Contact without account does not show for lookup value in sites -

I have created a lookup field on my custom object to contact and it is used on visual force page. Also I have used custom lookup page.
In salesforce org it works fine and display lookup value. But when i use this page in sites then lookup value does not show for those contact which have no account.
If contact have account then it shown. I have already give permission to site users.

Contacts without accounts are Private Contacts, and can only be viewed by the record owner.
The solution is to create a special account record, I usually call it "Orphanage". Then relate these orphan contacts to that account.


Sync multiple email accounts at the same time

We have an app that allows us to signup using one email id and can add/ link another email id. When we enter the home page after signup, it should show the teams/challenges created using the first email id on the top and the teams created using the second email id on the bottom. We are thinking of using firebase for backend. Is it possible to have two email ids active at the same time?
No. You must go outside BaaS, particularly Firebase, as you have mentioned. You can consider making your own backend server for that feature.
What Firebase can provide you is the ability to have a single email address connected to different sign-in methods.
If you're using Firebase Authentication to sign in users, then no, it's not possible to have two accounts signed in to a single device at a time. If you sign in a second account, then the first one will be automatically signed out.
If you want to "link" two accounts in such a way that they can query each others' data, you're going to have to establish that relationship in your database or custom claims, and use that in security rules to allow shared access to data.

How to get a list of shared Calendars in Microsoft graph?

Is it possible to get a list of users (or user ids) who shared their calendars with the person logged in?
I want to have a list of calendars where I can call as I do with'user shared the calendar')/calendars
There's a way you can take it one step closer to what you want using the beta endpoint: do a GET /calendars for the signed-in user, and for each calendar, check the isSharedWithMe property. If that property is true, the owner property would show the display name and SMTP address of the user who shared the calendar.
Other than the user ID, you can use the SMTP address to index into the users collection in a tenant as well.
You can see a description of the calendar properties in the Graph documentation.
Please be aware that isSharedWithMe, and in general, APIs in the beta endpoint, are subject to change without notice. For that reason, production apps should not take a dependency on such APIs.

Authenticate registering users against already existing User profiles on Server

I am busy with a Web Api 2 project in VS 2013. We have a number of established applications, and a couple hundred clients with in turn thousand's of users registered at each client.
I am assigned with creating a Mobile App (Cordova/Phonegap), but before I can do this I need to create an API that can handle http Requests from the app.
We have a large database with 173 tables including a user table. This database exists at each client (with their own users). I have imported the default AspNet... tables into our database, changed the connection string and have successfully managed to register users on our database.
My questions is this: Is it possible add additional registration requirements? e.g. in addition to Email, Password, (ConfirmPassword), I'd like to add:
1) Mobile Number
2) Identity number
so that they are also written to AspNetUsers, and then somehow create a foreign key link to my existing USERS table, let's say on ID number provided by the user?
The idea is to not let any user register with the mobile APP that is not already registered on the database.
So, how it should be able to work in my head is not necessarily correct, but here is a summary below:
1) User download app from app store.
2) App shows register/login screen, user register with Email, password, ConfirmPW, MobileNr, ID
3) App sends HTTPS Post request to API with above info.
4) API gets info, before binding to model and writing to db, first does a query to existing User table. If a user exists with ID and mobile Number, then AspNetUsers record is created (with FK reference to Users table). If not, user is not allowed to register, and message is returned, e.g. You need to be a Client of "CompanyName" to register.
5) After this, user logs in and uses Bearer token etc. (default log in way).
I know this is not necessarily how it will work in practice, but can something like this be done. I don't want to re-invent any wheel, only add what listed above. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can customize the User information. You need to customize the IdentityUser class. Here is a great tutorial on how to do it. I even managed to change the normal Id in the AspNetUsers table (which is nvarchar by deault) to an int.

contest form submission tracking users via GUID

The idea is not to use email addresses for uniquely identifying users for a contest submission form I need to build. Since emails are not unique and google allows emails with periods in them which makes it difficult to say if email is unique or not.
My requirement is the user is able to submit 2 ballots against an entry which gives them two spots. When the user lands on the page, I ask them if they are a new user or a returning user. If they are new user I generate a unique guid on server side and give it to them. If they are returning user I ask them to enter the guid provided and then I check this on my db to make sure its there and then show them the thank you page if they have casted all 3 votes or take them back to the page where they vote on facebook or twitter.
any thoughts? I think using guids I can guarantee noone would cheat the contest unlike emails which are not truly unique.

Identity 2.0 Linking Multiple Login Providers

I have finally managed to implement Facebook as an external login provider on my MVC website which seems to be working fine, but I am wondering what is the correct / secure way to allow multiple external login provides to be linked to a single account.
Lets say I login with my facebook ID, no existing account is found with the same email address and my website persists a new account with their email address and their facebook token etc associated.
Next day I login with my Google account, If i check my database for an account which already has a matching email address what should I do?
1) Link this Google account with the existing account automatically and
log them in?
2) Ask the user if they wish to link their google account to the
already existing account we found?
3) Something else?
Thank You.
It is really up to you. But the default provided in the VS2013 template assumes a one to many relationship between your internal user and any external logins. If you retrieve a user with UserManager, you will see a IList for each external provider the user has logged in with.
As they log in with the new provider, you would normally not automatically know the user is associated with another provider's login. When you login it looks up a user via external ProviderKey, so initally would not find any relation to an internal user. At that point you could search users by name, email (with customized user store) and so on to link as needed.
Assuming primary emails registered on facebook and google for example, are verified by them (which they usually are) I don't see any issues on linking them together.
I think the main problem is linking internal account with email that was not verified to be from specific user. If i create an account with email of other user and that email is not verified, when the other user creates an account it associates the data of the first user together and that way both users are using the same account.
Can anyone identify and explain potential flaws for my first claim please?
