How to test a form Reset button - ruby-on-rails

Googling around and not find a working solution...
Using Rails 3.2.11, RSpec 2.12.2 Capybara 2.0.2 I'm trying to test the "reset button" on a form (which works fine when testing with a browser)
I tried this code
scenario "Fill form then reset it" do
visit contact_path
fill_in 'message_name', :with => 'abc'
fill_in 'message_email', :with => 'abc'
fill_in 'message_subject', :with => 'abc'
click_on 'Reset form'
expect(page).to find_field('message_name').value.should == ''
The test fails with this error
expected: ""
got: "abc"
(compared using ==)
It seems the fields are not resetted at all.. (but in a browser they are)
What am I missing ? Something new in this version of Capybara or Rspec ?
Thanks for your help

My fault,
This type of feature/scenario requires js driver.
Selenium is included in the capybara gem but I forgot to activate it in my feature. To have it to work I just had to change the line
scenario "Fill form then reset it" do
to this one
scenario "Fill form then reset it", :js => true do
according the doc Now all works fine...
Hope it can help someone else ...


Rails + Capybara + Braintree—how to feature test BT's Hosted Fields?

TL;DR—How do I access fields within Braintree's Hosted Fields' iframes?
I want to test a UX flow of paying a donation through Braintree. This is my code so far:
require "rails_helper"
RSpec.feature "Donation Module", type: :feature do
scenario "Public visitor creates a new donation" do
#load page
website = create(:website)
Capybara.current_session.driver.header 'Referer',
visit "/donate?t=#{website.public_token}&frame=1"
#verify page loaded
expect(page).not_to have_content("Are you sure you're installing this on the correct website?")
#fill page 1
#go to page 2
#verify page 2 content is loaded
expect(find(".total-cost-text")).to be_visible
#fill page 2
fill_in 'First Name', with: 'Leeroy'
fill_in 'Last Name', with: 'Jenkins'
fill_in 'Email for receipt', with: ''
within_frame('#braintree-hosted-field-number') do
fill_in '#credit-card-number', with: '4111-1111-1111-1111'
within_frame('#braintree-hosted-field-expirationDate') do
fill_in '#expiration', with: '09/19'
within_frame('#braintree-hosted-field-cvv') do
fill_in '#cvv', with: '123'
find('Make payment').click
# expect to make a new user, new donation, new receipt, email receipt
Currently, it's breaking at the first within_frame saying Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError:
How do I access fields inside BT's iframes?
Well, I am writing here not exactly an answer to this question, but rather corrections to the question, as I was in the similar situation and was facing similar errors such as Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchFrameError: Unable to locate frame: #braintree-hosted-field-number and Test::Unit::Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find field "#credit-card-number".
The within_frame should have the following format (the #-sign for ID should be removed from both):
within_frame('braintree-hosted-field-number') do
fill_in 'credit-card-number', :with => number
And in order to use the selenium driver in Test::Unit, I used the following helper:
def js
Capybara.current_driver = Capybara.javascript_driver
Capybara.current_driver = Capybara.use_default_driver
And then wrapped my tests in it:
class SomeTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
test "should ..." do
js do
within_frame('braintree-hosted-field-number') do
fill_in 'credit-card-number', :with => number
# ...
Hopefully, someone will find it useful while using Unit Tests.
Seems like you're using the rack_test driver? That doesn't support JS or frames so braintree isn't going to work with that. You need to switch to one of the real browser drivers like selenium, capybara-webkit, or poltergeist.

Capybara cannot find a link on a modal which changes on button press

I have a rails project using rspec 3.4.0 capybara 2.6.2 and capybara-webkit 1.8.0.
I am writing a feature test for a flow on my site which looks like the following:
scenario "Buyer creates a seller profile", :js => true do
click_link("SELL ON MYSITE",match: :first)
expect(page).to have_text("Reach thousands of customers in your area")
click_link("Create an Activity",match: :first)
expect(current_path).to eql (new_seller_profile_path)
fill_in "seller_profile[business_name]", :with => "Test company"
fill_in "seller_profile[business_email]", :with => ""
fill_in "seller_profile[business_phone_number]", :with => "07771330510"
fill_in "seller_profile[business_description]", :with => "This is a test company"
fill_in "seller_profile[business_facebook_url]", :with => ""
click_button("CREATE AN ACTIVITY")
------this button opens a modal after the page changes --------
fill_in "seller_profile[requested_postcode]", :with => "EH21 8PB"
------this is where it goes wrong-------
expect(page).to have_text("Choose the type of activity that you want to create")
The click_link continue fails with error:
Failure/Error: click_link("Continue")
Unable to find link "Continue"
The link actually does exist - when you click on the submit button some javascript executes which changes the contents of the modal to display some new text and a new button. However for some reason click_link does not wait or look in the modal, it fails straight away.
Having added a save_and_open_screenshot call we can see this situation as the modal javascript has yet to execute as we can still see the submit button :
Interestingly the mouse seems to not be on the Submit button as it should have just clicked it?
How can I make the click_link wait until the continue button appears?!
This is the javascript which executes on press of 'submit' added to the modal which changes it:
$('#gate .modal-body .intro').text('Congratulations, we are available in your location, please continue to create your activity.');
$('#gate .modal-footer').append('<a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/events/new/">Continue</a>');
Seemingly adding a couple of sleeps in has fixed it. I don't know if this is 'right' solution. If somebody has a better way or potentially a better way I would love you to help me find it :
fill_in "seller_profile[requested_postcode]", :with => "EH21 8PB"
sleep 2
sleep 2

Capybara isn't checking a checkbox in rspec feature test

I am attempting to create a feature test where a checkbox needs to be checked and for whatever reason Capybara is not checking the box.
I am using:
rspec: 3.0.4 and capybara: 2.4.1
When I print out a snapshot of the view, the checkbox isn't checked.
When I run the checkbox code in pry it returns the string "checked" but when I print a snapshot the checkbox still is not checked and my test does not pass. I'm curious if there is another way to get this checkbox to check.
Here is my current code so far:
Feature Test:
background do
#user2 = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
add_user_to_user_role_for_group(group, #user2)
add_user_to_admin_role_for_group(group, #user)
visit groups_path
click_on 'Email Group'
scenario 'sending a valid email' do
expect(page).to have_content group_email_success_notification
expect_count_of_deliveries_to_be 1
def valid_form
fill_in 'group_email_subject', with: new_text
fill_in 'group_email_body', with: Faker::Lorem.words(200).join("\s")
check "group_email_#{}_"
click_on "Send Email"
The output of my test is that I must have 1 user selected meaning that I don't have a user checked. When I run the check line in console here is what I get:
[10] check('group_email_10_')
=> "checked"
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'd use:
page.check('insert #id, .class, or value')\
for example:
input type="checkbox" id="puppy_gooddog" name="puppy[gooddog]" value="yes"
page.check('puppy_gooddog') or page.check('puppy[gooddog]')

created data did not appear when testing

hye, I'm new to BDD testing and testing particularly. I'm using rspec, factory_girl_rails, selenium and capybara gem. I want to test for editing a data and save it like so :
it "edit consultant" do
# c = FactoryGirl.create(:consultant)
c = Consultant.create(
orgorcom: "xyz",
year_id: 8,
bidang: "IT & Networking",
project: "E-Sw",
professional_fee: "1000000",
role: "Database Architect",
user_id: 19,
nopkj: "075899 "
visit "/consultants?year=#{}"
string = "#consultant#{}"
fill_in "Organization / Company" , :with => c.orgorcom + "aaa"
fill_in "Field", :with => c.bidang + "aaa"
fill_in "Project" , :with => c.project + "aaa"
fill_in "Role", :with => c.role + "aaa"
fill_in "Professional fee", :with => c.professional_fee + 111
click_button "Save"
expect(page).to have_content "Data updated."
sleep 10
# c.destroy
# find('a[href="/consultants/6144/edit?year=2013"]').click
But the data I created did not appear & I get this message
1) the consultation edit consultant
Failure/Error: page.find(string).click_link('Edit')
Unable to find css "#consultant6157"
when I tried click on existing data like below, it passed.
I am able to print out the consultant id but still the record mysteriously did not appear before the test ends (which the db will rollback).
This is a known issue if you're using Selenium for browser testing, with transactional fixtures configured in your spec_helper. Selenium will run in a different thread and with a different database connection than the one being used by Rspec to create your database objects inside transactions, therefore the Selenium thread won't be able to see them.
For these kind of specs, you will need to not use transactional fixtures and use something like database_cleaner to create objects at the start of your specs and truncate/delete them afterwards.
Your problem doesn't seem related to FactoryGirl. The error message thrown by Capybara indicates that the object's id was properly concatenated into the string, but the corresponding CSS wasn't found in the page.
I would recommend you install the launchy gem by inserting this into your Gemfile:
group :development, :test do
gem 'launchy'
That will enable you to use the save_and_open_page method in your feature specs. Then insert this method right before the line that's provoking the error, like so:
# ...
# ...
When save_and_open_page is called, your default browser will open at the same page. Then you can manually inspect the page's HTML and find out if it does, in fact, have the element you're looking for and, if it doesn't, why that happens.

Capybara returns right URL but ghost page

Here is what I have:
visit "..."
fill_in "Email", with:
fill_in "Password", with: user.password
click_button "Sign in"
p current_url
p page.body
fill_in "Email", with: ""
click_button "Update"
current_url is correct
But page.body gives an empty page with only DOCTYPE, and it's an old HTML4 DOCTYPE that does not exist anywhere in the app!
save_and_open_page also gives empty page.
Any clues?
Don't know what visit "..." Does but, when trying to visualize where the test is I like to add as an argument to the test method :js => true and then sleep 10 or however long wherever u want to pause execution, :js => true will load selenium and you can watch the tests being physically run and inspect the page if u sleep it.
Did you try visiting a specific page rather than using "..."? So try visit '/'
Also, is capybara's visit working for you in other tests? It's possibly not loaded/working properly in general.
Looks like this will be on-hold....the architecture changed and this is no longer needed...thanks for the help though...
