :show]
That way I can say /teams/cleveland-indians and it will call teams#show with :id => 'cleveland-indians'. Works great. My issue is that url_for doesn't quite do what I want. In my views/teams/index view, I get this behavior:
url_for(:id => "cleveland-indians") # => /teams/cleveland-indians/index
url_for(:id => "cleveland-indians", :action => :show) # => /teams/cleveland-indians/show
Of course that second one behaves the way I want, but I'd like to get rid of the unnecessary /show at the end. I don't know much about how these helpers work, but I'd have guessed it would know that show was the default action for a GET with a specified id, same as the routing engine does. Anyway, what's the best way for me to take care of this? Or am I just doing it all wrong?
'resources' line should already provide you with the routes you probably want so you can just remove first 'match' line.
Note that you can also use 'teams_path', 'team_path("cleveland-indians")' instead of 'url_for'.

A custom route along with resource routes

I have setup a custom route, and it seems to work. However, I also have a resources routes as well for the same controller. I think I am just doing something wrong, but I can't tell what it is. I am honestly hacking together routes since I am still a bit confused on how to set them up and when to use what method.
Here are my routes I am dealing with right now.
resources :shows
match "shows/:country" => "shows#index"
The routes like the are the resources :shows works just fine, but not the match. If I flip them the match route works fine, but the resources :shows doesn't.
Should I do this as a namespaced route? I am not exactly sure what I should do. What I am trying to accomplish is something like this.
That will return all Candian shows.
Any help is appreciated.
What you probably want to do is use constraints, or maybe even a custom constraints class. Here's a rough start that I haven't tested and am unsure if it would work:
resources :shows, :constraints => { :id => /[0-9]+/ }
match "shows/:country" => "shows#index", :constraints => { :country => /[a-z]+/ }
Note that typically this would be done via a get query parameter, e.g., which would already go to your shows#index action and have params[:country] set to "canada".
You may be getting bitten by the default route which expects /{controller}/{action} and routes accordingly. Try removing the default route. You will have to make sure to declare all of your routes, but the result is a more predictable set of routes for your app.

restful routes rename :id

I have this routes
resources :posts, :controller => 'frontend/posts' do
resources :photos, :controller => 'frontend/posts'
So frontend/posts_controller handles these requests:
Somtimes the :id means the photo id and in some cases the post id.
I want that post always uses :post_id . Is it possible to rename :id in :post_id without adding custom(match ...) routes?
You should just write your finders to handle both cases. It's easier than messing around with parameter names:
#post = Post.find(params[:post_id] || params[:id])
That being said, I agree that it's annoying that the :id parameter changes names depending on the depth of the resource call.
The presence of :post_id is what will differentiate between the two routes. Personally, unless I have a compelling reason to depart from convention, I try to avoid it.
I'm not sure if this helps or just goes further down the rabbit hole but can't you force it to be like that with:
match "posts/:post_id" => "posts#show"
