Open App store through iPhone Application - ios

Is there any way to Open Apple AppStore with my iPhone Application ?

Yes, You Can do this Using :
If you have your application URLthen.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:
else you can create the URL with this.
Link Maker

please see this apple QA Link
provided by
Company Name<companyname>
for example,
Application Name<applicationname>
for example,
Application by Company<companyname>/<applicationname>
for example,
Launching the App Store from an iPhone application

In iOS6 there is the new SKStoreProductViewController

Use the itms-apps: or itms-appss: URL scheme.


Does my IOS app contain encryption

I going to be submitting an app to the IOS App Store soon and I'm wondering if my app contains encryption? I used a [[UIApplication sharedApplication openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]]. That code does go out to a secure payment site. Does my app contain encryption?
NO, it doens't.
With that code you are just going out of the app opening a link.
So, it doesn't touch your app.

How to open any iOS App from my own App

What I want to do is open any iOS Application (Evernote, safari, Facebook, etc) from my own iOS application. For example, I have created my app with two simple buttons, the first one is named "Evernote" and the second one is named "Safari", so when I click on the "Evernote" button I want that the Evernote App launch on my iOS device, the same when I click on the "Safari" button I want that the button opens my Safari App. How can I do that? It is that possible? If it is, please tell me how. Thank you very much.
yes it possible if you known this app scheme reference URL.
Example call Tel app:
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"tel://"]]){
NSString *tell = [#"tel://" stringByAppendingString:phoneNumber];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:tell]];
Safari and other is same way.
List common schemes Url here :
Hope this link helps you.
If you need to open external apps from your app then follow the above link. Or if you need to open the iOS native apps like phone, mail, safari, etc, you can use URL schemes for opening the app.

Open setting from my app

I am using iCloud for core data. if user is not logged in on iCloud i want to take him to setting page, is it possible in ios.
If you are writing app for iOS < 5.1 then you can use custom URL schemes - find list here.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: myUrlString ]]; //find myUrlString in link above
But this feature was removed in iOS 5.1 and most likely won't available in the feature

iTunes review URL

An old post discussed how to send iPhone app users to an app store review page directly
However, the link template:
is no longer works in iOS 4.3. Does any know how to link user to the review page in iTunes directly?
Try this
NSString *str = #"itms-apps://"; //replace the id param's value with your App's id
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:str]];
Also works with PhoneGap/Cordova:
replace the id param's value with your App's id
Now that Cordova/PhoneGap uses the plugin InAppBrowser for links, the correct syntax is:"itms-apps://","_system");
This was tested in a real app with Cordova-iOS 2.3.0rc2 on an iPad running iOS 5.1

Does iOS Calendar support a URL scheme?

Is there any URL scheme that will launch the Calendar app on iOS?
I use Prowl to push Growl notifications to my phone. They just added support to launch an app with a URL based on the notification. I tried cal:// caldav:// and ical:// without any luck.
Try this. it works for me. Here is the link
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: #"calshow://"]];
Update: you can now use the calshow:// URL to open the Calendar app on iOS.
See this question: Apple does not list this application on its Apple URL Scheme Reference.
